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Did this female flashmob in Lahore send the wrong message about empowerment?

Do you think this viral ad was effective ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 62.7%
  • It's confusing

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2010
Reaction score
The internet seems to think so. We ask the brand behind the viral video for their take on the issue.

Does dancing on the streets empower women? In Pakistan, some say yes, many beg to differ.

Of late, fashion brands have been trying to stand out amongst the herd by coming up with creative ideas to market their companies, and one such brand is Do Your Own Thing. For an out-of-the-box idea, DYOT hired two NCA students to choreograph a flashmob of five girls dancing to Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) on the streets of Lahore.

The two-minute clip starts with a woman throwing her chaddar to the ground and breaking into a dance after being teased by a male passerby. Seconds later she is followed by four other girls who copy her dance routine.

Does dancing on the streets empower women? In Pakistan, some say yes, many beg to differ.

Of late, fashion brands have been trying to stand out amongst the herd by coming up with creative ideas to market their companies, and one such brand is Do Your Own Thing. For an out-of-the-box idea, DYOT hired two NCA students to choreograph a flashmob of five girls dancing to Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) on the streets of Lahore.
The two-minute clip starts with a woman throwing her chaddar to the ground and breaking into a dance after being teased by a male passerby. Seconds later she is followed by four other girls who copy her dance routine.
Hours after being posted on Facebook, the video caught the attention of many on social media and instantly received flak for portraying #feminism and #empowerment in the wrong light.

For most, the video failed to portray women's rights in a positive light.


Feminist collective Girls At Dhabas took issue with the video as well, but their post has since been removed from Facebook.However, one Facebook commentator highlighted that women face different struggles and should not be judged according to one scale or set of values.


But was the idea behind the flashmob to highlight empowerment and feminism? The co-manager of Do Your Own Thing (DYOT) steps in to explain his point of view.

"Our brand is about customization. Our customers can change our designs to suit them, which hasn't been done before in Pakistan," he tells Images.

He adds, "We are a small brand, we can't afford billboards so we wanted to make a viral video. We watched a lot of videos to get inspiration and [finally] reached out to to students from NCA, Saad and Ikram, to help us. Saad managed the choreography and Ikram was the DOP. We shot the film in Anarkali in Lahore, which is next to NCA."

Though many may associate DYOT's video with a recent campaign launched by a local clothing brand under hashtag #ReclaimPublicSpaces, the co-manager dismisses that relation entirely.

"We didn't do this to 'reclaim space,' and we don't claim to be making a stand for women's empowerment through this video. Our brand's perspective is that you should 'do your own thing,' and no one should bother anyone else for how they choose to express themselves," he says.

He admits they were anticipating a response, but not the one they received. He explains, "We expected some kind of reaction to the video, of course, but in hindsight I wish this many men hasn't seen it and commented on it. And then, very soon women started commented on it also, and many said 'this is not empowerment'."

"Well, we're not telling other girls to dance in the streets, but if these girls wanted to dance, why shouldn't we let them? After the video there has been a lot of judgment on the internet about what women 'should' and 'shouldn't' do - isn't that also negative? Why should women be told what they should and shouldn't do?" he questions.

"If I had to use a hashtag to answer to criticism to the video it would be #LetThemBe. If somebody wants to dance, let them," he says.

While it's true that the worth of the ad's final message is debatable, we wonder — does everyone criticising the ad saying that it encourages immoral behaviour or 'isn't ladylike' realise that they're applying to these women the same moral framework of 'achi larki/ buri larki' that allows patriarchal norms to flourish in Pakistan and police women's behavior?

Something to think about!


@Akheilos @Zibago @Jf Thunder @Hell hound @SMC @Zarvan @LeGenD @T-123456 @Tipu7 @hinduguy @takeiteasy @war&peace @Luffy 500 @The Sandman @Lucky Breeze @YousufSSG @RAMPAGE @Dr. Stranglove @fallstuff @Rukarl @Side-Winder @Metanoia @ranjeet
The internet seems to think so. We ask the brand behind the viral video for their take on the issue.

Does dancing on the streets empower women? In Pakistan, some say yes, many beg to differ.

Of late, fashion brands have been trying to stand out amongst the herd by coming up with creative ideas to market their companies, and one such brand is Do Your Own Thing. For an out-of-the-box idea, DYOT hired two NCA students to choreograph a flashmob of five girls dancing to Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) on the streets of Lahore.

The two-minute clip starts with a woman throwing her chaddar to the ground and breaking into a dance after being teased by a male passerby. Seconds later she is followed by four other girls who copy her dance routine.

Does dancing on the streets empower women? In Pakistan, some say yes, many beg to differ.

Of late, fashion brands have been trying to stand out amongst the herd by coming up with creative ideas to market their companies, and one such brand is Do Your Own Thing. For an out-of-the-box idea, DYOT hired two NCA students to choreograph a flashmob of five girls dancing to Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) on the streets of Lahore.
The two-minute clip starts with a woman throwing her chaddar to the ground and breaking into a dance after being teased by a male passerby. Seconds later she is followed by four other girls who copy her dance routine.
Hours after being posted on Facebook, the video caught the attention of many on social media and instantly received flak for portraying #feminism and #empowerment in the wrong light.

For most, the video failed to portray women's rights in a positive light.


Feminist collective Girls At Dhabas took issue with the video as well, but their post has since been removed from Facebook.However, one Facebook commentator highlighted that women face different struggles and should not be judged according to one scale or set of values.


But was the idea behind the flashmob to highlight empowerment and feminism? The co-manager of Do Your Own Thing (DYOT) steps in to explain his point of view.

"Our brand is about customization. Our customers can change our designs to suit them, which hasn't been done before in Pakistan," he tells Images.

He adds, "We are a small brand, we can't afford billboards so we wanted to make a viral video. We watched a lot of videos to get inspiration and [finally] reached out to to students from NCA, Saad and Ikram, to help us. Saad managed the choreography and Ikram was the DOP. We shot the film in Anarkali in Lahore, which is next to NCA."

Though many may associate DYOT's video with a recent campaign launched by a local clothing brand under hashtag #ReclaimPublicSpaces, the co-manager dismisses that relation entirely.

"We didn't do this to 'reclaim space,' and we don't claim to be making a stand for women's empowerment through this video. Our brand's perspective is that you should 'do your own thing,' and no one should bother anyone else for how they choose to express themselves," he says.

He admits they were anticipating a response, but not the one they received. He explains, "We expected some kind of reaction to the video, of course, but in hindsight I wish this many men hasn't seen it and commented on it. And then, very soon women started commented on it also, and many said 'this is not empowerment'."

"Well, we're not telling other girls to dance in the streets, but if these girls wanted to dance, why shouldn't we let them? After the video there has been a lot of judgment on the internet about what women 'should' and 'shouldn't' do - isn't that also negative? Why should women be told what they should and shouldn't do?" he questions.

"If I had to use a hashtag to answer to criticism to the video it would be #LetThemBe. If somebody wants to dance, let them," he says.

While it's true that the worth of the ad's final message is debatable, we wonder — does everyone criticising the ad saying that it encourages immoral behaviour or 'isn't ladylike' realise that they're applying to these women the same moral framework of 'achi larki/ buri larki' that allows patriarchal norms to flourish in Pakistan and police women's behavior?

Something to think about!


@Akheilos @Zibago @Jf Thunder @Hell hound @SMC @Zarvan @LeGenD @T-123456 @Tipu7 @hinduguy @takeiteasy @war&peace @Luffy 500 @The Sandman @Lucky Breeze @YousufSSG @RAMPAGE @Dr. Stranglove @fallstuff @Rukarl @Side-Winder @Metanoia @ranjeet

Once again people with money are using Female body to attract some people to earn big business under the color full banner of ''Female equality'' ''Freedom of expression''. And most people are willing to protect this decision just because they know that it will annoy right handed thinkers.

I just hope some company making under garments of men & women shall not follow this foot steps.

Its not Pakistan culture, its not Islamic teaching, its not Civilization of Indus.

People pissing/spitting on the street is fine but dance sends the wrong message . Anyways sannu ki ....
Whats wrong if a bunch of girls came and danced in the street ? its alright...let them do it...
Its not India buddy. its Pakistan. We follow boundaries of Morals.
Brace yourself Pakistanis .... Feminism is here !!!

Feminism itself isn't bad, what is bad is the Social justice Warriors, when mixed with any movement makes it down right retarded. It just happens that feminism has many SJW..

Watch this to get a better picture...(recommended)

Its not India buddy. its Pakistan. We follow boundaries of Morals.

Define "boundaries of Morals"
The Achilles heel of viral ads at display. This is why viral ads are VERY STRICTLY monitored and made so that the interpretation is not so subjective. They wanted their brand to exhibit "doing your own thing" ... and exhibiting "customization" and now they've landed with this mess on their hands .. I actually feel quite bad for them as a marketer, because this is more or less a marketer's worst nightmare.
Female empowerment isn't a wrong thing and Islam's unforced everyone to do that but What majority of people take Moss understand it specially the girls

Female empowerment is the freedom , safety , freedom
Freedom isn't that girl say we should be allowed to go nude on the street
Freedom is allowing her to take decisions , giving her equal option for success against her male counter part , allowed to study so she can build next generations allowed , allowed to work so she can build herself , her countries economy where she and her surroundings can progress and be active party in helping her society , freedom of making her own life decisions and men's job is to provide safety where she can achieve all that
For me that's true female empowerment
If I go on street and start showing my pen!s it doesn't mean men need empowerment its just me being stupid , men are the worst vicitm but they can't talk about if they talk society makes there fun and women say they are against female empowerment
And what if they like to go a separate route ?

They can, but they will be discouraged.

My mother discourages me from 'undesirable activities' (e.g. beating the $hit out of other people). Does that mean as a woman she's oppressing my men's rights?
All we are discussing are dance moves - what a powerful message of empowerment indeed-
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