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Dharm Jagran Samiti leader vows to create Hindu rashtra by 2021

You like to read fabricated version of events.

Back to the topic. AK47-wielding Christian terrorists in Meghalaya,Mizoram,Manipur,Nagaland and tripura forcibly converting Hindus is ok. Them banning their festivals is ok too.

But you people find faults with tolerant Indian Muslims.
the sources I mentioned is muslim sources if you can contest it plz, secondly you mentioned Nagaland etc they were never hindus but animist tribals who were converted long ago but not from hinduism thirdly there are NO TOLERANT MUSLIMS BUT TOLERANT HINDUS WHO CONVERTED TO ISLAM IN INDIA, plz you also know that 99% muslims in India are descended from hindus.
So you dont have any problem when Christian Messiah NGOs and Muslim Wahhabi NGOs use their illegal foreign fund for exploit poor Hindus in India ? :unsure:

OMG With these direct truthful posts you just insult our Secularists in here and India.Secular Communities can Convert other people :D

No secularist has ever asked for any NGO using money illegally to convert not be prosecuted. The problem with Sanghis is that they are just like the Christian missionaries and the Wahhabis- with inducements and threats do the same for Hinduism.
No secularist has ever asked for any NGO using money illegally to convert not be prosecuted. The problem with Sanghis is that they are just like the Christian missionaries and the Wahhabis- with inducements and threats do the same for Hinduism.

Then who started this entire Conversion thing ?
Dont blame me when I say I will support RSS in this.
Because even in our fully aware state Kerala when I go to the Mahadeva temple the two evangelist angels at the main doors of the temple give me a pamphlet .I read the entire article only when I reached the home I could understand the real intentions of those angels .At a glance the article seems is a praising of Sree Mahadeva but there version of Mahadeva
was Jesus .
But if I figured it out when I was in temple .They would have been face tough time.
But I was too late.So tell me If this is not a provocation then what is it?
Dont tell me about the holy behaviour of Secularists.I knows it very well .Because our state government is a team of secular jokers.
ShaBano Case was your Congress gift .That single votebank politics caused the sudden rise of BJP.
India is still in one piece because of Hindus and their secularism.But that is not a license for secular communities to exploit the Conditions in Hindus.
Then who started this entire Conversion thing ?
Dont blame me when I say I will support RSS in this.
Because even in our fully aware state Kerala when I go to the Mahadeva temple the two evangelist angels at the main doors of the temple give me a pamphlet .I read the entire article only when I reached the home I could understand the real intentions of those angels .At a glance the article seems is a praising of Sree Mahadeva but there version of Mahadeva
was Jesus .
But if I figured it out when I was in temple .They would have been face tough time.
But I was too late.So tell me If this is not a provocation then what is it?
Dont tell me about the holy behaviour of Secularists.I knows it very well .Because our state government is a team of secular jokers.
ShaBano Case was your Congress gift .That single votebank politics caused the sudden rise of BJP.
India is still in one piece because of Hindus and their secularism.But that is not a license for secular communities to exploit the Conditions in Hindus.

You and RSS and Christian Missionaries are exactly the same. They are tryig to get more Christians by hook or crook, you are trying to do that too. We seculars are the ones who are saying both of you are jokers.
You and RSS and Christian Missionaries are exactly the same. They are tryig to get more Christians by hook or crook, you are trying to do that too. We seculars are the ones who are saying both of you are jokers.

Ha Ha Secular Ones .
We have secular jokers in our state . Idiots that is not t useful for anything .Your secular Rajiv Gandhi with their secular Mps having sympathetic absolute majority directly overruled a Supreme Court saner judgement that was in favour for poor Muslim mother her 5 childrens by amending Constitutional law.
So much for secularism.
Secularism was a meaningful word added by great mens and Gandhi for equal rights of Indians .Congress goons played Votebank politics with Secularism.
So instead of answering my valid question you are simply ignoring it,is this what your "beloved" party taught you:lol:!Come on if you consider yourself as a true "Secular" then i think you should better answer my question.

Arey it is his standard response whenever asked any question. Just search is past history and you will find it there. Just like for Rahul Gandhi everything was women's Empowerment, System RTI for @Guynextdoor2 it is shoo.

Dont believe me check this out
Search Results for Query: shoo
Let all these frustrated Ugly black skinned RSS chaddiwalas and monkey army and some smelly black sadhvi hores....try to communalise india..we Muslims never had and never will have any problem with peace loving Hindus majority of them are ).. ..we will fight till last drop of our blood inshallah ... India is our land ..we live here we die here.....RSS dreams will never be accomplish ..

RSS promotes fantasies that sustain grandiosity and omnipotence....mostly unemployed youths and communal fanatics fall pry to their propaganda ...we are against fanatics ..may be some talibani mullas or RSS chaddis....1.5billion Muslims aren't terrorist ...if that would have been the case...no one would have been alive on this planet today.....
Let all these frustrated Ugly black skinned RSS chaddiwalas and monkey army and some smelly black sadhvi hores....try to communalise india..we Muslims never had and never will have any problem with peace loving Hindus majority of them are ).. ..we will fight till last drop of our blood inshallah ... India is our land ..we live here we die here.....RSS dreams will never be accomplish ..

RSS promotes fantasies that sustain grandiosity and omnipotence....mostly unemployed youths and communal fanatics fall pry to their propaganda ...we are against fanatics ..may be some talibani mullas or RSS chaddis....1.5billion Muslims aren't terrorist ...if that would have been the case...no one would have been alive on this planet today.....
May i ask you what exactly does your "Leader" Mr.Akbaruddin Owaisi preach about the Hindus and the police of India in his rallies!!I know that majority of the Indian Muslims are peace loving and patrioticin nature but can't say the same about Mr.Owaisi and his MIM dogs:coffee:!!

You and RSS and Christian Missionaries are exactly the same. They are tryig to get more Christians by hook or crook, you are trying to do that too. We seculars are the ones who are saying both of you are jokers.
So why on earth are you guys not protesting against those Foreign/local Evangelist missionaries!!Why Congress and all other "secular" parties targeting the Dharmic organisations specifically on this issue when the missionaries are also doing the same thing!!
(P.S.-Now don't answer me by a simple "shoo" if you really are a Secularist from the core of your heart)
Our hero akbaroddin owaisi is thousand times better then rss chaddiwalas... Even Hindus in hyderabad support mim.we have 4 Hindu corporators and we gave Hindu mayor for hyderabad in past....
We aren't like Mf togadia and monkey army lol
Let all these frustrated Ugly black skinned RSS chaddiwalas and monkey army and some smelly black sadhvi hores....try to communalise india..we Muslims never had and never will have any problem with peace loving Hindus majority of them are ).. ..we will fight till last drop of our blood inshallah ... India is our land ..we live here we die here.....RSS dreams will never be accomplish ..

RSS promotes fantasies that sustain grandiosity and omnipotence....mostly unemployed youths and communal fanatics fall pry to their propaganda ...we are against fanatics ..may be some talibani mullas or RSS chaddis....1.5billion Muslims aren't terrorist ...if that would have been the case...no one would have been alive on this planet today.....
offcourse India is your country and hindus are your brothers but plz dont include that Razakar thug.
May i ask you what exactly does your "Leader" Mr.Akbaruddin Owaisi preach about the Hindus and the police of India in his rallies!!I know that majority of the Indian Muslims are peace loving and patrioticin nature but can't say the same about Mr.Owaisi and his MIM dogs:coffee:!!

So why on earth are you guys not protesting against those Foreign/local Evangelist missionaries!!Why Congress and all other "secular" parties targeting the Dharmic organisations specifically on this issue when the missionaries are also doing the same thing!!
(P.S.-Now don't answer me by a simple "shoo" if you really are a Secularist from the core of your heart)

We don't think the foreign evangelicals pose as great a threat as you guys, that's why. They've been 'preaching' for 50 years and their preaching still keeps pop at 2%. You on the other hand use this to beat people up, ransack places, burn people to death and so on. 'Dharmic organizarion' my @$$. You guys (BJP/ RSS/ Sanghi) represent the worst of Hinduism like the Taleban. The people who are truly taking the religion forward liks BKS Iyengar, or Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have got all the support they need. They are the people who need support not hoodlums of the Bajrang Dal.

(hell I didn't see the name....shooooo)
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Alhamdulillah we are more then 20
offcourse India is your country and hindus are your brothers but plz dont include that Razakar thug.
I personally hate kasim rizvi and razakars.. Whom I blame for police action in hyderabad in which Hindus killed thousands of Muslims... Bec of razakars... But plz understand MIM today is not responsible for post independent mim... Our leader asaduddin owaisi is secular.. And we too,are...we believe in constitution and votings...it's just we are against rss and fanatic BAJRANG DAL...
Ha Ha Secular Ones .
We have secular jokers in our state . Idiots that is not t useful for anything .Your secular Rajiv Gandhi with their secular Mps having sympathetic absolute majority directly overruled a Supreme Court saner judgement that was in favour for poor Muslim mother her 5 childrens by amending Constitutional law.
So much for secularism.
Secularism was a meaningful word added by great mens and Gandhi for equal rights of Indians .Congress goons played Votebank politics with Secularism.

I know very useful are the unwashed hordes of Bajrang Dalis who go around rabble rousing wherever they go. The quality of your organization is just stunning.
Even as Opposition parties are upping the ante over alleged incidents of religious reconversion, the Dharm Jagran Samiti has declared that it will ensure India becomes a Hindu Rashtra by 2021.


Speaking in Agra on Thursday, a Dharm Jagran Samiti (DJS) functionary said Muslims and Christians will have to convert to Hinduism if they want to stay in this country.

DJS has been at the forefront of the reconversion- or 'ghar wapsi'-programmes in recent times in which some Muslims have been reportedly 'reconverted' to Hinduism. However, their action drew widespread condemnation, leading to arrest of one activist.

"Our target is to make India a Hindu Rashtra by 2021. The Muslims and Christians don't have any right to stay here. So they would either be converted to Hinduism or forced to run away from here," Uttar Pradesh DJS head Rajeshwar Singh said. He was reacting to the arrest of Nand Kishore Valmiki, a DJS activist. Valmiki was arrested on Tuesday for his alleged involvement in forcefully converting over 100 Muslims to Hinduism in Agra.

Singh said although he has temporarily suspended his 'ghar wapsi' programme in Aligarh and some other districts of the state that were supposed to be held on December 25, it would be restarted soon.

The DJS leader claimed that those who have been opposing 'ghar wapsi' were fearful of Muslims. But, he would set India free from this fear, he added. "I belong to the Solanki sub-caste within the Rajput caste. The Thakurs (Rajputs) respect me. I am their leader and they follow my orders. The Muslims had converted Rajputs to Islam by force. But the Rajputs are rising again. I will ensure that India is freed of Muslims and Christians by December 31, 2021," Singh said.

In Etah, Singh reiterated his stand, saying he wouldn't let Muslims and Christians to convert the Hindus. "We will not let them hunt the Hindus," he said. "The enemies have tried many a time in the past to finish Hinduism. But every time, Ram, Krishna and Chanakya came forward to finish them and restore the glory of Hinduism. I am also doing the same."

Explaining the DJS' plans, Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) secretary general Champat Rai told MAIL TODAY, "We are of the view that there are a handful of Muslims in India. Others within the Muslim community are actually Hindus. Their ancestors were converted to Islam forcefully. Even writer Taslima Nasrin has said that her ancestors were Hindus. The Batts, who are Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir, are actually Bhatts, the Hindus."

Rai claimed 'ghar wapsi' has been an ongoing VHP campaign for the last 60 years. A resolution in this regard was passed during the 1966 Maha Kumbh in Allahabad, he said.

"We have re-inducted over six lakh people into Hinduism since 1966. Mahatma Gandhi, Savarkar and Swami Dayanand Saraswati had expressed their concern over religious conversion. They believed it was poisoning the society. Bringing them back to their original religion means correcting the wrong. It is the appropriate time now to take it up on a bigger scale," he added.

A Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader told MAIL TODAY that they have formed committees in every district of the state for this purpose. "We have included some Arya Samaj priests in the team because they issue a certificate to a converted person. This is a major document to prove that the converted person agrees to it," he said.


When asked about the posture of the Modi government on this issue, he said, "We never ask Modi or any other BJP leader before chalking out our strategy. We only expect them to speak for or against us to clarify their stand. But Modi is the prime minister. So his silence means his approval. It is the right time for us to fulfil our agenda."

UP minister Azam Khan said, "RSS is behaving like the Taliban. They don't want the Constitution of India. They have their own agenda of finishing humanism."

Meanwhile, reacting sharply to DJS statement, Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh said, "DJS is a wing of RSS, which had supported Modi and the BJP during the Lok Sabha elections. They are now drifting away from the agenda of the NDA." He dared the Modi government to either accept the activities of DJS or "show some guts" and disband it.

Read more at: Dharm Jagran Samiti leader vows to create Hindu rashtra by 2021 : India, News - India Today

Every country has its share of idiots, but what is important is how the majority reacts. If they support such people it becomes Pakistan or Bangladesh where minority vanished. I am very proud to say that majority of Indians do not support these people.
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