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Despite the loss of 85,000+ Pakistanis, why aren't we Iraq or Syria yet?

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because ccivilians in lahore karachi islamabad are still IT professionals and not willing to go and shout on streets Allah ho Akbar and fire Ak47 onto eachother.

The civilian government is also not yet divided. And we are a nuclear power so.

India is another binding force :P

Along with the Pakistani military & India
Oh right.
We're so afraid of moving within our own borders.
I dont know where to go.
I'm stuck in my own home. ;_;
please, Help us supa powa india.

So sad to here a bitter truth, it might come back to haunt us in the future as well! Damn you opened my eyes!
Live in denial mate..it has already started to haunt you..you just haven't realised it..you are like that frog in a vessel on a mildly burning stove.
Live in denial mate..it has already started to haunt you..you just haven't realised it..you are like that frog in a vessel on a mildly burning stove.

Oh, you have opened our eyes!
How can we return such a great favor!
Answer is simple Pakistan has a powerful discipline army above sectarian line more professional then communal committed to keep country united . secondly every attack on other community consider as terrorist then that .
Because we are not directly invaded by a country ...And we have strong Police and army.
Why make such big statements man?we all know how stubborn you are when your ancestors kept losing against one invader after another..you people are one of the few races who give up very easily.

WHAT are you talking about mate. Indians were enslaved by us for 1000 years. WE are the invaders you are the conquered lol
As expected the first few posts were good and then a flame war.

1. Strong army and strong institutions.
2. Pakistanis on the whole are not sectarian.
3.We are South Asians and just simply do things differently.
4. Sufism is still very strong.

Thread closed.
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Wow Not an Arab Not an Indian ? You must be the missing link of mankind. Surrender yourself to History Channel 'Ancient Alien' program group. They are searching you for u only .

I wish the same you SOB

Are you retarded? That's not a rhetorical question. I'm genuinely concerned. You pretend as if "Arab" and "Indian" are the only two races that exist in the region. News flash: even "Indian" is not a race. You can be Punjabi, Gujarati, or Tamil. But racially, you cant be "Indian".

People in present day Pakistan were never considered "Indian" up until Britain conquered the entire subcontinent and NAMED it the "British Indian Empire". Tell me, were the Pathans ever considered Indians? Were Kashmirs or Gilgit Baltistanis or Balochis ever considered Indians?

We Pakistanis dont consider ourselves Arab. But honestly, we'd rather consider ourselves as martians rather than Indians. Yes, some of us are "urdu speakers" and we're fine with that. One side of my family is historically a "Muhajir" family too. But the other side is Pathan and Punjabi. Now what am I? A Pakistani. Simple as that. Pakistan is uniquely the only nation state where multiple ethnicities all united to proclaim one new ethnicity; Pakistani. In fact, nowadays it's being more and more looked upon if you believe in your ethnic identity superseding your national identity

Summary: Some of us have ancestral roots in India. We accept it, take pride in it, move on and consider ourselves part of a new racial/ethnic/national group. Most of us, however, were never considered part of India by anyone but the British and never will.

Because you accept your condition while Syrians and Iraqis fight for a better future. That's the different, subcontinental people are submissive.

How are you so jobless that you troll on a Pakistani defense forum? Go visit Islamabad...then go visit Damascus and Baghdad...and you'll see how much different and better Pakistan is then those two countries.

Pakistan's even better than India too. Just because your upper class is richer than our upper class doesnt mean your country as a whole is better.

Pakistanis happier than Indians, says UN report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Many Indians get a mini-heart attack when they learn that Pakistanis don't accept the identity the British tailored for the entire sub-continent. What shatters their mind even more is when they learn al-Bakistanis don't believe they have Arabic heritage and are proud of being Sindhi/Kashmiri/Balochi/Punjabi/Pashtun.

Because Pakistan is still a LAND OF OPPORTUNITY----. Either you can steal from people and make it or you can steal more from people and make it---or do it the hard way and you may get somewhere---.

So---as long as we can see the light far off---there is hope----. Next is the diversity of our language---so many different languages---and when we communicate to each other---we have to learn a communal language---what that means is that we have already put in an effort to reach across---.

Our govt is not brutal per say as is Assad's or as was Saddam's----. We have always been able to tell our leader what is on our minds----.

We are a nation closer to success than closer to destruction if we can fix a few issues.
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So you abbasis who immigrated to pak have been marrying within your own community?you didn't mingle with locals?only if you haven't mixed with locals will I admit your claim that you are Arab(even then people like you would be a very small minority)..if you say you have mixed with locals it would be silly to claim you are still Arab..if we go by your logic a dalit who is in the extreme south of Tamil nadu can call himself European(because you can find European genes in all Indians in small bits).stop calling yourself Arab and be proud to be a Pakistani which has a great ancient dharmic culture.

Genetic plot of Pakistani population.


you should embrace diversity.
Many Indians get a mini-heart attack when they learn that Pakistanis don't accept the identity the British tailored for the entire sub-continent. What shatters their mind even more is when they learn al-Bakistanis don't believe they have Arabic heritage and are proud of being Sindhi/Kashmiri/Balochi/Punjabi/Pashtun.
You are lying..I heard imran khan in an ndtv interview that India's and Pakistan's culture is same.He said even though srilanka is very nearer to India in the south it doesn't share the same culture as India like Pakistan due to difference in language...I remember saying to myself 'how can south be any closer to pak since our languages are also different from pak?'
Your hockey players when they visited india in 2005 said said they are feeling as if they are in Pakistan. Your cricket players,singers,artists everyone says that they don't feel India as a foreign country...apart from some insignificant lot,have you ever heard any Indian celebrity saying'our culture is same...we are one'...I know what you are going to say..those people said those things out of courtesy...I didn't feel Imran khan was speaking out of courtesy..he didn't need to mention srilanka to show commonality between India and Pakistan...PDF members are somewhat educated and are trying to create a new identity for themselves..but an average Pakistani thinks his country was once a part of India and it was carved out of it...he loves Bollywood,Indian channels,Indian food(actually all your famous dishes are Indian like biryani brought to Pakistan by mohajirs ) ,Indian dresses etc...you will not have any identity if you remove everything Indian from your country.
Pakistanis love indian channels so much so that all cable operators show Indian channels despite having an official ban on them..Public went mad and refused to pay cable bills when they tried to implement it strictly once..the official broadcaster of world cup cricket in pak was ten sports and you know in which channel majority of Pakistanis watched it?star sports India(both Hindi and English commentary in which all advertisements are of Indians)..that is a big loss to ten sports.There is no other country which is so dependent on India for its entertainment like Pakistan..entire sourth Asia watch Hindi channels but not like pak...BD,srilanka,Nepal,all have their local flourishing entertainment media...the one good thing jinnah did for India is he made Urdu as Pak's national language which means Pakistanis will always drift towards India for entertainment(because of the size and economy India will always produce more quality products than pak which cripples its movies and entertainment media big way)..one more good thing Urdu does is it eternally reminds them of their Indian origins.
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