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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

The point is that a belief can never be stupid or wise, or right, or wrong, because there is no way to judge them.
Sure you can. Unless a belief is based on logic and rationality, it's not sound and should be discarded as nonsense!
Sure you can. Unless a belief is based on logic and rationality, it's not sound and should be discarded as nonsense!

You are perfectly right to discard it for yourself. Someone else is perfectly right to accept it for themselves. To each, his own. No problem.

PS: There is no logic or rationality in the Immaculate Conception or The Meiraj. They are beliefs, strongly held.
Both beliefs are nonsense IMO :D :D :D

You are entitled to believe that. Others may believe otherwise, and they are entitled to do that too. But both sides must respect each others' right to hold their own beleifs.
As long as it is not your sister or my daughter, and their soceity allows it, then what is the problem?

Please do NOT ridicule anyone's beliefs. Never ever.
who decided that 16 years is fine or 18 even?
I dont know and I am not apologising for it like some videos where age of Mother Marry is brought up or the wives of some other Jewish and Christian personalities being as young as 10 etc. during those times.

its the same society that didn't see any problem young Mohammad PBUH marrying an older woman Khutaija narrated to be 40 (although disputed) who was a widower now that bit is conveniently missed out. and then there is an issue with Hazrat Abu Hurara r.a and his narration and I see some scholors doing a face palm over his possible mistake of age.

there are many other examples were the narrators have different dates spanning years too. now I am apologising
might as well stop

that aside like you said if the same society didnt find anything odd men marrying many times and also having younger wives then so be it.

its hard to justify or rationalise to a society that doesn't see any problem with same sex marriages or its elite men travelling all the way to places in the far east to indulge in child sex
who decided that 16 years is fine or 18 even?
I dont know and I am not apologising for it like some videos where age of Mother Marry is brought up or the wives of some other Jewish and Christian personalities being as young as 10 etc. during those times.

its the same society that didn't see any problem young Mohammad PBUH marrying an older woman Khutaija narrated to be 40 (although disputed) who was a widower now that bit is conveniently missed out. and then there is an issue with Hazrat Abu Hurara r.a and his narration and I see some scholors doing a face palm over his possible mistake of age.

there are many other examples were the narrators have different dates spanning years too. now I am apologising
might as well stop

that aside like you said if the same society didnt find anything odd men marrying many times and also having younger wives then so be it.

its hard to justify or rationalise to a society that doesn't see any problem with same sex marriages or its elite men travelling all the way to places in the far east to indulge in child sex

That is exactly why I am saying the things I have posted above. All beliefs are private and must be respected equally, as long as everyone observes the same rules agreed upon by each society to govern themselves equally, given that all societies change over time.
The problem I think is in setting priorities. We all have conscience inbuilt. But if that is dictated by religion alone, IS or Crusading Knights Templars will continue to flourish. Like one should not need a verse to tell them to love human beings and so on. Just because strict punishments are in order does not mean people need to execute the commands blindly and without question.
Excellent post Sarthak.... @levina I can counter the OP but I wont as it requires to highlight about unpleasing facts.... Don't go by superficial & pleasing analysis...
Sarthak has given the excellent answer where the problem lies n what is the solution both.... N nothing(religion) can be ideal,perfect & absolute philosophy ......

The problem I think is in setting priorities. We all have conscience inbuilt. But if that is dictated by religion alone, IS or Crusading Knights Templars will continue to flourish. Like one should not need a verse to tell them to love human beings and so on. Just because strict punishments are in order does not mean people need to execute the commands blindly and without question.
Excellent post Sarthak.... @levina I can counter the OP but I wont as it requires to highlight about unpleasing facts.... Don't go by superficial & pleasing analysis...
Sarthak has given the excellent answer where the problem lies n what is the solution both.... N nothing(religion) can be ideal,perfect & absolute philosophy ......
This hadith is not considered 100% authentic although to say it was written after the emergence of ISIS is laughable and I am not surprised it was the retard fauji who made this declaration.

Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

Posted:07/01/2015 12:12 pm EDTUpdated:07/01/2015 9:59 pm EDT

An honest study of the Quran shows that groups likeISIS act in complete defiance of the injunctions of Islam. The Quran, for instance, equates one murder to elimination of the whole human race (5:32), and considers persecution and disorder on earth as an even worse offense (2:217). It lays emphasis on peace, justice and human rights. It championsfreedom of conscienceand forbids worldly punishment forapostasyandblasphemy.

A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail.

1400 years ago, he had prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih). In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times.

How true this is of the extremist clerics in parts of the Muslim world that abuse the pulpit to preach division and hate.

He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear "a group of young peoplewho would be immature in thought and foolish." They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality. The Quranwould not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldn't understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as "the worst of the creation."

As if this outline wasn't clear enough, another tradition in the book Kitaab Al Fitan reported by Caliph Ali, the fourth successor to Prophet Muhammad, describes these people as having long hair and bearing black flags. Their "hearts will be hard as iron," and they would be the companions of a State (Ashab ul Dawla). Interestingly, ISIS refers to itself as the Islamic State or Dawla. The tradition further mentions that they will break their covenants, not speak the truth and have names that mention their cities. The ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi comes to mind.

Prophet Muhammad furiously and painfully described these evildoers, and admonished Muslims to beware of their evil and fight it. "Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them," he proclaimed.

Reflect on this critical point. Whenever ISIS kills in the name of Islam, claims to follow the Quran, or uses the Holy month of Ramadan to spread anarchy across the globe, know that Prophet Muhammad explicitly warned us of these imposters, and entrusted us to root them out.

The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers, and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism.

Why not a warning against Alqaida, Hizbullah, Hammas, Taliban, Houthies, BLA, MQM, TTP, and above all against Altaf, IK, Zardari, NS, Qadri?

Why just ISIS.

Are other terrorists somehow on an "approved list".

What kind of madness are we discussing.

Are we blind to the world events.

Are we trying to fit a square peg in a round hole just because it sounds holy?

This is the height of Being zaeef-al-Eatiqad (gullible) in front of 2-bit Mullahs.
This hadith is not considered 100% authentic although to say it was written after the emergence of ISIS is laughable and I am not surprised it was the retard fauji who made this declaration.
Ok, what hadith is authentic? The one's that are violent? Or the one's that are not?
People here in thread are dramatizing issue of ISIS,

Hadith/Fiqah/Nahjul-Balagha are the sources which are the key of derailment and tearing apart Islam. Indeed there is no predictions about pre-Day of Judgment events backed by Quran-Pak.

ISIS-Taliban-Al Qaida-Boko Haram they are all nothing but animals trained by Animals in US-UK-EU-GCC just for political purposes. There is no Religion involved. Every thing is based over Business, dominance & Power.

I think a little is thinking or thinking but ignoring the fact that; Why ISIS's bloody Khilafat didn't cross Golan Heights toward Israel to help Palestine or Turkey who is feeding these animals on behalf of their masters or Qatar, UAE OR Saudi Arabia?

That should be clear to all that Qaran-e-Pak delivered very clear order that 'Killing is worst but anarchy (Fitna) worst than Killing.

Unfortunately so called 'Khadime Harameein Sharifeein' Saud Family joined hand with Royal family of England only to save their throne at cost of throats of all Muslims. And people are confused and looking for Ideological explanation against ISIS.!
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