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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

Everything can be bought. My surname is "Pakistani" which means corruption runs in my blood. You got your positive rating. Now pay up - US dollars will do fine .....

Ps. Just realized your request has been answered with postive from Fauji - Maybe you set off a jihad to award 'positives' to Desert Fox?


Atanz bhai,

Aaap ka "Nobel Prize" comment was the prime reason for the positive rating. :-)

You're right. I agree. Doing so would not cure the problem but rather leave it to raise its head again couple of years down the road.

Lol, how about a better offer. I give you positive ratings for your every post once i become a think tank, even if i disagree with some of your posts. You and @FaujHistorian will get a positive rating from me. See, im also Pakistani lol.

na bhai na!

you have to come with "unadulterated atheist" caliber line to earn another rating. It doesn't come cheap you know. :-)

You got a deal. Reminds me of the apple vendor, the orange vendor and the banana vendor. The three sat all day on the pavement and did not make single sale. So one of them came up with a bright idea. Apple guy bought orange. Orange guy bought apple. Banana guy bought orange and so forth until they had tallied 100 sales and having had successful day all three went off satisfied.

We can do similar voodoo economics here ...

na ji na.

Not happening.

Atanz bhai,

Aaap ka "Nobel Prize" comment was the prime reason for the positive rating. :-)

na bhai na!

you have to come with "unadulterated atheist" caliber line to earn another rating. It doesn't come cheap you know. :-)

Ooooooopss then I have triggered a rating Jihad without even realizing .....
Our life is like a sinusoidal wave with its sets of crests and troughs.
How difficult it is for someone as wise as the Prophet to predict that Islam would touch it's trough before it rises again to the crest like everything else in this world??

I know you don't like the fact that this thread was posted by me. I'm sorry.
Spiritually it never seen a rise .... Its rise has entirely different dimension levina... I am sure you know that too ..... N if that's what you call is rise then I can't help.... Do's n don's in some form of human activity or thinking are not essential to climb the spiritual ladder..... Though off topic, you idolatrous is meant for hell n how you going to cop up with in the background of your OP.....

Problem with majority of today's Muslims is that they believe their Holy Prophet (SAW) was infallible, when he himself in many Hadith has stated its opposite that he was just a human being.
Wrong precedence is bound to be replicated by the ppl .....
Choosing one's friends who share your values and beliefs is perfectly understandable, and indeed natural. Expressing one's opinion is great too. But now let's extend your analogy in this global village where people with differing faiths have to interact with each other for any number of reasons. All of these interactions will go much smoother when the beliefs of either party are kept private and not used to influence of enforce upon each other. Any attempt to ridicule or force is not likely to end well.

Hence, to you, your religion, to me, mine. Let's keep religion where it belongs and all of mankind is well. If we don't, collectively, we all pay the price.

You are mixing two different things i guess, there is a difference, a HUGE difference when we talk abut religion in "ridiculing" others set of "beliefs" or forcing yours on them AND talking about your belief and discussing/debating about that. That do not essentially means you are making fun of what i am saying or are trying to force upon me what you think is right. this forcing thing is not even allowed even if you talk about it from religious prospective. :)

You got it all reversed bhai jaan.

My comments on a fortune telling, jaado giri etc are in response to stuff posted on a forum.
This is different from the case when you go inside another man's chruch, temple, mosque and tell them they are wrong.

Please do not treat PDF as your temple.

It is a public place and hence open to comments.

Hope this clarifies.

That's quarterly cycle. not 1400 years long cycle. one is natural, the other is fantasy.
What you posted Levina Ji was fortune cookie telling.

I am sure you are familiar with fortune cookie. Right?

Would you believe the cookie if it tells you to buy a lottery on 34 5 6 9 1?

Well brother i do not really think it was anything related to fortune telling neither i see any intention of OP for the same. The simple fact is it is our belief, my belief at least that prophet Muhammad PBUP was bestowed upon with knowledge by Allah, knowledge that made him warn the believers of hardships that are to come and the rewards that the poise will be benefit from. I wont call this fortune telling, i will call it as a warning, i guidance GIVEN to us 1400 years back by our prophet.

Now for the second part, since all that information, the warnings, the signs and predictions whatever you call it, ( i will call it Guidance) is there for all to see, some factions do miss use it to disgrace Islam or to hide there true motives or to miss guide poorly guided/educated Muslims (that is what i call as wrong or miss guiding interpretations) . IN case of ISIS, personally i think it is a case of a bunch of people, miss guided and fighting in the name of Allah. I have never across a Quran verse or a hadit saying that Sunnis should kill Shia's or Shia should kill Sunnis or even Muslims should go out there and kill non Muslims for the sake of it, that is not what Islam teaches us or ask of us. In case if ISIS, there flag choice may well be a case of using he black flag, quoted as the flag of armies that will rise and fight Dajjal.

In short, one may not believe that what we are seeing in shape of ISIS is what this hadit tells us about, it may be a case of these people disguising themselves as this same group (though I don’t know why would anyone attracting recruitment in name of Islam will want to pretend to be a group that was warned about and discredited by prophet himself) but I do not find it right to say that this hadit is not do not tells or warns or guides about the times and difficulties that we will face.

Remember, i am just sharing my point of view sir, not forcing anything. Speaking my heart out :)
If you believe you have some god-given right to marry 13 year olds, then of course I will fight these nonsensical beliefs of yours before you actually try carrying them out in practice!
The problem with the episode of Hazrat Ayesha RA and her marriage to Rasool Allah SAW is mainly that we are applying modern criteria to a situation that was prevalent at that time.
Please consider the following:
1. Afte4 the death of our mother Khadija the Prophet married our mother Khawlah bint Zama'an RA who was a much older woman.
2. Our mother Ayesha was already engaged to be married to someone else. When that engagement broke off due to Syedena Abu Bakr As Sideeq's belief in islam and the Pprophet the Prophet then made his proposal.
3. Irrespective of our mother Ayesha RA's age the Prophet SAW waited nearly 3 yrs before he married and consumated the marriage.
4. No one had more insight into the daily life of our beloved Prophet. SAW then our mother Ayesha RA. All the accounts of his personal life and his dealings with his family would have been lost but for the teachings of our mother Ayesha RA.
5. Because of her intellect, her inquisitiveness and her inciteful questioning of the Prophet our Mother Ayesha became a Mohaddisa and a Muftiaa. She was a source of knowledge from which numerous Sahaba e Karaam and Tabaieen gained wisdom and . She was the third or fourth most prolific reciters of Hadeeth and this period laster till her death in 53 Hijrah(apologies if the date is wrong. Iam writing from my mind and have not consulted a source to confirm this.
Personally I feel it is time we stopped being apologetic and responded to baseless arguments with knowledge and Hikmah. I have been quite brief and expect that the members should be able to determine the hikmah behind the Prophets SAW marriage to our Mother Ayesha. It is indeed a blessing from Allah SWT to the ummah and we whould be thankful to Allah SWT at all times for all of his blessings upon the ummah.

The point is that a belief can never be stupid or wise, or right, or wrong, because there is no way to judge them.

Yeah right, I believe Earth is flat, Earth revolve around the Sun, Moon is made of cheese, now deny or accept your choice, in both case you are wrong..
Which is exactly what I did Sir. My suggested amendment makes your post intellectually robust without changing its content.
Sir Syed Ali Haider aka vcheng aka------.
Robustness!!! I stand by each and every word which I wrote. Trying to rectify an alleged defect in someones post and then using it to show your intellectual prowess is plagiarism of the highest order. If you want to improve on my post then counter me with knowledge and a comparable post.Rest I will leave for after ramadan
every religion believers thought same abut future nothing new .
only level of detail differs but I understand what you mean and you dont mean any disrespect
when prophets advise their followers to obey the rules then they also give warnings what will happen to those who wont and how the believers will be tested etc.

the devil, the Antichrist, the final showdown between good and evil etc are discussed in biblical scriptures and/ or explained by their preachers
I guess we are all crossing over the line that will result in beliefs being challenged and people being hurt. I for all myself being open for debate will request you ALL to back off fro this, we do not want to go there, i don't. Call me extremist or narrow minded but i am a Muslim and if i respect beliefs of others i want same for mine, wont tolerate this being hurt, a LOT of us wont so better leave this debate at that. Things are getting a bit ugly in name of progressive debate, freedom of speech DO NOT MEAN you go out and hurt feelings of others, Americans may think like that but we here in Pakistan don't, backward society you know. Better stop it now before it reaches a point where relations will be effected.

Have been on this tread right from the start, have enjoyed the discussions, there was a lot to learn but now i guess we are getting off track. Better end it now, for me, the thread have served its purpose.
Yeah right, I believe Earth is flat, Earth revolve around the Sun, Moon is made of cheese, now deny or accept your choice, in both case you are wrong..
it must pain you for being among us simpletons :)

It is also an established fact that marriage between first cousins destroys the healthy gene pool of the offspring. Yet, the practice is not completely banned in the West.
I agree that diversity gives the best chance for survival of your bloodline but there are unlucky odds that two most distinct and diverse mates bring out the worse of their weaknesses in their unhealthy offspring. I get the covert swipe at Islam which only said that cousin marriage is allowed but not compulsory and be made a regularity as is today.

re west
it is also established that gay sex carries the biggest risk of HIV and this is why your lifestyle is screened while giving blood but still gay marriage is a law in the west and give it more time it might become compulsory too.

I guess we are all crossing over the line that will result in beliefs being challenged and people being hurt. .
gagging someone just because you and I hate some one basically kills the purpose of this forum and discussion.
stay civil and put your point across and move on

when you allow a qadyani and give him a free hand to insult and mock our Last Prophet of the Muslims, Muhammad (PBUH) in this thread then the purpose of this thread's posting in senior cafe is already killed

@Horus @Jungibaaz
no need for hostilities and name calling

here watch this video to calm yourself down
see how gracefully both speakers put their point across.

you claim to be protector of Namoos a Rasool SAW yes? try to act like him for some time

Which is exactly what I did Sir. My suggested amendment makes your post intellectually robust without changing its content.
and I thought
the teething period was over. seems like I was wrong. enjoy the attention while we come to terms with your erm.. 3nd coming? :)
gagging someone just because you and I hate some one basically kills the purpose of this forum and discussion.
stay civil and put your point across and move on

That is EXACTLY what i have been doing from the very first page, may be you can have a look?

Secondly it is not about me or you getting hurt, discussion and debates on certain topics, specially related to religions should always be held with in certain limits. I guess this is the reason we do not allow religions debates on this forum?

I am not pointing out any one particular incident on this page, things have been no informative and all the debates i have been part of here have been really constructive but i think you will see for your self, 20-30 more posts and things will start getting ugly. This is the direction things seem to be going.

Gagging some debate just because you have the authority to do so and were not particularly enjoying what was being said is one thing and backing off in time to preserve all the information and constructive debate shared here is another thing, that will always be better then blocking the thread with the last few posts all being made in bad mood. ANYWAY< not my position to decide, just share my point of view.

and I thought
the teething period was over. seems like I was wrong. enjoy the attention while we come to terms with your erm.. 3nd coming?:)
Second ni??
That is EXACTLY what i have been doing from the very first page, may be you can have a look?

Secondly it is not about me or you getting hurt, discussion and debates on certain topics, specially related to religions should always be held with in certain limits.
yea these limits are arbitrary and subjective
you and might have different tolerance at different times of the day . best practice is, stay civil and polite
if someone still feels hurt then better to apologise and move on. and we have forum support team that will / should take care of anything controversial.

my post was pointed at those that just see red whenever they see the name / avatar of a poster
yea these limits are arbitrary and subjective
you and might have different tolerance at different times of the day . best practice is, stay civil and polite
if someone still feels hurt then better to apologise and move on. and we have forum support team that will / should take care of anything controversial.
Now i don't think anyone can disagree with the above bold part.
Anyway, i just voiced my concern, that is all. Will surely continue to contribute whatever i can and hope we will stay within those limits, subjective or not they still are there :)
Also now with a few MODS here, things will hopefully be kept in check.

my post was pointed at those that just see red whenever they see the name / avatar of a poster
all right!
he/she did took a stance a bit too harsh, not very common of the particular poster. Also if he/she would have checked the previous pages would have found out that there had been no attempt to dishonor anyone, even some objections or criticism that was made was well dealt with and answered in detailed manner. Again, this is turning out to be a very well mannered discussion so for on topic that can easily get flamed up. Lets hope it says this way. So may be there was some confusion, as you said, one might have difference tolerance level at different time of day so must cut her/him a slack. That was not something we usually see from him, (no me at least)
Yeah right, I believe Earth is flat, Earth revolve around the Sun, Moon is made of cheese, now deny or accept your choice, in both case you are wrong..

If you believe that, and more, what problem is it of mine? I should have no need to "correct" your beliefs, as long as I can believe that the Earth is actually a long pole, and the Moon is made of yogurt, equally freely. In both cases, it will not matter much to the Earth and Moon itself, nor will matter to those who observe and study both bodies with satellites and lasers and stuff.

Robustness!!! I stand by each and every word which I wrote. Trying to rectify an alleged defect in someones post and then using it to show your intellectual prowess is plagiarism of the highest order. If you want to improve on my post then counter me with knowledge and a comparable post.Rest I will leave for after ramadan

Nowhere did I say that what you wrote was wrong, I merely pointed out that whatever you wrote was correct as the beliefs of Muslims only, that is all. Plagiarism would be if I had copied it without credit (please do try to look up the word in a dictionary to understand better what it means) and thus does not apply here. Rather than get you riled up further, I will wish you a peaceful Ramadan and bow out.

I guess we are all crossing over the line that will result in beliefs being challenged and people being hurt. I for all myself being open for debate will request you ALL to back off fro this, we do not want to go there, i don't. Call me extremist or narrow minded but i am a Muslim and if i respect beliefs of others i want same for mine, wont tolerate this being hurt, a LOT of us wont so better leave this debate at that. Things are getting a bit ugly in name of progressive debate, freedom of speech DO NOT MEAN you go out and hurt feelings of others, Americans may think like that but we here in Pakistan don't, backward society you know. Better stop it now before it reaches a point where relations will be effected.

Have been on this tread right from the start, have enjoyed the discussions, there was a lot to learn but now i guess we are getting off track. Better end it now, for me, the thread have served its purpose.

It is rather difficult to have a intelligent debate unless people remain calm and polite, which is an almost impossible expectation on PDF.

and I thought
the teething period was over. seems like I was wrong. enjoy the attention while we come to terms with your erm.. 3nd coming? :)

What is there to come to terms with? A few mouse clicks and it is done. :D

yea these limits are arbitrary and subjective
you and might have different tolerance at different times of the day . best practice is, stay civil and polite
if someone still feels hurt then better to apologise and move on. and we have forum support team that will / should take care of anything controversial.

my post was pointed at those that just see red whenever they see the name / avatar of a poster

Those who see red whenever they see the name of any poster lose out on so much, but since that is their problem and not anyone else's, I will take your advice, and move on from this thread, for it is not attention that is sought. I mistakenly thought my views, honestly expressed could make a difference. Obviously, like many times before, I was wrong.
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..... my belief at least that prophet Muhammad PBUP was bestowed upon with knowledge by Allah,.. :)

Bhai Jaan,

The same knowledge of Allah has been given to ALL of us. today in 2015, Allah's knowledge means we can fly or even go to space. Conquer other planets. Dive to the depths of seas, Cure disease that used to kill so many back in Prophet pbuh's time.

So Allah is not hiding its knowledge with one person even if that person happens to be a one of the prophets.

Hope you appreciate real knowledge and shun the rumors and heresy.

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