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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

doesn't this make Majority of Turks enemy of Turkey .... :partay:

Unfortunately it's a big yes. Most of 'em think they do good deeds for their own country but they give the biggest damage on their own country by supporting same fcked up party and it's leader.
I always say that the numbers never lie. So check out the numbers of Turkey, after 18 years of governing by these same idiots our economy, inflation, unemployment, dept of people and state, trade deficits etc. are in the worst conditions of 97 years old Republic of Turkey.
This is the achievement of majority of Turks. Even Anatolia has never seen this type of pillage, plunder and theft under Mongol occupation. Akp government, tayyip and his family made Mongols turned over in their graves.
This is the reason why every single akpean is an enemy of the state.
Unfortunately it's a big yes. Most of 'em think they do good deeds for their own country but they give the biggest damage on their own country by supporting same fcked up party and it's leader.
I always say that the numbers never lie. So check out the numbers of Turkey, after 18 years of governing by these same idiots our economy, inflation, unemployment, dept of people and state, trade deficits etc. are in the worst conditions of 97 years old Republic of Turkey.
This is the achievement of majority of Turks. Even Anatolia has never seen this type of pillage, plunder and theft under Mongol occupation. Akp government, tayyip and his family made Mongols turned over in their graves.
This is the reason why every single akpean is an enemy of the state.

Relax there bud compared to the Mongol times we have it easy in this day and age.

This tweet perfectly explains it we played by the rules and got shafted easily.

Nothing else to be said about this embarassment. Erdogan and co need to have a think about the screw ups they done.
doesn't this make Majority of Turks enemy of Turkey .... :partay:

No. Votes dont mean those people know what they are voting for. They are blinded and brainwashed by the media which is controlled by AKP. You cant expect a man from a village who watches media controlled by akp to vote for someone else and his wife who has no chance but to vote for what the husband is voting for.

Media is too powerfull. Most people though iraq had wmd, why, because of US media there is so many examples.
AK Party bashing again, this time on Libya operations thread. I didn't see the opposition parties supporting this operation. So it's fair to say that this is an AK Party operation, like the last three. But you'll turn around and say that the military is in charge not the government. When troops get killed, then it is Erdogan's personal fault but anything positive that happens, it's because of the military.

We know too well who are the traitors here. No constructive input to any thread, just constant Erdogan and AK Party bashing. You are just waiting for your own Country to fail. Great Patriots!
AK Party bashing again, this time on Libya operations thread. I didn't see the opposition parties supporting this operation. So it's fair to say that this is an AK Party operation, like the last three. But you'll turn around and say that the military is in charge not the government. When troops get killed, then it is Erdogan's personal fault but anything positive that happens, it's because of the military.

We know too well who are the traitors here. No constructive input to any thread, just constant Erdogan and AK Party bashing. You are just waiting for your own Country to fail. Great Patriots!

The Turkish military used to plan operations in secret then strike suddenly with great effectiveness.

These days however, Erdoğan blabbers on about operations for months. The Turkish military should not be a tool of the civilian government.

The military are the ones that plan the operations however it was Erdogan's stupid policies that made these operations necessary in the first place. He made peace with PKK which led to 1000 martyrs. He watched as YPG grew for years. He allowed ISIS to enter Syria because America told him to. He supported the Muslim brotherhood even though Tuekey is a secular country, and now the entire middle east hates us and we are practically alone in Libya.

Because of this dumbass we are in this bad position. But AKPeans continue to support him, blaming anything negative on outside forces.
The Turkish military used to plan operations in secret then strike suddenly with great effectiveness.

These days however, Erdoğan blabbers on about operations for months. The Turkish military should not be a tool of the civilian government.

The military are the ones that plan the operations however it was Erdogan's stupid policies that made these operations necessary in the first place. He made peace with PKK which led to 1000 martyrs. He watched as YPG grew for years. He allowed ISIS to enter Syria because America told him to. He supported the Muslim brotherhood even though Tuekey is a secular country, and now the entire middle east hates us and we are practically alone in Libya.

Because of this dumbass we are in this bad position. But AKPeans continue to support him, blaming anything negative on outside forces.

Turkey kept on playing the rules while the other players kept on breaking it.

We seen how that turned out. International law my ***.
Who are you and what do you know? Things ain't as it seems from the outside
AK Party bashing again, this time on Libya operations thread. I didn't see the opposition parties supporting this operation. So it's fair to say that this is an AK Party operation, like the last three. But you'll turn around and say that the military is in charge not the government. When troops get killed, then it is Erdogan's personal fault but anything positive that happens, it's because of the military.

We know too well who are the traitors here. No constructive input to any thread, just constant Erdogan and AK Party bashing. You are just waiting for your own Country to fail. Great Patriots!
He didn't strike ypg in 2015 when they were only starting, he was doing peace with terrorists as you said. He does everything years later but by that time it's too late.
The Turkish military used to plan operations in secret then strike suddenly with great effectiveness.

These days however, Erdoğan blabbers on about operations for months. The Turkish military should not be a tool of the civilian government.

The military are the ones that plan the operations however it was Erdogan's stupid policies that made these operations necessary in the first place. He made peace with PKK which led to 1000 martyrs. He watched as YPG grew for years. He allowed ISIS to enter Syria because America told him to. He supported the Muslim brotherhood even though Tuekey is a secular country, and now the entire middle east hates us and we are practically alone in Libya.

Because of this dumbass we are in this bad position. But AKPeans continue to support him, blaming anything negative on outside forces.
He didn't strike ypg in 2015 when they were only starting, he was doing peace with terrorists as you said. He does everything years later but by that time it's too late.

Turkiye beated around the bush too long. Now its too late.

Operation Peace spring could have been a turning point instead the ceasefire was accepted in a week. What a waste. Idlib is falling and tripoli is in a unknown status. Ypg is still next to Turkiye they are back to being Russia's and Assads dog again.

A deep hole all I can say is right now it does not look good. I dont want o have this self defeating mentality but it seems we are in a deep hole.

All I can say is I hope Turkiye can overturn this.
If Turkey pulls this off, and Algeria align itself with TR in Libya it would be great news. Two day visit nevertheless. Its not secret that Algerian military establishment and political as well are not found of Haftar and UAEs outsized role in North Africa in their backyard. Just 10 day ago they held military exercies close to the Libyan border.

ALgeria has very well equipped and formidable military forces.

The Turkey and Algeria rapprochement on Libya, explained

Algiers and Ankara boosted their diplomatic ties by signalling cooperation on the Libyan crisis, while the former fears Libya’s unrest may spill over into its territory.

Diplomatic traffic between Algeria and Turkey increased recently amid the Libyan crisis that has showed a rapid escalation. Turkey began the deployment of troops to Libya, Algeria’s neighbour, in a bid to prevent the escalation of violence and support the internationally-recognised government in Tripoli.

On the first week of January, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu visited Algeria’s President Abdelmajid Tebboune to discuss bilateral relations and the Libyan crisis.

Cavusoglu says Turkey’s intention to cooperate with Algeria has a good reason: common interests on regional issues, especially on the Libyan crisis.

On the same day, Tebboune invited Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to visit Algeria -- a move that signalled possible cooperation between the countries regarding Libya.

Before the official visit that was confirmed by Erdogan, the duo met last week at a summit on Libya.

Algeria has been maintaining good relations with all sides in Libya, the UN-backed internationally-backed government and the warlord Khalifa Haftar who commands an armed militia based in eastern Libya.

The country elected Tebboune last month amid the worst political crisis in decades, and economic problems due to shrinking oil revenues. Despite attempting to keep its distance from the crisis at its borders while dealing with its domestic problems, the escalating tensions in its border pushed Algeria to be more involved in the Libyan crisis.

“The Turkish-Algerian rapprochement over the Libyan file had existed before, but the presence of the new Algerian authority increased the support for this rapprochement further," Dr Ismail Khalafallah, the Algerian writer and political analyst, told TRT World.

According to Khafallah, the encroachment is no surprise considering that warlord Haftar and the countries supporting him “always try to exclude Algeria from Libyan scene and diminish its role”.

During the week he met with the Turkish foreign minister, the Algerian president also met with Fayes al Sarraj, head of the internationally-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya.

Tebboune condemned an air strike on a military school in Libya’s capital by Haftar’s militia following the meeting with Sarraj.

"Algeria regards Tripoli as a red line and expects no one to cross it," Tebboune said.

"The attack on the military school in Tripoli, which caused the deaths of 30 students, is considered a war crime," Tebboune said as he called for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the military escalation.

Algiers also now has security concerns, as it fears that armed groups eventually could enter its territory and attack its oil and gas facilities.

Turkey and Russia organised peace talks in Moscow this month in an effort to persuade the rivals to sign a binding ceasefire and stabilise the country. But the talks failed with the warlord Haftar leaving Moscow without signing an agreement, while the UN-backed government did sign.
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Because takfiri and other armed groups literally ravaged Algeria especially in the 90s.

The Armed Islamic Group would even make Isis and al qaeda look like school children. Thats how brutal, ruthless and sadistic they were.
Because takfiri and other armed groups literally ravaged Algeria especially in the 90s.

The Armed Islamic Group would even make Isis and al qaeda look like school children. Thats how brutal, ruthless and sadistic they were.

I think its important to note that the gruop was heavily inflitrated by A.lgerian and french inteliece. For example Paris bombings are now confirmed to be algerian inteligence operation orcastreted by their agent inside the AIG. Even hard core militants like Abu Musab al Suri and others left the org, cause of it. and heavily criticized the gruop. FIS won the election fair and sqare but then french and the old gard in coardiantion with the french lunched a cuop which of couse ended in disastrus civiliv war. Its no comcpiracy shit, its know fact declisified and confirmed years ago.
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I think its important to note that the gruop was heavily inflitrated by A.lgerian and french inteliece. For example Paris bombings are now confirmed to be algerian inmteligence operation orcastreted by their agent inside the AIG. They won the election fair and scare but then french and the old gard in coardiantion with the french klucnhed a cuop which of couse ended in disastrus civiliv war. Its no comcpiraqcy shit, its know fact declisified and confirmed years ago.

Yes I read about that too.

Thats what makes it even worse and sad because the armed islamic group would wipe out whole villages from the face of the earth.

Literally calling them psychopaths is not enough to describe them. Having the Algerian intelligence even working with them makes it even more sad.
Yes I read about that too.

Thats what makes it even worse and sad because the armed islamic group would wipe out whole villages from the face of the earth.

Literally calling them psychopaths is not enough to describe them. Having the Algerian intelligence even working with them makes it even more sad.

yes. They were essentially their creation. I mean, fucking AL Kaida members saw it as barbaric and left. Didnt want any part of GIA.

Algeria-Watch: GIA: Armed Islamist Groups Serving the Algerian Sécurité militaire?

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