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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

Let's all pray Allah so he takes away his support for his creation ISIS. Too much blood has been spilled.
That is not a problem. If they wish to believe that the Prophet PBUH was infallible, we must respect that belief, and in turn expect our beliefs to be equally respected by them. That is the correct thing to do here.
Belief in something is not a problem at all. The real problem is that they take their beliefs literally. If you believe this earth is flat, its fine with me, but please don't take it literally!
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Belief in something is not a problem at all. The real problem is that they take their beliefs literally. If you believe this earth is flat, its fine with me, but please don't take it literally! :D :D :D

But what is it to you what I believe? If I want to believe the Earth is flat, does it matter to the Earth, or you? Why do you want to take it upon yourself to try and change my beliefs, or ridicule them, that do not affect you at all? That is the point, not what someone's beliefs are!
But what is it to you what I believe? If I want to believe the Earth is flat, does it matter to the Earth, or you? Why do you want to take it upon yourself to try and change my beliefs, or ridicule them, that do not affect you at all? That is the point, not what someone's beliefs are!

If you believe you have some god-given right to marry 13 year olds, then of course I will fight these nonsensical beliefs of yours before you actually try carrying them out in practice!
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Or may be Prophet realised that his teachings could be misinterpreted by ppl.

I hope members discuss ISIS and not religion on this thread, I wanted to avoid trolls and ergo I posted this thread in senior's cafe.
Yeah, like Prophet (SAWW) knew that they will fine phron body in 18th Century. Like Prophet (SAWW) knew that only after 1400 years later people will realize they can use blast to go in space. Like Prophet (SAWW) knew people will come out of car in front of mosques, like Prophet (saww) knew after 1400 years all Chritisitians will call each other to beat & eat up Muslims resource and Muslims of that time even being in large number willl not be able to do anything, Like Prophet (SAWW) knew every home will be watching dance , singing women and men, even it's been prohibited, Like Prophet (SAWW) knew they will be a box where people can communicate their voice miles miles away, & so o on...

Only Stupid will believe it was from Him (SAWW) or his Predictions not from Allah.
If you believe you have some god-given right to marry 13 year olds, then of course I will fight these nonsensical beliefs of yours before you actually try carrying them out in practice! :D :D :D

As long as it is not your sister or my daughter, and their soceity allows it, then what is the problem?

Only Stupid will believe it was from Him (SAWW) or his Predictions not from Allah.

Please do NOT ridicule anyone's beliefs. Never ever.
More a lure of life they THINK to be unadulterated Islam, which off course is not the case.
What is new about ISIS, the thing we have not seen in Talibians or AQ is that they are getting support from all over the world, people of all different nationalities different cultural back grounds, i am not so sure what is making such a huge number of people all from different backgrounds believe in same on lie? as of now, i wont say it is the TRUTH maybe, i don't think so but then again, what is it to believe is a lie if it is a lie..
my young cousin in UK says that boys and girls from UK leaving to join ISIS are doing so is that ISIS has established itself to be the Best BAD guys
and its cool to be bad boys,. getting away with everything killing, rapping, driving SUVs firing cool weapons and making bone chilling videos. many that have left for Syria and Iraq were hardly practising Muslims. thats the thing to note. yes they have genocidal sectarian and religious views but thats pretty much their statement of Islam.
the smart among them get the privileges and celebrity status and the dumb ones are wasted on suicide runs or front role fighting Syrian and iraqi forces
As long as it is not your sister or my daughter, and their soceity allows it, then what is the problem?
Being selfish are we? Its everybody's problem. We have tons of scientific material that concludes that underage sexual activity is destructive for future adult life. Muslims have generally big problems when some Western country legalizes gay-marriage between full grown responsible adults. But they have no problems when a fully grown up old man is allowed to marry girl as young as 9 or even less!!!
Being selfish are we? Its everybody's problem. We have tons of scientific material that concludes that underage sexual activity is destructive for future adult life. Muslims have generally big problems when some Western country legalizes gay-marriage between full grown responsible adults. But they have no problems when a fully grown up old man is allowed to marry girl as young as 9 or even less!!!

Now you are going into the legal domain and how to best determine what laws must be promulgated for everyone to live in that society as equals. That is a totally different issue. For example, marriage between first cousins in widely practiced in many countries, but is legally classified as incest in many others. It depends on which society one is a part of.
For example, marriage between first cousins in widely practiced in many countries, but is legally classified as incest in many others. It depends on which society one is a part of.
It is also an established fact that marriage between first cousins destroys the healthy gene pool of the offspring. Yet, the practice is not completely banned in the West.
It is also an established fact that marriage between first cousins destroys the healthy gene pool of the offspring. Yet, the practice is not completely banned in the West.

Again, it is up to each society to decide what rules to govern itself by.
Please do NOT ridicule anyone's beliefs. Never ever.

You mean, like he believe what ever non-sense about Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is accepted? . It's stupidity rather then belief.

If don't know you and make up something in my mind with out doing research then obviously i am stupid, nothing more nothing less.
You mean, like he believe what ever non-sense about Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is accepted? . It's stupidity rather then belief.

If don't know you and make up something in my mind with out doing research then obviously i am stupid, nothing more nothing less.


The point is that a belief can never be stupid or wise, or right, or wrong, because there is no way to judge them.
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