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Describe how you view other members here

That makes you a horny gay pervert. :P

Guys, tag people including me please(I'd like to know what people think of me even if they hate me :D) and describe them just as I did :)
maybe ;)

- I think you're a nice guy :-)
- You harass and stalk people all the time especially Arabs.:crazy:
- You're emotional and shallow at politics. :fans:
- I feel that you deal with us as if we have a saying in our countries' politics.:pleasantry:


I only do that when an Arab makes a comment that I perceive to be anti Palestinian I go to all his recent posts and try to make him look stupid to avenge the common the makes :cheesy:


- I think you're a nice guy :-)
- You harass and stalk people all the time especially Arabs.:crazy:
- You're emotional and shallow at politics. :fans:
- I feel that you deal with us as if we have a saying in our countries' politics.:pleasantry:


I only do that when an Arab makes a comment that I perceive to be anti Palestinian I go to all his recent posts and try to make him look stupid to avenge the common the makes :cheesy:

-I used to think you're a very arrogant person who doesn't look at background situation at criticize current state. :lol:
-I felt I scared you from trying to debate me at one point :D
-Felt you have changed lately and started realizing the humanitarian situation while also realizing Israelis aren't as charmful as you first thought
-Sound like a mature guy mentally :)
-funny person as well


-Enthuasaistic about turkey and flotilla
-sometimes I feel like you're on my side and sometimes I feel you're against me, you confuse me :D
And slowly but surely, you're taking the mantle of another mega-troll we remember here at PDF. RIP. :D

Indians most of them- Their mothers regret not aborting them that much is certain. :lol:

Too many to name the chutiyas will self identify once they read this. :D

That pretty much sums it up, though, you forgot to add "handsome" and "uber-intelligent"! :D

An Arrogant Sarhad ka Wadera :yay:

-Social guy looking for parties :lol:
-I feel like you promote atheist POV on the world and that interferes with your ability to digest modern day conflicts and I don't like that. :D :)
Lol at kingmamba and razpaki frustu souls. pity them.

and nothing else good to say about brainwashed pathological liers. hyper religious chutias.
And slowly but surely, you're taking the mantle of another mega-troll we remember here at PDF. RIP. :D

That pretty much sums it up, though, you forgot to add "handsome" and "uber-intelligent"! :D

Well He is also an emperor and I imagine you be like him... Sehatmand and Hazir Damagh :lol:

Well, that is a very myopic view of my greatness on your part. I'm not indifferent to the "modern day sufferings" of humanity, rather I'm tired of them not understanding the pointlessness of it all. So whenever I see people fighting in the "modern" world, only thing I can do is giggle. :D


-Social guy looking for parties :lol:
-I feel like you promote atheist POV on the world and that interferes with your ability to digest modern day conflicts and I don't like that. :D :)

That's no Emperor. He is Arab worlds most renowned fudgepacker! :D

Well He is also an emperor and I imagine you be like him... Sehatmand and Hazir Damagh :lol:

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