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DG ISPR To Be Permanent Member Of PTV Board Of Directors

askari TV
BS army should do the job which its meant to be and keep there nose out of civilian institutes
Total or Partial control, It was not going to affect you. But your curiousity made me realize your obsession. Anyway use burnol if burning starts again.

It is,
We like to see democracy work in pakistan.
Any way apply dry ice on your burnt .. Azz
This is like the "Reis Erdo'an" moment for the Pak media!!!!!

I sometimes visited the internet sites of Dawn, Tribune etc. Even a dumb, deaf and blind can tell that they are basically mouthpieces of RAW/CIA etc.!!!! And, the comment sections were filled with the filth from the Indian scums!!! I tried to put some comments, but of no avail!!! Insha'Allah their days of "free lunch" along with a "free ride" are getting over!!!!
This is like the "Reis Erdo'an" moment for the Pak media!!!!!
This is not army from Bangladesh or from Brazil. It is Pakistan Army. The existence of Pakistan is largely thanks to Pakistan Army. Therefore having institutional input by the army is no harm. Many countries have had this. Prussia the state that gave rise to Germany and in modern Times the Kemalist Turkish Republic was largely a product of Turkish military. Funny this was supported implicitly and explicitly by the west. Yet the populist elected democrat Erdogan is reviled.
As for Turkey, now that the political and military leadership are on the same page it is giving rise to wonders....
Army now openly controls the media as opposed to the past when they did it surreptitiously.
STFU...your RAW controls not the TV channels but even the copy-cat film industry and even then, it has WION.

And the share that PTV makes in Pakistani media is less then 5%. However when did you people start caring about us. Irrespective of anything our media still has better reputition then your clowns., these morons are running your country
That explains why most of them stink worse than urine itself.
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