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Let me ask you a question, do you think that the arab recruits into the Wermacht were spurred with Anti-British sentiments? Another question, hypothetically, let us say that German prevailed and was victorious in the war. Do you think that the Nazis would have implemented unfavorable policies towards Arabs in newly-conquered Nazi territories in North Africa and the Middle East?

Have you read into Nazi theories of Racial Heirarchy? Do you know about the concept of Ausländer ? Or foreign slaves ? Do you know where your position would be in a Nazi-Dominated Sphere? It would have been in the bottom, my friend. They regarded everyone outside the sphere of European Civilization as an inferior culture and the people as Untermenchen "Subhuman".
@Nihonjin1051 , sir, with all due respect, Arabs are treated as subhumans by the very israelis/Zionists whom you (and many others here) admire, and secondly that is not how Hitler viewed foreign peoples, Muslims in particular, and Eastern Peoples in general. No disrespect to you, but you here are repeating propaganda.

These quotes, BTW, are not from "conspiracy theorists", the sources are referenced:

On East Asians and Indians:

"7th February 1945
In them (Asians), the white races have imposed their will by force
, and the influence they have had on the native inhabitants has been negligible; the Hindus have remained Hindus, the Chinese have remained Chinese, and the Moslems are still Moslems. There have been no profound transformations, and such changes as have occurred are less marked in the religious field, notwithstanding the tremendous efforts of the Christian missionaries, than in any other. There have been a few odd conversions the sincerity of which are open to considerable doubt-except, perhaps in the case of a few simpletons and mentally deficients. The white races did, of course, give some things to the natives, and they were the worst gifts that they could possibly have made, those plagues of our own modern world-materialism, fanaticism, alcoholism and syphilis. For the rest, since these peoples possessed qualities of their own which were superior to anything we could offer them, they have remained essentially unchanged.

colonization is not an activity which Germans feel called upon to pursue, Germany should never make common cause with the colonizing nations and should always abstain from supporting them in their colonial aspirations."- The Hitler-Bormann Documents

13th February 1945
"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." - The Hitler-Bormann Documents

"You (Indians) are fortunate having been born in a country of glorious cultural traditions and a colossal manpower. I am impressed by the burning passion with which you and your Netaji seek to liberate your country from foreign domination. Your Netaji's status is even greater than mine. While I am the leader of eighty million Germans, he is the leader of 400 million Indians. In all respects he is a greater leader and a greater general than myself. I salute him, and Germany salutes him. It is the duty of all Indians to accept him as their führer and obey him implicitly. I have no doubt that if you do this, his guidance will lead India very soon to freedom."-Sopan, pseud., Ed., Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. His Life and Work., Bombay, Azad Bhandar, 1946, pp. 281-282, 284

On the Muslim and Islam World:

17th February 1945
"Had we been on our own, we could have emancipated the Moslem countries dominated by France; and that would have had enormous repercussions in the Near East, dominated by Britain, and in Egypt. But with our fortunes linked to those of the Italians, the pursuit of such a policy was not possible. All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories. The Egyptians, the Irakis and the whole of the Near East were all ready to rise in revolt. Just think what we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and in our own interest! But the presence of the Italians at our side paralysed us; it created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends, who inevitably saw in us accomplices, willing or unwilling, of their oppressors. For the Italians in these parts of the world are more bitterly hated, of course, than either the British or the French. The memories of the barbarous, reprisals taken against the Senussi are still vivid. Then again the ridiculous pretensions of the Duce to be regarded as The Sword of Islam evokes the same sneering chuckle now as it did before the war. This title, which is fitting for Mahomed and a great conqueror like Omar, Mussolini caused to be conferred on himself by a few wretched brutes whom he had either bribed or terrorized into doing so. We had a great chance of pursuing a splendid policy with regard to Islam. But we missed the bus, as we missed it on several other occasions, thanks to our loyalty to the Italian alliance!" - The Hitler-Bormann Documents

"It is only with the Roman empire where one can say that culture was a factor under the government. The government of the Arabs in Spain too was infinitely distinguished: many scientists, thinkers, astronomers, mathematicians, one of the most humane times, at the same time as a colossal knighthood. When, later, Christianity came there, then one can say: barbarians. The knighthood that the Castilians have is actually one of Arab heritage. If Charles Martel had not overcome in Poitiers: since the Jewish world already seized us - that Christianity is something well of insipid - we would have better received Mohammedanism, those doctrines of the reward of heroism - combatants alone have the seventh heaven! With that the Germans would have conquered the world. It is only by Christianity that we have been held distant."- Adolf Hitler's Monologe im Führerhauptquartier (Monologue with Headquarters of the Führer). Hamburg: Albrecht Knaus, 1980.

"Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking: 'You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?'"- Adolf Hitler as quoted by Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich. New York: Macmillan, 1970, p. 96.

In this regard i recommend this book to any serious student of history:

Amazon: Warwolves of the Iron Cross: Swastika and Scimitar: Brothers in Arms


@Arabian Legend @p(-)0ENiX @Yzd Khalifa @Akheilos JonAsad @Developereo
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@ Deseart Fox it is palpable what is that you are arguing , the way I see is Hitler-Stalin-Churchill were all on the same page. Dont know about Stalin but Churchill was as racist as Hitler.... If u think that few Arabs-Chinese of for the matter Jews in Nazi army means something then how do u explain the presence of INDIANS in allied army? Do u think they were treated equal? These men were allowed for some purpose- expendables.....
It just shows to us how cheap promises were in those days. And as a Japanese I'm equally shamed because of the level of brutality the Imperial Army showed, and atrocities committed towards many Chinese civilians in these humanitarian centers as soon as the Germans left. Estimates vary; but as much as 20 million to 30 million Chinese died in the war with Japan.
One can say its no different in this day and age either with the Western allies, they'll throw you to the dogs as soon as they're done using you for their own purposes. For example how they slammed sanctions on Pakistan as soon as the Soviet Union was dissolved, or how they turned against Saddam once he stopped doing their bidding, etc...

Whilst the Zionists treat Muslims as untermenschen (subhumans) and steal Muslim land for lebensraum (living space) with the active support of the "democratic and liberal" West i don't think such baseless predictions of the Germans treating us similarly instill any kind of fear of hatred of them within us. Also, too much historical evidence points to the contrary.
However, the reason for me posting those images was to show that 'evil racist intolerant' Hitler shook hands and posed with 'racially inferior' east Asians, also 'evil racist anti-semetic' Hitler had 150,000 Jews out of 300,000 German Jews (that's 1/3 of the total German Jewish population) serving within his Armed Forces and gov.t in high ranking positions.

While it is noted that there were Germans of Hebrew ancestry that served in the German Wermacht, this is far from reality since many Germans of Hebrew ancestry did serve in the Imperial German Armed Forces during the 1st World War, as well as during the previous Franco-German War of the 1870s. They were integrated well into the German Armed Forces. Your point if is true, that there were some 150,000 German-Jews serving in the Wermacht (btw, 150,000 is 1/2 of 300,000, not 1/3rd), then that is definitely an impressive number. Do you happen to have the reference / source that supports this? I'd like to see it, if you don't mind.

All of what you stated is true. One of the major reasons for the Nazis having lost any interest in continued support for the Chinese at the expense of Japan was the inability to effectively curb the expansion of Communism within China itself. Hitler saw in Chiang Kai-shek a weak and corrupt leader, however Hitler's alliance with Japan was equally in response to American and British aggressive foreign policies against Germany as it was against the Soviet Union:

Sure it was. The Tripartite Pact was an attempt for the Axis Powers to form another political structure , one that was an attempt to bypass the clout of the Anglo-Franco Global Sphere. Originally signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan, the Tripartite Pact was a typical European-style mutual defense treaty between the signatory nations. The treaty would call upon all three nations to unite against any aggressor who had violated the sovereignty of any of the three nations, not including nations that were already engaged in war with any of the three nations. It was not difficult to see that, given the international political situation at the time, the Tripartite Pact was signed with the intention to force the United States to remain isolationist and out of WW2 which had already been waging for an extended amount of time in Europe, northern and eastern Africa, and China.

Let's point out the themes addressed by the 1939 Tripartite Pact, shall we?

A summary of the Tripartite Pact is as follows:

ARTICLE 1. Japan recognizes and respects the leadership of Germany and Italy in the establishment of a new order in Europe.

ARTICLE 2. Germany and Italy recognize and respect the leadership of Japan in the establishment of a new order in Greater East Asia.

ARTICLE 3. Japan, Germany, and Italy agree to cooperate in their efforts on aforesaid lines. They further undertake to assist one another with all political, economic and military means if one of the Contracting Powers is attacked by a Power at present not involved in the European War or in the Japanese-Chinese conflict.

ARTICLE 4. With a view to implementing the present pact, joint technical commissions, to be appointed by the respective Governments of Japan, Germany and Italy, will meet without delay.

ARTICLE 5. Japan, Germany and Italy affirm that the above agreement affects in no way the political status existing at present between each of the three Contracting Powers and Soviet Russia.

ARTICLE 6. The present pact shall become valid immediately upon signature and shall remain in force ten years from the date on which it becomes effective.


Seemingly, all the alliance managed to do was to unite the Germans and Japanese as an enemy. They were not, by contrast, the common enemy, showing how clear the lack of Tripartite unity was. It is readily accepted among contemporary historians that to most Allied troops, the Japanese were loathed in a way that German forces were not. This was particularly, and perhaps understandably, so among American forces. One study that was conducted on a U.S. infantry regiment in training revealed just that. When asked, ‘How would you feel about killing a German solider?’ just seven percent answered with, ‘I would really like to,’ from a list of choices. When ‘German’ was replaced with ‘Japanese’ that response jumped to 44 percent (Lewis 144, 2001). Racial divides between the German and the Japanese became another reason for the Allies to see the Tripartite powers as anything but united.

Race wasn’t a divide among the Germany and Japan that only the Allies recognized, instead it was another example of Tripartite weakness. In April of 1941, after the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact was signed, Stalin embraced Matsuoka in celebration of their common Asian roots. In an ironic twist, the evaluation of Russians as “Asiatics” was regularly added to anti-Soviet propaganda by Nazi Germany (Koshiro 422-23, 2004). Indeed, there is no questioning that, while Hitler appreciated Japanese fanaticism, with his regime’s promoting the idea of Asian-inferiority, no one could expect Germany and Japan to ever fully cooperate. As far back as the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, German publications demonized the Asian side of the-soon-to-become-Soviet Union. In January, the German-language journal Vorwarts proclaimed that, “the yellow Asians will deliver the vanquished [white Russians] from their Asiatic spirit and lead them back to Europe” (Paddock 358, 1998).

Be it racially-orientated, geographically or socially-based, as the Allied powers saw the German and Japanese as divided, the Japanese and Germans also perceived their alliance as fragilely uniting. The Tripartite Pact was, at its root, simply a pact based on a perceived common interest, not a long-term relationship, so, as the two powers so often acted in their own interest, the Tripartite was ultimately weak.

In April of 1941, the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact was signed, uniting two states not out of a common interest (1905’s Russo-Japanese War and the even more recent Soviet-Japanese Border War of 1939 can attest to that), but rather, a common disinterest (Hasegawa 2005). That is, the Soviets wanted to focus on their western border, preparing for a German invasion, and the Japanese were worried about a Soviet attack from the north, while they pursued a campaign through Southeast Asia. The Neutrality Pact was concluded because both parties were unwilling to engage the other militarily at that time.

Germany had done similarly in 1939. There is no doubting that Germany and Japan were trying to survive their own aggrandizement and didn’t necessarily see their own futures tied exclusively to the future of the other. Their underlying racial tensions, meager intelligence-sharing and nonexistent military collusion all suggest just that.

The lack of collaboration is particularly clear in that nonexistent military cooperation. With their military thumping in the Border War of 1939 fresh in their collective memory and recognizing a world of resources around their Asian neighborhood, the Japanese never followed Matsuoka’s desire to push into the Soviet Union in order to meet German troops. Hitler, too, saw this as the clearest means to effective coordination of their collective might, but, as an ardent supporter of the superiority of the Aryan race, he wasn’t about to beg the Japanese to do anything.

Despite his signing the Russo-Japanese non-aggression treaty in April 1941 because of Japan’s recent embarrassment by the Soviet military, Matsuoka changed his stance after Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. Hitler’s proposition to Matsuoka that Japan take part in the attack as well led Matsuoka to become a enthusiastic supporter of the idea of a Japanese attack on Soviet land (Henderson 1993).

However, most of the Japanese leadership was unconvinced, not able to forget the Soviet military superiority in 1939, so southward they went. While his closest advisors felt that a Japanese attack on the far eastern edge of Soviet territory would go far to tumble the tumbling bear, Hitler had decided by the autumn of 1941 to stop pressuring Tokyo for assistance as it would be a clear sign of weakness (Henderson 1993).

Just two months after the German-Soviet neutrality pact was signed, German forces secretly invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941. Despite the German-Japanese alliance, Japanese forces decided to stay removed from the so-called Operation Barbossa. This surely helped the eventual German failure in this preamble to the Second World War’s bloody Eastern front, as the Soviets could devote more of their forces to its western borders, ignoring Japan because of the non-aggression pact between the two Asian states.
Some Japanese officials saw their Soviet neighbors as a valuable resource to hasten the defeat of the Allied powers, even after the Soviets notified Japanese leaders in 1945 that they would not be renewing their treaty. Unbeknownst to the Japanese, at the Yalta Conference earlier that year, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had agreed to enter the war after German surrender.

On the day following the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, the Roosevelt administration requested that the Soviet Union join the war against Japan. New Soviet ambassador Maksim Litinov was instructed to decline, citing the Soviet Union’s devotion to the war with Germany and the neutrality pact in which the Soviet Union was with Japan. Still, just ten days after the rejection, Stalin told British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden that the Soviets would join the war against Japan in time (Hasegawa 19, 2005).

In October 1943, U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull reported that Stalin had told him that, “when the Allies succeeded in defeating Germany, the Soviet Union would then join in defeating Japan” (Hasegawa 23, 2005). There was no sense of German and Japanese cohesion among the Allied or even Axis powers. Rather, it was readily understood that there was unrest between Japan and Germany, and that the Soviet Union was far less sympathetic to the Axis than Matsuoka would have liked to think.

In 1941 Matsuoka had warned that Japan was devoted to the Tripartite Pact first and the neutrality pact with the Soviets second. Four years later, the Soviet Union reneged on the neutrality pact, citing – inaccurately – that it had been coerced into joining the Allied forces (Hasegawa 191, 2005). While, in actuality, Stalin had foretold an eventual Soviet entry on the Allied side of the war as early as 1941, Stalin told his Japanese counterparts otherwise, allowing the treachery to continue. The Germans and the Japanese were divided again, this time in their defeat.

Without question, the Soviet Union was incalculably important to the timidity of the Tripartite Pact, which never reached its full capacity as Germany and Japan were separated by much more than the 15,500 kilometer expanse along the southern Soviet border. Indeed, in September of 1944, the Japanese military brain trust was willing to throw out the Tripartite Pact to keep the Soviet Union out of the war (Hasegawa 29, 2005).

In November of 1943, Japanese Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Natotake Sato, asked if the Moscow Conference, which included the United Kingdom and the United States was a sign of changing Soviet policy towards the Allied Powers. Sato was met with a question of the meaning behind the reaffirmation of the Tripartite Pact just two months prior (Hasegawa 24, 2005). Without an appeasing answer for the Soviets, Sato couldn’t expect one for Japan. The U.S.S.R. remained a balancing point for the Tripartite Pact.

Matsuoka was asked once, while living in semi-retirement, if the neutrality pact with the Soviets was a mistake. Matsuoka called the pact only a means to maintaining Japanese territory, labeling Stalin as untrustworthy (Koshiro 425, 2004). He always knew it would be impossible for a rise in the world with the Soviet Union suppressing Japan in the region. As Matsuoka said, his primary responsibility was to Tokyo, despite his grandiose dreams of a new global order. Moreover, while he felt that the Soviets could have provided an important piece to the Japanese imperialist puzzle, in the end, any attempt Matsuoka made to unite Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan was domestically motivated. In this way, the Tripartite Pact never got off the ground. It was Stalin, one might argue, that kept Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan from ever truly coming together. After all, it was the Soviet issue that continued to divide Germany and Japan, whether it was through troubled treaties or failed military unity.

  • (Willmott 2002) Willmott, H.P.; 2002; The War with Japan: The Period of Balance, May
  • 1942 to October 1943; Wilmington, Delaware; Scholarly Resources Incorporated.
  • (WWII Museum). World War II: Introduction; The National World War II Museum in New
  • Orleans; www.DDayMuseum.org; Extracted on Sunday, November 05, 2006
  • (Zeiler 2004) Zeiler, Thomas; 2004; Unconditional Defeat: Japan, America and the End
  • of World War II; Wilmington, Delaware; Scholarly Resources Incorporated.
  • (Zich 1977) Zich, Arthur; 1977; The Rising Sun; U.S.A.; Time-Life Books.
    Japan and Germany: At War Together • Christopher Wink

Ok now let's begin on the points to debate.To discuss in detail about -

1.Lies of Hitler and the nazi leadership.
2.Stab in the back and the defeat of germany due to communist and jews from within.
3.Nazi racial policies and genocide.
4.Life in the concentration camps.(which u washed away with a lavish pic of POWs in a camp dancing-coming to that later)
5.The Reichstag Fire
6.Foreign recruitment in the wehrmacht.(which u have posted many pics of)
7.Ethnic composition of Poland and czechoslovakia which you cite as justification.

First on Remilitarization of the rhineland 1936.After this incident.Hitler's speech to parliament-

"First, we swear to yield to no force whatever in the restoration of the honor of our people, preferring to succumb with honor to the severest hardships rather than to capitulate. Secondly, we pledge that now, more than ever, we shall strive for an understanding between European peoples, especially for one with our Western neighbor nations...We have no territorial demands to make in Europe!...Germany will never break the peace."
(so it was merely a restoration of german honor against unfair versailles treaty..very well.Thats fine)

In 1936 Hitler also began full rearmament of germany(secret from 1934).Now researcher Desertfox u said it was merely to 'defend ' against powerful french army and communist threat.But is this really the case?

HOSSBACH MEETING NOVEMBER 1937-Present: The Führer and Chancellor; War Minister, Field Marshal von Blomberg; Commander-in-Chief of the Army, General Baron von Fritsch; Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Raeder; Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, General Göring; Foreign Minister Baron von Neurath; and Hitler's Military Adjutant, Colonel Hossbach

From the personal notes of Hitler's adjutant .


Full text of hossbach meeting.For those not willing to read the whole thing basically meeting outlined hitler's plans for territorial expansion in europe.Acc to hitler,Germany's main problem was space,to achieve economic self-sufficiency(autarky) it had to expand.Main obstacles were france and england.It envsiaged expansion of the reich towards austria,czechoslovakia,poland when oppourtunity presented itself and a full war with england and france between 1941-1945.There is no mention of building up a defensive army to protect german territory but rather of expansion.

Von fritsch,army chief resisted these policies as too risky and was forced to resign by trumped up charges brought by the gestapo of him being a homosexual.Blomberg was forced to resign by digging up dirt on his wife's past.Beck,chief of staff was forced out in 1938.Hitler eliminated army opposition to aggressive rearmament.He had already earlier removed industrial minister schacht for resisting the process.


Hitler's policy regarding austria was simple. "the Austrian problem should by no means be brought to a head in the foreseeable future . . . One must simply ensure that in the event of the Austrian question being brought to a head by someone else it will be possible for Germany to intervene.'
As for his intention,it had been outlined in Mein Kampf that austria be united with the reich.(not an unreasonable demand given austrians were ethnic germans and a movement was growing inside austria for a union.However it violated both treaty terms and hitler's promise of 'no territorial demands')
In early 1938 austrian chancellor schussnigg had trouble controlling the nazi party of austria attempting a coup which was directly supported by germany.Hitler citing these problems summoned schussnigg to berlin for a meeting and then bullied him into signing a list of demands-

After lunch, the new German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, presented the demands: an Austrian Pan-German and strong spokesman for Austrian National Socialists, Arthur Seyss-Inquart would be named Minister of the Interior with full control of the police; another Nazi would be named Minister of Economics; all Nazis in prison in Austria would be freed within 3 days; all Nazi officials who had been fired would be rehired; all Austrians would be free to profess National Socialism. Schuschnigg knew that the draft treaty meant the end of the independence of Austria. Several hours later, he was again summoned to Hitler.

Startled by the altered atmosphere in which hitler shouted to his army chief as if to arrest schussnigg, Schuschnigg agreed and signed the Berchtesgaden Agreement.

Schusnigg ashamed of what he had done when he returned to vienna ordered a referandum to save his position,Hitler denounced it as a fraud and stating false riots in austria ordered german army to invade austria.Gaining no support from france or england schussnigg capitualted and handed over power to austrian nazis who promptly declared unification with germany.Anschluss was met with popular approval in large parts of austria,so its not an invasion per se,but shows hitler's claims of no territorial demands were just lies.Schussnigg was sent to a concentration camp with his wife.


As u can see border areas in czechslovakia had german majority though overall they were an overwhelming minority in the country.Leader of sudeten german party Henlein met hitler on 28 march.Hitler instructed him to make demands of the czech govt that they couldn't meet.Czach premier Benes resisted.Hitler railed against czech oppression of germans and made secret plans.Hitler's speech in the Winter Garden of the Chancellery on May 28. He stood in front of a map of Europe and showed them how he would execute his decision "to sweep Czechoslovakia from the map" with appropriate gestures. Then he spoke yet again of Germany's need to fight for Lebensraum in Europe as well as colonial areas. Ultimately the struggle for power would lead to a great war with Britain and France. Now, Hitler argued, the prerequisite for that war was an attack on Czechoslovakia, and the time was ripe for Germany to move. Britain and France would do nothing if she occupied Czechoslovakia in 1938.'Operation green' -invasion of czechslovakia would begin oct 1 final date acc to secret memorandum.

Britain and france chose appeasement and abandoned czechslovakia by handing over sudetenland at the infamous munich conference,hitler promise dthem it was germany's last demand in europe..again.Chamberlain returned to britain declaring 'Its peace in our time'.
Hitler?"If ever that silly old man comes interfering here again with his umbrella, I'll kick him downstairs and jump on his stomach in front of the photographers."(thoughts on chamberlain private).Privately derided the munich agreement as a 'scrap of paper'.
Czechoslovakia lost Economically,, directly or indirectly, 66% of its coal production, 80% of lignite, 86% of chemicals, 80% of cement, 80% of textiles, 70% of electric power, 40% of timber, and 70% of iron and steel..
Now tell me if today pashtun-majority areas of NWFP want to join afghanistan,would pakistan allow it?Would turkey allow kurdish majority areas to secede?

But wait even if u justify annexation of german majority areas,here comes the kicker-
Hitler had promised chamberlain -
''Sudetenland represents germany's last territorial demand in europe''


21 October 1938 Adolf Hitler Directive to the Armed Forces


The future tasks for the Armed Forces and the preparations for the conduct of war resulting from these tasks will be laid down by me in a later Directive. Until that Directive comes into force, the Armed Forces must be prepared at all times for the following eventualities:

1. securing the frontiers of the Reich and protecting it against surprise air attacks.
2. liquidation of the remainder of the Czech State.
3. the occupation of Memelland ....

2. LIQUIDATION OF RUMP CZECHIA: It must be possible to smash, at any time, the remainder of the Czech State, should it pursue an anti-German policy.

The preparations to be made by the Armed Forces for this eventuality will be considerably less in extent than those for Operation GREEN; on the other hand, as planned mobilization measures will have to be dispensed with, they must guarantee a continuous and considerably higher state of preparedness. The organization, order of battle, and degree of preparedness of the units earmarked for this purpose are to be prearranged in peacetime for a surprise assault so that Czechia herself will be deprived of all possibility of organized resistance. The aim is the speedy occupation of Bohemia and Moravia and the cutting off of Slovakia. The precautions must be made so that the defense of our Western frontier can be carried out simultaneously...

10 February 1939 Adolf Hitler Speech to his Commanders

''All our actions during 1938 represent only the logical extension of the decisions which began to be realized in 1933. It is not the case that during this year of 1938;let us say;a particular action occurred which was not previously envisaged. On the contrary, all the individual decisions which have been realized since 1933 are not the result of momentary considerations but represent the implementation of a previously existing plan, though perhaps not exactly according to the schedule which was envisaged. For example, in 1933 I was not exactly certain when the withdrawal from the League of Nations would occur. However, it was clear that this withdrawal had to be the first step towards Germany's revival. And it was further clear that we would have to choose the first appropriate moment. we could see from the start that the next step would have to be rearmament without the permission of foreign countries, but naturally we could not gauge the exact speed and extent of this rearmament right from the start. It was also further obvious that, after certain period of rearmament, Germany would have to take the daring step of proclaiming to the world its freedom from restrictions on rearmament. At the beginning, naturally one could not foresee the right moment for this step. Finally. it was further clear that every further step must first involve the remilitarization of the Rhineland. The date for this was in fact envisaged as being one year later: I did not think I would carry it out until 1937. the circumstances at the time made it seem appropriate to carry it out as early as 1936. It was also quite obvious that the Austrian and the Czech problems would have to be solved in order further to strengthen Germany's political and, in particular, her strategic position. To start with, I was not quite sure whether both problems ought to be or could be solved simultaneously or whether one should deal first with the question of Czechoslovakia or with the Austrian questions. There was no doubt that these questions would have to be solved and so all these decisions were not ideas which were realized at the moment of their conception, but were long-made plans which I was determined to realize the moment I thought the circumstances at the time would be favorable.''

(Rearmament for self defense,Herr desertfox?)

On 1939 march with pressure from italy and germany,Czechslovakia was partitioned with a puppet slovakian state,a small part annexed to hungary and the majority being added to the reich.Wehrmacht entered prague.The wehrmacht apparently entered czech territory to 'restore order' in fighting between slovaks and czechs(in reality slovak leader tiso already met with hitler earlier)
Now how do you justify this?Where were the oppressed germans being saved in prague?Self-defense?Jews?Communists?
I will come what happened during nazi occupation in czechoslovakia in later post.

POLAND 1939:

Anglo british appeasement ended with hitler's betrayal in czechoslovakia and guaranteeing of poland.


German ethnicities in Poland by 1931 census.See the % of germans...almost never a majority in any districts-most under 20% in the western districts.
As to why poland had these districts-these were the same districts prussia gained by polish partition from 1772-1795.The small percentages of ethnic germans u see are largely the prussian policy of 'germanization' .Unlike in the sudetenland,here u see the ethnic germans were not majority at all.Danzig was Poland's only access to the sea and vital for her trade.
Hitler first tried to get danzig in offer for a non-aggression pact,but poland refused .Here hitler outmanuevered anglo french by signing non-aggression pact with soviet union.
Hitler presented and ultimatum,poland boldened by western guarantee and wary of the fate of czechoslovakia refused again.
Meanwhile war preparations were continuing.Hitler's motivation was not just geopolitical but racial-to gain lebensraum as he had repeatedly stated earlier.
In a speech to the leaders of German armed forces on August 22, 1939 Hitler ordered:
“Kill without pity or mercy all men, women or children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space (Lebensraum) we need. The destruction of Poland is our primary task. The aim is… annihilation of living forces.”

Already in May 1939, four months before the outbreak of war, the German political police, “Gestapo”, created the unit “Zentralstelle IIP Polen” (Central Unit IIP-Poland) under Reinhardt Heydrich to coordinate the ethnic cleansing of all Poles. Two years later at the infamous Wansee Conference, the same Reinhardt Heydrich coordinated the Final Solution for killing of all the Jews. The code name of the ethnic cleansing of Poles was “Tannenberg,” after the German name of a village where in early 15th century a Polish king defeated and repulsed the medieval German “Push Eastward.”

- A false flag operation staged on german-polish border to serve as an excuse for beginning the war by the gestapo under hitler's instructions.On september1 using this as pretext decalres war sparking ww2.Self-defense?

Operation Himmler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finally in 1941 after enjoying fruits of german-soviet commercial agreement for whole year launches surprise attack on soviet union despite non-aggression pact sparking most brutal war in human history to cleanse the east for lebensraum.

Lie after lie after lie.

So above post dealt with Hitler's lies and ethnic composition.
Next post will deal with stab in the back,reichstag fire and nazi racial policy and genocide.
Final post on life in conc camps and foreign volunteers in wehrmacht.


This term was employed first by Ludendorff,german army chief-of -staff in WWI and later an early backer of hitler.
The official birth of the term "stab-in-the-back" itself possibly can be dated to the autumn of 1919, when Ludendorff was dining with the head of the British Military Mission in Berlin, British general Sir Neil malcolm. Malcolm asked Ludendorff why it was that he thought Germany lost the war. Ludendorff replied with his list of excuses, including that the home front failed the army.

Malcolm asked him: "Do you mean, General, that you were stabbed in the back?" Ludendorff's eyes lit up and he leapt upon the phrase like a dog on a bone. "Stabbed in the back?" he repeated. "Yes, that's it, exactly, we were stabbed in the back".

Now the blame you shifted onto jews and communists for germany's loss.Let's see,how ludendorff shifts the blame of failure from the army to the civilian leadership to save their image.You say german army in 1918 was paralyzed by communist and jewish backstab shutting down industry and supplies-false.On march 21, 1918 the germans began their huge final offensive Operation michael with a mass of 72 attacking divisions designed to end the war.Both the kaiser and the general staff of ludendorff and hindenburg promised victory.So where was the 'paralysis'?
When this offensive failed after coming close to success,we see in hindenburg's diary-''The enemies strength was too great for us''.There is no mention of jewish -communist rebeliion.In may ludendorff reported back operation was indecisive.(till now we find no mention of any stab in the back anywhere)

The turning point of the war in favour of the Entente was 18 July 1918 when French and American forces successfully counterattacked the German forces at Villers-Cotterets. The attack consisted of 24 French and American divisions, 2000 guns, 500 tanks, and more then 1200 aircraft. Allied tanks led the offensive behind the cover of a creeping barrage.

The Germans were not prepared for an attack; especially an attack led by this number of tanks(germans themselves in ww1 totally neglected tanks-building just a few archaic A7V). The Allies punctured the German lines, and a general retreat was ordered within 48 hours of the Allied and American breakthrough. From July 18th onwards, the German army was in retreat.

General Fritz von Lossberg who was sent to inspect the condition and morale of the Seventh and Ninth German armies following the defeat of July 18th stated, "...July 18, 1918 was the precise turning point in the conduct of the war. The OHL's (High Command) failure to understand that the combat strength of the German army was already severely shattered in July 1918 [and] required systematic rebuilding."

At this point, the German army was incapable of an offensive campaign for several reasons. By July 1918, American troops were arriving in Europe at a rate of 120,000 a month and had begun to sway the balance of power in favour of the Allies. Morale was low among the German troops. During the July 18th battle, there were accounts of large groups of German soldiers surrendering to a single enemy soldier.

Martin Kitchen in his book entitled The Silent Dictatorship argued that after the military defeat of July 18th "an increasing number of officers in the OHL were convinced that the war could no longer be won." However, Ludendorff noted in his war memoirs that he believed the defeat on July 18 was only a temporary setback, "...regrettable, but far from irremediable."


The High Command remained optimistic until 8 August 1918. On the morning of 8 August 1918 the Allied forces mounted a surprise attack on the German forces along a 20-mile front east of Amiens. The Allies went straight for the German forces and skipped their artillery bombardment, which would have pre-warned the German forces that an attack was coming.

Spearheading the attack were 360 heavy tanks and 96 whippet tanks that were invisible behind the fog and Allied smokescreen. The Allied forces were nearly successful at breaking through the German lines on 8 August 1918. The attack marked a devastating defeat for the German Army.

This near-breakthrough led the High Command to accept that the German army was no longer capable of conducting offensive military operations and that the army would be limited to defensive measures and evasions.

Historian Michel Geyer in his article Insurrectionary Warfare: The German Debate about a Levee en Masse in October 1918 stated that this was an overly wishful assessment of the situation and it was clear that the war had been lost for Germany as of 8 August 1918.

Ludendorff did not remain under the illusion that Germany would soon defeat the enemy for long. He described 8 August 1918 as "The black day of the German army," and stated "...success was easy for the enemy." General von Lossberg described the battle that occurred on 8 August 1918 as "The worst defeat that a [single] army had ever suffered in war."

For Ludendorff, the dream of obtaining huge pieces of France, Belgium, and Poland at an eventual peace conference held by Germany was gone. Ludendorff stated that "August 8 put the decline of fighting power beyond all doubt... I had no hope of finding a strategic expedient whereby to turn the situation to our advantage."(Still no mention of jewish communist conspiracy and paralysis)

Finally Ludendorff concluded that "Leadership now assumed...the character of an irresponsible game of chance, a thing I have always considered fatal. The fate of the German people was too high a stake. The war must be ended."

However, shortly after, Ludendorff showed a different attitude towards the defeat of August 8th to Chancellor Hertling. Previous statements made by Ludendorff indicated that Germany had all but lost the war. However, Ludendorff led Hertling to believe that Germany was still capable of winning the war. Ludendorff stated to Chancellor Hertling, "In the course of the war I have been compelled five times before to withdraw troops but only in the end to beat the enemy. Why should I not succeed in doing that a sixth time?"

On 13 August 1918, one day before the fateful Spa Conference, Ludendorff spoke confidentially to Foreign Secretary Hintze -
In this conversation, Hintze reported that Ludendorff "...admitted... that although he had told me in July he had been certain of breaking the enemy's fighting mettle and of compelling him to accept peace...he was no longer sure of it."
When Hintze asked Ludendorff what the further conduct of the war should be, Ludendorff replied "a strategic defensive could weaken the enemy and gradually bring him to our terms." This statement by Ludendorff was very optimistic considering the severe military defeat that Germany had just suffered and the condition of its army.

These statements reveal some obvious contradictions. Either Ludendorff believed that Germany was no longer capable of winning the war. but led the civilian authorities to believe that it was still possible to defeat the enemy.Or he himself was no longer sure of what was happening on the front.


By early September, the enemy had recaptured all the territory that Germany had gained in the Spring Offensive. Through September the military situation continued to deteriorate. Germany was facing total defeat and it was doubtful that the army would be able to hold out for the eventual peace negotiations.
Over 20 divisions had been redeployed in order to reinforce other divisions and many battalions were at only fifty percent strength. Asprey argued, "It was doubtful whether 750,000 troops remained at the front." While the number of German troops declined, the Allies had 120,000 fresh American troops arriving monthly. The morale on the front was horrible and Germany was at the verge of collapse.On the night of September 25-26, the High Command was informed that Germany's ally, Bulgaria, wanted a separate peace. With Bulgaria out of the war there was an exposed flank in the southeast and the Danube River would be blocked. Combined with the prospect of Rumania re-entering the war, and the loss of the Rumanian oil fields proved too much for Ludendorff to handle. After hearing of Bulgaria's intention for a separate peace, Ludendorff stated to General Kuhl, "We can't stand up to all that; we can't fight the whole world."

On the night of September 28th, Hindenburg and Ludendorff both finally agreed that an armistice should be sought immediately. However, neither wanted to accept the blame for seeking an armistice.
A major conference occurred in Spa on 29 September 1918. Ludendorff, Hindenburg, Hintze, and Colonel Heye, Chief of the Operations Bureau were present at this conference. Ludendorff and Hindenburg made no effort to continue to disguise the situation or show any more hopeless optimism.

After describing the situation both Hindenburg and Ludendorff concluded that an immediate armistice was necessary. The High Command was in a desperate situation. It had promised the war weary country victory over the enemy just months before.Despite the dismal state of the German military, the German people believed that Germany would win the war due to the High Command's fraudulent optimism and propaganda.

On October 1st, after careful planning between Hintze, and the Kaiser, a new government formed. Ludendorff and Hindenburg supported this transfer of power to the civilian government. This is not because they desired to lose their power, but because according to Hindenburg and Ludendorff "...it seemed only just that the socialists... should be smeared with the blame for the immanent disaster."The High Command who had been operating separately from the civilian government was placed under the control of this new government.
The High Command and the socialists had never been on good terms, especially in the final months of war when the socialists undermined the army. However, nowhere does Ludendorff mention the failure of the High Command to secure the victory that it promised just months before. General Lossberg latter wrote, "...the real fault lay in his (Ludendorff) own defective general-ship."

Within hours of the formation of the new government, Ludendorff demanded that the new Chancellor, Prince Max, send the armistice offer immediately. However, Prince Max believed it would be best to wait until the government was fully formed before rushing into any peace offer.However, Ludendorff proved to be persuasive. Ludendorff called the office of Prince Max every hour on October 3rd warning the Chancellor that the fate of the German Army rested in Prince Max initiating negotiations with President Wilson.
Historians have been puzzled as to why Ludendorff was suddenly desperate for peace. The situation of the military was not significantly worse than when Ludendorff was expressing optimism about the military situation. However, since July, the High Command had been looking for a scapegoat for seeking an armistice with the enemy.

Ludendorff and Hindenburg had carefully guided the newly formed civilian government into this position. By transferring the High Command's power to the parliamentary government and Reichstag, it appeared that the decision for an armistice had been the new civilian government's intention.

Harry Rudin, in his book Armistice 1918 argued that the German civilian government made two grave errors. First, it let itself be "stampeded into the decision by Ludendorff and Hindenburg without questioning the judgment of the two Generals and without asking for any postponement of the decision in order to study the matter more thoroughly." Secondly, it let it appear that the "new government was responsible for the decision and not the High Command." As a result, the sole responsibility for this decision appeared to be the civilian government and not with the High Command where it belonged.

A major problem with the events following 29 September 1918 is that while the High Command demanded an armistice, it had still not admitted total defeat. Ludendorff had a primitive and optimistic idea of the armistice. He believed that when negotiations commenced with President Wilson, the German forces would retreat and regroup behind the German border.

If peace terms were not to Germany's liking, the German Army would be in a better position than before and would be capable of reopening war. This "...led to the suspicion among historians, but first articulated among the Allies, that the peace offer was a deceit from the start."

Ludendorff and Hindenburg were not prepared to accept responsibility for the terms When Ludendorff was asked about Wilson's second peace note, he replied "the enemy should win such terms by fighting for them."

Also, Ludendorff told the government that he believed that Germany was now capable of beating the enemy because he believed he could muster another 600,000 troops. In reply to President Wilson's second note, Hindenburg and Ludendorff released a general statement to the German troops stating the High Command took no responsibility for future negotiations with Wilson.

This was an outright violation of the new constitution, and put the civilian government in a difficult position because it appeared that the High Command no longer supported peace. However, Prince Max believed that Germany would never be in a better situation to negotiate an armistice, and continued negotiations without Ludendorff and Hindenburg's support. Due to this, it appeared that the civilian government had been the one seeking an armistice.

On I October Ludendorff told a group of senior officers: 'We shall now see these gentlemen enter various ministries. They can make the peace that has to be made. They can now eat the soup they have served up to us!'

On the jews and communists: U have given 3 names of jewish communist leaders as the proof for a global jewish conspiracy for german stab in the back without a single statement from any of these leaders in support of zionism or belief in judaism,u simply assumed.Lenin and marx were of jewish descent as well and have vocally denounced god and all religion.Here the quote of 'marx the jew' -apparently the brainchild of bolshevik jewish conspiracy -

"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need and self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Hucksterism. What is the worldly God? Money. An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions of huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would be dissipated like a thin haze in the real, vital air of society."

Now i have given the actual reasons and the construction of the myth above by ludendorff,but i'll give a few examples of the rubbish of the stab in the back.

German Jewish Soldiers - Memorial of Fallen Soldiers

Memorial by names of 12,000 jewish servicemen killed in german service,proportionate to total number of 550,000 in the german empire.

The President of the Reich Berlin, October 3, 1932
Dear Dr. Lowenstein!

I express my cordial thanks to the Reich Association of Jewish Combat Veterans for their good wishes on my 85th birthday as well as for the gift of flowers and the Commemorative Album. I accept the book in respectful memory of those comrades from your ranks fallen for the Fatherland and will make it a part of my war library.

With comradely greetings!
(signed) Von Hindenburg(Commander in chief german army ww1)

The Reich Association of Jewish Combat Veterans
Attn: Dr. Lowenstein, Captain of the Reserves, Retired
Kurfurstendamm 200
Berlin W 15

The noblest German blood is that which is shed by German soldiers for Germany. To these also belong the 12,000 killed in action from German Jewry, who thereby earnestly in their turn successfully passed the test of blood in the German sense of the word. To the extent that their names could still be identified, they are perpetuated in this book, which their comrades who came home again respectfully dedicate to their memory.

(signed) Dr. Leo Lowenstein
Captain of the Reserves
President of the RAJCV

Another example -
Fritz Haber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Noble winning jewish german chemist who pioneered the production of poison gas for use by german troops compromising his reputation among the scientific community post-war.He defended himself by saying-
''In peace for humanity,in war fatherland'.He had to die in exile when hitler came in power.

As for the jewish lobby in america being pro-war,they are a group of independent people in a sovereign country and have every right to express their own opinion.They were not germans and can't stab germany in the back.But in any case it was not lobby but german resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in the atlantic in 1917 (germany had halted this 1916 to stop usa entry-president wilson sent warning note to germany in 1915 after german submarines sunk civilian ships killing american citizens.But by 1917 british blockade was hurting german economy and they were getting desperate)that caused her entry into WW1.
Thus it is seen that stab in the back was a careful construction of the general staff to avoid taking the blame of defeat and passing it onto scapegoats.

In ww2 -The Allied policy of unconditional surrender was devised in 1943 in part to avoid a repetition of the stab-in-the-back theme. According to historian John Wheeler-Bennett, speaking from the British perspective,

''It was necessary for the Nazi régime and/or the German Generals to surrender unconditionally in order to bring home to the German people that they had lost the War of themselves; so that their defeat should not be attributed to a "stab in the back"

Now i'm tired of talking about jews and i'm not a spokesperson for them.

You miss the point entirely.

The issue is not about supporting Hitler. It's about being able to discuss the subject without being shouted down as conspiracy theorists and anti-Semites. History is always a lot more complicated than the simplified, sanitized version most people believe.

We discuss controversial subjects involving Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists -- but as soon as the word 'Jewish' is involved, the intellectual fascism kicks in and debate must be shut down.

I wanted to discuss this point.
Tell me why has israel and arabs of today been dragged into this topic which was purely historical one ?And who did it?Me or desertfox?
The problem with desertfox and his arab cheerleaders is they relate the jews of today's israel to these civilians that were slaughtered by hitler.You people are seeing them as 'jews' and not people-just normal people mostly living in villages in eastern europe.
Does israel use sympathy from the holocaust to its own end?-Yes
Is what israel doing in palestine right now humane or fair? -No
Now ,most important does saying innocent people happening to be jews were targeted and killed by hitler,mean supporting israel of today?-To desertfox apparently yes-to me - no.These can be treated mutually exclusive.

Do you think i'm some jewish cheerleader?How many times have u seen me in a israel-palestine topic on this forum.I have been here for 8 yrs.I think 2-3 posts u will find and mostly along the lines of 'RIP innocents,hopefully there will be a peaceful solution in this clusterfuck called the middle east'.
Am i against them disliking jews?Not at all- i don't care.They are free people entitled to their own opinions.What i am against is the historical revisionism being preached by Desertfox portraying hitler as a misrepresented leader who was more or less a good guy and all the misdeeds attributed to himand his cronies being products of propaganda.As for the large numbers of arab members falling for this-sure u can have silent admiration for this guy because his dislike for jews corresponds with urs,and he did something about it-like kill millions of them..while the collective arab world has proved itself incompetent and too corrupt to deal with tiny israel despite huge financial,material and geographic advantages losing war after war.I would ask you to get to know hitler more before falling for this.I would ask you to remember deaths caused by hitler and thenazi leadership were far more than just jews.
Thus contrary to ur accusation that my posts are a defense of judaism,its rather a protest against blatant nazi revisionism .

NEXT:Nazi racial policies(On country basis-czech,poland,russia plus jews) and conspiracy to genocide.
Life in concentration camps(including dealing with the lavish photos of polish prisoners desertfox posted).Reichstag fire and foreign recruitment in SS and wehrmacht(the 'diversity' desertfox was boasting about)
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What i am against is the historical revisionism being preached by Desertfox

This is not about Hitler. Whether he was good, bad or ugly should be decided on documented evidence. Both sides should be allowed to present their case, and which part is revisionism and which part is fact should be for the readers to decide.

The intellectual fascism to which I refer is a phenomenon throughout much of the Western world and, due to Western domination, the rest of the world. There is a double standard at play where Jews are allowed to criticize everyone else on the planet, but the reverse is not allowed. The former is legally protected, while the latter is legally forbidden in many Western countries.

I can give dozens of examples where Jews get away with the most vicious claims against Jesus, Mohammed, Arabs, Iranians, Kazhaks, anything and everything, but the slightest comment by a non-Jew which may offend Jews is censored by law.

Google beats its chest about freedom of speech and allows vicious allegations against Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. but the same Google censors allegedly anti-Semitic content in most Western European countries. If someone draws a cartoon mocking Mohammed, it is defended as freedom of speech. If someone draws a cartoon mocking Jewish sensibilities, they are prosecuted by the same European governments.

If it is legitimate to point out that various terrorists were Muslim, then it should be legitimate to point out that the architects of most of America's wars against Muslims have been ethnic Jews. That the biggest drum beaters for these wars, sanctions and misery are often ethnic Jews. If someone says that Jewish Commissars were responsible for atrocities, they should be allowed to present their case and evidence. If someone says that media Jews have made a mockery of Christianity and traditional values in the West, they should be allowed to present their case and evidence.

We allow these things against other groups, but Jews receive special exemption. -- legally enforced.

Now, the reason this double standard is important to us is because the Zionist media has made it a priority to demonize Muslims, Arabs, Iranians. Anyone who dares to oppose Israel is demonized by the dominant Western media in their campaign to portray Israel's enemies as the world's enemies.

For an Indian, East Asian, or South American who is not affected by this media campaign, the double standard may not matter much. But, for those of us who are targeted, it is important to highlight what is going on.

Unlike some vicious Jews who attack Islam itself and Mohammed, we are not attacking Judaism or Moses, both of which we respect. We are only interested in exposing the conduct of specific Jewish individuals or organizations.
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This is not about Hitler. Whether he was good, bad or ugly should be decided on documented evidence. Both sides should be allowed to present their case, and which part is revisionism and which part is fact should be for the readers to decide.

The intellectual fascism to which I refer is a phenomenon throughout much of the Western world and, due to Western domination, the rest of the world. There is a double standard at play where Jews are allowed to criticize everyone else on the planet, but the reverse is not allowed. The former is legally protected, while the latter is legally forbidden in many Western countries.

I can give dozens of examples where Jews get away with the most vicious claims against Jesus, Mohammed, Arabs, Iranians, Kazhaks, anything and everything, but the slightest comment by a non-Jew which may offend Jews is censored by law.

Google beats its chest about freedom of speech and allows vicious allegations against Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. but the same Google censors allegedly anti-Semitic content in most Western European countries. If someone draws a cartoon mocking Mohammed, it is defended as freedom of speech. If someone draws a cartoon mocking Jewish sensibilities, they are prosecuted by the same European governments.

If it is legitimate to point out that various terrorists were Muslim, then it should be legitimate to point out that the architects of most of America's wars against Muslims have been ethnic Jews. That the biggest drum beaters for these wars, sanctions and misery are often ethnic Jews. If someone says that Jewish Commissars were responsible for atrocities, they should be allowed to present their case and evidence. If someone says that media Jews have made a mockery of Christianity and traditional values in the West, they should be allowed to present their case and evidence.

We allow these things against other groups, but Jews receive special exemption. -- legally enforced.

Now, the reason this double standard is important to us is because the Zionist media has made it a priority to demonize Muslims, Arabs, Iranians. Anyone who dares to oppose Israel is demonized by the dominant Western media in their campaign to portray Israel's enemies as the world's enemies.

For an Indian, East Asian, or South American who is not affected by this media campaign, the double standard may not matter much. But, for those of us who are targeted, it is important to highlight what is going on.

Unlike some vicious Jews who attack Islam itself and Mohammed, we are not attacking Judaism or Moses, both of which we respect. We are only interested in exposing the conduct of specific Jewish individuals or organizations.

Fair enough,i'm not here to debate jews ..just hitler.For me this was an extension of the history topic..i don't care much about zionist debate today.Just refuting claims on hitler-which was misrepresentation of hitler.

Czechoslovakia -
Some examples of glorious nazi rule.

17.11.1939, following the order of Adolf Hitler after protests against occupation by the students of prague, the nazis forcibly closed Czech universities, the student leaders were arrested and executed and hundreds of Czech students were sent to the concentration camps at Oranienburg, Dachau and Mauthausen. The female students were raped in front of the male students in prague university.After that, the German authorities issued a ban on all public gatherings.
Czechoslovakia was vital to german wartime production due to the great skoda factories,Reich needed the Czech industrial workers.And so it was not in the German national interest to destroy the economic potential of the industry-wise advanced Czech society by a brutal reign of terrors, like they did in Poland or Serbia.
Hitler however insisted that this solution was only temporary. After his “victory”, he demanded “total germanization of this area”, as it was called by the nazis. This plan included for example only basic 4-year education for Czechs. Those Czechs, who were found “racially worthless” were to be liquidated, racially “worthy” Czechs (“wiedereindeutschungsfähig” – “capable again of becoming a German”) were to be germanized. That was the reason why a limited amount of Czech students was allowed to study in the Reich.
In the Protektorat, a privileged “high society” was created by an official order. Czech Germans, Sudeten Germans and Reich Germans were the “Oberschicht” (“high layer”), the Czechs became the “Unterschicht” (lower layer) of the society . The Jews and the Gypsies stopped being human by an official order, they were called“Untermenschen” (sub-humans). Food rations were also split into classes – D for Germans (highest), T for Czechs (lower) and J for Jews (lowest). Forced labor was implemented by law as well, as were the double language inscriptions, the bells were confiscated from churches (SS: for steel), the streets were renamed, in culture, everything German was preferred and the culture and social life was limited. Slowly and in silence, physical liquidation of Czech intellectuals has begun, for example in Brno, the majority of the university professors was arrested and sent to Auschwitz and Mauthausen concentration camps.
After czech resistance intensified Reinhard heydrich(Butcher of Prague)-number 2 SS after himmler was sent to 'pacify' the area.Practically immediately after arriving, he stated: “After all, no Czech has a place in this area anymore”
For example, when it comes to the matter of Czech schools, Heydrich wrote to Martin Bormann: “…such measures (as the closing of the school in Kladno) I am planning for all the higher Czech schools, when the opportunity presents itself, in order to complicate acquiring higher education for the Czechs” (he meant high schools, the universities were already closed). Shortly after his arrival, on 28.9.1941, Heydrich declared martial law. The very next day he had the prime minister Alois Eliáš arrested. Furthermore, he had 5000 hand-picked Czechs arrested and liquidated in concentration camps.
Cocky and careless heydrich was assasinated by czech resistance,nazis replied by slaughtering all inhabitants of nearby villages in the area.And this is just a glimpse.

Poland - Poland didn't have great industry and policy was totally different.

In a speech to the leaders of German armed forces on August 22, 1939 Hitler ordered: “Kill without pity or mercy all men, women or children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space (Lebensraum) we need. The destruction of Poland is our primary task. The aim is… annihilation of living forces.”
In fact even 4 months before the invasion German political police, “Gestapo”, created the unit “Zentralstelle IIP Polen” (Central Unit IIP-Poland) under Reinhardt Heydrich to coordinate the ethnic cleansing of all Poles.
The Zentralstelle prepared a special list of 61,000 Polish leaders “Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen” (Special Prosecution Book-Poland) prior to the September 1, 1939 German attack on Poland. Within the first few months of the war, all the Poles on the Zentralstelle list were killed outright or sent to concentration camps to die. They included the nobility, priests, university professors, teachers, doctors, lawyers and other community leaders, and even a prominent sportsman who won the gold medal in his category at the Berlin Olympics in 1936.

In May 1940, by a special order of SS Chief, Heinrich Himmler, a “contingent of 20,000 young Poles” was captured and sent to concentration camps. From November 1939 to May 1940 a series of “Intelligenzaktionen” i.e., killing of Polish “intelligentia”, the leadership of the nation, was carried out throughout conquered Poland. No complete figures are available, yet only in one territory, “Intelligenzaktion Pommern” (Northwest Poland) in Autumn 1939, 23,000 Poles were killed. Altogether, in the “Universe Concentrationaire” of occupied Europe there were 9,000 concentration camps of various types, 2,000 of them in Poland. (This in addition to about 300 ghettos and killing camps for Jews.)The infamous Auschwitz Camp was established in late 1939 specifically for Poles who were the initial prisoners. In 1942, a new sub-camp, Birkenau, was built as a killing camp and used first for killing of Poles and Soviet war prisoners and then for the “Final Solution” killing of Jews, Gypsies and other “sub-humans.
Three million Polish forced laborers deported to Germany had also to wear a “sign of infamy”: a rhomboid of yellow fabric framed in purple with a purple “P” in the center

About 200,000 Polish children, blond and with blue eyes, were forcibly taken from their parents to be Germanized by the organization “Lebensborn” (born again). Only 15% of the children returned to Poland after the war.

Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hans Frank(Butcher of Krakow) ,Nazi governor general of poland in nuremberg trials -

"Don't let anybody tell you that they had no idea. Everybody sensed there was something horribly wrong with the system." (11/29/45) "Hitler has disgraced Germany for all time! He betrayed and disgraced the people that loved him!...I will be the first to admit my guilt." (4/17/46)

"The Jews must be eliminated. Whenever we catch one, it is his end"...."This territory [Poland] is in its entirety the booty of the German Reich"...."I have not been hesitant in declaring that when a German is shot, up to 100 Poles shall be shot too."--from the diary of Hans Frank.

Himmler's May 1940 memorandum: "The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans. . . . I do not think that reading is desirable"

From the beginning, the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany was intended as fulfillment of the future plan of the German Reich described by Hitler in his book Mein kampf as ("living space") for the Germans in Eastern Europe. The occupation goal was to turn former Poland into ethnically German "living space", by deporting or exterminating non-German populace, or relegating it to the position of slave labour. The goal of German state under Nazi leadership during the war was to destroy the Polish nation completely and their fate, as well as many other slavs, was outlined in genocidal Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East) and a related General Plan for Settlement. Over 30 years, approximately 12.5 millions of Germans were to be resettled into the Slavic areas, including Poland; with some versions planning for a movement of at least 100 millions Germans over a century.The Slavic inhabitants of those lands were to be eliminated by genocidal policies; and the survivors resettled further east, into less hospitable parts of Euroasia beyond the urals. At the plans fulfillment, there would be no Slavs or Jews remaining in Eastern europe.Generalplan Ost, essentially a grand plan for ethnic cleansing, was divided into two parts, the Kleine Planung ("Small Plan"), which covered actions which were to be taken during the war, and the Grosse Planung ("Big Plan"), which covered actions to be undertaken after the war was won.

On March 15, 1940 Himmler stated: "All Polish specialists will be exploited in our military-industrial complex. Later, all Poles will disappear from this world. It is imperative that the great German nation considers the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task."

Translation of Document No-1880, Prosecution Exhibit 1314.

[This memorandum is undated, but the time of Himmler's handing it to Hitler and others is noted in the next document reproduced herein.]

[Handwritten] Dr. Gross of the Racial Policy Office has been informed 28 November 1940. Wolff.
For the files
[stamp] Top Secret.

Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East:

Concerning the treatment of peoples of alien races in the East we have to see to it that we acknowledge and cultivate as many individual ethnic groups as possible, that is, outside of the Poles and the Jews, also the Ukrainians, the White Russians, the Gorals [Goralen], the Lemcos [Lemken] and the Cashubos [Kaschuben]. If other small and isolated national groups can be found in other places, they should be treated the same way.

What I want to say is that we are not only most interested in not unifying the population of the East, but, on the contrary, in splitting them up into as many parts and fragments as possible.

But even within the ethnic groups themselves we have one interest in leading these to unity and greatness, or perhaps arouse in them gradually a national consciousness and national culture, but we want to dissolve them into innumerable small fragments and particles.

We naturally want to use the members of all these ethnic groups, especially of the small ones, in positions of police officials and mayors. Only the mayors and local police authorities will be allowed to head those ethnic groups. As far as the Gorals are concerned the individual chieftains and elders of the tribes, who live in continuous feud with each other anyhow, should fill these positions. There must be no centralization toward the top, because only by dissolving this whole conglomeration of peoples of the Government General, amounting to 15 million, and of the 8 million of the eastern provinces, will it be possible for us to carry out the racial sifting which must be the basis for our considerations: namely selecting out of this conglomeration the racially valuable and bringing them to Germany and assimilating them there.

Within a very few years--I should think about 4 to 5 years the name of the Cashubes, for instance, must be unknown, because at that time there won't be a Cashubian people any more (this also goes especially for the West Prussians). I hope that the concepts of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony. Within a somewhat longer period, it should also be possible to make the ethnic concepts of Ukrainians, Gorals and Lemcos disappear in our area. What has been said for those fragments of peoples is also meant on a correspondingly larger scale for the Poles.

A basic issue in the solution of all these problems is the question of schooling and thus the question of sifting and selecting the young. For the non-German population of the East there must be no higher school than the four-grade elementary school. The sole goal of this school is to be--

Simply arithmetic up to 500 at the most; writing of one's name; the doctrine that it is a divine law to obey the Germans and to be honest, industrious, and good. I don't think that reading is necessary.

Apart from this school there are to be no schools at all in the East. Parents, who from the beginning want to give their children better schooling in the elementary school as well as later on in a higher school, must take an application to the Higher SS and Police Leaders. The first consideration in dealing with this application will be whether the child is racially perfect and conforming to our conditions. If we acknowledge such a child to be as of our blood, the parents will be notified that the child will be sent to a school in Germany and that it will permanently remain in Germany.

Cruel and tragic as every individual case may be, this method is still the mildest and best one if, out of inner conviction, one rejects as un-German and impossible the Bolshevist method of physical extermination of a people.

The parents of such children of good blood will be given the choice to either give away their child; they will then probably produce no more children so that the danger of this subhuman people of the East [Untermenschenvolk des Ostens] obtaining class of leaders which, since it would be equal to us, would also be dangerous for us, will disappear--or else the parents pledge themselves to go to Germany and to become loyal citizens there. The love toward their child, whose future and education depends on the loyalty of the parents, will be a strong weapon in dealing with them.

Apart from examining the applications made by parents for better schooling of their children, there will be an annual sifting of all children of the Government General between the ages of 6 to 10 years in order to separate the racially valuable and non-valuable ones. The ones considered racially valuable will be treated in the same way as the children who are admitted on the basis of the approved application of their parents.

I consider it as a matter of course from an emotional as well as from a rational viewpoint that the moment children and parents come to Germany they are not treated like lepers in the schools and in everyday life, but, after having changed their names, they should, in full confidence, be incorporated into the German life, although attention and vigilance must be exercised with regard to them. It must not happen that the children be made to feel as outcasts, because, after all, we believe in this, our own blood, which, through the errors of German history has flowed into an alien nationality and we are convinced that our ideology and our ideals will strike a chord of resonance in the racially equal soul of these children. Here teachers and Hitler Youth leaders especially must do an out-and-out job, and the mistake that has been made in the past with the people from Alsace Lorraine must never be repeated; namely, that on one side one wants to win the people as Germans, and on the other side one constantly hurts and repudiates their human value, their pride and honor through distrust and insults. Insults like "Polack" and "Ukrainian" or something like that must be made impossible.

The children will have to be educated in an elementary school and after those four grades it can be decided whether the children should continue to go to the German grammar school or should be transferred to a national political institution of education.

The population of the Government General during the next 10 years, by necessity and after a consistent carrying out of these measures, will be composed of the remaining inferior population supplemented by the population of the eastern provinces deported there, and of all those parts of the German Reich which have the same racial and human qualities for instance, parts of the Sorbs [Sorben] and Wends [Wenden].

This population will, as a people of laborers without leaders, be at our disposal and will furnish Germany annually with migrant workers and with workers for special tasks (roads, quarries, buildings): they themselves will have more to eat and more to live on than under the Polish regime; and, though they have no culture of their own, they will, under the strict, consistent, and just leadership of the German people, be called upon to help work on its everlasting cultural tasks and its buildings and perhaps, as far as the amount of heavy work is concerned, will be the ones who make the realization of these tasks possible.''

NEXT - Final solution,Russia,reichstag fire

Himmler in the Kharkow speech April 1943 expressed the position and situation of the war:

''The decision, therefore, lies here in the East; here must the Russian enemy, this people numbering two hundred million Russians, be destroyed on the battle field and person by person, and made to bleed to death''.

Excerpts from Himmler's speech to SS leaders in 1943.The document is preserved in us memorial museum.

Since u asserted hitler and the nazi leadership had no plan of genocide on slavs.

''Our comrade Fegelein once captured a Russian general like that. Look, they're cheap. They're Slavs. Full of humour, as Fegelein is, Fegelein told his staff: "We'll treat this one real good. We'll act like we're going to recognize him as a General. So, when he comes in, stand up, stand at attention, keep quiet, say 'General Sir, this' and 'General Sir, that', show him how much respect you have for him". Of course, this worked. You don't need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these human shoddy goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks .''

''It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. This applies to Herder, who wrote the "Voices of the Peoples", probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them''

''For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''


Generalplan Ost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic nazi plan for russia and eastern europe.The plan entailed the enslavement, expulsion, and/or extermination of most Slavic peoples in Europe.The'superflous. population was to be starved to death,the intelligentsia exterminated,bulk of the rest exiled beyond siberia and the rest used for slave labour.Area was to be resettled by german soldier farmer colonists.Administrative zones outlined in above pic.

Poles 80-85%
Russians 50-60% to be physically eliminated and another 15% to be sent to Western Siberia.
Belarusians 75%
Ukrainians 65%
Lithuanians 85%
Latvians 50%
Estonians 50%
Czechs 50%
Latgalians 100%


Hunger Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
''what one is dealing with here is the blueprint for a programme of mass murder unprecedented in modern history''

Nazi plan to starve to death all 'excess' russian population and use the looted food
production from russian territory for german wartime supplies.


Hitler also planned to destroy all the major soviet non-industrial urban centres along with their populations.

"Fuhrer is firmly determined to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground.To dispose fully of their population, which otherwise we shall have to feed during the winter."-Diary of Franz Halder 1941,german army chief of staff.

According to a Hitler directive sent to Army Group North on 29 September, "After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center. [...] Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population." - Adolf hitler.

"Early next year we enter the city (if the Finns do it first we do not object), lead those still alive into inner Russia or into captivity, wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth through demolitions.''


In a mere eight months of 1941-42, the invading German armies killed an estimated 2.8 million Soviet prisoners-of-war through starvation, exposure, and summary execution.As Slavs, they were considered "Untermenschen" -- subhumans -- by the Germans. As far as Nazi forces were concerned, the laws of war did not apply.As an aside, it should not be assumed that the "POW" designation referred to men who had, in fact, seen military service. Nazi policy in the occupied areas was very explicit: "Men between the ages of 15 and 65 were to be treated as POWs ... [and] taken to POW camps."

"Testimony is eloquent and prolific on the abandonment of entire divisions under the open sky," writes Alexander Dallin of the fate of these Soviet POWs. "Epidemics and epidemic diseases decimated the camps. Beatings and abuse by the guards were commonplace. Millions spent weeks without food or shelter. Carloads of prisoners were dead when they arrived at their destination''.

"There were no barracks or permanent housing. The camps were simply open areas fenced off with barbed wire. The prisoners had to lie in the sun, then in mud, and in the fall -- with temperatures as low as minus 30 degreees centigrade -- faced the possibility of freezing to death."A Hungarian tank officer who visited one enclosure described it as follows: "Behind wire there were tens of thousands of [Soviet] prisoners. Many were on the point of expiring. Few could stand on their feet. Their faces were dried up and their eyes sunk deep into their sockets. Hundreds were dying every day, and those who had any strength left dumped them in a vast pit"

Daily rations amounted to only one-fourth of what a normal person needed to survive.Despite the eventual shift from outright extinction to slave labour, which also swept up hundreds of thousands of Soviet women, "maltreatment continued ... to the very end," with "instances of cruel atrocities ... reported as late as the winter of 1944-5" (Bartov, The Eastern Front, p. 110). "Many [prisoners] were shot," writes Alexander Werth, "many died in concentration camps during the later stages of the war, ... [and] some were even used for vivisectionist and other 'scientific' experiments"

3.5-4 Million of 5.5 Million designated soviet pows died.


Forced labour under German rule during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

22 million soviet citizens used for forced labour.Hundreds of thousands died.

We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
— Erich Koch, March 5th 1943(Reichskommissar Ukraine - Ukraine was one of the 'provinces' under generalplan ost)

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.''

Admitted all of his handiwork,remained unrepentant till the end(interviewed) and rotted to death in a polish prison.

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USSR lost over 20 million people.More than 10% of the population.


This has already been touched upon but some gems -

Wannsee Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Presided over by heydrich discusses in full the implementation of 'the final solution'.In preparation for the conference, Eichmann(later main concentration camp director) drafted a list of the numbers of Jews in the various European countries. Countries were listed in two groups, "A" and "B". "A" countries were those under direct Reich control or occupation "B" countries were allied or client states, neutral, or at war with Germany.

Eichmannn's List

EINSATZGRUPPEN:Each german army group in russia was followed by a Einsatzgruppen death squad force to round up and exterminate all the jews in eastern europe and other undesirables.

Einsatzgruppen report describing progress on extremination,estonia is clear of all jews.


Testimony of Otto ohlendorff-one of the main einsatzgruppen commanders on the modus operandi of the einsatzgruppen.He appears more concerned at the mental effect on his men form the killings than the killings themselves.Ohlendorf was the chief defendant, and was also a key witness in the prosecution of many other indicted war criminals. Ohlendorf's frank, apparently reliable testimony was attributed to his distaste for the corruption that was rampant in Nazi Germany and a stubborn commitment to duty. He expressed no remorse for his actions, telling prosecutor at the trial that the jews of America would suffer for what the prosecutor had done(he was hanged).

Extermination was also carried out by systematic starvation of jewish ghettos where they were forbidden to buy most foodstuffs,and were supplied 10% of normal food rations.

  • I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly. It should be discussed among us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public. Just as we did not hesitate on 30 June to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them. About which we have never spoken, and will never speak. That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that fact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered and everyone was clear that the next time he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary. I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation"; the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. "The Jewish people are being exterminated," every party member will tell you, "perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, Ha! A small matter." And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.
    • The Posen speech to SS officers (6 October 1943) - Himmler

REICHSTAG FIRE:This issue is an ongoing debate.The act was allegedly committed by van lubbe-mentally ill communist.Hitler alleged this a communist conspiracy and suspended private freedoms and civil liberties using it as a excuse.
You can argue it was a genuine communist conspiracy ,which would raise the question why a known 'dutch' communist one has unpredictable as a potentially unstable individual would be chosen for such a vital task?
or u could believe Halder ,german army chief-of-staff.
''On the occasion of a lunch on the Führer's birthday in 1943, the people around the Führer turned the conversation to the Reichstag building and its artistic value. I heard with my own ears how Göring broke into the conversation and shouted: 'The only one who really knows about the Reichstag building is I, for I set fire to it.' And saying this he slapped his thigh''
In 1946, Hans gisevius a former member of the gestapo, indicated that the Nazis were the arsonists.Ernst by order of possibly Goebbels, collected a commando of SA men headed by Heini Gewehr, who set the fire. Among them was a criminal named Rall, who later made a (suppressed) confession before he was murdered by the Gestapo. Almost all participants were murdered in the Night of the long knives; Gewehr later died in the war.New work by Bahar and Kugel, has revived the theory that the Nazis were behind the fire. It uses Gestapo archives held in Moscow and only available to researchers since 1990. They argue that the fire was almost certainly started by the Nazis, based on the wealth of circumstantial evidence provided by the archival material. They say that a commando group of at least three and at most ten SA men led by Hans Georg Gewehr, set the fire using self-lighting incendiaries and that Van der Lubbe was brought to the scene later.
Van-lubbe was a lunatic acting alone.

Next: Life in concentration camps and foreign recruitment.
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Anyone tell me why images aren't being shown directly.but links only?
. .
1.On french occupation of Ruhr,the french did this after germany stopped payments of war reparations of versailles-they decided they would extract them from the ruhr directly.So it was not aggression,rather enforcement of treaty terms that germany signed but refused to observe.

2.On to rearmament so you still say it was defensive?
And how was the hossbach meeting defensive intentions?Plans for attacking czechoslovakia and austria defensive?Expansion and 'space' self defense?U say its unreliable?Explain this-
10 February 1939 Adolf Hitler Speech to his Commanders

''All our actions during 1938 represent only the logical extension of the decisions which began to be realized in 1933. It is not the case that during this year of 1938;let us say;a particular action occurred which was not previously envisaged. On the contrary, all the individual decisions which have been realized since 1933 are not the result of momentary considerations but represent the implementation of a previously existing plan, though perhaps not exactly according to the schedule which was envisaged. For example, in 1933 I was not exactly certain when the withdrawal from the League of Nations would occur. However, it was clear that this withdrawal had to be the first step towards Germany's revival. And it was further clear that we would have to choose the first appropriate moment. we could see from the start that the next step would have to be rearmament without the permission of foreign countries, but naturally we could not gauge the exact speed and extent of this rearmament right from the start. It was also further obvious that, after certain period of rearmament, Germany would have to take the daring step of proclaiming to the world its freedom from restrictions on rearmament. At the beginning, naturally one could not foresee the right moment for this step. Finally. it was further clear that every further step must first involve the remilitarization of the Rhineland. The date for this was in fact envisaged as being one year later: I did not think I would carry it out until 1937. the circumstances at the time made it seem appropriate to carry it out as early as 1936. It was also quite obvious that the Austrian and the Czech problems would have to be solved in order further to strengthen Germany's political and, in particular, her strategic position. To start with, I was not quite sure whether both problems ought to be or could be solved simultaneously or whether one should deal first with the question of Czechoslovakia or with the Austrian questions. There was no doubt that these questions would have to be solved and so all these decisions were not ideas which were realized at the moment of their conception, but were long-made plans which I was determined to realize the moment I thought the circumstances at the time would be favorable.''

or this -

21 October 1938 Adolf Hitler Directive to the Armed Forces


The future tasks for the Armed Forces and the preparations for the conduct of war resulting from these tasks will be laid down by me in a later Directive. Until that Directive comes into force, the Armed Forces must be prepared at all times for the following eventualities:

1. securing the frontiers of the Reich and protecting it against surprise air attacks.
2. liquidation of the remainder of the Czech State.
3. the occupation of Memelland ....

2. LIQUIDATION OF RUMP CZECHIA: It must be possible to smash, at any time, the remainder of the Czech State, should it pursue an anti-German policy.

The preparations to be made by the Armed Forces for this eventuality will be considerably less in extent than those for Operation GREEN; on the other hand, as planned mobilization measures will have to be dispensed with, they must guarantee a continuous and considerably higher state of preparedness. The organization, order of battle, and degree of preparedness of the units earmarked for this purpose are to be prearranged in peacetime for a surprise assault so that Czechia herself will be deprived of all possibility of organized resistance. The aim is the speedy occupation of Bohemia and Moravia and the cutting off of Slovakia. The precautions must be made so that the defense of our Western frontier can be carried out simultaneously..

This is after munich - self-defense against larger neighbours?
What about hitler's directives what to do with the population of poland?The execution of the lebensraum plan?In a speech to the leaders of German armed forces on August 22, 1939 Hitler ordered:
“Kill without pity or mercy all men, women or children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space (Lebensraum) we need. The destruction of Poland is our primary task. The aim is… annihilation of living forces.”

Already in May 1939, four months before the outbreak of war, the German political police, “Gestapo”, created the unit “Zentralstelle IIP Polen” (Central Unit IIP-Poland) under Reinhardt Heydrich to coordinate the ethnic cleansing of all Poles.
Just protecting his nation against powerful enemies eh?

3.Why did hitler repeatedly say 'these are my last territorial demands' and then break his word and invade another country?Defensive?
4.What was the german army doing in prague after the munich agreement?Which germans were they saving?

It is just sad that u continue to defend this genocidal maniac after i showed with links the plans to starve millions of people(part carried out),slaughter of millions of men,women children in conc camps,plans to level the cities,slave labour,brutal enslavement.
The starvation and extremination of pows-imagine how you would feel if india made one large barbed wire fence under the open sky put the 93,000 pakistani POWs from bangladesh in 1971 there and starved them to death.How would you feel?
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