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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

Anyone who knows a little about how the Tor-M1 works also knows that it has a emergency mode when under PGM saturation attack.... sadly in that mode it operates almost fully automatic.
Possible that a reserve crew with low expirance and on highest alert just accidently got into that mode...

Another scenario: Stinger or an all-aspect MANPAD smuggled into Iran was used by a group like MKO to create such a accident. This would be a very effective secret operation to blame Iran.

Or: Cyber operation where IFF system of the Boeing suddenly displayed unknown or enemy to the Tor battery and exploits it's automatic defense mode.

None of these scenarios is unlikely or far fetched, even if it sounds so.

At this point let me also say this: The Tor system is so deadly and has such low reaction times that it is best to use it when no friendly forces are near.
It then covers a certain altitude and range in which it kills anything it finds.
IFF is not up to date and normal system have only a daylight camera for identification.

So when Tor went on high alert nothing should have entered it's kill-sphere... again, foremost because the lowest possible reaction times for which this system was developed (and it's future Oghab Iranian variant).

So whoever knew that the system is on maximum alert and still let civilian aircraft's fly near it...
Who allowed the flights when there was a emergency situation and no daylight?
This is critical.
This system is a true killer and everyone should have known it.
At this point let me also say this: The Tor system is so deadly and has such low reaction times that it is best to use it when no friendly forces are near.
It then covers a certain altitude and range in which it kills anything it finds.
IFF is not up to date and normal system have only a daylight camera for identification.

So when Tor went on high alert nothing should have entered it's kill-sphere... again, foremost because the lowest possible reaction times for which this system was developed (and it's future Oghab Iranian variant).

So whoever knew that the system is on maximum alert and still let civilian aircraft's fly near it...
Who allowed the flights when there was a emergency situation and no daylight?
This is critical.
This system is a true killer and everyone should have known it.
I think that either the use of this system needs to be restricted only to the defence of facilities where there would be little to no risk of accidental engagements ie no civilian aircraft of any kind permitted within a certain range,or better yet these systems are withdrawn and fully modernized to allow them to be fully integrated with irans new air defence network,because frankly without this level of back up they would seem to be of very limited utility.
Another option may be to withdraw them from service and pass them on to the syrians.
I’be read through the thread to see the number of Baghdad Bobs here. Anyway good on the regime for at least accepting the blame. Russian ****ers to this day deny shooting doen MH17.
At this point let me also say this: The Tor system is so deadly and has such low reaction times that it is best to use it when no friendly forces are near.
It then covers a certain altitude and range in which it kills anything it finds.
IFF is not up to date and normal system have only a daylight camera for identification.

So when Tor went on high alert nothing should have entered it's kill-sphere... again, foremost because the lowest possible reaction times for which this system was developed (and it's future Oghab Iranian variant).

So whoever knew that the system is on maximum alert and still let civilian aircraft's fly near it...
Who allowed the flights when there was a emergency situation and no daylight?
This is critical.
This system is a true killer and everyone should have known it.
It shot down an airliner at low altitude ffs. This is plain old incompetence.
We may need our own forum, nothing is done here anymore against Pakistani, Indian and Turkish trolls...

They have flooded this section lately.
Nothing smelling your own farts eh?..... when someone challenges you ,you argue back with logic and facts. What you want to do is run away.
Having seen the utter delusional nonsense coming from some on this section. I am not surprised you are throwing your toys out of the pram.
Gen Hajizadeh:
The air defense unite had been informed of coming cruise missiles and they were at the highest alert mode (ready to fire), so they mistake the aircraft for a cruise missile, the officer had to contact with higher authorities, but for some reasons (jamming or busy network) he fails, in ten seconds reaction time he decides to fire the missile.

Hajizadeh said he had asked to clear the sky for that night, but higher authorities refused.

Civilian investigation committee had no information about this incident, that's why they denied missile attack reports. General staff of armed forces had been informed right away, but they waited 48 hours to complete their own independent investigation before announcing the news.

سردار حاجی‌زاده: کاش می‌مُردم و شاهد حادثه سرنگونی هواپیما نبودم/ همه مسئولیت را می‌پذیریم+فیلم | خبرگزاری فارس


Americans presence in the region is pure harm, this incident proves Iran's insist on kicking US out of region is more than necessary.
Gen Hajizadeh:
The air defense unite had been informed of coming cruise missiles and they were at the highest alert mode (ready to fire), so they mistake the aircraft for a cruise missile, the officer had to contact with higher authorities, but for some reasons (jamming or busy network) he fails, in ten seconds reaction time he decides to fire the missile.

Hajizadeh said he had asked to clear the sky for that night, but higher authorities refused.

Civilian investigation committee had no information about this incident, that's why they denied missile attack reports. General staff of armed forces had been informed right away, but they waited 48 hours to complete their own independent investigation before announcing the news.

سردار حاجی‌زاده: کاش می‌مُردم و شاهد حادثه سرنگونی هواپیما نبودم/ همه مسئولیت را می‌پذیریم+فیلم | خبرگزاری فارس


Americans presence in the region is pure harm, this incident proves Iran's insist on kicking US out of region is more than necessary.
Confusing a cruise missile to civilian plane :omghaha:
You need 48 hours to conclude you shot a civilian aircraft? da fak
Moreover, u didn't say "We don't know yet" either, Iran clearly stated that missile did not hit the plane
We may need our own forum, nothing is done here anymore against Pakistani, Indian and Turkish trolls...

They have flooded this section lately.
Deep inferiority complex ...
Confusing a cruise missile to civilian plane :omghaha:
You need 48 hours to conclude you shot a civilian aircraft? da fak
Moreover, u didn't say "We don't know yet" either, Iran clearly stated that missile did not hit the plane
Pi$$ off mfucker i$raheli
Confusing a cruise missile to civilian plane :omghaha:
You need 48 hours to conclude you shot a civilian aircraft? da fak
based on the report, in it's turn (I don't know why, maybe technical problem) the aircraft was approaching a sensitive site and possibly reducing the altitude, so it was mistook for a missile.
Yes, Tor radar can't distinguish the difference, unlike huge radars and surveillance systems aboard US warships.

Israel has no better record too, remember?

Moreover, u didn't say "We don't know yet" either, Iran clearly stated that missile did not hit the plane
Armed forces didn't deny. Civilian investigation committee said that while themselves were fully cooperating with Ukrainian team to find the cause, so there were no plan to hide anything.
IRGC had no authority to publish the news and General staff wanted to keep it confidential till after the investigations.
Well , look likes lying become an habit for our officials .... for 8 months they were strongly saying there is no plan to increase gasoline price , but one night they increased the price by 300% and like nothing happened ...

Rouhani even said : " I didn't know about it ,, bwhaaaaa " ( he actually laughs after saying this )

from the moment I heard the news , I said " What should we do about it !? " ....
Gen Hajizadeh:
The air defense unite had been informed of coming cruise missiles and they were at the highest alert mode (ready to fire), so they mistake the aircraft for a cruise missile, the officer had to contact with higher authorities, but for some reasons (jamming or busy network) he fails, in ten seconds reaction time he decides to fire the missile.

Hajizadeh said he had asked to clear the sky for that night, but higher authorities refused.

Civilian investigation committee had no information about this incident, that's why they denied missile attack reports. General staff of armed forces had been informed right away, but they waited 48 hours to complete their own independent investigation before announcing the news.

سردار حاجی‌زاده: کاش می‌مُردم و شاهد حادثه سرنگونی هواپیما نبودم/ همه مسئولیت را می‌پذیریم+فیلم | خبرگزاری فارس


Americans presence in the region is pure harm, this incident proves Iran's insist on kicking US out of region is more than necessary.

Pathetic excuse. Your men were trigger happy because of fear of retaliation after attacking US forces.

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