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Describe how you view other members here


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
This thread will be dedicated to describing other members from our point of view. I think it will make us have a good laugh. :lol:

Please start with me when you describe me from your POV and then other members, I'd like to know how members here see me. :D

Let me start:

@Yzd Khalifa

-usually a nice, calm guy
-Insists on a more modern professional approach to politics
-Seems to appreciate being Saudi Arabian
-almost like a diplomat for his nation :d


-Very hurt by Syria and Shia
-Only interested in Arab affairs
-Builds bridges through Jordanian military cooperation :D


-Hates everything about Iranian leadership, also hates anybody Iran supports :lol:
-Great personality and is a funny social person
-Doesn't like KSA just as many other Iranians here :D


-social and political person who's not hesitant to criticize his government
-Has this thing where he defends turkish honor but in a funny Canadian like way if you can understand this :lol:


-Lazy posting style
-funny avatars
-funny sarcastic personality


-thinks anybody who criticizes Egyptian government is a terrorist who wants to destroy Egypt :lol:


-Makes very good short posts which make great points in them
-Can summarize important facts into a sentence
-balanced person :D


-Makes good points and is friendly all around
-In his heart is a nationalist Persian :lol:


-Very educated on Arab history, culture, and affairs
-Very enthuasiiastic about it and is willing to get in flame wars defending Arab honor. :lol:
-Really neat and effective way of bashing people and other nations
-Gets a lot of people crying from the spanking he gives them, :lol:

I can't think of more right now.....please join. :D
Dont play with the honor of a Turk or he will turn American before you can say Hamas. :D

You defend it in such an innocent way that's what's funny. :lol:

You're like..."Brothers, we are turkey leave Hasani alone " :lol:

-soon to be doctor
-enthuasiiastic about nation
-very friendly to all except collaborators :lol: ;)
-love you too bro. :D
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