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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

Put it this way, we can wipe the traces of your exsistance, not just your country if it ever comes to that, and will be left with enough at our disposal to leave half of the world inhabited for next few thousand years.

You are punny nation infront of us. Dont embarrass yourself, your loud mouth leaders are reflection of your society and now your are seeing what price has to be paid for false bravado.

No need to reply like that.
Ok. We are poor and have nukes. You are rich and first world . Happy now.
Not happy about anything especially this thread. I'm Iranian yet I have no problem criticizing my military and government...because I don't let my pride blind me to the facts. I'm actually very relieved that Iran's civilian leadership stood up and pushed for the truth. This shows that we have honorable people in charge...the problem in Iran has always been the fractured center of powers. IRGC for the most part operates outside of the control of Iran's presidental control. They operate separately from the regular military so we need to focus all of these different groups under one command reporting the president and not the spiritual leader. Also they need to muzzle anyone in the military talking politics and conducting diplomatic or foreign policy. Nothing...Zero. The military is just that, the military..not a political body or an economic business entity.
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But many Iranians like Pakistan and vice versa, why the hate towards Iran? From experience, Iranians are some of the mosyt pro-Pakistani people and generally Iranians and Pakistanis get along very well.

I know your frustrations bro, I wish things were different in the middle east, but let's fix this problem together. We're not going to achieve much by fighting here, all this will do is make the good people that are pro-Pakistan, Pro-Iran etc change their views for no reason.

We have lost 70k citizens while fighting the fourth generation war with America and "civilised world" in Afghanistan. We were laughed at, we were mocked, by all. We kept our head down, we did what we have to do, while observing what muslim world and specially champions of Islam were doing to help us, none . Infact we were back stabbed while we were in the middle of fourth gen war with literally all the kufar camped in our neighbor. Iran aided with India, did all sort of terrorism inside Pakistan, give refuge to worst terrorists, while on the other hand, GCC encouraged India through financial assistance and did all the tricks against our strategic interests in Baluchistan, specially Gawadar, not taking into account the small matter of supporting and encouraging extreme corrupt political figures in Pakistan. As for Persians, there is no so called love between us or them, they are the most xenophobic lot out there, funny that is, when there should be no reason for this behaviour. Pakistani consulates have been attacked few times in Iran in past, surprise surprise.

Apart from few indoctrinated Pakistani due to their extreme sectarian views, no one give a toss to Iranian regime or house of Saud. They both need to be wiped out for a new order in Muslim world, not the disorder we see today, in a way that it's not sponsored from "civilised world".

Its Pakistan time now. All the wannabes needs to step aside.
We have lost 70k citizens while fighting the fourth generation war with America and "civilised world" in Afghanistan. We were laughed at, we were mocked, by all. We kept our head down, we did what we have to do, while observing what muslim world and specially champions of Islam were doing to help us, none . Infact we were back stabbed while we were in the middle of fourth gen war with literally all the kufar camped in our neighbor. Iran aided with India, did all sort of terrorism inside Pakistan, give refuge to worst terrorists, while on the other hand, GCC encouraged India through financial assistance and did all the tricks against our strategic interests in Baluchistan, specially Gawadar, not taking into account the small matter of supporting and encouraging extreme corrupt political figures in Pakistan. As for Persians, there is no so called love between us or them, they are the most xenophobic lot out there, funny that is, when there should be no reason for this behaviour. Pakistani consulates have been attacked few times in Iran in past, surprise surprise.

Apart from few indoctrinated Pakistani due to their extreme sectarian views, no one give a toss to Iranian regime or house of Saud. They both need to be wiped out for a new order in Muslim world, not the disorder we see today, in a way that it's not sponsored from "civilised world".

Its Pakistan time now. All the wannabes needs to step aside.

You know what I would agree with most your points I agree Pakistan's sacriface in terms of fighting the hybrid war must not be belittled but you should be crtical of not just the Iranians, Gulf Arabs but the Turks as well they are all the same I feel pity for them but really despite the nukes and strong armed forces we are weak in political and economic stabilty in leading the Muslim World instead at best we are sub-standard regional power and in the near future
You know what I would agree with most your points I agree Pakistan's sacriface in terms of fighting the hybrid war must not be belittled but you should be crtical of not just the Iranians, Gulf Arabs but the Turks as well they are all the same I feel pity for them but really despite the nukes and strong armed forces we are weak in political and economic stabilty in leading the Muslim World instead at best we are sub-standard regional power and in the near future

Turks if not helped us in our worst of times, atleast did not backstab us by conspiring against us. Iran and GCC , well, less said about them the better.

As for Pakistan, at our worse, we are lot better then them to lead.
What you describe is present in every armed forces around the world.....
No it is not!! Those mistakes you try to resort to typically happens in battle fields, areas of conflict, or near the borders, not in the capital city of a country, and being done by the government of the same country on a plane full of passengers from the same country. The sad massacre happened on Wednesday is unprecedented, and is definitely a war crime.
Turks if not helped us in our worst of times, atleast did not backstab us by conspiring against us. Iran and GCC , well, less said about them the better.

As for Pakistan, at our worse, we are lot better then them to lead.

Meh they are all the same oppurtunistic power hungary states Pakistan just need look more inward fix itself and I dont care about diplomatic statements by the Turks or Chinese saying we support Kashmir Kashmir liberation will come from ourselves inshallah
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According to Gen Hajizadeh, the same division had asked for no fly zone. Apparently people at higher tier didn't agree. Who they are. I'm not sure
So the Iranian military was aware that they should expect civilian aircrafts in the air.
Still they fired.
Yes, that certainly says scores about their competence.
No it is not!! Those mistakes you try to resort to typically happens in battle fields, areas of conflict, or near the borders, not in the capital city of a country, and being done by the government of the same country on a plane full of passengers from the same country. The sad massacre happened on Wednesday is unprecedented, and is definitely a war crime.
Please. Tell me where you're from... please? War crime? Gimme a break. Where were you when the drones took out the wedding party in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where were you when Bradley Manning released the video of the C130 taking out 20 or more civilians? Where were you when Saudi Arabia bombed the school bus in Yeman. Please go to another thread we don't have room for more crazies up in here.

Turks if not helped us in our worst of times, atleast did not backstab us by conspiring against us. Iran and GCC , well, less said about them the better.
Yeah bro...it's all about Pakistan..no one else exisits. Every thread is about Pakistan. Holy cow and I thought the Greeks were self centered
Please. Tell me where you're from... please? War crime? Gimme a break. Where were you when the drones took out the wedding party in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where were you when Bradley Manning released the video of the C130 taking out 20 or more civilians? Where were you when Saudi Arabia bombed the school bus in Yeman. Please go to another thread we don't have room for more crazies.
First of all please be respectful, Okay? Second, you won’t lose a thing if you think before replying to other posts. If I murder someone, I cannot tell the judge in the court:” your honor! I am not the only murderer in the world! Why do you want to judge me?”. If U.S. commits a crime it does not authorize Iran to commit a worse crime! Also, U.S. troops never target civilian planes full of U.S. citizens taking off IAD! And if one day they do so, they don’t and they can not hide it from public.
So the Iranian military was aware that they should expect civilian aircrafts in the air.
Still they fired.
Yes, that certainly says scores about their competence.
The unit that took the shot didn't. Radar on TorM1 doesn't tell you anything about what the incoming is. All they see is a decsending flying object coming at them at the same speed that a cruise missiles would, and they have been told that cruise missile attack is imminent.

Where did you find this? Is it formal report?
The unit that took the shot didn't. Radar on TorM1 doesn't tell you anything about what the incoming is. All they see is a decsending flying object coming at them at the same speed that a cruise missiles would, and they have been told that cruise missile attack is imminent.

Where did you find this? Is it formal report?
Which means that there is no Command and Control, just some ad hoc trigger happy troops.
An aircraft taking off from an airport is not descending, it is ascending.
I doubt that a cruise missile would have the flight path of a passenger jet on its way to 30,000 feet.
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