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Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends?

The paid Chinese wumao are easy to identify, even easy to differentiate them from the unpaid cheerleaders or apologists. But I’d like to hear your opinions on which Viet, “white man” and Turk members you think are paid commenters?

wtf is a paid wumao, you kamikaze gaysha.


a bold claim.

bold, sure, but no truer words can be said. how else did mortal enemies US and Japan become such great lovey-dovey allies today?
:rofl: Who said im ok with that?? Its the opposite instead. Reason Im asking why you people never ask Russia to apologize for all the rape and loot they committed in your country? I have never seen even one Chinese member here question Russia's masd rape and loot in their country not even once , well apart from my friend @Lux de Veritas :enjoy:.
Well I think you should ask Japanese the question why do the Japanese love US so much, through Japan was nuked one time and one time again by US.:rofl:
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And the Chinese hegemony continues, with China's explosive growth rate despite already being the world's largest economy, growing military might, and growing support from partner countries. Congratulations to China. :china:
Btw, RIP to japan's dying influence :sick:
Really i call that forgive and dont forget worship only drones like you worship criminqls like mao who's ghost continue to kill up to this very day. Again i hate the old japanese emipre not the current Japanese because thats stupid hate people who committed the crime not the family. You people here in forum proves you chinese 50cent trolls are illogical adipates
Did we celebrate and worship the Cultural Revolution policy that Mao adopted? NO, my friend! Let not get confuse, shall we? When we know our mistake, we try to improve upon them and correct those mistakes. And not try to force that mistakes to the new generation by reminding them to follow the wrong policy adopted by Mao.

In this case, Japan is trying to whitewash their people by painting themselves as the "defender of Asia" in WWII. The whole shrink memorial purpose was to show that Japan is the victim of Western aggression. They even deny any wrongdoing to comfort women in which a large portion came from your Filipino women. All in all, it is important to continue to force Japan to remind their people of the dark past their ancestors committed so they don't commit it again. Is that too hard to ask? NO. Again, a country who continue to deny past wrongdoing, revisionism on education books and academic, and worship war criminals is a sign of a disrespectful country and one who will commit war crime again if given the chance. Get it?
Did we celebrate and worship the Cultural Revolution policy that Mao adopted? NO, my friend! Let not get confuse, shall we? When we know our mistake, we try to improve upon them and correct those mistakes. And not try to force that mistakes to the new generation by reminding them to follow the wrong policy adopted by Mao.

In this case, Japan is trying to whitewash their people by painting themselves as the "defender of Asia" in WWII. The whole shrink memorial purpose was to show that Japan is the victim of Western aggression. They even deny any wrongdoing to comfort women in which a large portion came from your Filipino women. All in all, it is important to continue to force Japan to remind their people of the dark past their ancestors committed so they don't commit it again. Is that too hard to ask? NO. Again, a country who continue to deny past wrongdoing, revisionism on education books and academic, and worship war criminals is a sign of a disrespectful country and one who will commit war crime again if given the chance. Get it?

My friend, The Japanese people and the Filipino people are brothers and friends. Your anti-Japanese propagandizing will not work on my friend @Zero_wing and the rest of the noble Filipino people. Japan and Philippines have come a long way. And the future will see both countries work together, integrate , to forge new paths, and meet threats head on.



Well I think you should ask Japanese the question why do the Japanese love US so much, through Japan was nuked one time and one time again by US.:rofl:

As i said, Might is right.:D So i just wanted to make it clear that this Evil Japan has to "apologize every year","we were/are poor victims oppressed by foreign powers" and bla bla is just politics. Not anything genuine. Since if it was genuine China would have also asked Russia to apologize for all its war crimes it committed against poor chinese civilians. But since Russia is too strong/big ,China dares not. you can say its a similar reason Japan also made peace/turn off the page with U.S as it had no choice:usflag:. So you aren't any different, Just that you cry victimhood more than anyone. :partay:
As i said, Might is right.:D So i just wanted to make it clear that this Evil Japan has to "apologize every year","we were/are poor victims oppressed by foreign powers" and bla bla is just politics. Not anything genuine. Since if it was genuine China would have also asked Russia to apologize for all its war crimes it committed against poor chinese civilians. But since Russia is too strong/big ,China dares not. you can say its a similar reason Japan also made peace/turn off the page with U.S as it had no choice:usflag:. So you aren't any different, Just that you cry victimhood more than anyone. :partay:
The difference of present situations of China-Russia relation and US-Japan relation is that the existence of US. China is the 'competitor' of US, Russia is the 'adversary' of US, Japan is the 'slave' of US. We are enough mature to face the fact and cooperate with Russia. We and Russians both know that is a pure relation of interavailability, and similar with the China-US, the relation of China-Russia has its good time and also has its bad time. When the border conflict in 1969 occurred, we both have prepared to nuke each other, and we tested two nuclear tests in one month that time. CCP even evacuated the government and factories to remote districts, and everyone was digging tunnels to prepare for nuclear strike. Then the president Nixon come to China, etc.
For US-Japan relation, do Japanese have any choice? Originally Japan can improve the relation with China to balance the influence imposed by US, but obviously Japanese leaders is quite stupid, because they even used the trivial historical issue to provoke others, which purely makes troubles to themselves. Japanese always think they are eastern Britain, how stupid.
@Nihonjin1051 and everyone else: Speaking of hegemony, @Chinese-Dragon has more often than not highlighted China's official policy: 92 per cent of Pakistani netizens believe iron brotherhood between China and Pak will last

ergo, Viet Nam, Thai Land, Laos, Cambodia, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Kazakhstan, et al.

@vostok would strongly disagree. I'd like to recommend you to read the replies in this thread, including mine: 5 Russian Weapons of War China Should Fear

lol, the age of Chinese hegemony is over. That ended when we defeated you in the 1st Sino Japanese War.

All the nations in your borders are vehemently nationalistic and see relations with you for purely trade-based basis.

ergo, Viet Nam, Thai Land, Laos, Cambodia, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Kazakhstan, et al.

This supposed return to the 'old order' is a fantasy by you and many other Chinese. There will be no return to the 'old order'.

Learn to live with it.

Japan has always resisted Chinese hegemony, and will do what we can to maintain balance.

Learn to live with that aspect.

The best word to describe Sino-Japanese relations: FRENEMIES.

Economic competition between China and Japan is natural, but it shall remain as civil as possible. I do respect the fact that Japan is and will remain a competitive economic power.

There are several differences between China and some other states which can't be overlooked but generally speaking I disagree with your overall content of your post, sorry. This surely isn't one of your best posts, I'm afraid. Don't take it personally. :)

As long as I don't resort to insults on a personal level and remain constructive, I have the right to disagree with you and anyone else and you're entitled to do the same given that the said conditions are met, right? :)
Did we celebrate and worship the Cultural Revolution policy that Mao adopted? NO, my friend! Let not get confuse, shall we? When we know our mistake, we try to improve upon them and correct those mistakes. And not try to force that mistakes to the new generation by reminding them to follow the wrong policy adopted by Mao.

In this case, Japan is trying to whitewash their people by painting themselves as the "defender of Asia" in WWII. The whole shrink memorial purpose was to show that Japan is the victim of Western aggression. They even deny any wrongdoing to comfort women in which a large portion came from your Filipino women. All in all, it is important to continue to force Japan to remind their people of the dark past their ancestors committed so they don't commit it again. Is that too hard to ask? NO. Again, a country who continue to deny past wrongdoing, revisionism on education books and academic, and worship war criminals is a sign of a disrespectful country and one who will commit war crime again if given the chance. Get it?

seriously get over yourselves

We are forever enemies.

Then your asking for destruction
As long as I don't resort to insults on a personal level and remain constructive, I have the right to disagree with you and anyone else and you're entitled to do the same given that the said conditions are met, right? :)

Of course, buddy. Our relationship and friendship is strong, we are at least level-headed when it comes to political discourse. I like the fact that you are very mature and don't take things personally, a trait that others lack, unfortunately. I, too, hope that you don't take my stance on certain political issues to heart, politics is politics, and should never be based to judge friendship or personal qualities.

Sincerely I remain,

As long as I don't resort to insults on a personal level and remain constructive, I have the right to disagree with you and anyone else and you're entitled to do the same given that the said conditions are met, right? :)

In addition, @rugering , you probably know this, but just want to reificate that my post was in response to one member who was going on a personal tangent , and, thus, I responded necessarily. Please know that my response was meant for that certain member, it was not directed at you or any other Chinese members here whom I consider friends.

Only to those whom attack me on regular basis.
The difference of present situations of China-Russia relation and US-Japan relation is that the existence of US. China is the 'competitor' of US, Russia is the 'adversary' of US, Japan is the 'slave' of US. We are enough mature to face the fact and cooperate with Russia. We and Russians both know that is a pure relation of interavailability, and similar with the China-US, the relation of China-Russia has its good time and also has its bad time. When the border conflict in 1969 occurred, we both have prepared to nuke each other, and we tested two nuclear tests in one month that time. CCP even evacuated the government and factories to remote districts, and everyone was digging tunnels to prepare for nuclear strike. Then the president Nixon come to China, etc.
For US-Japan relation, do Japanese have any choice? Originally Japan can improve the relation with China to balance the influence imposed by US, but obviously Japanese leaders is quite stupid, because they even used the trivial historical issue to provoke others, which purely makes troubles to themselves. Japanese always think they are eastern Britain, how stupid.

Again blaming the US i know the US can be jerks but seriously you guys claiming a whole body of water and islands you have no legal jurisprudence and that since ancient times nonsense is not helping your case at all. Again even if they obligated you can't force this Generation of Japanese for the faults of their forefathers they have to do that on their own it would not be genuine otherwise seriously you 50cent chinese need to get over yourselves.

Well you do have a point. It's kinda like "how could you do something so brutal and evil to your *own* kind". and on top of that, they (Japan) have never actually been sincere about their atrocious crimes, but are actually proud of what they-so this is quite infuriating. whereas, germany, fully admitted their crimes and try to fully dissociate themselves with their nazi past.

you also need to throw in the philipines, they have been raped/colonized/massacred by the whites (USA, Spain) and Japan but today Filipinos love the former conquerors like a BSDM slave love its master, while showing extreme hatred for China/Chinese for..........."stealing" their islands in the SCS. lol

As for China-Japan relations, i can't really see it getting any better than the status quo until USA is removed from the East Asia and Japan gets disciplined. China will have to break Japan, like how USA broke Japan and a new alliance formed between US-Japan.

Wow so full of hate know wonder you guys have more enemies then friends well more allies for us then
China is friend of everyone its just small disputed areas in between far east asia once its resolve this area can be better than combined europe and north america..
If china wanted to occupied any country they would have done to taiwan long ago...
China is peaceful country.. We support Japan and china friendship.
The difference of present situations of China-Russia relation and US-Japan relation is that the existence of US. China is the 'competitor' of US, Russia is the 'adversary' of US, Japan is the 'slave' of US. We are enough mature to face the fact and cooperate with Russia. We and Russians both know that is a pure relation of interavailability, and similar with the China-US, the relation of China-Russia has its good time and also has its bad time. When the border conflict in 1969 occurred, we both have prepared to nuke each other, and we tested two nuclear tests in one month that time. CCP even evacuated the government and factories to remote districts, and everyone was digging tunnels to prepare for nuclear strike. Then the president Nixon come to China, etc.
For US-Japan relation, do Japanese have any choice? Originally Japan can improve the relation with China to balance the influence imposed by US, but obviously Japanese leaders is quite stupid, because they even used the trivial historical issue to provoke others, which purely makes troubles to themselves. Japanese always think they are eastern Britain, how stupid.

You are right to some extent. However, PRC was obviously was no match for the Soviets(you cant talk as if you were equals.lol), as the U.S.S.R dwarfed China in all fields by a wideeeeee margin. In fact the two were in totally different leagues . The Soviet union threatened to even nuke China, remember? It was the U.S who dissuaded Russia from even thinking that. Read it here

USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969 - Telegraph

Reason Mao came to his senses and later came to the conclusion that it will be good for China to seek U.S help(the bigger power) to counter the U.S.S.R (a big power) as China alone stood no chance whatsoever against Russia. Some vietnamese will call China a whore/puppet for doing so, but me i call it protecting your interests by all means necessary/self interests.

There is no shame/pride/morality in geo politics as far as your interests are met. The end always justifies the means. In this regard Japan is also right to keep cooperating/partnering with the U.S since the U.S has far more to offer Japan technologically/strategically/scientifically/diplomatically etc than any country on earth. Plus Japan is still even more advanced than China overall . So why should Japan not try and protect/keep its leading postion by all means as well?lol. Same with Vietnam (it needs U.S help to counter China as well). That's all geo politics baby .

Anyway, my point is that these apologies/Japan is Evil stuffs is all politics..As long as China doesnt care about Russian attrocities/war crimes committed against its own people(im not even talking about all the huge land Russia annex/seized fron China), then i have no reason to believe China is sincerely just seeking Japan to apologize because of genuine reasons. Its more like a mixture of politics/culture/pride/ego than looking for genuine apologies to move on. So let the whinning stop and lets say things the way they are. :bounce:
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lol, the age of Chinese hegemony is over. That ended when we defeated you in the 1st Sino Japanese War.
You just defeated the Beiyang Navy, which can only be seen a warlord force, another Chinese Navy, Nanyang Navy, was intact. When your troops marched on our land, they even hadn't encountered any effective attack from the forces of the Qing dynasty, many forces of Qing never fired a gun, even the Queen Ci Xi was grandly celebrating her birthday. That is the late time of Qing dynasty, the central government of Qing has been far weaker than the time when it was established, and the countless local powers/warlords have formed in China, which could overthrow the regime of Qing in any time and was seen the real threat by Qing dynast. So ceding territory and paying indemnities was acceptable for Qing dynast, because foreign invaders cannot threat their dominance in China. That was all things about the so-called 'victory' you have indulged in over one hundred years.
All the nations in your borders are vehemently nationalistic and see relations with you for purely trade-based basis.

ergo, Viet Nam, Thai Land, Laos, Cambodia, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Kazakhstan, et al.

This supposed return to the 'old order' is a fantasy by you and many other Chinese. There will be no return to the 'old order'.
Nope, The dynamic change of relative strength will lead to the change of the order in political system sooner or later.
Every thing changes, and never use the standards that only worked tens of years or one or two hundred years to evaluate the long future. If we don't like the current international political principle, we will change that sooner or later. We are/will be enough patient and confident to realize that.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.---John F. Kennedy

Learn to live with it.
Japan has always resisted Chinese hegemony, and will do what we can to maintain balance.
Learn to live with that aspect.
It is US not you, you are nothing.
The our wars against Hun, Turk, Mongol, which were far more powerful than you Japanese, all lasted many hundred years, some won and some lost, but finally we win forever, they were eliminated. All our near modern wars with Japan carried on in the time when we were very very weak. We are enough patient to realize all the victories belonging to us, not like some stupid one that fantasied annihilating our nation by three months.:rofl: The trauma the so-called century of humiliation has given us was nothing compared with that we have experienced. The glories your nation got in one hundred years are not worth mentioning.:disagree:
For Japan, too far from the paradise, too close to China. learn to face the truth and learn to live with it.
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