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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

They call hafter a secularist while at the same time he calls for a Jihad.

Not mention he his backed by salafist-madkahli fighters. Saudi dude declares a jihad many of these salafists join Hafter.

Lets all remember this is all politics and interests. Religion is just secondary to all of this.

Us Turks have always been the leaders of the Islamic World and the Arabs just cant hack it ever since they lost their position.

Pkk and hafter animals bark and bark because they are backed by the higher ups. When Turkiye kicks their asses they cry like the bitches they are.
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Turkish ships are howering in those water for months. ANd Isik is trusted source, I do not remeber one instance where he posted false infos.

Its almost like the same foreign backers that are in bed with YPG and help shape their propaganda narrative are backing and helping Haftar in this regard too. UAE/France etc...

Haftar the progerssive leader, give me a fucking break. No one cant post na fb post opposing the Tripoli war from Benghazi or crititzing Haftar and not have been dissapired in metter of hours. Even fucking MPs... are kidnaped and murdered by its forces for just gaving a mild criticizm to loval TV station.

‘I don’t believe my sister is alive’: Fears mount for kidnapped Libyan MP Seham Sergiwa


It's hilarious how all these Islamist countries are using secularism as propaganda against Turkey when Turkey is the only truly secular country in the middle east. I wonder what would happen if instead of ignoring their propaganda we actually reminded them that we are secular.

Next time we capture a major city we should hang a huge portrait of Ataturk there - the only man who successfully defeated Imperialism. It would be a big message to the sons of Lawrence of Arabia (leaders of Arab nations).
It's hilarious how all these Islamist countries are using secularism as propaganda against Turkey when Turkey is the only truly secular country in the middle east. I wonder what would happen if instead of ignoring their propaganda we actually reminded them that we are secular.

Next time we capture a major city we should hang a huge portrait of Ataturk there - the only man who successfully defeated Imperialism. It would be a big message to the sons of Lawrence of Arabia (leaders of Arab nations).

I would prefer Ataturks picture in Libya being hanged just to remind people. After 100 years we are back to where we started.
It's hilarious how all these Islamist countries are using secularism as propaganda against Turkey when Turkey is the only truly secular country in the middle east. I wonder what would happen if instead of ignoring their propaganda we actually reminded them that we are secular.

Next time we capture a major city we should hang a huge portrait of Ataturk there - the only man who successfully defeated Imperialism. It would be a big message to the sons of Lawrence of Arabia (leaders of Arab nations).

they are not islamist. They indeed use islamic cover in terms of law and shit, to give the faulse pretense and to dissarm islamist parties of their criticism towards them. Theys fear islamist parties, which essentally are muslim consevative party equavalence to eruropen ones. What was the name of Merkels Party? Islamist and jihadis are not one of the same, idelogicly, they are enemies. Why do they feared them, Muslim Bortherhoods, Nahda and the rest, is cause they are anti.monarchies, want election which they usually winn as we seen in Egypt, Tunisia, Lybia and Algeria in the 90s... they are a political and existencial threat to their monarcy type of authotirisian. Also, all of those parties ari heavily anti-colonial. So here comes the French and the rest. .... Arab Spring had them shittting their pants. All of these counterrevolutins spreaheaded by some gulf countris with the help of foreign backers is response to that.

Shahid Hamid wrote really groundbreaking book that touches on this and many other topics. Its called 'Islamic exceptionalism', I would reccomed anyone interested in this and other linked themes to read it.
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Vehicle seized from Hafter's mercenaries; there are many Kornet missiles in the vehicle.

Our TCG GAZİANTEP frigate, which has been supporting NATO's Marine Guard Operation in the Central Mediterranean, handed over 30 irregular migrants to the Libyan Coast Guard Command after assistance and medical support.

Turkish frigates have been actively performing various missions in the region for about 2 weeks.
French intelligence source confirmed to Le Monde that 1,500 to 2,000 fighters had been brought to Libya from Syria by Turkey, in relative confusion since some of them had already deserted to join Italy

everybody knows that thousands of fighters from Chad ,Niger and Sudan had been brought to Libya by France,the Uae,Egypt.S.Arabia,Israel backed CIA lapdog HAFTAR to make military coup against the UN recognized legal Libyan Government
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