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Describe how you view other members here

Only @haman10 talked positively abt me...


I'd like to know your view on me even though it may not be good. :lol:
- Passionate Palestinian nationalist and Islamist.
- Not so hateful, can accept a compromise with Israel at certain conditions.
- Dreams to burn Merkava.
- Loves Iran for supporting Palestinian militants and hates for supporting Assad.
- Makes 3 times more posts a day than me, but considers me a payed propagandist.
- Clever but too young, lacks wisdom and experience.
I like you dude! :D

- Passionate Palestinian nationalist and Islamist.
- Not so hateful, can accept a compromise with Israel at certain conditions.
- Dreams to burn Merkava.
- Loves Iran for supporting Palestinian militants and hates for supporting Assad.
- Makes 3 times more posts a day than me, but considers me a payed propagandist.
- Clever but too young, lacks wisdom and experience.
Let me try,
Dude, am I right that you are about 17 years old?
If that true, then you are almost half the age of mine.
A golden age boy, living in US, firm on his principles, it means you do not have any brother, maybe one or two sisters. You care about your nation too much, I guess you have lost a loved one recently. I do rule out some probabilities and would keep them secret, but my guess, you have freckles on your face, somehow considered tall and with a below average weight.
How do you rate my guessing dude?

I'm more than 17 :)

You're scaring you've described it perfectly is it because I told you this before ? :o:

You're right, no brothers and between 1-2 sisters tall and kinda skinny but going to gym eventually :D

I do have freckles too :D , how you know? :cheesy:

Did you see me in the members photo thread?
And I like you too. You are not as virulent of an Arab supremacist as others. :D

I'm more than 17 :)

You're scaring you've described it perfectly is it because I told you this before ? :o:

You're right, no brothers and between 1-2 sisters tall and kinda skinny but going to gym eventually :D

I do have freckles too :D , how you know? :cheesy:

Did you see me in the members photo thread?
- Passionate Palestinian nationalist and Islamist.
- Not so hateful, can accept a compromise with Israel at certain conditions.
- Dreams to burn Merkava.
- Loves Iran for supporting Palestinian militants and hates for supporting Assad.
- Makes 3 times more posts a day than me, but considers me a payed propagandist.
- Clever but too young, lacks wisdom and experience.

I already burned a merkava :D

I don't see why being young means less experienced? I matured much faster than the people at my age. When I was 13 I behaved like a polite adult.
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I already burned a merkava :D

I don't see why being young means less experienced? I matured much faster than the people at my age. When I was 13 I behaved like a polite adult.

Did you really blow up a Merkava? o_O
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