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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

Which means that there is no Command and Control, just some ad hoc trigger happy troops.
An aircraft taking off from an airport is not descending, it is ascending.
I doubt that a cruise missile would have the flight path of a passenger jet on its way to 30,000 feet.
No, it was descending. Apparently it had a technical problem. Turned back and started descending. Or at least this is what I heard they discovered after reading the black box logs.

And no Iran has an independent mosaic air defence formation to make sure enemy cannot disable it by taking the command centers down. When communication is down, the units become independent.
My look on that after some days:

1) Iran military does nothing wrong. In a situation of a all in war against US the iranian AD has to bring all down what looks like enemy without any hesitation, without any blink. They have to gurantee the possibility of a strike back. They do. Nothing wrong.

2) The people who do not implement no fly in Iran did all wrong.

All the unity that Solemani’s death created among Iranian people has been erased by the governments gross incompetence.

Afarid to kill one US soldier, but no quarrels downing a jet liner killing over 120+ Iranians.

Complete morons in the Republic.


I'll take your few idiots protesting under the bridge in the dead of night and raise you MILLIONS




Over 5 million in Tehran alone



I'll take your few idiots protesting under the bridge in the dead of night and raise you MILLIONS




Over 5 million in Tehran alone

You have no freaking idea about numbers. Azadi stadium, if full, can accommodate only 80,000 to 90,000 of fans, according to FIFA. A historical number of 120,000 standing fans was reported decades ago before the stadium got equipped with seats. Under normal conditions, fans are sitting very tight and basically don’t have much degree for free movement. I have been there numerous times, and I guess you too:


In the photos you have posted people are standing or walking, and can move easier than the time fans sitting tight in a soccer complex. The real population in your photos is somewhere between 50,000 to maximum 100,000. Your propaganda of multiplying the number of people by a factor of at least 50 however, worked very well in Jan and Feb 1979!
You have no freaking idea about numbers. Azadi stadium, if full, can accommodate only 80,000 to 90,000 of fans, according to FIFA. A historical number of 120,000 standing fans was reported decades ago before the stadium got equipped with seats. Under normal conditions, fans are sitting very tight and basically don’t have much degree for free movement. I have been there numerous times, and I guess you too:

View attachment 599324
In the photos you have posted people are standing or walking, and can move easier than the time fans sitting tight in a soccer complex. The real population in your photos is somewhere between 50,000 to maximum 100,000. Your propaganda of multiplying the number of people by a factor of at least 50 however, worked very well in Jan and Feb 1979!

The images I posted aren't even 1/10 of the total of people that were out that day.... every major square from norther Tehran to southern Tehran were packed full if you had watched Iranian TV they were showing 12 major squares simultaneously all packed with people

official numbers were OVER 5 Million in Tehran alone easily!!!!!!!!







The images I posted aren't even 1/10 of the total of people that were out that day.... every major square from norther Tehran to southern Tehran were packed full if you had watched Iranian TV they were showing 12 major squares simultaneously all packed with people

official numbers were OVER 5 Million in Tehran alone easily!!!!!!!!



It does not matter. Those area (all neighboring streets + Azadi square) have certain capacity for demonstrating people. Everywhere packed, it is accurately calculated to accommodate only 1,000,000 up to 1,200,000 of people.

Also, please don’t cite what dishonest government reports, as a valid reference. We all know which kind of liars they are.
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It does not matter. Those area (all neighboring streets + Azadi square) have certain capacity for demonstrating people. Everywhere packed, it is accurately calculated to accommodate only 1,000,000 up to 1,200,000 of people.

Clearly you don't seem to get it wasn't just AZADI SQ it was from Valiasr shariati to southern Tehran to Azadi sq to englab sq..... over 5 MILLION in Tehran alone!
You have no freaking idea about numbers. Azadi stadium, if full, can accommodate only 80,000 to 90,000 of fans, according to FIFA. A historical number of 120,000 standing fans was reported decades ago before the stadium got equipped with seats. Under normal conditions, fans are sitting very tight and basically don’t have much degree for free movement. I have been there numerous times, and I guess you too:

View attachment 599324
In the photos you have posted people are standing or walking, and can move easier than the time fans sitting tight in a soccer complex. The real population in your photos is somewhere between 50,000 to maximum 100,000. Your propaganda of multiplying the number of people by a factor of at least 50 however, worked very well in Jan and Feb 1979!
I am Neutral here some Irani members might say i m Anti Iran but I m just against Hardliners Sitting in Tehran. As much as i have seen the videos of the funeral there were at at least 4-5 Million people in Iran. Your figure is just pathetic.
The sheer incompetence and unprofessionalism of government and military made us the laughing stock of the world.

Only ppl to blame are the ones who made the decision not to ground all civilian flights and I would put that blame on the President because he should have stepped forward and said that all civilian flights need to be grounded and if he had and others stopped him from carrying out that order then today he could have placed them blame on them but from where I'm sitting the civilian government needed to ground all civilian flights there is no question about it!

Also for the future when you take your defensive posture to the highest level of readiness 3:3 Iran's version of DEFCON1 then all civilian flights should have automatically been grounded!
Now the sheer incompetence and unprofessionalism of government and military made us the laughing stock of the world.

The military did nothing wrong. It defends Iran under all circumstances. Better take a look at that people that do still want to make money with flights even there is a war.
To all members on here @VEVAK has proven himself time and time again as a government apologist and propaganda supporter.

Do not engage this man seriously in any intellectual conversation as he is a government shill.

This government shot down an airliner and lied to the whole world and its own people till it found out no one is believing their BS.

The IRGC continues to lie by saying the air defense operator’s communication line with command was NOT working, so he made the decision in 10 seconds! 10 seconds? Is that a joke?

IRGC is in full damage control mode because if the people get against IRGC then it gives the government the power it needs to reign them in.

This is why a paramilitary group should not be in control of the air defense of a nation!

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