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Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

@Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz
This is is concerning. These kids are just soft-core social media peddlers. Putting them in jail, a Pakistani jail, torturing them etc will make them hardcore and radicals.
Brother, welcome to the state of mind and same experience opposition had been complaining about in years gone by. Journalists picked up, kangaroo courts set up, ECL and NAB employed without reason on trumped up charges, illegal detentions, implicit threats, media blackout via phone calls to owners or via PEMRA.

This is NOT new. We've been seeing this Pakistan for years. I'm sorry to say PTI folks are only now seeing it because they are no longer beneficiaries but on the receiving end.
The above tweet has already been deleted, so posting screen shot:

View attachment 833411

Go **** yourself Bajwa, Nadeem Anjum and any other corrupt traitors supporting your attack on Pakistan & Pakistan's democracy.

IMO the dollar American group are suppressing other commanders of armed forces.

America hates general Faiz because he was involved in Afghanistan hence the targeted news against him through pet dogs like Mir etc and the whole fake narrative, which IK clearly denied.

Remember fake news peddled unknown security sources (DG ISI) contradicting PM IK statements like when he said 'army game him 3 options'. Later on IK again said yes what I said is true.
He laid bare everything who was managing courts for sharif. Who was working for NRO 2 brokered by America to bring their puppy in power.
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Brother, welcome to the state of mind and same experience opposition had been complaining about in years gone by. Journalists picked up, kangaroo courts set up, ECL and NAB employed without reason on trumped up charges, illegal detentions, implicit threats, media blackout via phone calls to owners or via PEMRA.

This is NOT new. We've been seeing this Pakistan for years. I'm sorry to say PTI folks are only now seeing it because they are no longer beneficiaries but on the receiving end.


But there's also a deeper reason, since it's not just the hardcore PTI people but casual or reluctant supporters (simply because we have tried the others with disastrous consequences already) who are driving the recent surge.

You see, there is a fundamental difference. Imran Khan, with all his flaws and poor administrative skill/capacity, was the first person in decades to come onto the political scene who wasn't about dynastic rule and whose primary motivations for holding public office were not to amass personal wealth or enjoy the privileges that come with power --- he primarily cared and wanted to see an independent Pakistan break its decades-old status quo.

This is why it stings more now. It's not just about PTI vs PDM in the functional sense. It's a layer deeper.
Why PTI senior members are not taking care of there tigers??

Should hire a legal team and help your people before you start losing support

This fascism will not stop until the higher authorities will take a stand
They are very cautious to not "malign" institutions. I don't know how sustainable is this posture as people around you keep disappearing. People have put their trust in Imran and they want to be led. Any confusing message from Imran will cost him supporters who are his only asset right now, no one wants to be led by confused people. He must be absolutely clear in what he wants and not care about who would tag along with him in this harsh journey he must take. If he emerges victorious at the other end of it, he would be invincible. Establishment clearly would like to wipe out PTI somehow, by planting fake stories, promoting in-fighting, spreading rumors, buying politicians and all that dirty tactics. Imran must anticipate all these.
Brother, welcome to the state of mind and same experience opposition had been complaining about in years gone by. Journalists picked up, kangaroo courts set up, ECL and NAB employed without reason on trumped up charges, illegal detentions, implicit threats, media blackout via phone calls to owners or via PEMRA.

This is NOT new. We've been seeing this Pakistan for years. I'm sorry to say PTI folks are only now seeing it because they are no longer beneficiaries but on the receiving end.

Imran Khan won't be running off to London or Saudi Arabia to find refuge. Neither won't his supporters and ministers.
Now this looks like an effort to fan the flames.. Either he is being forced to tweet under arrest, or he is lying.

This is how the situations go out of hand. People are loving Khan at the moment. Any such reports will make the people start attacking security forces.. who are our brothers.. that's what the enemy and some stooges in the institution want.. that is what the whole plan of the US looks like.
Brother, welcome to the state of mind and same experience opposition had been complaining about in years gone by. Journalists picked up, kangaroo courts set up, ECL and NAB employed without reason on trumped up charges, illegal detentions, implicit threats, media blackout via phone calls to owners or via PEMRA.

This is NOT new. We've been seeing this Pakistan for years. I'm sorry to say PTI folks are only now seeing it because they are no longer beneficiaries but on the receiving end.
Well journalists, known activists and politicians have a clout - its part and parcel of the power game. But this is just common folks.
Anyway I find it hard to believe how much is this true.
It is all falling in place now. It is very clear that Bajwa sent Nawaz Sharif to safety in London. This deal was made possible by Bajwa.

How must Imran Khan have felt at that time? Knowing fully that people would ask the question and him being unable to answer. The answer is clear today.
Yes those journalists who were there clearly said that they were told to go in the next room as DG ISI and Bajwa met PM IK.

Asad Qaisar was threatened with phansi and IK life time disqualification on the same night. This is why the courts were opened.

He laid bare these American dogs.
So the journalists were sent to the next room and Hazrat Jibrail came and told you what happened between Bajwa, Nadeem anjum, Asad qaisar and Imran Khan?
Now this looks like an effort to fan the flames.. Either he is being forced to tweet under arrest, or he is lying.

This is how the situations go out of hand. People are loving Khan at the moment. Any such reports will make the people start attacking security forces.. who are our brothers.. that's what the enemy and some stooges in the institution want.. that is what the whole plan of the US looks like.

He is a very credible journalist.

The operation against journalists, social media people, managing mainstream media and taking off anchors is run by DG ISI.
Maryam Media cell is in full swing, aajkal har cheez establishment ban jati hai, we should remember its PMLN revenge season also, Saleem Safi had already threatened many journalists n Dr Arsalan's house has already been raided. The silence from Mil Establishment of vacuum of 1 month is enough for anyone to encroach and cash on it but we need to remember there is a civil establishment also n then deep state elements as well. The hatred between army n general population is being exploited every minute since last few days. We can either be a party to that or think analytically on it as well n still give a benefit of doubt to those people who we all used to love as much as we love Pakistan.
Now this looks like an effort to fan the flames.. Either he is being forced to tweet under arrest, or he is lying.

This is how the situations go out of hand. People are loving Khan at the moment. Any such reports will make the people start attacking security forces.. who are our brothers.. that's what the enemy and some stooges in the institution want.. that is what the whole plan of the US looks like.

We have to be VERY careful of exploitation currently. That's what hostile forces want. I hope things don't escalate. There is massive amount of misinformation being spread currently. People pretending to be PTI supporters burning flags / passports. We have to be very careful. Allah will protect us inshallah
So the journalists were sent to the next room and Hazrat Jibrail came and told you what happened between Bajwa, Nadeem anjum, Asad qaisar and Imran Khan?
nahe sir, may be iblees himself. What an angel would be doing on such a heinous a crime scene
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