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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

Ok, what hadith is authentic? The one's that are violent? Or the one's that are not?

The ones that do not contradict the Quran are the only ones I give credence too, many hadith blatantly contradict and are considered sahih anyway.

As for this hadith it has always existed but outside of any of the commonly accepted books of hadith used by either Sunnis and Shias.
This post should start as "It is true that Muslims believe that .........
And you had to put your finger in
Bhai I write what I want to write. You can do a better job please feel free to do so.
Bhai I write what I want to write. You can do a better job please feel free to do so.

Which is exactly what I did Sir. My suggested amendment makes your post intellectually robust without changing its content.
The lure of a life in a state that follows pure unadulterated Islam.
How do you know they are following "pure unadulterated Islam"?? Did you live in a "pure unadulterated" Islamic society to make this judgement or are you just speaking out of complete ignorance and hatred for Islam??

Don't make silly judgements by branding Islam with the evil actions of extremists because by that definition i can say Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and DPRK were/are following pure unadulterated Atheism.
speaking out of complete ignorance and hatred for Islam
How can I be completely ignorant and yet have hatred for Islam? It would be a paradox. But yeah, fine, whatever floats your boat.

As a matter of fact, I am willing to count those who are ready to sacrifice everything in the name of Islam more than you. If you (this 'you' is used as a metaphor) wanted a different message to reach the world, you (and the whole Muslim world) would have united and destroyed ISIS in the name of God.

Hint: Medieval interpretations of Islam

No, Islamic "Civilisation" has been in decline since Mongol invasions

Peace be upon the Christ and Moses, at least their followers didn't turn out like today's jihadi cults.
The Mongol invasions hit it hard and stunted its growth, but it did not stop it. By the 1700s, the Islamic empires had all gone into irreparable decline. The roots were from before, sure.

Christ was a really nice guy, a rishi by Indian standards without doubt. But Moses, as I read in the Old Testament...not so much. But people have stopped killing others in the name of Moses now. So, that's fine.

All that matters is to draw the right conclusions today. The Japs made the most efficient suicide attacks(the kamikaze) in history, sinking even an aircraft carrier in WW2. But now what are they famous for?
That's right - electronics. :tup: People must move forward.

True!! Almost all religion has these kind of prophecies about the evils awaiting mankind in a distant future.
Actually not just religions, mankind is, was and will always be obsessed about the future. Their own collective future.
How can I be completely ignorant and yet have hatred for Islam? It would be a paradox. But yeah, fine, whatever floats your boat.
You can because you stated that ISIS follows "pure unadulterated" Islam. How do you know what "pure unadulterated" Islam is? Have you experienced it to make such a judgement?

Can i say Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and North Korean leaders, together who murdered more than 100 million people in the 20th century alone, follow "pure unadulterated" Atheism?? Does that make sense to you?

As a matter of fact, I am willing to count those who are ready to sacrifice everything in the name of Islam more than you. If you (this 'you' is used as a metaphor) wanted a different message to reach the world, you (and the whole Muslim world) would have united and destroyed ISIS in the name of God.
That has nothing to do with Islam. ISIS is the child of the secular West. They have only gained notoriety due to Western media giving them publicity.

How is it that within the past 1400 years not a single Caliph, Sultan, or Amir destroyed the Churches or the Shia Mosques or beheaded thousands of Yazidis?? But yet this ISIS comes along and does exactly that and thus you conclude they are following "pure unadulterated" Islam?? Are you suggesting that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wasn't following Islam correctly??

Are you saying that up until the advent of ISIS Muslims weren't following Islam?? To me that is exactly how you sound: ignorant.

Can i say Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and North Korean leaders, together who murdered more than 100 million people in the 20th century alone, follow "pure unadulterated" Atheism?? Does that make sense to you?.

Well put


How is it that within the past 1400 years not a single Caliph, Sultan, or Amir destroyed the Churches or the Shia Mosques or beheaded thousands of Yazidis?? .


iran was all Sunni. Then one particular Sultan, king, Amir family held Iranians upside down by their feet and converted all their mosques and all their men and women into Shia.

Iman Hussain's family was wiped out by Sunnis.

I can go on and on about the bloody and blood thirsty history of 1400 years.

We must accept bad parts of history

otherwise Hizbullah and ISIS and Talibastards will continue killing us by 1000s.

Nobel Prize nomination there for you.
Ha ha. I wouldn't mind settling for a positive rating though.:) :angel:

Well put


iran was all Sunni. Then one particular Sultan, king, Amir family held Iranians upside down by their feet and converted all their mosques and all their men and women into Shia.

Iman Hussain's family was wiped out by Sunnis.

I can go on and on about the bloody and blood thirsty history of 1400 years.

We must accept bad parts of history

otherwise Hizbullah and ISIS and Talibastards will continue killing us by 1000s.

Well, yes when taken in the context of the medieval times then these things were common, even before the advent of Islam. Thus its more of a mentality issue rather than a religious one. Corrupt people have used secular ideologies to murder, plunder, and coerce others into following their worldview.

I have atheist friends. I won't say they are not following true Atheism because "pure unadulterated" Atheism is what Mao, or Stalin, and Pol Pot followed. There's plenty of examples of famous Atheists who were peaceful men who preceded Communist dictators. So its unfair when people cherry pick specific examples of tyrants and thus label an entire worldview as tyrannical.
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Ha ha. I wouldn't mind settling for a positive rating though.:) :angel:
You got it dude

Well, yes when taken in the context of the medieval times then these things were common, even before the advent of Islam. Thus its more of a mentality issue rather than a religious one. Corrupt people have used secular ideologies to murder, plunder, and coerce others into following their worldview.

I have atheist friends. I won't say they are not following true Atheism because "pure unadulterated" Atheism is what Mao, or Stalin, and Pol Pot followed. There's plenty of examples of famous Atheists who were peaceful men who preceded Communist dictators. So its unfair when people cherry pick specific examples of tyrants and thus label an entire worldview as tyrannical.

Please do not mix you as individual Muslim and militant Islam (or Islamism).

We cannot brush things under the rug just because others did it.

peace to you.
Ha ha. I wouldn't mind settling for a positive rating though.:) :angel:

Everything can be bought. My surname is "Pakistani" which means corruption runs in my blood. You got your positive rating. Now pay up - US dollars will do fine .....

Ps. Just realized your request has been answered with postive from Fauji - Maybe you set off a jihad to award 'positives' to Desert Fox?
You got it dude

Please do not mix you as individual Muslim and militant Islam (or Islamism).

We cannot brush things under the rug just because others did it.

peace to you.
You're right. I agree. Doing so would not cure the problem but rather leave it to raise its head again couple of years down the road.

Everything can be bought. My surname is "Pakistani" which means corruption runs in my blood. You got your positive rating. Now pay up - US dollars will do fine .....
Lol, how about a better offer. I give you positive ratings for your every post once i become a think tank, even if i disagree with some of your posts. You and @FaujHistorian will get a positive rating from me. See, im also Pakistani lol.
What's wrong with you today???
Why are you adamant at proving that my article shows PBUH as a fortune teller???

IMO, PBUH had stated something very obvious, like say ISIS's use of black flags, black has always been associated with negative things; beliefs have not changed much in last 1000yrs.

Lol do you think only you and the writer know of this magical hadith? Millions of Muslims have read the same hadith as you and modern terrorist groups have fashioned themselves to look just like this prophecised army.

Al Qaeda

Caucasian Emirate

Boko Harem


Al Shabab

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Lol, how about a better offer. I give you positive ratings for your every post once i become a think tank, even if i disagree with some of your posts. You and @FaujHistorian will get a positive rating from me. See, im also Pakistani lol.

You got a deal. Reminds me of the apple vendor, the orange vendor and the banana vendor. The three sat all day on the pavement and did not make single sale. So one of them came up with a bright idea. Apple guy bought orange. Orange guy bought apple. Banana guy bought orange and so forth until they had tallied 100 sales and having had successful day all three went off satisfied.

We can do similar voodoo economics here ...
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