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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

There is not a similar case in the documented events of the modern era in which the official Air Defense units of a country in the capital city of that country targets a civilian aircraft full of citizens of the same country, and then deny it for days just to satisfy their dirty goals and intentions. This is a real war crime, and I hope legals and survivals of the innocence victims follow up the case up to the real justice for the leaders of such regime.

Based on what has been available so far, here is my conclusion:

1- In an unusual and ugly action, U.S. assassinated Gen. Soleimani, an Iranian military official, in Iraq.

2- Iran had no option but to retaliate, for many reasons.

3- The U.S. government officially announced its military forces would take a fierce action against Iran’s potential retaliation, including targeting 52 important centers in Iran.

4- The Government of Iran got logically scared to death. They knew very well with the current corrupt economic/military capabilities, Iran could not withstand a prolonged multiple action-reaction conflict with the U.S. So, they came up with a dirty solution but not unprecedented: let’s engage U.S. in an innocence/human-related tragedy after the first rounds of actions-reactions to prevent an extended war from happening.

5- They planned carefully: choosing a foreign airline with minimum number of passengers actually living in Iran. In this case, also their funerals would have the minimum negative consequences for the regime.

6- Although general people with average I.Q. could expect a military response from U.S. after Iran’s attack to the U.S. base in Iraq, officials in Iran could not cancel passenger flights on the peak time of the conflict. If they had done so, they would not be able to achieve their dirty goal (it is a real shame, isn’t it?).

7- A separate AD unit, allegedly a Tor-M1 unit, was sent to an IRGC base to accomplish the goal, and it did it successfully! By doing this, the whole air defense system wouldn’t be criticized.

8- U.S. played an unexpected game, not continuing the military reactions against Iran. This was a breakthrough in this plot! However, the official statement of U.S. government in this regard was announced with hours of delay. It may take years or even decades to expose the public to the documents which reveal how U.S. officials learned about Iran’s dirty plot.

9- All kinds of lies and deception were fed to the public nonstop by the media/cyber arms of this plot for three days and afterwards:
- Mechanical failure was the source of the crash.
- There was no way for a missile to hit the plane.
- Zionists and Western media are behind the conspiracy theory.
- The AD unit could not distinguish between a big Boeing 737 and a tiny cruise missile (only a dishonest moron can say this, and only retarded morons would believe it)
- The AD headquarter was informing this designated AD unit about incoming waves of cruise missiles. In reality, no cruise missile had been fired towards Iran though!
- The officers in this AD unit were not able to communicate with AD headquarters to verify the hostility of the target (what? They just said Commanders/Headquarters could communicate with this unit and let them know about the incoming cruise missiles, but the crew in this unit could not do the same thing with the same commanders? Shame on liars)

10- Pressures from U.S., Canada, and Ukraine forced the dishonest regime to admit to its crime.
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Only ppl to blame are the ones who made the decision not to ground all civilian flights !

You can deceive yourself, but not me! If they had grounded the civilian flights, they wouldn't be able to shoot one of them down! There was no mistake made by anyone. Everything was carefully planned and implemented. It may take longer for people to realize what this plot was. Dishonest regime holds a long history in crashing airplanes for political purposes, the most notable one has been murdering Mansour Sattari and his loyal team due to suspicious of a coup under Ahmad Khomeini’s support. Another group of high ranked military officials were murdered in a planned C-130 crash earlier during the war with Iraq.
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Your theory sounds plausible except the US had warning of the attack. It was intentionally designed to not kill any US forces, so that both sides could save face with their home populations, and avoid war.

There is still a mystery as to why target a slow and enormous radar ping that is following the same pattern the AD operators had seen hundreds of times?
There is still a mystery as to why target a slow and enormous radar ping that is following the same pattern the AD operators had seen hundreds of times?
Probably the same reason the U.S shot down Iranian airliner. I'm assuming even something of that size was confused with something else. It's not impassible to make such error as we've seen.
so lets go on ... now we should make sure americans slowly but steadily pay for these by their own bloods ...
Your theory sounds plausible except the US had warning of the attack. It was intentionally designed to not kill any US forces, so that both sides could save face with their home populations, and avoid
I am not sure if I can understand how this is related to my conclusion about the dirty plot. Please elaborate more.
This incident has shown lack of coordination between different govt departments in Iran. No NOTAM was issued, the IRGC general said that they told the govt on Wednesday that they have accidently shot the plane but still different govt people came in tv for 2 days and kept on claiming that they did not shoot it. if Iran had come clean on the first day things would have been better for them.
I am not sure if I can understand how this is related to my conclusion about the dirty plot. Please elaborate more.

Iran had to respond, but the US not responding wasn't a break-through. Now, Iran had to be ready for it, because if their missiles accidentally killed an American, that would force Trump to keep his word, and the war would commence.

But the only people who thought a US response was imminent were the citizens of both countries, who didn't realize that a deal had been worked out for a token attack on empty sections of a base with no soldiers above ground.

There is a 0% chance a trained AD solider thought it was a cruise missile or part of a strike package that would have eliminated the battery before the B-2s even entered the airspace.

That leaves: Accidental fire command - Equipment malfunction - Rogue elements that were upset at the weak response, intentionally trying to provoke the US.
The military did nothing wrong. It defends Iran under all circumstances. Better take a look at that people that do still want to make money with flights even there is a war.

Hassan Rouhani administrators hoped for this , our military asked for no fly zone for at least 24 hours , they didn't accept it ...
No, it was descending. Apparently it had a technical problem. Turned back and started descending. Or at least this is what I heard they discovered after reading the black box logs.

And no Iran has an independent mosaic air defence formation to make sure enemy cannot disable it by taking the command centers down. When communication is down, the units become independent.

Yes, they had a technical problem, - AFTER the missile exploded.
Iran has PROVEN that its comments are not to be trusted,
and before independent investigators have had a chance to study the black box
(which typically takes a week) such comments should be treated with mistrust.

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