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Developers bank on Pakistan sand to build Mumbai dreams

I am buying sand at Rs 3000 per brass(Approx Rs 7500 for a truckload) in Pune. In Mumbai last time I checked ( approx a month back) sand was like Rs 5000 per brass. There are 2 main reasons for shortage of river sand in Maharashtra. Firstly there was a stay imposed in dredging of river sand by state govt. The only feasible source of sand was Karnataka in the cirumstances. Wel the stay has now been lifted.
The second problem is the "Lafada" going on between sand Mafia and police. After recent random attacks on Policemen by members of the sand mafia,the police have made life hell for the trucks carrying sand. Detaining them, confisticating the sand for reasons like overloading or non payment of the mining royalty.
Headline: India enriching yellow sand at alarming rate.
Excellent thread,,,thanks for nice ideas,,,I like that....Thanks for this very helpful and innovative information in this site,,, i really appreciate. Keep it up....

Indian Govt (read pollution control boards) are imposing strict regulations for setting up of new or expanding existing Cement manufacturing units since these are known to pollute the environment. Same way, extensive dredging of sand causes ecological issues & hence Govts are imposing strict regulations. Maybe Indian govt is too selective about importing items from Pakistan.

BTW my Wife uses Multani Mitti regularly..! :lol:
sand... cement...

is india going on a construction overdrive?

removing the infrastructure bottleneck are we?
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