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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

What I find interesting the area the airplane is allowed to fly near is dense military area with both ARTESH and IRGC forces.

Yet between the regular army and IRGC, it was IRGC who fired. I believe the regular Artesh also had air defenses in the area.

Story of IRGC is “oops we we will learn our lesson from now on”. IRGC has History of no risk management and loose protocols. Just look at Solemani took no precautions in his final days. Look at Tehrani Moghdaam. Look at our nuclear scientists. For everyone of these key men there are also tens if not hundreds of high ranking military men/scientists/experts who met their demise in accidents and mishaps all because of lack of proper protocols.
What I find interesting the area the airplane is allowed to fly near is dense military area with both ARTESH and IRGC forces.

Yet between the regular army and IRGC, it was IRGC who fired. I believe the regular Artesh also had air defenses in the area.

Story of IRGC is “oops we we will learn our lesson from now on”. IRGC has History of no risk management and loose protocols. Just look at Solemani took no precautions in his final days. Look at Tehrani Moghdaam. Look at our nuclear scientists. For everyone of these key men there are also tens if not hundreds of high ranking military men/scientists/experts who met their demise in accidents and mishaps all because of lack of proper protocols.

When You look at the map, it is not very strange at all.

When You look at the map, it is not very strange at all.

View attachment 599395

Civilian planes should not be allowed to get within 20KM of a military base with active air defenses.

Maybe in future civilian aviation authorities change flight paths to move further away from those populated areas towards rural areas before making the turn North.

All in all, still can’t believe this happened. I mean the operator must have seen at least a few planes in the 5-6 hours since missile attack or when he would be on shift. Unless this TOR-M1 crew was brought in from a completely different area with the machine.
No, it was descending. Apparently it had a technical problem. Turned back and started descending. Or at least this is what I heard they discovered after reading the black box logs.

And no Iran has an independent mosaic air defence formation to make sure enemy cannot disable it by taking the command centers down. When communication is down, the units become independent.

And here is the Flightradar24 PROOF that all you heard were lies, lies, lies.
The flight was ascending all the way until the ADS system stopped reporting.
The only reasonable cause of that is that the plane was hit in that moment.


Civilian planes should not be allowed to get within 20KM of a military base with active air defenses.

Maybe in future civilian aviation authorities change flight paths to move further away from those populated areas towards rural areas before making the turn North.

All in all, still can’t believe this happened. I mean the operator must have seen at least a few planes in the 5-6 hours since missile attack or when he would be on shift. Unless this TOR-M1 crew was brought in from a completely different area with the machine.

It is the other way around.
Military bases should not be located in the vicinity of International Airports and their flight paths.
The flight was taking off from the airport and followed a normal flight path.
It is not possible to change the flight path, short of moving the airport.
Military bases should not be located in the vicinity of International Airports and their flight paths.
The flight was taking off from the airport and followed a normal flight path.
It is not possible to change the flight path, short of moving the airport.
let just say the planning for IKA was made before revolution but it delayed and nearly become forgotten after revolution and war . in those time several military base were built around it . later some people take out the plans and started to build the airport at original site but this time there was some military base already around the site .
Hint: If you are debating the location of airports because you are afraid of misidentification accidents, you certainly aren't preparing for the USAF. If things went worst-case that night, there isn't a single missile or air platform that could be confused for a 737.
should have learned something from Pakistan, what Pakistan did as soon as conflict started...total closure of air space. *someone probably change the sign code of a civilian air liner causing it to be identified as a hostile air plane and just before that USAF might have done some minor incursion in order to give way for this suspicion. But again, being an expert in proxy fights doesn't make you expert in a real war.
First of all please be respectful, Okay? Second, you won’t lose a thing if you think before replying to other posts. If I murder someone, I cannot tell the judge in the court:” your honor! I am not the only murderer in the world! Why do you want to judge me?”. If U.S. commits a crime it does not authorize Iran to commit a worse crime! Also, U.S. troops never target civilian planes full of U.S. citizens taking off IAD! And if one day they do so, they don’t and they can not hide it from public.
Yes, sorry, I will try to keep it more respectful.....

The Bigger picture
-This strike on Solemani is not about USA, it's about Israel....

-This strike was pushed for by Pompeo, who was hired by Kushner, who in turn got that order from Netanyahu or AIPAC operators

-None of these actions make America safer in fact they make America less safe, however it's in the bigger picture of Israel who wished to eliminate all rivals, militarily speaking.

-These actions will continue as long as Trump is in office, and they will get worse if he's re-elected, due to the fact, Pence, Pompeo, Flynn, Mattis, Bolton, Miller and now Esper are in the administration for one reason...that reason is the level of hate they bring to the whitehouse regarding Muslims, and some just for the hate of Iran.

-Israel had penetrated the oval office, and it's leadership ranks....their goal is to make the U.S. go to war with Iran or push the regime to the point of failure economically so regime change happens.

It is so obvious an amateur like myself can see it, and I bet so can the people in the intelligence community but they are powerless to do anything about it.

To thwart Israel's plan is to make sure we stay engaged with the Europeans, Canadians, Australians. They can have enormous influence on the U.S.
The second push should toward a detente with SA and UAE....this again will stop Israel's push for legitimacy in the Arab world.
Third we need to stay out of war for another 11 months while the US elections begin....we can hope for a new administration, and hopefully this time the Iranian hardliners don't f*uk up the road to normalcy with the US, which at the end of the day is the only way to beat Israel, the Arabs and unleash Iran's economic potential.
Yes, they had a technical problem, - AFTER the missile exploded.
Iran has PROVEN that its comments are not to be trusted,
and before independent investigators have had a chance to study the black box
(which typically takes a week) such comments should be treated with mistrust.
I guess we will know about if when they do.
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The country was rallying, and it was killed in less than 3 days. Well played IR

Good will has vaporized like water turning into steam.

Iran should have been forthcoming from the beginning. After learning the facts it should have shared them with the world. The negative impact could have been minimized. Instead Iran went into denial mode. When the Trump regime started making accusations the truth was going to come out sooner or later. It has reduced all good will to rubble. This is harmful for the image of the Iranian regime.
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How sad and regretful their faces were in the so-called parliament. I am also about to cry from such unhappy faces:

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