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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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Each one have a brain of their own. They have not donated to you.
BTW - are you a descendant of a Hyderabadi Razakar who was defeated in 1948?

Muslims are obligated to follow the commands of the holy Quran and Hadith.

We do not create new rules every day like you pagans.
Since you say that you are from Hydebarad (Deccan), I assume your elders decided to stay back in India and not migrate to Pakistan. Ever questioned them why?

Why will I question? They made the right choice.

Hyderabad (deccan) banega Pakistan is our motto.
So one who considers oneself Muslim, however wrong, would be supported by you? Then why dont you support those muslims who are running the Afghan govt at the moment?

do you think most of Afghanistan would be ruled by the Taliban if they didnt have the support of the majority? the current Afghan government is a puppet government.

However, is it not a fact, that Muslims reached the peak in the initial centuries. Since they failed to adapt later and stagnated, they have since lost that peak.

go read islamic history instead of sitting here and chatting shit.

And you sir, are a potential CIA agent. :enjoy:

lol. no chance. for that i would have to a murtad like you. you are the sort that would gladly work for the KGB if your buddy Stalin gave you a call. or maybe you would work for the Chinese if your other buddy Mao dropped by.

When did I say I like Stalin ?

About Mao I think we in South Asia need someone like him or like Lenin or even Nasser and Gaddafi.

you never denied liking Stalin. i used your own strawman ideas against you. as for Mao, yeah, we need Mao, the guy who killed 10s of millions through prison camps, starvation, etc. as for the rest, only a murtad would suggest those names.
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Do you know how Swastik (a Hindu religious symbol) was used by Nazi Germany?
Did Swastik used in nefarious context by Nazis mean anything sacred there? No.
For the same reason, it is banned (or considered rude) to display Swastik in Germany.

So usage and interpretation matters.
Usage and interpretation within a given location matters, yes.

As someone mentioned, why would German Jews ever feel comfortable saying "Sieg Heil", despite its literal translation being nothing more than "hail victory"? Indian Hindus will likewise have no problem using a swastika in India because it has always had a religious context in India as opposed to anything Nazi (with some exceptions though...some documented Indian "Hitler admirers" do use it inappropriately).
Our right comes from the holy Quran. No one can deny this right that has been given to us by Allah (swt).
It is more of a duty than a right. 99% of the so-called Hindus left in Pakistan are Dalit or lower caste. For 1000s of years they bore the weight of being a Dalit, now they are un-knowingly bearing the weight of being a HIndu.

Please start by inviting them to Islam, they will be integrated with mainstream society in Pakistan and Muslim ummah.
do you think most of Afghanistan would be ruled by the Taliban if they didnt have the support of the majority? the current Afghan government is a puppet government.
Q 1) Why would majority Afghans support Taliban when you yourself are saying that they are anti-Islamic (as they oppose the basic Islamic right to education for all)
Q 2) If majority Afghans support Taliban, and Pakistan supports Taliban, then why majority Afghans hate Pakistan and love India?

go read islamic history instead of sitting here and chatting shit.
why would I waste hours reading when I have an Islamic scholar here with me.
It is more of a duty than a right. 99% of the so-called Hindus left in Pakistan are Dalit or lower caste. For 1000s of years they bore the weight of being a Dalit, now they are un-knowingly bearing the weight of being a HIndu.

Please start by inviting them to Islam, they will be integrated with mainstream society in Pakistan and Muslim ummah.
He cant help you with that since his elders chose India over Pak, and he is now waiting for Ghazwa-e-Hind in India. So he has no time to spare for Pak Hindus.
Ask him.

I once asked him that if there was an Indian soldier (me) in a death struggle with a Pakistani soldier.

There was a gun lying to one side.

Jamahir happened to be there.

Would he pick up the gun and kill the Pakistani to save me.

Ask him what his reply was ....

@KedarT this is for you too.

Cheers, Doc
This is not really a trick question but let's hear him out tomorrow.
Countries who have been too stubborn in their Islamic interpretation have been the most backward. Whereas, countries having flexible approach and going with the times (eg. Indonesia) are progressing.

If for everything you say, Quran mein ye likha hai, then why has Allah given you brains for. Cant you think for yourself.

I apologize to anyone who feels I am offending Islam. I am not. I have deepest respect to all faiths.
This applies to all religions and people should try to understand this. You won't find an answer to all problems in a book, sometimes you have to use your brain. People who don't adapt/evolve to the changing times tend to eventually be left behind.
Q 1) Why would majority Afghans support Taliban when you yourself are saying that they are anti-Islamic (as they oppose the basic Islamic right to education for all)

because Taliban come from the same culture as the people. there was one American analyst, i cant remember his name. he said he was once asked to describe 'who are the Taliban?', and he replied 'a pissed off Pashtoon'. even in the most educated islamic countries, we do things that arent islamic. sometimes its not a big deal necessarily, sometimes it is. dowry is haram, but it happens in Pakistan. not as bad as in India, but still, it happens in Pakistan. everyone knows its haram in islam, but still happens. everyone knows giving zakat is a must, many dont give it.

Q 2) If majority Afghans support Taliban, and Pakistan supports Taliban, then why majority Afghans hate Pakistan and love India?

you really need to read the history of this region. Afghanistan has claimed a large chunk of Pakistan for a long time, especially KPK and FATA regions. they feel those lands belong to them, even though the people of those lands are happily a part of Pakistan. but still, Afghanistan claims it, always has, maybe it always will. then Afghans blame us for blocking the trade route to the sea whenever we have disputes. then they blame us for letting the US into their country through Pakistan, and letting US operate from our lands. so naturally they will support Pakistan's biggest enemy, which is India. Afghanistan at one point was close to the Soviets, just like India, so at that point Afghanistan and India had good relations. like i said, Pakistan-Afghanistan history and relationship is complicated.

why would I waste hours reading when I have an Islamic scholar here with me.

i dont have the time. just go read about it instead of making a fool of yourself. read about how the muslims played a big part in the European Renaissance. why we lost that spark in science in later centuries was because of political instability and muslim rulers fighting each other, then the colonialism period started, perfect timing because muslim rulers were weak at that time and accepted help from Europeans against each other and eventually they ended up conquering us, like what the East India Trading Company did who initially came as mere traders. then we all got conquered from Morocco to India, including the muslim rulers in india. it wasnt islam that was the cause of the muslims demise. islam was the cause of our rise, and not practicing it properly after many centuries of doing it properly was why we collapsed. we ended up missing the industrial revolution too, and its effects are still being felt today, in the muslim world and nearby places like india and so on. even today agriculture is still such a big industry and employer in the muslim world and nearby areas, because we missed the industrial age and we are playing catch up. on top of that the nation state concept has been forced upon us while borders are still not agreed upon, such as Kashmir.
sure. Btw, it was a straightforward question with a straightforward reply. You save your fellow Indian if you can. In that process, if you have to injure or worse kill a Pakistani, then thats acceptable. Dont you agree?

Yeah but his fellow Indians are his enemies

This is the consequence of the hindutva Extremism and poison being spread in India

You can't expect Indian Muslims to save or fight for hindutva or Indians who mean their community harm

Welcome to the India you have created
It is more of a duty than a right. 99% of the so-called Hindus left in Pakistan are Dalit or lower caste. For 1000s of years they bore the weight of being a Dalit, now they are un-knowingly bearing the weight of being a HIndu.

Please start by inviting them to Islam, they will be integrated with mainstream society in Pakistan and Muslim ummah.

The solution is simple.

All those non-believers should embrace Islam.
The fact that you think it's a trick question actually says a whole lot more than any answer you come up with.

Good night.

Cheers, Doc

This is not really a trick question but let's hear him out tomorrow.

The trick question would have been if one was a Jew and the other a Hindu.

Jews are shrewd and existential threat to Islam.

So the choice would and should be to take down the Jew.

Hindu is weak and will embrace Islam eventually.
you really need to read the history of this region. Afghanistan has claimed a large chunk of Pakistan for a long time, especially KPK and FATA regions. they feel those lands belong to them, even though the people of those lands are happily a part of Pakistan. but still, Afghanistan claims it, always has, maybe it always will. then Afghans blame us for blocking the trade route to the sea whenever we have disputes. then they blame us for letting the US into their country through Pakistan, and letting US operate from our lands. so naturally they will support Pakistan's biggest enemy, which is India. Afghanistan at one point was close to the Soviets, just like India, so at that point Afghanistan and India had good relations. like i said, Pakistan-Afghanistan history and relationship is complicated.
So whether present Afghan govt or Taliban led govt, they will always hate Pakistan because they claim your land and you wont give them. Still you aid the Taliban knowing that they hate you and will attack you after their need for you is over. Like you said, complicated indeed.

i dont have the time. just go read about it instead of making a fool of yourself. read about how the muslims played a big part in the European Renaissance. why we lost that spark in science in later centuries was because of political instability and muslim rulers fighting each other, then the colonialism period started, perfect timing because muslim rulers were weak at that time and accepted help from Europeans against each other and eventually they ended up conquering us, like what the East India Trading Company did who initially came as mere traders. then we all got conquered from Morocco to India, including the muslim rulers in india. it wasnt islam that was the cause of the muslims demise. islam was the cause of our rise, and not practicing it properly after many centuries of doing it properly was why we collapsed. we ended up missing the industrial revolution too, and its effects are still being felt today, in the muslim world and nearby places like india and so on. even today agriculture is still such a big industry and employer in the muslim world and nearby areas, because we missed the industrial age and we are playing catch up. on top of that the nation state concept has been forced upon us while borders are still not agreed upon, such as Kashmir.
I am not making a fool of myself as I never claimed expertise in Islamic history. I am learning post by post here.
Yeah but his fellow Indians are his enemies

This is the consequence of the hindutva Extremism and poison being spread in India

You can't expect Indian Muslims to save or fight for hindutva or Indians who mean their community harm

Welcome to the India you have created
I will wait for him to respond before passing any judgement on him (and him alone). I wont make blanket judgement on Indian muslims.
The trick question would have been if one was a Jew and the other a Hindu.

Jews are shrewd and existential threat to Islam.

So the choice would and should be to take down the Jew.

Hindu is weak and will embrace Islam eventually.
So, when in a conflict situation, your process flow is
1. Ask the combatants to take a break and first state what religion they belong to
2. Hope that they listen to you and not shoot you first
3. Hope that they tell you the truth
4. Hope you are still alive while taking your time processing all this information and making a decision
So whether present Afghan govt or Taliban led govt, they will always hate Pakistan because they claim your land and you wont give them. Still you aid the Taliban knowing that they hate you and will attack you after their need for you is over. Like you said, complicated indeed.

no, the Taliban are a little different. they dont claim Pakistan's lands. that is why Pakistan has a good relationship with the Taliban and we got them to the negotiating table for US-Taliban peace talks, when India couldnt. their mentality is that they are fed up for decades of war and they just want peace. but an Afghan is never going to be someones slave, and they taught that to the British, then the Soviets, and now the Americans. when the Americans are gone, then there will be peace in Afghanistan, and then the nation state model will apply to them and they can be happy. Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan badly, but India obviously doesnt.

there is also good feeling still between Taliban and Pakistan. we help them in their diplomatic efforts, and we were one of the only countries to recognise them when they took over Afghanistan after the Soviets were kicked out.


I am not making a fool of myself as I never claimed expertise in Islamic history. I am learning post by post here.

if you ever read about islamic history, then come back to the post where you said muslim scientific accomplishments were nothing after the initial centuries, then you will consider yourself a fool. who do you think was leading the world in the sciences before the Renaissance and even for a few centuries after it? muslims and the scientific thinking we had was later adopted by the europeans when they used to come to our universities to study and our lands to work. especially when Spain and Portugal were under Islamic rule since its on the European mainland and easier for europeans to meet muslims and interact with us. muslim scientists from all over the world contributed, even the Mughal empire.

Carra de Vaux in 'The Philosophers of Islam,' Paris, 1921.

"Finally how can one forget that at the same time the Mogul Empire of India (1526-1857 C.E.) was giving the world the Taj Mahal (completed in 1648 C.E.) the architectural beauty of which has never been surpassed, and the ‘Akbar Nameh’ of Abul Fazl: "That extraordinary work full of life ideas and learning where every aspect of life is examined listed and classified, and where progress continually dazzles the eye, is a document of which Oriental civilization may justly be proud. The men whose genius finds its expression in this book were far in advance of their age in the practical art of government, and they were perhaps in advance of it in their speculations about religious philosophy. Those poets those philosophers knew how to deal with the world or matter. They observe, classify, calculate and experiment. All the ideas that occur to them are tested against facts. They express them with eloquence but they also support them with statistics."...the principles of tolerance, justice and humanity which prevailed during the long reign of Akbar."

I never posted it. Don't create fake posts.

@magra don't create fake posts like this.

I will wait for him to respond before passing any judgement on him (and him alone). I wont make blanket judgement on Indian muslims.

Make it

It dosent matter

Indian Muslims have been left with no option

Ask yourself who is the threat to Indian Muslims?

It's not China
It's not Pakistan

The threat to Indian Muslims comes from hindutva extremists and their fellow Indians

They are the ones threatening rape, slaughter and subjugation of Indian Muslim community

That is now clear to everyone except the blind

Therefore it is imperative that Indian Muslims prepare for the enemy that is threatening them, not the enemy of the Hindus who see Indian Muslims as enemies anyway
no, the Taliban are a little different. they dont claim Pakistan's lands. that is why Pakistan has a good relationship with the Taliban and we got them to the negotiating table for US-Taliban peace talks, when India couldnt. their mentality is that they are fed up for decades of war and they just want peace. but an Afghan is never going to be someones slave, and they taught that to the British, then the Soviets, and now the Americans. when the Americans are gone, then there will be peace in Afghanistan, and then the nation state model will apply to them and they can be happy. Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan badly, but India obviously doesnt.

there is also good feeling still between Taliban and Pakistan. we help them in their diplomatic efforts, and we were one of the only countries to recognise them when they took over Afghanistan after the Soviets were kicked out.
Even if Taliban is able to defeat the present Afghan govt and take over rule, it will still remain shaky for the following reasons
1. Afghans want Pak Pashtoon land and you are saying Taliban does not, so the Afghan people would despise Taliban rule for making 'peace' with the so-called enemies.
2. Taliban would again try to implement its medieval policies on Afghan populace. US govt would be under strong pressure to intervene on the behalf of Afghan people, and more so if Taliban once again provides sanctuary to global terrirorists (Al Qaeda, ISIS etc)

India has invested most (after US) in the Afghan peace. Many roads, Parliament building etc have been built by Indian engineers and / or on Indian money. Afghan intelligence and officers take training from India.
I never posted it. Don't create fake posts.

@magra don't create fake posts like this.

What fake post. Be clear.
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