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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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it didnt interfere outside its borders when it ruled Afghanistan. Taliban doesnt support TTP in Pakistan. they have a good track record.

"India is nowhere in the peace negotiations, nor have India's concerns really found any traction. In the latest blow to India, US ambassador to Afghanistan, John Bass, on Thursday said that Afghanistan's presidential elections, scheduled for September 28, could be postponed, until the peace process with the Taliban was completed. India is opposed to this - during US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo's visit to New Delhi , NSA Ajit Doval repeatedly stressed the importance of holding elections in Afghanistan on schedule even if the peace process was on. India also opposed the proposal to have an interim government in Afghanistan, both with US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and with Russia. None of India's concerns cut much ice with any of the principal stakeholders in Afghanistan."

which shows how much the americans valued your efforts in Afghanistan. they only wanted you so that you eventually send troops. which India was wise not to.

that is what the then US president, Trump, said about India in Afghanistan. i dont care about Trump. i am not Modi.
Lets see how the peace deal goes. Biden admin is not so gung-ho about it and is in no hurry to lift American troops from Afg.
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Lmao, looks like my first guess was correct and you've finally gone senile. It probably won't be long before a Dalit nurse takes over your posts. I give it a few months.

You are being absurd now.

How do you want him to prove he really is a Muslim online?

Please don't say what I think you'll say.

Cheers, Doc
He's not a convert, he's an Indian Hindu doing what they do best - lie. I'm guessing your aging memory is failing you here because this place has a long history of Hindus pretending to be something they're not so they can derail threads with their bad faith arguments. This Hindu is no different from those false flaggers.
or he was falseflagging as a Hindu at that time. In any case, Mods can decide as per forum rules.
How do you want him to prove he really is a Muslim online?

I don't want him to prove anything. You've probably reached a state where your mental faculties aren't as sharp as they used to be. It's logical to assume that none of the violent Hindu extremists on PDF who would slaughter a dozen hapless SCs for gau mata would convert to Islam.
or he was falseflagging as a Hindu at that time. In any case, Mods can decide as per forum rules.

That makes even more sense. Muslim originally comes here to post the usual canned NPC voice lines we get from the Pajeet hordes on this forum, and then decides a year later that he'll switch sides and reveal his true self. This is the brilliant Pajeet thinking which got you guys to finally stop taking dumps on the street.
I don't want him to prove anything. You've probably reached a state where your mental faculties aren't as sharp as they used to be. It's logical to assume that none of the violent Hindu extremists on PDF who would slaughter a dozen hapless SCs for gau mata would convert to Islam.

Please do not make new rules as you go along.

Religion is an out of bounds topic on PDF.

So how does personal religion of a member become grounds for a ban.

You are sounding very matriculate to be honest.

Cheers, Doc
Religion is an out of bounds topic on PDF.

So how does personal religion of a member become grounds for a ban.

I think you missed one of your hourly naps. At your age, you're better off spending most of the daytime sleeping instead of rambling online.

He should be banned because he's a lying Hindu either trying to troll or derail. His personal religion doesn't matter here. I don't care what monstrosities you do pooja to, as long as you don't lie about it.

You are sounding very matriculate to be honest.

I would say you sound like a rambling old man, but...
That makes even more sense. Muslim originally comes here to post the usual canned NPC voice lines we get from the Pajeet hordes on this forum, and then decides a year later that he'll switch sides and reveal his true self. This is the brilliant Pajeet thinking which got you guys to finally stop taking dumps on the street.
Is this how you learnt speaking at your house or did you eat shit later?
Is this how you learnt speaking at your house or did you eat shit later?

Why? Does it trigger you? Should I stop saying mean things so your fee-fees don't get hurt?
I think you missed one of your hourly naps. At your age, you're better off spending most of the daytime sleeping instead of rambling online.

He should be banned because he's a lying Hindu either trying to troll or derail. His personal religion doesn't matter here. I don't care what monstrosities you do pooja to, as long as you don't lie about it.

I would say you sound like a rambling old man, but...

I've reported your post for insulting Hindus and Hinduism.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a very short attention span for Muslim bigots, like that Babur guy who thinks I stopped engaging him because he made me "run away".

Truth of the matter is,when you see something smelly on the road you do not step into it.

You hold your breath and walk quickly away around it.

Cheers, Doc
No, it only shows your character.

It doesn't show anything. This is an online forum, you're an annoying Pajeet, and I'm just responding how people will do when they have to deal with constant banalities from your kind. Google search a conversation between an ordinary person and a scam caller from "Bengaluru" and it will make sense.
I've reported your post for insulting Hindus and Hinduism.

Cry more
Now if you will excuse me, I have a very short attention span for Muslim bigots, like that Babur guy who thinks I stopped engaging him because he made me "run away".

LMAO so you're OK with this "radical orthodox Muslim convert" but when you actually have to deal with someone who calls you lowlife liars out, then it's time to go begging to the admins for bans and post deletions. I'd call you a hypocrite, but that's a given with your vile demographic. Stay mad but make sure not to soil your diapers.
Is this how you learnt speaking at your house or did you eat shit later?

Report his post. And don't engage him further.

It's less crap for the mods to clean up later.

Cheers, Doc
Do you know how many Muslims were killed in the Mumbai attacks on 26/11?

Does a Pakistani bomb have a Muslim sensor that is deployed as the bomb hovers in pause mode 100 meters before impact?

Sink or swim, our Muslims are in this fight with us against you.

Your attempts at goading them.have been becoming increasingly more feeble over the years.

Cheers, Doc

Oh so now they are 'our' Muslims

Bas Kar Yaar

Indian SM is swimming in a sea of poison and hatred

The attempt to feign unity in such a toxic communal shithole is humourous if nothing else

You might still get some clowns here and there braying on about secularism and one India bit in reality it's dead and it's been dead for a longtime

At the moment you have the illusion of one people but under the surface things ha become set in stone

And Indian Muslims need to defend their people and community and stop be fooled by bullshit about united india
lol. no chance. for that i would have to a murtad like you.

No. How do you think Progressive Muslim governments and movements are subverted by the Western governments ? It is by supporting and enabling highly emotional, non-rational "Muslims" like you.

You have mentioned the Islamic Golden Age somewhere in this thread. I have watched one Pakistani intellectual speak about Muslim dominance of that time, actually Turkish dominance, was destroyed. He said that it was a fatwa by some mullah against the printing press. Your positioning is not so different than that mullah.

Our first goal should be to bring the whole of South Asia under one nation.

But you just said that nation state is fake.

If you indeed want South Asia to be under nation, then follow these steps
1. Study science
2. Invent a time machine
3. Go back to 1946.
4. Convince Mr. Jinnah against partition

There is no other way to achieve your mission. So get to work.

Not necessary for the unification of the South Asian countries. What can happen is all these countries adopting the same progressive political system. Like how Syria and pre-2003 Iraq were with their common Ba'ath socialist ideology. Such an adoption will also solve the Kashmir issue. I present such a solution in this thread.

Are you of the belief that the only Zoroastrians in the world today are all of Indian lineage?

No. I have been to the Iranian Chill Thread and other places where you have discussed this with the Iranian members. I see that Iran also has Zoroastrians and some Muslim Iranians who want to be Zoroastrian.

Tomorrow even when Iran reverts (not if), the Parsis will always be Indian.

There is more chance of a Zoroastrian colony on Mars. You should get Tata to invest in the three recent Indian rocket / spacecraft design companies - Skyroot Aerospace, Agnikul Cosmos, Bellatrix Aerospace - and help build their capabilities to be able to send Indians ( and Zoroastrians ) to Mars by the mid-2030s.

Why is what Zoroastrians do around the world to reclaim their blood and soil (the faith having been saved and preserved) in any way relevant to a discussion between Indians on Indian issues?

Like I said, you see India as a launchpad for your missionary activism and hence the need to curry favor with the ruling dispensation. Am I wrong ?

Euphemism for naxalism.


Among other things I do not have the courage to be a Naxal. Simple. I am of a gentle disposition, like a cat.

Ask him.

I once asked him that if there was an Indian soldier (me) in a death struggle with a Pakistani soldier.

There was a gun lying to one side.

Jamahir happened to be there.

Would he pick up the gun and kill the Pakistani to save me.

Ask him what his reply was ....

@KedarT this is for you too.

Cheers, Doc

sure. Btw, it was a straightforward question with a straightforward reply. You save your fellow Indian if you can. In that process, if you have to injure or worse kill a Pakistani, then thats acceptable. Dont you agree?
The fact that you think it's a trick question actually says a whole lot more than any answer you come up with.

Good night.

Cheers, Doc

If it was Padamchen, even with his caustic tongue and difficult attitude, I will save him.

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