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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

Pathetic excuse. Your men were trigger happy because of fear of retaliation after attacking US forces.
Tor is a short range air defense system, unlike pathetic US Navy which shot down Iranian passenger jet claiming it was a F14!
Well , look likes lying become an habit for our officials .... for 8 months they were strongly saying there is no plan to increase gasoline price , but one night they increased the price by 300% and like nothing happened ...

Rouhani even said : " I didn't know about it ,, bwhaaaaa " ( he actually laughs after saying this )

from the moment I heard the news , I said " What should we do about it !? " ....
Once again the government fault. CAO which is under Rouhani command didn't execute no fly zone over the country as IRGC requested during the missile attack.

Tor is a short range air defense system, unlike pathetic US Navy which shot down Iranian passenger jet claiming it was a F14!

Oh so when you shot your plane down you mistaken it for an American fighter plane? Or was it a cruise missile that you took the plane for?
The shot civilian airliner is a tragedy. May Allah help the families of victims all over the world. It is due to lack of situational awareness of Iranian Air Traffic control that so many innocent precious lives were lost.

The Iranian missile strikes were quite daring although they did not cause any damage. However, they got the message across to some extent and the strikes somehow helped diffuse tensions. People here in this forum are saying that the strikes are not worth Sulemani's death but still, its something. At least Iran did not ignore it completely. No strikes would have made Trump a strong-man and would have caused unrest in Iranian population.

I really hope that Iran reduces her efforts to achieve regional hegemony while AT THE SAME TIME, US forces leave this region for good. However, if Iranians continue with their designs, the other Arab nations might want US to stay here for a while. The introduction of N.weapons in this region will not make the situation any better.

THE ROOT of the problem is that Iran does not just wants US out of the region, but seeks influence in the region. On the other hand the Arabs are also waiting for the day the Iranian regime is destroyed by foreign forces. All of it is based on sectarian prejudices. Pakistan will have to step up and play an important role to address this ROOT cause. The KL summit was a great opportunity in this regard. However the opportunity was imprudently ignored.
It's more looking like "slap on own face" then slap on America.

When I say it's a tin pot military, people need to understand why.
Phuleeease......tin pot? I can accept that coming from someone in the first world but Pakistan? You guys don't even have paved roads and indoor plumbing FFS, and your criticizing us?
@Valar. @Ocean @Starlord @I S I
At this point let me also say this: The Tor system is so deadly and has such low reaction times that it is best to use it when no friendly forces are near.
It then covers a certain altitude and range in which it kills anything it finds.
IFF is not up to date and normal system have only a daylight camera for identification.

So when Tor went on high alert nothing should have entered it's kill-sphere... again, foremost because the lowest possible reaction times for which this system was developed (and it's future Oghab Iranian variant).

So whoever knew that the system is on maximum alert and still let civilian aircraft's fly near it...
Who allowed the flights when there was a emergency situation and no daylight?
This is critical.
This system is a true killer and everyone should have known it.
According to Gen Hajizadeh, the same division had asked for no fly zone. Apparently people at higher tier didn't agree. Who they are. I'm not sure
Is this what the new protests are about? The only Farsi I know is Americanized and very limited, so I can't tell.
According to Gen Hajizadeh, the same division had asked for no fly zone. Apparently people at higher tier didn't agree. Who they are. I'm not sure
And you believe that? 3 days after a weapons release that was known within hours of the crash. You believe that officer tried to call a superior and the comms were jammed....and the division had asked for a no fly zone? Come on man.
Look likes there is serious power struggle is happening in Iran ....
Multiple sides really want to damage their opponents public support ....

This remind me the end of Achemanid , Sassanid and Safavid ....
Phuleeease......tin pot? I can accept that coming from someone in the first world but Pakistan? You guys don't even have paved roads and indoor plumbing FFS, and your criticizing us?
Funny story. A place without "indoor plumbing" and "paved roads" managed to tell civilian aircraft to avoid the area. And managed not to shoot down their own civilian aircraft. But hey ho, you sure showed America.....
And you believe that? 3 days after a weapons release that was known within hours of the crash. You believe that officer tried to call a superior and the comms were jammed....and the division had asked for a no fly zone? Come on man.
I believe that when something so serious happens, there will be a media release ban until all facts are figured out. It would be even worse for the military to first say:"yeah, we might have..... We are looking at it".
They say they had asked for clear sky when they were put on 3-3 alert which is the highest. Someone didn't listen. The division who triggered the missile was not able to contact higher authority at the time they detected the threat due to all the jamming that was being done. He had 10s to decide and unfortunately he made the wrong decision. This is how it works in military. It is all protocol. The idiot who broke the protocol and didnt approve no fly zone should be grilled. He not only is responsible for life of 170 people, he also ruined Iran's military reputation with his incompetence.
Phuleeease......tin pot? I can accept that coming from someone in the first world but Pakistan? You guys don't even have paved roads and indoor plumbing FFS, and your criticizing us?

Even military of tambakto will be able assess your tin pot capabilities.

And for us, we are not equals sunshine. As a citizen of world fourth biggest nuke power, I am at liberty to assess the low lives. One has to be a super power to be above us. You are not. Keep on doing what you are relatively good at, proxy wars and at that, direct military confrontation is beyond you lot, and keep in check your rather loud mouths will help. Joke is on you atm, world is laughing.

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