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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

They were asked to produce the drug, they refused to produce. Cool? Dont know the case, dont show your 'knowledge'. And this is the last reply to you crybaby :)
surya .. either they dont want to understand or they cant read english or they are smarter than their govt personnel who signed stupid wto agreement
surya .. either they dont want to understand or they cant read english or they are smarter than their govt personnel who signed stupid wto agreement

It atleast makes sense discussing with someone like gambit where there are valid points of view and civil. This chap is...quite colourful in language :)
I don't know why I should respond to somebody who cannot engage in basic civil discourse, and hurl racial epithets in leu of proper arguments. For your info, the US and UK have also issued compulsory licensing before. Anyway, your selective quoting continues, so here is the full law -

The TRIPs Agreement and Pharmaceuticals: III. TECHNICAL ISSUES: 3.3 Compulsory license

I find it amazing that you have the face to bold "anti competitive practices". And completely in line with racial epithets i marked you with. You're a self fulfilling prophecy.
they have valid point in IPR of companies but at same time ignore imp aspect called life of human being

I find it amazing that you have the face to bold "anti competitive practices". And completely in line with racial epithets i marked you with. You're a self fulfilling prophecy.

what about this
WTO | intellectual property (TRIPS) - TRIPS and public health: Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals and TRIPS
Does there have to be an emergency?

Not necessarily. This is a common misunderstanding. The TRIPS Agreement does not specifically list the reasons that might be used to justify compulsory licensing. However, the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health confirms that countries are free to determine the grounds for granting compulsory licences.

Is this the same as tearing up the pateInt?

The patent owner still has rights over the patent, including a right to be paid for the authorized copies of the products.

I find it amazing that you have the face to bold "anti competitive practices". And completely in line with racial epithets i marked you with. You're a self fulfilling prophecy.
You did not ''prophesize'' anything. Don't use words and phrases that are beyond the scope of your brain, and prove yourself to be an intellectual pygmy. Anyway, clearly there is nothing to be gained in discussing with you.

It is a fact that the doha declarations give each country the leeway to determine when to invoke the compulsory licensing law. It is also a fact that India is not the first, and will definitely not be the last to do so. It is also a fact that European and North American countries have also done this. It is also a fact that I am wasting my time explaining all this to a bigot who's only modus operandi is to resort to racism because his pea sized brain can't handle a proper discourse, so adieu.
You did not ''prophesize'' anything. Don't use words and phrases that are beyond the scope of your brain, and prove yourself to be an intellectual pygmy. Anyway, clearly there is nothing to be gained in discussing with you.

I told you of your gypsy cousins practices and you defended your own actions of the same sort in the next post. You don't even understand and you call other's "intellectual pygmy". Oh wait, you call blatant copying also as "anti competitive practices". :lol:

And yes, clearly you have nothing to gain. Not that you're capable of it anyway....

It is a fact that the doha declarations give each country the leeway to determine when to invoke the compulsory licensing law. It is also a fact that India is not the first, and will definitely not be the last to do so. It is also a fact that European and North American countries have also done this. It is also a fact that I am wasting my time explaining all this to a bigot who's only modus operandi is to resort to racism because his pea sized brain can't handle a proper discourse, so adieu.

India has been maintaining that it is not against intellectual property protection and considers issuing compulsory licences only under extreme conditions abiding strictly by global rules on intellectual property prescribed by the TRIPS Agreement, the official said.

US pharma firms lobby to protect patents in India | Business Line

Nexavar is not a life saving drug, only extends life for a few months. It treats only 2 cancers. Point being, your government doesn't honor it's word.....but then again...cousins and all that
Audio... if ha
I told you of your gypsy cousins practices and you defended your own actions of the same sort in the next post. You don't even understand and you call other's "intellectual pygmy". Oh wait, you call blatant copying also as "anti competitive practices". :lol:

And yes, clearly you have nothing to gain. Not that you're capable of it anyway....

US pharma firms lobby to protect patents in India | Business Line

Nexavar is not a life saving drug, only extends life for a few months. It treats only 2 cancers. Point being, your government doesn't honor it's word.....but then again, when do gypsies ever do......
If have any any problem .. please go out shout to your govt ...
they are fools are dum that singed agreement....
we did not force you to sign on gun point..
if they are dum is it our fault..?

any business body will defend their business.. nothing unusual about it..

-- you guys even call square dimension as IPR
remember apple case...

Its ur IPR agreed,, but you need brain how to use it too..
inveting knife need brains..
using knife need more more,
brains- to understnad , purpose use , benefits
heart - to understand its effect on human life..
I told you of your gypsy cousins practices and you defended your own actions of the same sort in the next post. You don't even understand and you call other's "intellectual pygmy". Oh wait, you call blatant copying also as "anti competitive practices". :lol:

And yes, clearly you have nothing to gain. Not that you're capable of it anyway....

US pharma firms lobby to protect patents in India | Business Line

Nexavar is not a life saving drug, only extends life for a few months. It treats only 2 cancers. Point being, your government doesn't honor it's word.....but then again...cousins and all that

I don't know why I'm doing this, but here goes. A self fulfilling prophecy means a prediction that causes itself to be true, by the act of predicting. You have no clue what it means. You merely mouthed off a phrase that you don't understand.

Now, on topic. The TRIPS agreement has been quoted to you in full, and the doha declaration pertaining to the TRIPS agreement as well. Both of them give each nation the leeway to issue compulsory licenses according to domestic law. Most countries, including canada and USA and Germany have done this.

Obviously a life saving drug only extends life - there is no drug that grants immortality. As for the statement ''it only treats two cancers'' - well, that just betrays such astonishing ignorance of so many things that I dont even know wher to begin. Any cancer drug is very specific, there is no multirole cancer drug that cures any cancer. Cancer is not like an infection, it is a change that happens at molecular level to cellular reproduction. By its very nature, an anti cancer drug usually treats only the cancer it was designed to combat.

While it may give you an ego boost to sit there and laugh at other races, it might be a better use of your time to read and learn a few things so that you don't appear so clueless in future. Now go on, call me pygmy or nigger or whatever you want. Doesn't alter the fact that the courts have done only what is legal, and has been done in many other countries before. If you dont like it, feel free to continue hurling racial abuses uselessly and proving what an ignorant loser you are.
PLOS Medicine: Trends in Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceuticals Since the Doha Declaration: A Database Analysis

Using Compulsory Licenses to Develop the Indian Drug Market   - Blog - Osage University Partners
Brazil proved to be a great proving ground for how a country could use the threat of compulsory licensing to enhance access to drugs. In 2002, over 730,00 Brazilians were living with HIV/AIDS and the government was struggling to pay for the HIV/AIDS drug cocktails. The Brazilian government used the threat of compulsory licensing to negotiate lower drug prices. The common retrovirals – Efavirenz, Lopinavir / Ritonavir, and Nelfinavir – had price drops of 73%, 56%, and 74% respectively. While Brazil successfully employeed compulsory licensing to negotiate lower drug prices, few other countries have been able to replicate such success.
I don't know why I'm doing this, but here goes. A self fulfilling prophecy means a prediction that causes itself to be true, by the act of predicting. You have no clue what it means. You merely mouthed off a phrase that you don't understand.

Let's see. I say you are gypsy, you deny this, call me a racial abuser, in the next post you defend the exact same practices gypsies are known for. That's not even considering the fact gypsies originate from India. What is so hard in accepting your heritage?

Obviously a life saving drug only extends life - there is no drug that grants immortality. As for the statement ''it only treats two cancers'' - well, that just betrays such astonishing ignorance of so many things that I dont even know wher to begin. Any cancer drug is very specific, there is no multirole cancer drug that cures any cancer. Cancer is not like an infection, it is a change that happens at molecular level to cellular reproduction. By its very nature, an anti cancer drug usually treats only the cancer it was designed to combat.

Alkylating agents, MEK protein inhibitors, nivolumab in testing now? I'm such an ignorant. :rolleyes:

While it may give you an ego boost to sit there and laugh at other races, it might be a better use of your time to read and learn a few things so that you don't appear so clueless in future. Now go on, call me pygmy or nigger or whatever you want. Doesn't alter the fact that the courts have done only what is legal, and has been done in many other countries before. If you dont like it, feel free to continue hurling racial abuses uselessly and proving what an ignorant loser you are.

bla bla bla, Indian government is using the excuse of providing for the poor while in reality it's theft. TRIPS and Doha agreement are not relevant anymore here since GoI itself states it uses compulsory licensing under extreme conditions.
Where are those extreme conditions? Point them out to me. It's all BS so the theft goes on.

And then you have the face to call people pygmy or clueless when they call you out on your lies and deceit. Hilarious. And your semantics gymnastics over life extension/life saving drugs. No shit Sherlock, no drug gives immortality. However there's a difference in urgency for a drug that treats disease and defeats it and a drug that only prolongues the suffering.

And i do assure you there is no ego boost in interaction with other races. I joined this forum to better understand people, but that does not prevent me from calling theft for what it is. Or calling people that support thievery gypsies.
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Let's see. I say you are gypsy, you deny this, call me a racial abuser, in the next post you defend the exact same practices gypsies are known for. That's not even considering the fact gypsies originate from India. What is so hard in accepting your heritage?

Alkylating agents, MEK protein inhibitors? I'm such an ignorant. :rolleyes:

bla bla bla, Indian government is using the excuse of providing for the poor while in reality it's theft. TRIPS and Doha agreement are not relevant anymore here since GoI itself states it uses compulsory licensing under extreme conditions.
Where are those extreme conditions? Point them out to me. It's all BS so the theft goes on.

And then you have the face to call people pygmy or clueless when they call you out on your lies and deceit. Hilarious.
dear please go to your govt , tell them to make you head of state.. you are super duper intelligent .. logic is no longer applied to your theories
Audio... please understand.. the world is more smarter than u and me ...
you cant change it....
you can call anything ...
the thing is developing nation now know how t kick,,,,,, of those who deserve it..
please tell you organization to leave india..then you can then open your mouth
if not then keep you mouth shut... or be logical..

can you tell me why your head of state accepted CL in WTO? can you explain?
can we logical than sarcastic and meaningful than hate comments
Let's see. I say you are gypsy, you deny this, call me a racial abuser, in the next post you defend the exact same practices gypsies are known for. That's not even considering the fact gypsies originate from India. What is so hard in accepting your heritage?

Alkylating agents, MEK protein inhibitors, nivolumab in testing now? I'm such an ignorant. :rolleyes:

bla bla bla, Indian government is using the excuse of providing for the poor while in reality it's theft. TRIPS and Doha agreement are not relevant anymore here since GoI itself states it uses compulsory licensing under extreme conditions.
Where are those extreme conditions? Point them out to me. It's all BS so the theft goes on.

And then you have the face to call people pygmy or clueless when they call you out on your lies and deceit. Hilarious.
And i do assure you there is no ego boost in interaction with other races. I joined this forum to better understand people, but that does not prevent me from calling theft for what it is. Or calling people that support thievery gypsies.

Since, English Comprehension is beyond you, may I recommend ba ba black sheep, have you any wool. Start there and climb up. Maybe your kids may pick up and we could explain it to him/her in plain English.:P

Besides that, yes we are stealing and you can do zilch about it. Any other opinion?

Audio... please understand.. the world is more smarter than u and me ...
you cant change it....
you can call anything ...
the thing is developing nation now know how t kick,,,,,, of those who deserve it..
please tell you organization to leave india..then you can then open your mouth
if not then keep you mouth shut... or be logical..

can you tell me why your head of state accepted CL in WTO? can you explain?
can we logical than sarcastic and meaningful than hate comments


Start with A, B, C...this is in CAPS. Then a, b, c...in small. Proceed to A for Apple, B for Bat. You are 24 years beyond his comprehension capability.
Since, English Comprehension is beyond you, may I recommend ba ba black sheep, have you any wool. Start there and climb up. Maybe your kids may pick up and we could explain it to him/her in plain English.:P

Besides that, yes we are stealing and you can do zilch about it. Any other opinion?

Comprehension is written with a small starting letter if not at the start of the a sentence. Just a thought for you to ponder on before you start teaching anyone anything. :lol:
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