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Did this female flashmob in Lahore send the wrong message about empowerment?

Do you think this viral ad was effective ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 62.7%
  • It's confusing

    Votes: 16 21.3%

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They can, but they will be discouraged.

Discouraged is a rather huge understatement...

My mother discourages me from 'undesirable activities' (e.g. beating the $hit out of other people). Does that mean as a woman she's oppressing my men's rights?

By beating the shit out of another person, you are interfering on another persons rights. These girls are not.
If a group of men had danced, nobody would be whining about it..
Whats wrong if a bunch of girls came and danced in the street ? its alright...let them do it...

This question of "what's wrong" is a subjective one. You see it always depends on the culture. Since Indian culture is more open to this, therefore, your like .. "yeah its normal, whats wrong with it" . Except there would be a guy in the U.S laughing his lungs out at your value system ... and asking "whats wrong with the ads and fashion shows of lingerie lines like Victoria secret" .. and then they'd be another dude who'd be laughing his rear end off at a nude beach .. talking about how being a nudist is the $hit! .. :p:

People pissing/spitting on the street is fine but dance sends the wrong message . Anyways sannu ki ....

My friend, I've yet to see people spitting and pissing in streets as content for someone's ad ... your more then welcome to post one if you can find it .. :woot:
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If a group of men had danced, nobody would be whining about it..

They wouldn't whine - they would simply drag the guys/gays off the streets, a kick in the butts and send them off. That's why you won't see guys dancing. Being women has its privileges.
They wouldn't whine - they would simply drag the guys/gays off the streets, a kick in the butts and send them off. That's why you won't see guys dancing. Being women has its privileges.

Sorry, but i simply don't believe that would happen. Being women has its privileges but what you stated simply would not happen. They would be singing praises about it...
Sorry, but i simply don't believe that would happen. Being women has its privileges but what you stated simply would not happen. They would be singing praises about it...

Tag me when something like that happens.
This question of "what's wrong" is a subjective one. You see it always depends on the culture. Since Indian culture is more open to this, therefore, your like .. "yeah its normal, whats wrong with it" . Except there would be a guy in the U.S laughing his lungs out at your value system ... and asking "whats wrong with the ads and fashion shows of lingerie lines like Victoria secret" .. and then they'd be another dude who'd be laughing his rear end of at a nude beach .. talking about how being a nudist is the $hit! .. :p:

Your entire post seems to be on how others look at your value systems ? Why should that even matter ?
Your entire post seems to be on how others look at your value systems ? Why should that even matter ?

My post was more about the limitations of one's own value system .. when someone goes and does something that is beyond that, there is a knee jerk reaction to it. Your from India, your value system is different, and in your value system there is nothing wrong with such and such. Our value system is different and we think it's against our norms. Plain and simple.

I explained or atleast tried to by citing that similarly, you'll have a knee jerk reaction if tomorrow Victoria's Secret started airing it's advertisements in India . and people from the US would call you regressive because in their point of view, modelling in your under garments isn't something that should be frowned upon .. it should be celebrated ..
I applaud them.

However, a better way to empower Pakistani women would be to make those scooters available for leasing.




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My post was more about the limitations of one's own value system .. when someone goes and does something that is beyond that, there is a knee jerk reaction to it. Your from India, your value system is different, and in your value system there is nothing wrong with such and such. Our value system is different and we think it's against our norms. Plain and simple.

I explained or atleast tried to by citing that similarly, you'll have a knee jerk reaction if tomorrow Victoria's Secret started airing it's advertisements. and people from the US would call you regressive because in their point of view, modelling in your under garments isn't something that should be frowned upon .. it should be celebrated ..

I know what your talking about, but in the end value systems all over the world are merging. West and Europe are shedding their traditional religious thinking and expanding on it in forms of spiritualism, Karma, meditation, Yoga etc. Eastern cultures have incorporated western value systems into their societies. There are only very few cultures who have refused to try to integrate with others. Integration is inevitable as the world becomes a smaller place.Failure to do so, ends up in Isolation...
My issue with this ad is the location they selected(old city),music and dancing infront of an all male crowd after being harrased

I mean it wouldve been ok if they shit it inside a mall or somethingbut with a different message its not like the first flash mob of Pakistan
I remember a flash mob for ho man jahan promotion but i cant find its video
Centaurus Islamabad
My view on flash mobs is well if you want to do that for promotion of something its cool and all but please do it inside a mall or an elite area old city flashmobs can get you in serious trouble plus dancing for your harraser sends a very stupid message that you should please your abuser
@Mugwop @The Sandman @django @User @pak-marine @Moonlight @Spring Onion

These women are old enough to decide what value systems they subscribe to. I don't think they need anybody else imposing their value systems or telling them what their opinions should be. Good luck to them!
I have less issue with the dance and more with the location,music and message
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