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Despite the WWII past, can China and Japan be real friends?

I doubt that Zero-wing actually isn't philipino.
Do you see his ID?
Zero is the Japanese suicide plane in War 2.
He is those fucking kind of JAPS.

To forget history is not our tradition.Our tradition is to record it and let the descendants learn it.
For many years,Chinese people tried to deliquate the war memory.
But the Japanese frequently remind us that they never forget the imperial glory.
We won't never forget the history and we shouldn't forgive the potential killers.

In this regard do you also teach/remind your youths about Russia crimes in manchuria after/During WWII? :D
All done by local government to promote tuorism.Philippines love you,especially your money.

that's not forgiveness.They just never cared.

Philiippines has long move on. They dont care anymore about the past what matters now is the present and future, plus protecting their national interests, in this regard they need Japan as a counter against China........Self interests i call it. Just like Mao china welcomed Japan and had good ties with Japan after opening up and needing Japanese investments to kick start China's economy. Nothing wrong in that. Have you ever heard Mao asking Japan for apologies or chastising Japan for not repenting? Ask yourself why.

Philippines should also follow its own interest BY ALL MEANS . :enjoy:

Palace refuses to hit Japanese PM for failure to issue fresh apology for WW2 atrocities | Sun.Star

So Mike if I come to the UK can I count on you to treating me to some genuine British cuisine ? :azn:

Or are you going to do what @Nihonjin1051 did i.e feeding me canned sushi from Tesco ? :cry:

No, will treat with some chicken and chips from Morley. You like it with ketchup or burger sauce?:D
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Philiippines have move on. They font care anymore about the past what matters now is the present and future, plus protecting their national interests, in this regard they need Japan. Self interests, just like Mao china welcomef Japan and had good ties with Japan after opening up and needing Japanese invrstments to kick start China's economy. Nothing wrong in that. Philippines should also follow its own interest BY ALL MEANS . :enjoy:

Palace refuses to hit Japanese PM for failure to issue fresh apology for WW2 atrocities | Sun.Star
You said what matters now is the present and future,actually that is what China is doing.And the main problem is not what japanese have done decades ago it's that their current government don‘t admit their crime and still worship war criminals as God.I remember your prince was accused just because he worn a nazi costume and you aren't exactly the biggest victim of nazis.About Philippine,They don't care about the past ,the present or the future.I think you can slap a pinoy then give him 10 dollars,I suppose he will be very happy.You could try that.
Japanese is the one who weight the past more important than the present,Their government leaders keep worshipping war criminals and denying those crime they have done to us.It's them who keep provoking us,not vice versa and what can they get from worshipping war criminals in the present and the future?you simply twist the truth upside down.

Philiippines has long move on. They dont care anymore about the past what matters now is the present and future, plus protecting their national interests, in this regard they need Japan as a counter against China........Self interests i call it. Just like Mao china welcomed Japan and had good ties with Japan after opening up and needing Japanese investments to kick start China's economy. Nothing wrong in that. Have you ever heard Mao asking Japan for apologies or chastising Japan for not repenting? Ask yourself why.

Philippines should also follow its own interest BY ALL MEANS . :enjoy:

Palace refuses to hit Japanese PM for failure to issue fresh apology for WW2 atrocities | Sun.Star

No, will treat with some chicken and chips from Morley. You like it with ketchup or burger sauce?:D
So are you a China hater?Why China is always wrong in your mind?
You said what matters now is the present and future,actually that is what China is doing.And the main problem is not what japanese have done decades ago it's that their current government don‘t admit their crime and still worship war criminals as God.I remember your prince was accused just because he worn a nazi costume and you aren't exactly the biggest victim of nazis.About Philippine,They don't care about the past ,the present or the future.I think you can slap a pinoy then give him 10 dollars,I suppose he will be very happy.You could try that.
Japanese is the one who weight the past more important than the present,Their government leaders keep worshipping war criminals and denying those crime they have done to us.It's them who keep provoking us,not vice versa and what can they get from worshipping war criminals in the present and the future?you simply twist the truth upside down.

All japanese deaths buried in yasukini shrine are all those civilians/soldiers death from war, not just war criminals. Its only 12 war criminals that were buried there, i think Japan should remove these few war criminals in there as well and bury them somewhere else, as it tarnishes the image of the whole shrine.

However,China/CCP also uses this for political reasons. If not, how come your national hero/Prophet Mao never questioned Japan, nor did he ever ask Japan to sincerly apologise for all its war crimes. Anybody will expect Mao to be the most vocal critic of Japan actions during the war. However it was instead the opposite as he never really bothered that much(maybe because he knew without Japan he/CCP would have never ruled China in the first place.lol), had other more better things to do. I think China should follow Mao's example in this subject and let things go. :p:

Moreover you havent answered my question about Russian crimes in Manchuria, why you never even uttered one word asking them to apologize?? Scared of the bear? :taz: lol.

By the way Russia just like in manchuria adopted a policy of loot and rape when it 'liberated' these regions and committed other horrific attrocities in eastern european countries as well it invaded, mostly Germany where millions of women were gang raped accordibg to historians. i think Germans and ither eastern european countries should also be demanding apologies from Russia every year.

The Loot of Manchuria - Axis History Forum

Red Army troops raped even Russian women as they freed them from camps - Telegraph

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books | The Guardian

The Red Army's Rape of Europe | The Globe at War

Russian warcrimes in Manchuria? - Axis History Forum

By banning my book, Russia is deluding itself about its past | Antony Beevor | Comment is free | The Guardian

Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, there was no good guys in this war, only difference is that the victors wrote the rules. Its just that you people cry victimhood more than anybody, you were not the only victims man, quit whinning. :bunny:
All japanese deaths buried in yasukini shrine are all those civilians/soldiers death from war, not war criminals. Its only 12 war criminals that were buried there, i think Japan should remove these few war criminals in there as well and bury them somewhere else, as it tarnishes the image of the whole shrine.

However,China/CCP also uses this for political reasons. If not, how come your national hero/Prophet Mao never questioned Japan, nor did he ever ask Japan to sincerly apologise for all its war crimes. Anybody will expect Mao to be the most vocal critic of Japan actions during the war. However it was instead the opposite as he never really bothered that much(maybe because he knew without Japan he/CCP would have never ruled China in the first place), had other more better things to do. I think China should follow Mao's example in this subject and let things go. :p:

Moreover you havent answered my question about Russian crimes in Manchuria, why you never even uttered one word asking them to apologize?? Scared of the bear? :taz: lol. By the way Russia just like in manchuria adopted a policy of loot and other horrific attrocities in eastern european countries it invaded, mostly Germany where millions of women were gang raped accordibg to historians. i think Germans and ither eastern european countries should also be demanding apologies from Russia every year.

The Loot of Manchuria - Axis History Forum

Red Army troops raped even Russian women as they freed them from camps - Telegraph

'They raped every German female from eight to 80' | Books | The Guardian

The Red Army's Rape of Europe | The Globe at War

Russian warcrimes in Manchuria? - Axis History Forum

By banning my book, Russia is deluding itself about its past | Antony Beevor | Comment is free | The Guardian

Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, there was no good guys in this war, the victims wrote the rules. Its just that you people cry victimhood more than anybody, you were not the only victims man, quit whinning. :bunny:
Of course it's politic related,cuz all that matters is the present,not the past,haven't you said that?And russian crimes in Manchuria is a bad comparation cuz it's too insignificant,you should take out mongols invasion as a comparation.Why you keep ask us to shut up when japanese keep denying what they have done like comfort woman and keep worshiping japanese version Hitler?Is it fair?
Of course it's politic related,cuz all that matters is the present,not the past,haven't you said that?And russian crimes in Manchuria is a bad comparation cuz it's too insignificant,you should take out mongols invasion as a comparation.

Sure? The Russians took practically the lion's share of Manchukoku. And the also split Mongolia. One Chinese member should elucidate you on Soviet invasion of China @sahaliyan
Sure? The Russians took practically the lion's share of Manchukoku. And the also split Mongolia. One Chinese member should elucidate you on Soviet invasion of China @sahaliyan
If We won't get any territory back,then what's the point of complaining with Russia?What mike heve said is russian WARCRIME in manchuria.In this aspect,There is no way what russian have done can be compared with japanese.
If We won't get any territory back,then what's the point of complaining with Russia?What mike heve said is russian WARCRIME in manchuria.In this aspect,There is no way what russian have done can be compared with japanese.

Is there shades of grey when it comes to brutality?
Russia invaded Manchuria not for China's interest, but for Russia's own interest. You know that right? It was their goal of restoring their presence in Northeast Asia from what Japan had done to them prior to the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905.

Trust me, the Russians did this not in concern for the Chinese, lol, they invaded and subsumed most of Manchuria as well as Sakhalin Island for Soviet Expansionist policies in Asia.

China, to the Soviet Union at the time, was relatively inconsequential.

It is politics.Most of chinese knows that.And russia did help china to defeat bigger evil japanese.It doesn't have much to do with what Japanese have done in China.

China's lack of protestation is due in part to China's silent acquiescence of Russia's military superiority (considering Russia has over 10,000 nuclear warheads). So in other words, China truly cannot contest Russia's territoriality. Or else.
All japanese deaths buried in yasukini shrine are all those civilians/soldiers death from war, not just war criminals. Its only 12 war criminals that were buried there, i think Japan should remove these few war criminals in there as well and bury them somewhere else, as it tarnishes the image of the whole shrine.

I was wondering the same.

Why did Japan put these war criminals there and tarnish the whole shrine?

Why can't Japan remove these 12 war criminals?

Can someone enlighten me?
7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan - Sentinel & Enterprise

7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan
By Foster Klug Associated Press
UPDATED: 08/12/2015 06:58:03 AM EDT0 COMMENTS

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Both nations brutalized continents. Both slaughtered and abused tens of millions of people. But while Germany is held up as a paragon of post-World War II reconciliation, Japan is mired in animosity with its neighbors seven decades later.

In many ways, the stunning economic and political resurrections of both countries since the war ended 70 years ago Sunday have been a windfall for their respective regions. Both have largely been generous in aid, both, for the most part, sterling examples of liberal democracies.

But talk to Europeans and Northeast Asians about Germany and Japan and you'll often find stark differences in perception.


This photo from Wednesday, July 15, 2015 shows a memorial to late German Chancellor Willy Bradt in the heart of the former Warsaw ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. The memorial recalls his spontaneous gesture of falling to his knees in 1970 in the former ghetto in remorse at German crimes during World War II. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

Some of this is linked to the Soviet threat during the Cold War, which forced Europe to work closely with powerful West Germany. No such unifying force emerged in ultracompetitive Northeast Asia.

A kneeling West German chancellor is a European icon of reconciliation, but China and the two Koreas see Japan as having continually gotten a free pass.

Protected by U.S. forces interested in establishing a regional military bulkhead, Japan's Emperor Hirohito, the public face of the troops who ravaged Asia, was never held accountable. Nor were many suspected war criminals, including the grandfather of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. There's also criticism that frequent whitewashing of history by senior Japanese leaders, including Abe, nullifies Tokyo's repeated attempts to display remorse.

Read more: 7 decades after WWII, many praise Germany, scorn Japan - Sentinel & Enterprise

I've come to the conclusion that if Japan stopped making anime and adult video, the world will hate them as much as the west is hating on China
Of course it's politic related,cuz all that matters is the present,not the past,haven't you said that?And russian crimes in Manchuria is a bad comparation cuz it's too insignificant,you should take out mongols invasion as a comparation.Why you keep ask us to shut up when japanese keep denying what they have done like comfort woman and keep worshiping japanese version Hitler?Is it fair?

Doeant matter loot and rape is the same thing. Doesn't matter how long a woman was raped. She will still feel disgusted by herself and resentful of life and those who raped her. So you should still ask your Russian 'ally' for apologies or are you scared of them?? Lool.
Following your logic Germany,poland, estonia and other eastern european countries should be asking for apologies to Russia every year and making it a national issue. Lol
Moreover you still havent told me why Prophet Mao throughout his over 3 decades rules of China NEVER asked apologies to Japan EVER. Strange coming from someone who supposedly led China's liberation from from imperial Japanese forces.o_O
@Zero_wing You see why it is so hard to make the Japanese take responsibility for their action? LOL

Many Nazi leaders committed suicide or escaped but later caught and executed so the number of Nazi got executed at Nuremberg Trial is not a true reflection of the Allies having leniency for Nazi German.

Again get over yourselves you people are not special if you cant take their apology then the problem lays with you guys

Did Mao raped Filipino, no? Hideki Tojo did. LOL

That did not make any sense at all he came to the Philippines yes at first phase of the occupation he order stuff but did not partake and with that logic should i hate modern Japanese for what their forefathers did? what kind of logic is that? no wander you have more disputes with other countries let it go and move on your logic is very stupid.
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