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Despite terror strikes, peace talks with Pak on: India

I dont give a $hit who you are....but you are talking about Prime minister of India...doesnt matter how wrong he is, but he needs to be shown some respect...Bring out your grievances politely.... He has done far more than we will ever realize....

The Bigger Jacksh!t is the Dumba*s Gandhi. Now Don't Put up in Red to show me what he is! :lol:

It's all Congress made!
They need to grow a pair and castrate these sob's. I hate to see our govt playing kiss and make up. I dont care how they do it....just stop the damn terror attacks. A friend of mine became an unfortunate victim in one of these blast sites. There is no justification for their state sponsored terrorism. We did not instigate anything!
To all the supporters of MMS.. I would like to know one thing-- suppose If tomorrow there is a terror attack in Mumbai, delhi or some other place and hundreds get killed and pakistan's link get established will u support the MMS decision ? what will u do ? After how many death we will do something on the ground ?

We had the four options after 26/11 either we could have gone for a war with Pakistan or To put diplomatic pressure on pakistan to dismantle terror infra or Make our internal security fool proof or Run some covert operations in terror's safe heavens and send a clear signal to the enemy that if u create the havoc in our country then we can do the same in your country which will be more bigger. We failed on all the four accounts. We chose the second one and we got nothing out of it and when we saw Pakistan doesn't give a **** we came to the table-- which is a compromise in itself.

This shows the complete failure of Govt on diplomatic and strategic fronts.
:lol: you bharatis despite that are at crying situation all the times. and oh sure try your capacity to bleed us.

you guys are panicked at patakhas so dont try to commit mistakes

U might have got used to it as patakas ... but for us anything which kills inncoent humans are not patakas but tragerdies .... This sums up the humanity in you and shows your true face ... Atleat dont laugh at the souls of the 18 dead in your so called patakas...

This makes it clear why India should not talk to Pakistan ,,,, It was said that without talking nothing would be solved ... Now with talking how many problems have been solved .... India and Pakistan can never be friends ....

The GOI policy has been total faluire and i think it wont be any fruitfull in future either ...
Cut the Bull$hit...
The only reason you are defending this pu$$y is becoz ure a sikh, and its just becoz of people like you that we have started disliking all sikhs now.
Although you gave this reply to another Indian PDF member, but here is my take on it being my self as sikh.
No word from Pakistani or any non-indian hurts to this much as this from you fellow indian. You crumbled and showed your true colors under the argument that has some weight.

Indeed people fighting for khalistan has a reason to exist because of people like you.
What the eff is going on here? And why a war with Pakistan needed, as far as I know this terror strike thought to be carried out by inside elements!

MMS is one of the best prime minister India have had so far. I'd place him in same category with PVN Rao and Vajpayi, slightly behind Nehru.

As far as Sonia G is concerned, it's not of her or Italy's problem if she is more dignified than other women in Indian politics(some of them were seen dancing in Rajghat!). When a Bobby Zindal becomes US governor, do Americans go all gung-ho about that? :/
What the eff is going on here? And why a war with Pakistan needed, as far as I know this terror strike thought to be carried out by inside elements!

MMS is one of the best prime minister India have had so far. I'd place him in same category with PVN Rao and Vajpayi, slightly behind Nehru.

As far as Sonia G is concerned, it's not of her or Italy's problem if she is more dignified than other women in Indian politics(some of them were seen dancing in Rajghat!). When a Bobby Zindal becomes US governor, do Americans go all gung-ho about that? :/
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What the eff is going on here? And why a war with Pakistan needed, as far as I know this terror strike thought to be carried out by inside elements!

MMS is one of the best prime minister India have had so far. I'd place him in same category with PVN Rao and Vajpayi, slightly behind Nehru.

As far as Sonia G is concerned, it's not of her or Italy's problem if she is more dignified than other women in Indian politics(some of them were seen dancing in Rajghat!). When a Bobby Zindal becomes US governor, do Americans go all gung-ho about that? :/

MMS is one of the best person to have become PM, but is he the right person to be a PM? he has become just a face, to hide the dirty politics & corruption of fellow congressmen. And just go through the performance so far of this govt. by looking at the targets set for 11th 5-year plan (2008-12)and its acheivements. Literacy targets, way off the mark, roads building, way off the mark, electricity, infrastructure, employement, every KPI's ar off target by a huge margin.
The indians are behaving as if Pakistan is guilty of terror strikes and they are doing a great favor by continuing the talks!
The indians are behaving as if Pakistan is guilty of terror strikes and they are doing a great favor by continuing the talks!

Its not like that. Rather the thinking this time is - "Talks or no talks, nothing's gonna change. We talk to the GOP, which in anyways is impotent. Neither they know about these terrorist networks operating in/supported by ISI, nor they have any power to stop that."
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