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Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends?

Lool its fearfear. But not just fear though. As i mentioned before, its also has to do with culture and ego.

You cant compare China being obviously scared of ever asking Russia for apologies(not even once in history) with China preparing for a nuclear war with Soviet Russia as China had no choicechoice other than to prepare for such eventuality, as everything depended on Russia not China. So you can frame it as Chona beibg fearless. Lool Luckily for China , the so called ' U.S warned Russia of the consequences if it did nuke China, as the U.S warned it will mean the beginning of WWIII. So much for the 'Evil' U.S and the 'holy' Russian ally. Lool

Funny thing is that whenever Russia has been Strong/powerful, China has been the first country to suffer the most from Russia's might. Lol

Anyway, as i said there is no genuine reason for asking Japan for apologies while TOTALLY ignoring Russia own massive crime,loot and rape in China. reason i obviously see this as a political game. Even my Chinese friend @XiaoYaoZi Backup agrees with me. :enjoy:
Keeping hostile with two big boys (US, Russia) is not smart, Russian with big size and hot temper is a very good meat shield for us. Russians are very anxious about our activities in its far east, though we ourselves are imperturbable. Russian know what it has done to us and are anxious about the massive retaliation we may give, their anxiety is nature, for the current situation, giving them limited press is enough. What ever belonged to us sooner or later will belong to us again. Russia is dying, we are stronger and stronger day by day, and time is in our side, we are very confident and patient to realize that.
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Keeping hostile with two big boy (US, Russia) is not smart, Russian with big size and hot temper is a very good meat shield for us. Russians are very anxious about our activities in its far east, though we ourselves are imperturbable. Russian know what it has did to us and are anxious about the retaliation we may give, for the current situation that is enough. What ever belonged to you sooner or later will belong to you again. Russia is dying, we are stronger and stronger day by day, and time is in our side, we are very confident and patient to realize that.

True. :tup:
At least you are honest, unlike some of your brothers here who would rather turn a blind eye towards one country and pretend like nothing ever happened, while shouting against another and calling it evil.lol
I was wondering the same.

Why did Japan put these war criminals there and tarnish the whole shrine?

Why can't Japan remove these 12 war criminals?

Can someone enlighten me?

Please read post # 42
Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends? | Page 3
and in the relevant section which said:

"Japan's wartime history under renewed focus under Shinzo Abe

Founded in 1869, the Shinto shrine honours some 2.5 million citizens who died in World War II and other conflicts, along with 14 indicted war criminals including General Hideki Tojo, who authorised the attack on Pearl Harbor.

They were secretly added to the Yasukuni honour list in 1978. This only became public knowledge the following year."

It was designed by the Japanese government to have the shrine mixing up the civilian worships with the war criminals

The 14 war criminals who are worth millions of counts of death sentences each are going to stay there

This reflects the horrible horrible psyche of the Japanese as led by their government in general, and by their lawakers who have been trying to confuse the media and public attentions of the world about their true intent and the undying
imperialism and fascism in them. They have been worshipping the criminal spirits in the shrine y-o-y non-stop.

japan never truely surrender nor do they feel truely remorseful for the horrendous crimes they have committed against humanity
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Coming to the question in the title, if politicians like Tanigaki Sadakazu remain in charge for years and don't get replaced by pro-US hawks, the future of China-Japan ties will be bright. @Nihonjin1051
Real friendship between China and Japan is not possible. No this isn't my emotions talking, but what historical trends show.

Japan is a constant menace to China, and has been since the Tang dynasty. It only became submissive after Tang decisively beaten the Japanese invaders at the Battle of Baekgang in 663. Realizing how big of a gap it had with China, it started sending emissaries to learn our culture and technology. This is the only period where the two peacefully co-existed, not because Japan was friendly, but because Tang was much stronger. The thanks from Japan for sharing our culture and technologies with them were in the form of plundering, slaughter and invasion.

Fast forward to Song dynasty, where China lost much of its prestige and military power due to turmoils of the collapsing Tang Empire, Japanese pirates started preying on Chinese trade ships on the open seas. As China grew weaker under the assaults of Jurchen, Mongols and internal corruption, the audacity and ambition of Japanese raiders grew. There was a small lull during the short lived Yuan dynasty, but that didn't last long. By Ming dynasty, it was landing on China's coasts and plundering/enslaving/slaughter sea side villages and towns.

By late Qing dynasty, Japan was brazen enough to openly make plans to invade China. Not only did it make plans, but it carried them out in stages. First it was Korea and Taiwan, then Northeast China, and eventually aimed to swallow the entirety of the country in WWII. Tens of millions perished in WWII alone due to Japanese aggression, not counting those that were affected earlier in history.

The only logical conclusion is that Japan is a beast that can only be kept in line when you have beaten it to the ground. Tang dynasty was able to do it, and so did the Americans. As soon as Japan senses weakness, it will revert back to its old pattern again. China must always be vigilant against it, and scorch the place if necessary to ensure it can no longer bite.
As soon as Japan senses weakness, it will revert back to its old pattern again. China must always be vigilant against it, and scorch the place if necessary to ensure it can no longer bite.

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The war among East Asia never ends, in the battlefield:

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@NiceGuy @Viet @Yorozuya @Rechoice Vietnam may also has Weiqi player, could you guys info some famous Viet player if you know?

Weiqi is not popular in Vietnam, but Xiangqi YES.


Vietnamese Ngô Lan Hương has won on Chinese master Chen Xinglin.

Việt Nam đoạt HCV giải cờ tướng cá nhân châu Á 2013 | Thể thao | Dân trí
The war among East Asia never ends, in the battlefield:

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@NiceGuy @Viet @Yorozuya @Rechoice Vietnam may also has Weiqi player, could you guys info some famous Viet player if you know?
I never play weiqi, used to play chess when there was a time in the past.
the former chess world champion garry kasparov once likens playing a chess game is like going to war. every move counts. a play of deception. of sacrifices. your chess counterpart is an enemy that must be annihilated on the table. like on battlefield. mercilessly.
The war among East Asia never ends, in the battlefield:

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@NiceGuy @Viet @Yorozuya @Rechoice Vietnam may also has Weiqi player, could you guys info some famous Viet player if you know?

I’ve always believed that the best strategists are not the chess player type, but the con-artist type.

In my opinion, in chess and weiqi, I think there are only a limited space for the elements of deception, mind reading, body language, seduction, trash talk, intimidation, etc. In games like poker, those elements are more important. And conning victims in real life, is the real deal.

I can give you info about some good Viet con-artist:

Brazen conman-cop charged with fraud in Vietnam | Society | Thanh Nien Daily

Prosecutors in the southern province of Tien Giang have charged a conman for posing as a traffic police captain in a series of bold and elaborate swindles, many of which targeted real police.

According to the indictment released Wednesday, Bui Anh Tuan, 30, asked a man named Pha in Ho Chi Minh City to buy him a traffic police uniform and captain's epaulets in 2013.

He wore the uniform on the street almost every day. Some days he introduced himself as a deputy team leader of the Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Police; on others he posed as the head of the Tien Giang Police.

Late last year, Tuan told a Tien Giang police officer that he was the deputy head of the Binh Thanh District Traffic Police in HCMC and the nephew of the head of the provincial party unit.

The gullible officer latter to agree to give him VND25 million (US$1,175), believing that Tuan would use the money to secure his siblings jobs at two provincial hospitals.
Instead, he blew the money in HCMC, where he cheated more cops.

When a group of actual traffic police pulled him over for a traffic violation, he introduced himself as a colleague and invited them out to coffee. After several meetings at a café, Tuan asked to borrow their money.

Two of the cops leant Tuan a total of VND20 million ($940) and never saw or heard from him again.

This past April, in Tien Giang, Tuan met a civilian named T.V.H. during a night out drinking. Tuan falsely claimed to be an insider with many police connections and offered to help H. arrange police jobs for his nephew for VND114 million ($5,350).

Tuan disappeared after receiving the money, but was arrested, soon after the incident, on July 12 based on victim reports.

Vietnamese people believe personal relationships are the best qualification for government jobs, according to national surveys.

During the Vietnam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) released in July of last year, half of the nearly 14,000 respondents said having relationships with those in power is an important prerequisite to applying for jobs in government, law enforcement and education.
Without personal connections, most people said money was their best option.

Tuan told the police that he also used his cop ruse to attract local women.

At one point, he seduced a 21 year-old HCMC girl and pawned her laptop and cell phone for more than VND100 million ($4,700).

^^ I seriously admired his skills and bravery. I’ve read that there are similar con artists in China.
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