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Well police should investigate it was not a case of girl fearing for her life due to honor crimes from converting from Hinduism to Islam, if not then the girl has 100% right to be called a Hindu and the police should charge the man/group involved in this act

And strictist of punishment should be used for the culprits
out of curiosity, how does the whole conversion thing work? Some official paperwork must be required - how did they manage to get that done?
out of curiosity, how does the whole conversion thing work? Some official paperwork must be required - how did they manage to get that done?

Talking about the fateful day that changed her life forever, this lean-framed girl recalls that she left her house with two friends named Saiba and Shazia, who asked her to apply some Mehndhi to relatives at a wedding. After she reached the house and sipped at the tea served to her, the rest was a blank.

“After drinking it, I fell unconscious. I don’t remember what happened after that. All I know is that when I woke up, I was a woman who has accepted Islam and performed a Nikkah with my friend’s brother, Raza Hussain, who I had never even spoken to before.”

Showing the blue-inked print on her thumb, Poonam says that although the conversion certificate and the Nikkahnama have her imprints, she was unaware of what was happening with her. “Why would I put a thumb print on the documents when I can write my name in both Urdu and English?” she asked. “I was unconscious when my prints were taken. Neither have I changed my religion, nor have I married anyone.”

She fell unconscious as a single Hindu,
You people are ignorant. You can't force anyone to convert. A person becomes Muslim if he/she himself/herself believes that there is No one worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.

If you dont recite these words and dont believe in it, then you can not be a Muslim.

How ignorant can some people get, who write these articles.
You people are ignorant. You can't force anyone to convert. A person becomes Muslim if he/she himself/herself believes that there is No one worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.

If you dont recite these words and dont believe in it, then you can not be a Muslim.

How ignorant can some people get, who write these articles.

how about calling those people ignorant who force such illegal and and unislmaic conversions for a change?
You people are ignorant. You can't force anyone to convert. A person becomes Muslim if he/she himself/herself believes that there is No one worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah.

If you dont recite these words and dont believe in it, then you can not be a Muslim.

How ignorant can some people get, who write these articles.

Are you too naive or just being defensive?
1) Forced conversion do happen (Just turn history books).
2) They happen even today.
3) Society many times supports it.
3) Religion is used for other means than so called realisation of God(or whatever you call). Mostly it is sometime used to curb different group tendency and somtimes to marginalise other group.
until and unless shriah is no implemented and harsh punishment are not given to rapists and kidnappers these kind of things will keep taking place in Zia era two kidnappers were killed in public and for next 3 years not kidnapping case was filed by any one
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