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DHKP-C Sending Weapons Into Turkey From Greece


May 14, 2013
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LINK to Reuters Article

(Reuters) - Two members of a Turkish militant group have been arrested in Greek waters with a boatload of weapons heading for Turkey, Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler said in Ankara on Wednesday.

One of them, Hasan Biber, is a member of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) suspected of carrying out an attack on the headquarters of the ruling AK Party earlier this year, Guler told reporters.

The United States and Turkey list the DHKP-C as a terrorist organization. It has carried out a series of deadly attacks on police stations since late last year.

Greek coastguards confirmed they had intercepted a rubber boat containing heavy guns and explosives in the waters near Turkey, off the Greek island of Chios, on Tuesday.

Three Greek and three foreign nationals have been arrested in connection with the incident and face charges of building, procuring and carrying explosives, bombs and war material, police said in a statement.

The six will appear before a Chios prosecutor later on Wednesday and have denied all the charges, a Greek police official said on condition of anonymity.

Greece's anti-terrorism squad is carrying out further investigations, interrogating witnesses and confiscating cell phones, computers and manuscripts across the country.

Greeks arming groups in Turkey?? (EDIT: like atatwolf pointed out, I don't mean the Greek government) Hmm... Seems like a good excuse to bomb Greece!
If you read carifully Greek police was after DHKP and they got caught in Greek waters by Greek coast guard

Oh no, I'm not saying the Greek government is getting them weapons. It could be Greek Commies or Greek Nationalists is what I'm saying. I'm glad you said that, to clarify though.
Oh no, I'm not saying the Greek government is getting them weapons. It could be Greek Commies or Greek Nationalists is what I'm saying. I'm glad you said that, to clarify though.

But you say "it is a good excuse to bomb Greece"..

Do you think it is a good excuse to bomb Greece because of some Commies and Greek ultra-nationalist?

Greece is at the moment already in ruins. No job. No food. No future. What do you want to destroy? Greek police is already taking care of it.
But you say "it is a good excuse to bomb Greece"..

Do you think it is a good excuse to bomb Greece because of some Commies and Greek ultra-nationalist?

Greece is at the moment already in ruins. No job. No food. No future. What do you want to destroy? Greek police is already taking care of it.

Haha I was joking man relax.
But you say "it is a good excuse to bomb Greece"..

Do you think it is a good excuse to bomb Greece because of some Commies and Greek ultra-nationalist?

Greece is at the moment already in ruins. No job. No food. No future. What do you want to destroy? Greek police is already taking care of it.
Greece decided to close terrorist camps which trains dhkpc and pkk militants, they put the flag on the balcony of the building, just in 2 years twice they blowed themselves up while preparing bombs so yes greece does it on government level, not just 2 commies and stuff...
Now they are about to close camps but they reject to send the terorists who are also in the list of interpol, maybe because of the bombing of US Consulate in Ankara or Turkey's pressure they started to cooperate a bit, I suspect Turkey shows its teeth to Greece about the immigrant and their mosques issues plus economic reasons
If you read carifully Greek police was after DHKP and they got caught in Greek waters by Greek coast guard
Just a show,how many others still there of which we know nothing of?
The Greek government cannot be trusted(there are good Greeks but on governmental level,no ty).
Haha I was joking man relax.

Haha, you are right.

Just a show,how many others still there of which we know nothing of?
The Greek government cannot be trusted(there are good Greeks but on governmental level,no ty).
You are right. Greeks are only friendly now because they are weak. When Greece is strong they will always try to blockade Turkey's progress. They did that on Cyprus, they did that in EU entrance of Turkey, and many other times.

Greece decided to close terrorist camps which trains dhkpc and pkk militants, they put the flag on the balcony of the building, just in 2 years twice they blowed themselves up while preparing bombs so yes greece does it on government level, not just 2 commies and stuff...
Now they are about to close camps but they reject to send the terorists who are also in the list of interpol, maybe because of the bombing of US Consulate in Ankara or Turkey's pressure they started to cooperate a bit, I suspect Turkey shows its teeth to Greece about the immigrant and their mosques issues plus economic reasons
It is only good that Greece is in economic crises. They are dependent on US and EU. If Greece had more capabilities they would do more harm to Turkey.
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