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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

May be equal warning about Talibans, Al-Qaeeda and ISIS ? What about corruption ? Pakistanis supported Talibans. Many supported Al Qaeeda and now some support Daesh.
You can because you stated that ISIS follows "pure unadulterated" Islam. How do you know what "pure unadulterated" Islam is? Have you experienced it to make such a judgement?

Can i say Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and North Korean leaders, together who murdered more than 100 million people in the 20th century alone, follow "pure unadulterated" Atheism?? Does that make sense to you?

That has nothing to do with Islam. ISIS is the child of the secular West. They have only gained notoriety due to Western media giving them publicity.

How is it that within the past 1400 years not a single Caliph, Sultan, or Amir destroyed the Churches or the Shia Mosques or beheaded thousands of Yazidis?? But yet this ISIS comes along and does exactly that and thus you conclude they are following "pure unadulterated" Islam?? Are you suggesting that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wasn't following Islam correctly??

Are you saying that up until the advent of ISIS Muslims weren't following Islam?? To me that is exactly how you sound: ignorant.
Comprehension failure. I will explain in simpler terms. Please grant me some time.
Bhai Jaan,

The same knowledge of Allah has been given to ALL of us. today in 2015, Allah's knowledge means we can fly or even go to space. Conquer other planets. Dive to the depths of seas, Cure disease that used to kill so many back in Prophet pbuh's time.

So Allah is not hiding its knowledge with one person even if that person happens to be a one of the prophets.

Hope you appreciate real knowledge and shun the rumors and heresy.

Never said that we are not given knowledge :) ( are you reading Dan Brown? :P )
In fact, in Quran we are asked time and time again to look at the universe and see if it do not gives us any message or any idea of who created it, it asks us again and again to gain and strive for knowledge and those who struggle do get there goals. My point was simply that the prophet, who is meant to teach guide the general people was bestowed with know;edge of things that he told us/earned or guided us about. As in my post i stated that the ISIS is not essentially an example of that but we cannot deny that we are not given clear cut indication of many things that are to come. Comparing it will fortune tellers or stating that we should not talk about it because it makes the prophet look like a fortune teller is a bit too aggressive approach and extreme. Perhaps we can find a path a solution in between, whenever we try. :)
..... we cannot deny that we are not given clear cut indication of many things that are to come. Comparing it will fortune tellers or stating that we should not talk about it because it makes the prophet look like a fortune teller is a bit too aggressive approach and extreme. ...)

Meray piayray Bhai jaan

I like most of your post. I just don't want to keep the door open from where fortune tellers can come in by attributing stuff to Prophet pbuh.

Hope you understand.

If someone wants to predict future, they should open the books by Nostradamus and not Sunnat.
Ok, what hadith is authentic? The one's that are violent? Or the one's that are not?

Hadiths are important. It is not possible to know how to technically pray simply out of reading The Koran.

Imagine a building. Think of The Koran as the foundation and steel structure of a building. While Hadiths form the rest of the building such as wiring, water systems, painting, etc.

Both of them complement one another in order for a Muslim to practice Islam. In theory, any Hadith must not contradict The Koran.

It is not just theory, it is a practice.

People here in thread are dramatizing issue of ISIS,

Hadith/Fiqah/Nahjul-Balagha are the sources which are the key of derailment and tearing apart Islam. Indeed there is no predictions about pre-Day of Judgment events backed by Quran-Pak.

ISIS-Taliban-Al Qaida-Boko Haram they are all nothing but animals trained by Animals in US-UK-EU-GCC just for political purposes. There is no Religion involved. Every thing is based over Business, dominance & Power.

I think a little is thinking or thinking but ignoring the fact that; Why ISIS's bloody Khilafat didn't cross Golan Heights toward Israel to help Palestine or Turkey who is feeding these animals on behalf of their masters or Qatar, UAE OR Saudi Arabia?

That should be clear to all that Qaran-e-Pak delivered very clear order that 'Killing is worst but anarchy (Fitna) worst than Killing.

Unfortunately so called 'Khadime Harameein Sharifeein' Saud Family joined hand with Royal family of England only to save their throne at cost of throats of all Muslims. And people are confused and looking for Ideological explanation against ISIS.!

Bangladesh isn't included in their map. Yet they included Sri Lanka. Odd. Most odd...
Let us put things this way, in a more general sense: ISIS is not the first group to use religion as the basis to grab power, and it surely won't be the last.

and of course wont be last one to be Armed and fund by United State of A......... :whistle:
It is Hilarious to see @FaujHistorian that you are trying hard to say that dont compare Prophet Muhammad Pbuh with a fortuneteller ? tell me something , he was a Nabi , he was given a Duty to deliver the Message , but than why he was called a Great General who Moves not just the Armies but the entire Empire ? why he was called a Good Business Men ? which attracted a successful Businesswomen who later propose to marry him ? A Prophet does not mean he is there to deliver the message and leave , no every other Prophet Moses or Jesus Pbuh on both have tell their people what is coming and what will be coming after thousands of years after , he does not say because he want a new title " Fortune teller " to be add in his attributes ? Those Hadith which gives or put a light on things which will come or may come is just a glitch of the knowledge Allah has granted him which makes him different from you and me ...

go and read the Hadith but read them as his Warning to people not as that he was trying to be smart as a fortune teller , even Quran does consist of Verse that tell use the Fortunes what will come and what can come , so will you compare the Quran with the books of some " Do taake ke Najomi " ? No

he was sent not just to tell goodies to his people , he give the message to peace , so he has show the way to war , he show people how run a empire , so he show the way how to defend it , he show us how to be a good men ,as well as how we can be better ... from business to daily life you will find guidance in his life , here let me ask you some thing ..

can you say that ISIS exist because Prophet Prophecized ? or Prophet Prophecy that is why ISIS Existed ?

following the answer from you and hoping for something not stupid :)

there are many people we have experience who claim to be prophet, and their fortunes are exactly as you use as example , Sun rise from east, water is wet , etc ...
there is a reason they were called false prophet no ? :D

now coming to this Topic ... ISIS is not just the product of some mismanagement and some @Slav Defence claim , no buddy , ISIS is much more than that ... we know the fraction of what is in the reality .. now think for a second , there are millions of ISIS supporters , along with boko haram , taliban and AQ , can we expect none of them have a 0.5 gram of brain to wait and stop for a second to think what and why are we doing it ?
yes they do ...
Humans are complicated ... ISIS Taliban and likes of him are mostly consisted of the people who feel themselves as useless in a Society , living a life that has no reason , they were no good Muslims before they become commanders , but they were some Stubborn people who like the power and the order to control people ..
some are those who want to be reknown as someone in the history , teens from west who are joining ISIS are stupid and those who think like is like call of Duty mission , you die you press the restart button and boom the mission is restarted .. fancy weapons , special attention on FB and Twitter , manly Photos with head and weapons , there is the phase all teens come by .. and there the Propaganda of ISIS and their Internet warriors sets ...

as I am student of Marketing , it may sound a bit stupid to some but trust me , Marketing is one of the biggest factor in the ISIS and AQ success , they were on TV all over the world 24/7, presented like villains of come comic book , posing and posting picture , getting unwanted attention from all over the world , our Teacher told us that , if you have the talent to do Good Marketing for anything , you can even sell Garbage at the price of Diamonds ...

@Arsalan @Akheilos
your comments ..
Comprehension failure. I will explain in simpler terms. Please grant me some time.
So again what is "pure unadulterated" Islam?? Did you experience it to make such a ignorant comment that ISIS follows "pure unadulterated" Islam??

You don't really have an argument other than ignorance.
as I am student of Marketing , it may sound a bit stupid to some but trust me , Marketing is one of the biggest factor in the ISIS and AQ success , they were on TV all over the world 24/7, presented like villains of come comic book , posing and posting picture , getting unwanted attention from all over the world , our Teacher told us that , if you have the talent to do Good Marketing for anything , you can even sell Garbage at the price of Diamonds ...

Oh yeah....marketing, accounting, finance and absolute state of the art internal control and compliance. To think that a bunch of mullahs can pull that one off is just comical.

Whoever is behind them knows exactly what they are doing. Highly educated too!
Oh yeah....marketing, accounting, finance and absolute state of the art internal control and compliance. To think that a bunch of mullahs can pull that one off is just comical.

Whoever is behind them knows exactly what they are doing. Highly educated too!

Exactly ... ISIS , AQ are just like sheep's , who just say " meeeeehhh " when their masters commands them too , they are walking right behind their master ... dont have brain of their own , a man who can apply the Education in destructively , can be much more dangerous than some bunch of hordes with Ak's
ISIS is doing exactly what the early Islamic history teachess us so these are just ridiculous statements.
Invasion, conquest, loot, plunder, rape and slave auctions are taught with pride as part of Islamic history...

If media did not give them coverage they would die their own death. The media coverage is an accomplice in terrorism because not only it brings them more followers and free publicity but also makes it difficult to conduct stealth operations against them...
ISIS is doing exactly what the early Islamic history teachess us so these are just ridiculous statements. Invasion, conquest, loot, plunder, rape and slave auctions are taught with pride as part of Islamic history...

You forgot to mention that the Talibans and the Al-Qaeda also followed same tactics to defame Islam.
Exactly ... ISIS , AQ are just like sheep's , who just say " meeeeehhh " when their masters commands them too , they are walking right behind their master ... dont have brain of their own , a man who can apply the Education in destructively , can be much more dangerous than some bunch of hordes with Ak's

AQ's glory days were during the height of the Cold War (i.e. the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan). We all know that story.

ISIS has its origins in AQ. But instead of focusing on the West, the former focused on minorities (including Shia Muslims). Something that Bin-Laden was interestingly critical of in his memoirs.

I honestly don't think that the West wanted any of that. ISIS threatens them too. It is very much possible that one or more of their intelligence agencies screwed up big time during the course of the Iraq war. They just kind of came out of nowhere.

Whoever is behind ISIS are very powerful and very dangerous people. They live, breath, sleep and eat war. They just love war.

I do not think that the USA have the manpower to deal with them on the ground, and tracking down their backers. I'd say it'd take the combined might of at least half a dozen strong countries to root them out completely. But we are not seeing that now.
AQ's glory days were during the height of the Cold War (i.e. the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan). We all know that story.

ISIS has its origins in AQ. But instead of focusing on the West, the former focused on minorities (including Shia Muslims). Something that Bin-Laden was interestingly critical of in his memoirs.

I honestly don't think that the West wanted any of that. ISIS threatens them too. It is very much possible that one or more of their intelligence agencies screwed up big time during the course of the Iraq war. They just kind of came out of nowhere.

Whoever is behind ISIS are very powerful and very dangerous people. They live, breath, sleep and eat war. They just love war.

I do not think that the USA have the manpower to deal with them on the ground, and tracking down their backers. I'd say it'd take the combined might of at least half a dozen strong countries to root them out completely. But we are not seeing that now.

Its a bit strange to me that , all of sudden ISIS gets this hype, and later they are not in news , later again they rise.. .
ISIS and its controllers did one master move, that they give something that Jihadi all over the world want since the time of AQ .. a Caliphate , even when ISIS were fighting on multiple front they declare Caliphate, it was a risky move to me , it may have attract a lot of Countries and unite against them to launch a ground offense , and on the other hand , it might attract a lot of Jihadist and Caliphate lovers from all over the world , what happen is we all know ...

ISIS and its controllers are Masters , they are planning everything very calculatedly and wisely , i cant swallow this that some Bhagdadi can run a Huge Organization with so efficiently
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