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Anyhow, just for future reference i'm posting this information along with these images here for the benefits of other members who actually value historical facts and seek to discover the truth:

Hitler With Chinese visitors:








When in fact it was him who dismissed my well referenced arguments as "a conspiracy theory" due to his own incompetence in countering me with legitimate sources on his part. Whatever i said afterwards was in response.

All of my sources are well referenced with the names of the historians and other mainstream sources. You won't find a single conspiracy blog.

Given the amount of revisionist history we see with respect to Israel, it calls into question all other claims. One should be allowed to present their case, as long as it is backed by evidence.

The amount of intellectual fascism in Western media regarding Jewish sensibilities is beyond all bounds. Everyone is silenced by taunts of conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite and Nazi. Anyone who supports Jewish sensibilities is considered mainstream, and anyone who dares offend them is labeled a fringe lunatic.

Voltaire said it best: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.".
Given the amount of revisionist history we see with respect to Israel, it calls into question all other claims. One should be allowed to present their case, as long as it is backed by evidence.

The amount of intellectual fascism in Western media regarding Jewish sensibilities is beyond all bounds. Everyone is silenced by taunts of conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite and Nazi. Anyone who supports Jewish sensibilities is considered mainstream, and anyone who dares offend them is labeled a fringe lunatic.

Very true, unfortunately. Such mindset has made its way into developing countries as well, perhaps its a post-colonial effect where some people still strive to follow their old colonial masters, in this case the pro-Zionist mentality.

These people accuse the Nazis of intolerance yet they are the first ones to label others as "anti-semite", "conspiracy theorist", "fascist", etc in their efforts to silence any objective view of history or current affairs.

Voltaire said it best: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.".
Indeed, very true! This quote pretty much sums it all up.
SUPERLIKE to your posts here!!!
I 'm surprised that in this age too we 've Hitler sympathizers.
But I regret that you gave this thread the name of a user and unlike the other person you've not tagged your frens here.
Now let me warn you that you're banging your head against a wall. :)
@Desert Fox ,

The outbreak of the Second Sino Japanese War on July 7, 1937 destroyed much of the progress and promises made in the nearly ten years of intense Sino-German cooperation. Besides the destruction of industries in the war,Adolf Hitler's foreign policy would prove the most detrimental to Sino-German relations. In essence, Hitler chose Japan as his ally against the Soviet Union, because Japan was militarily far more capable to resist Bolshevism. In addition, the Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of August 21, 1937 definitely did not help to change Hitler's mind, despite persistent protests from the China lobby and German investors. However, Hitler did agree to have Hapro finish shipments already ordered by China, but did not allow any more orders from Nanking to be taken.

There were plans of a German-mediated peace between China and Japan, but the Fall of Nanjing in December 1937 effectively put an end to any mediation acceptable to the Chinese government. Therefore, all hope of a German-mediated truce was lost. In early 1938, Germany officially recognized Manchukuo as an independent nation. In April of that year, Herman Goerring banned the shipment of war materials to China and in May, German advisors were recalled to Germany at Japanese insistence.

This shift from a pro-China policy to a pro-Japan one was also damaging to German business interests, as Germany had far less economic exchange with either Japan or Manchukuo than China. Also, pro-China sentiment was also apparent in most Germans in China. For example, Germans in Hankow raised more money for the Red Cross than all other Chinese and foreign nationals in the city combined. Military advisors also wished to honor their contracts with Nanking. Von Falkenhausen was finally forced to leave at the end of June 1938, but promised Chiang that he would never reveal his work to aid the Japanese. On the other hand, Nazi Party organs in China proclaimed Japan as the last bulwark against Communism in China.

In the end, Nazi Germany sacrificed its relations with China with that for Imperial Japan.
@AUSTERLITZ unlike the other person you've not tagged your frens here.. :)
Exactly! He has been taging his friends to help him out with some likes and make feel good kinda messages,Good for him, @AUSTERLITZ ,sir carry on with your articles,don't let him distract you,he would stick with supporting hitler no matter what.
During this time, it is a very disgusting and unfortunate era of Japan's history. It was during this time that the Imperial Government of the Empire of Japan had promulgated racist policies and truly racist propaganda that spewed false information. During this time, Japanese Propaganda had heralded that Japanese were the Superior Race of all Asia, and that the native peoples of China, Southeast Asia, Pacific were seen as racially inferior, subhuman. There was a saying, "1 japanese is equivalent to 100 chinese".

This was a destructive time for Japan , and the people of Japan were definitely affected with such policies that were imposed by the Military Government. This ultimately led to the deaths of millions of Japanese lives, millions of Chinese, Russians, Southeast Asians, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Americans, and other Allied soldiers and civilians who were affected by the war.

So, this time period is definitely sensitive and unfortunate for us. The costs of that war was supremely regrettable. And the decision to join the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy was the greatest blunder Japan made. Next to our decision to invade China.
@AUSTERLITZ Thank you for flushing out all of the Nazi apologists and Hitler worshippers for me to add to my ignore list.
SUPERLIKE to your posts here!!!
I 'm surprised that in this age too we 've Hitler sympathizers.
But I regret that you gave this thread the name of a user and unlike the other person you've not tagged your frens here.
Now let me warn you that you're banging your head against a wall. :)

That the slogans people raise when either defeated, run out of words or have nothing to present. When facts presented, suddenly the presenters become Pro-Nazi/Anti-Semitic. Zionists sympathizers old cheap trike to legitimize the illegal entity established on occupied territories of Palestine. Funny that the brainwashed illiterates and ignorants somehow accuse arabs of being anti-Semitic when arabs themselves are Semitic people.:lol:

@Desert Fox

Exactly! He has been taging his friends to help him out with some likes and make feel good kinda messages,Good for him, @AUSTERLITZ ,sir carry on with your articles,don't let him distract you,he would stick with supporting hitler no matter what.

Nah, He doesn't any help from others, he has so far managed to smash the skulls of his opponents with well documented facts and reliable references.
Very well,i have been holding back on this clown till now.I request permission to post graphic content from mods just for this topic.Then i'll reply.No more short replies.
ww2 graphic content is pretty common in net ,so i hope will be allowed for one thread.

How does photos of ''healthy POWs'' negate the other thousands of pictures of atrocities? I've had this really weird ''logic problem'' with a certain kind of apologists WRT to other historical atrocities too. Like ''no forced conversions took place in indonesia, so that means no forced conversions took place in the subcontinent too''... totally ignoring the historical evidence, often from court documents of those who perpetrated such crimes...

Basically apologies and conspiracy theories and ''pictures as arguments'' mindset. Very common in certain circles...
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