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Despite terror strikes, peace talks with Pak on: India

BTW - Why he would be "aankhoin ka taara" of Pakistan, What he has done for us???????

You wanted him to order surgical strikes in PAK ? In that case he have saved the region to stop that stupid idea which had 100% chance of Nuke war. And keep in mind India is not USA, Like PAK is not USA.

I have already cleared myself if u carefully read my post.

Punitive action against Pakistan was the need of the hour. Nuke war or no nuke war hundreds of innocents are died because of terrorists activities. Because of his cowardice policy India is a soft state now. The notion of India being a soft state has been created by his Government.

Look at the apathy towards Indians. The victims will get 2 lakhs each but GOI is spending 10 crore for the security of Ajmal Kasab. This is shameful and disgusting. And if we do not have guts to fight a war we should not do purchasing of all this expensive weapons. Better to invest in helping poor ones.
Punitive action against Pakistan was the need of the hour. Nuke war or no nuke war hundreds of innocents are died because of terrorists activities.

I don't know about your calculation about Nuke wars? But i am sure any conflict between India-Pak will result killing thousands (maybe more) of innocent people.
I don't know about your calculation about Nuke wars? But i am sure any conflict between India-Pak will result killing thousands (maybe more) of innocent people.

There are many ways to take punitive action against Pakistan within the nuclear threshold. This blackmailing could not have worked anymore.
Who brought Pakistan here mate??It's you guys who are bringing pakistan here,not us.Read all the posts by indian members.
There is a common saying....'A guilty felow does not need an accuser'.

im commenting on that dude, dont post retarded comments, read his comments carefully and understand its meaning
It's as if it is assumed the militants were backed by Pakistan or were from Pakistan

No they AREN'T assumed to be Pakistanis and that's why peace talks are still going on.
This statement only says 'We don't know who the terrorists were yet so, we're not blaming any nation.'
It was the indian mujhahindin they have a good network in mp some of there members were caught just a day before in bhopal ratlam and in my city too
Well,there is no doubt where the hell the intruders came from.Every body knows that and you don't have to be Sharlok Holms to realise.
As I posted earlier,we just reelected a spineles f++king retard as our ruler.For pakistanis,well,it is very much natural for them to wish for seeing that b'tard as our PM again,no surprise at all.

I dont give a $hit who you are....but you are talking about Prime minister of India...doesnt matter how wrong he is, but he needs to be shown some respect...Bring out your grievances politely.... He has done far more than we will ever realize....
I dont give a $hit who you are....but you are talking about Prime minister of India...doesnt matter how wrong he is, but he needs to be shown some respect...Bring out your grievances politely.... He has done far more than we will ever realize....

He is the bloody spineless PM. He doesn't deserve any honor. e has made the mockery of India at international stage. He is the leader of most corrupt people of India. Reality won't hide because of your jibes. Better mind your business in US.
I dont give a $hit who you are....but you are talking about Prime minister of India...doesnt matter how wrong he is, but he needs to be shown some respect...Bring out your grievances politely.... He has done far more than we will ever realize....

Irony its good and easy to say this when you are sitting in usa
India will have the upper hand on this peace talk, as a lot of Pak troops have swithced over to Afghan border side, while India is still the same.

We have more bargaining power and India better use it to full extent.
Irony its good and easy to say this when you are sitting in usa

And how did you decide that i am in US , just because of my flag ? Do you know me ? Anyways my being in US is not the matter, fact is i am an Indian , a mumbaikar - born in Kerala at that....He maybe a incompetent leader, he may not be a leader ...but still it is we who elected him...it is we who elected him with a comprehensive victory and that too for a second term....so does this mean we who elected him are nincompoop's ?? Please save this jibes to yourself....but give the respect to the man who is in position and is doing the JOB...otherwise there is no difference between us and Pakistan (who in betn is also bad mouthing the leader)
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