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Dengue fever CIA’s bio attack on Pak suspected

Can ever you pakistani brothers have observed that Dengu virous is spread only after flood and rainy season.
As much stupid as the article really sounds, the more stupidity is the Indian trolling here. Seriously did you see any Pakistani saying something related or even buying this BS, then why the fcuk? Some one mentioned about Pakistani media going down the toilet, my suggestion to him is to see the mirror first.
The US has for a long time used bio weapons against Cuba.

Pig fever, mosquitos, infectious diseases. Diseases and insects never known in Cuba have infected Cuba for a long time.

The Cubans have for a long time blamed the US.
This is serious now. US trying all options to weaken Pakistan. They have used bio weapons against Vietnam and Iraq. Pakistan also has advanced chemical and bio weapons which we should use them without hesitation.
I am not commenting on this particular allegation, but I used to work with a Russian guy who bragged that his dad poisened village water supplies upstream in Afghanistan.

Oh yes.I have also heard about that one.The Soviets used to poison the wells,ponds or streams in villages where mujaheddin were found to punish the villagers for giving them shelter.
I really dunno what to say .... :coffee:

I know man... they go to such lengths and take extreme risks of world abomination to kill just about 100 with their biological weapons, but couldn't fire a few extra drone missiles and kill way more than that... when will these stupid Americans learn economics?

I really dunno what to say .... :coffee:
Stop making none sense conspiracy theory. Dengue is here because of our own short comings. We used to import second hand tires filled with mosquito larvae from East Asia and these specific mosquitoes came to Pakistan in 1990's and have now spread. Then the Dengue virus came and now we are in it for the long haul. The truth is that this disease is now going to become a part of our life for ever just like it is in other Dengue countries. Once a disease like Malaria or Dengue becomes endemic it becomes very difficult to get rid of. It becomes part of the community. With the level of our municipality cleaning and our very dirty cities these mosquitoes are going to just love Pakistan. The strange thing, is that we have not appealed for technical help from WHO which is the right of Pakistan to do. Neither we have appealed to US which can help with technology to combat this.

Thank god, in my city mosquitoes die from heat during summer time.
if it was stupid then what we call your post .trust me if i have power i ban each and every member that use smilies and jokes then reply on topic .then again my bad lolz

I know how you feel man... I too want to ban every member who uses "lolz" or "lulz" or "lmbo" instead of lol or lmao! :angry:
As much stupid as the article really sounds, the more stupidity is the Indian trolling here. Seriously did you see any Pakistani saying something related or even buying this BS, then why the fcuk? Some one mentioned about Pakistani media going down the toilet, my suggestion to him is to see the mirror first.
most indain members are nothing more then trolls on DPK that constantly bash pakistan. fortunately the pakistan members tend to be more clever and ignore them
Conspiracy theories never end in Pakistan, whats next?

Here's waht's next, 180 million people got down in a cave, made some bombs out of camel poop, for some reason decided to kill a few random people in a hotel in some random indian city? - True story, because FOX/Zee news said so...
there are a lot of innocent people dying in Terrorist attacks in Pakistan....i hope the Terrorists attack the jurnos like these rather than the common people ...they would be doing the country a service
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