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Deluded Afghans

Ok, can someone tell me that why are they making this horrible Accent ?
Where was the world when 100+ school children were murdered in Peshawar?
We do not have a strong policy in place to influence people minds and oppinions regarding Pakistans perspective. Nobody wants to know the huge sacrifices Pakistan has endured over 20 years or how Pakistan has assisted Afghan refugees, despite being a poor nation itself.
The world including muslims nations stand to condemn Pakistan.
****'em all.
How long is this protesting going to last for? Every day they are protesting agaisnt Pkaistani embassies and now have spread their proporganda to wider Muslim community. Did you see that tweet from Yasir Qadhi.... And everyone is blaming Pakistan, we have 0 allies
Pull yourself together, man.
Every post of your's is a whine.
Bro go outside Karachi there's a whole different world out there with all sorts of different people.
This ethnofascist stuff will make you insane if you keep it up.
lol stop guessing where im from,
lets just not detract the thread..
How long is this protesting going to last for? Every day they are protesting agaisnt Pkaistani embassies and now have spread their proporganda to wider Muslim community. Did you see that tweet from Yasir Qadhi.... And everyone is blaming Pakistan, we have 0 allies

They will protest everyday when Talib takes over. Yasir Qadhi is literally Pakistani himself, what a shame!
Thats what you get for assuming everyone is your friend and brother :lol: You will get used and abused every damn time till you learn your worth.
Pull yourself together, man.
Every post of your's is a whine.

Sounds like an Indian, low standards should be ban. Lion always roars never submit or whines. Grow balls my friend and don't be silly we believe in ourselves so called friends are not going to fight our wars.
Cuz when Durrani used to raid Punjab, Ranjit Singh fought back and him and Nalwa beat Afghans up until Jamrud.

I am Pashtun as well, but to Afghans the term "Punjabi" is almost like an insult. Terms like "Tor Makh Punjabi" (black faced Punjabi), calling Punjabis "Tor kwana" (black a**).

In addition, Afghans think Pakistan is a "Punjabi country" they also don't like the fact Peshawar is in Pakistan, Pashtuns of Pak are loyal to Pakistan not Afghanistan, and that FATA has been integrated with KPK.

I feel like these protests will go on for eternity.
The beauty of Punjab has many variations of colours. Southern Punjab usually have a dark complexion, the centre, brown and north towards islamabad are lighter in skin tone (not all).
To insult anyone of the colour of their skin is extreamly ignorant. Since when were all Afghans light with blue eyes and blond hair?
They are a mix of Uzbek, Tajik, Hazara, Turkman.
The beauty of Punjab has many variations of colours. Southern Punjab usually have a dark complexion, the centre, brown and north towards islamabad are lighter in skin tone (not all).
To insult anyone of the colour of their skin is extreamly ignorant. Since when were all Afghans light with blue eyes and blond hair?
They are a mix of Uzbek, Tajik, Hazara, Turkman.

They claim to be direct descendants of the Aryans 😂

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