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Did this female flashmob in Lahore send the wrong message about empowerment?

Do you think this viral ad was effective ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 62.7%
  • It's confusing

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters
My issue with this ad is the location they selected(old city),music and dancing infront of an all male crowd after being harrased

I mean it wouldve been ok if they shit it inside a mall or somethingbut with a different message its not like the first flash mob of Pakistan
I remember a flash mob for ho man jahan promotion but i cant find its video
Centaurus Islamabad
My view on flash mobs is well if you want to do that for promotion of something its cool and all but please do it inside a mall or an elite area old city flashmobs can get you in serious trouble plus dancing for your harraser sends a very stupid message that you should please your abuser
@Mugwop @The Sandman @django @User @pak-marine @Moonlight @Spring Onion
My view on flashmobs is they feel so awkward i don't know from where they get so much confidence to dance in front of 100's of random ppl :wacko::wacko::wacko: i hope i will never see a flash mob ever...........

unless it is similar to that in the post #23 :D
...using Female body to attract...
Here is the deal and you will not like it...

Women are NOT stupid.

If they dance in public, it is to offend the current mores. It is an extreme expression and done because they perceived, rightly or wrongly, other avenues have been exhausted to no avail. Women may not like using their bodies, but if they feel they must use their bodies to make a point, they will.

Women are do no different than men in the regard that they will not give up a right and/or freedom that they have possessed without resistance.

Note I said 'possessed', not 'gained' or 'earned'.

Let me use an extreme analogy...A thief will violently resist you from taking away what he stole even though he knew full well that what he is fighting for came from theft.

Going away from that extreme, what women want, once they found out other women in other cultures have, they will do whatever it takes to achieve parity. If it takes time, they will sacrifice the time. If it requires their bodies, they will exploit their bodies. The only solution is for you is to subjugate women completely, and not even Saudi Arabia can do it.
Here is the deal and you will not like it...

Women are NOT stupid.

If they dance in public, it is to offend the current mores. It is an extreme expression and done because they perceived, rightly or wrongly, other avenues have been exhausted to no avail. Women may not like using their bodies, but if they feel they must use their bodies to make a point, they will.

Women are do no different than men in the regard that they will not give up a right and/or freedom that they have possessed without resistance.

Note I said 'possessed', not 'gained' or 'earned'.

Let me use an extreme analogy...A thief will violently resist you from taking away what he stole even though he knew full well that what he is fighting for came from theft.

Going away from that extreme, what women want, once they found out other women in other cultures have, they will do whatever it takes to achieve parity. If it takes time, they will sacrifice the time. If it requires their bodies, they will exploit their bodies. The only solution is for you is to subjugate women completely, and not even Saudi Arabia can do it.
The issue is the message i.e dance for your harraser
The issue is the message i.e dance for your harraser
That's your interpretation...I see the message as "you cannot keep us down...we will express ourselves- as we please - where and when we please"
My view on flashmobs is they feel so awkward i don't know from where they get so much confidence to dance in front of 100's of random ppl :wacko::wacko::wacko: i hope i will never see a flash mob ever...........

unless it is similar to that in the post #23 :D
What if we pay you will that change your strict opinion :D ?
I have less issue with the dance and more with the location,music and message
What makes you think you're entitled to having an issue? Do you think that the old city is new to this sort of thing?
Centaurus mall they hate single men they have seperate door for single men i no longer visit centaurus for anything
Plus parking in centaurus take like 10-15 minutes f%k it

Team safa gold mall and karachi company :D
And this flash mob was brought to you by Zong sab keh do

What makes you think you're entitled to having an issue? Do you think that the old city is new to this sort of thing?
Well unless Zia is brought back to life(and power)i think i have a right to express my opinion on an ad even in this naam nihad jamhoriyat :D
I applaud them.

However, a better way to empower Pakistani women would be to make those scooters available for leasing.


Can't agree more
I know what your talking about, but in the end value systems all over the world are merging. West and Europe are shedding their traditional religious thinking and expanding on it in forms of spiritualism, Karma, meditation, Yoga etc. Eastern cultures have incorporated western value systems into their societies. There are only very few cultures who have refused to try to integrate with others. Integration is inevitable as the world becomes a smaller place.Failure to do so, ends up in Isolation...

The process has just started with the internet being available to the masses, its in its infancy .. and unless there is one global value system, marketers like these guys will have to consider all of the negatives and positives before launching a campaign ..
Some of those comments are downright stupid. The admad dude retard calls them hormonally blazed.. What the f*** is he? Also, the message was not to empower yourself by dancing in the streets. It's to bring attention to that fact. Completely lost of some retards.
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