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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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Make it

It dosent matter

Indian Muslims have been left with no option

Ask yourself who is the threat to Indian Muslims?

It's not China
It's not Pakistan

The threat to Indian Muslims comes from hindutva extremists and their fellow Indians

They are the ones threatening rape, slaughter and subjugation of Indian Muslim community

That is now clear to everyone except the blind

Therefore it is imperative that Indian Muslims prepare for the enemy that is threatening them, not the enemy of the Hindus who see Indian Muslims as enemies anyway
Its a chicken and egg problem which needs careful solution.
The more Indian Muslims are aleanated by right wing, the more they will feel threatened. The more they feel threatened, the more they are likely to be violent in words / deeds. The more they are violent, the more they are aleanated by right wing.
Needs understanding on both sides.
1. Afghans want Pak Pashtoon land and you are saying Taliban does not, so the Afghan people would despise Taliban rule for making 'peace' with the so-called enemies.

Afghans wanting Pakistani land enough to die for it has decreased. Taliban will be able to control whoever still wants to fight over it. they themselves said they are happy with their borders.

2. Taliban would again try to implement its medieval policies on Afghan populace. US govt would be under strong pressure to intervene on the behalf of Afghan people, and more so if Taliban once again provides sanctuary to global terrirorists (Al Qaeda, ISIS etc)

then the americans can keep fighting and spending blood and treasure. they are going to bleed to death eventually and the ceasefire is going to end in a few weeks. americans dont care about what taliban do to the population. Taliban said they wont give sanctuary to terrorists because they are only interested in Afghanistan and not what happens outside their borders.

India has invested most (after US) in the Afghan peace. Many roads, Parliament building etc have been built by Indian engineers and / or on Indian money. Afghan intelligence and officers take training from India.

lol. as if the Taliban care what hindus and india thinks. afghan miltary and intelligence is pathetic at best. taliban wouldnt have taken over a large chunk of the country today if the afghan military was any good. as for india's efforts at peace, another big lol there. if india is so important, then why did the americans kick out the indians from the peace process and bring Pakistan in? below is what the americans think of india's worth in afghanistan.

Afghans wanting Pakistani land enough to die for it has decreased. Taliban will be able to control whoever still wants to fight over it. they themselves said they are happy with their borders.

then the americans can keep fighting and spending blood and treasure. they are going to bleed to death eventually and the ceasefire is going to end in a few weeks. americans dont care about what taliban do to the population. Taliban said they wont give sanctuary to terrorists because they are only interested in Afghanistan and not what happens outside their borders.
Hope the Afghans can have some peace soon and the peace lasts long after centuries of warfare.

lol. as if the Taliban care what hindus and india thinks. afghan miltary and intelligence is pathetic at best. taliban wouldnt have taken over a large chunk of the country today if the afghan military was any good. as for india's efforts at peace, another big lol there. if india is so important, then why did the americans kick out the indians from the peace process and bring Pakistan in? below is what the americans think of india's worth in afghanistan.

I have strong suspicion if Taliban will adhere to its promises of non-interference outside its borders. But if it holds on to it, then India will not see it as an enemy any longer. And if Taliban modernizes a bit, then India may even build relations with it.
US never kicked Indians out. In fact, they pleaded India for direct military support in Afghanistan. But India refused to clean up the mess created by Americans.
Funny that you quote Trump, even the Americans dont take him seriously. He has went down as one of the worst US Presidents in history.
I have strong suspicion if Taliban will adhere to its promises of non-interference outside its borders.

it didnt interfere outside its borders when it ruled Afghanistan. Taliban doesnt support TTP in Pakistan. they have a good track record.

US never kicked Indians out.

"India is nowhere in the peace negotiations, nor have India's concerns really found any traction. In the latest blow to India, US ambassador to Afghanistan, John Bass, on Thursday said that Afghanistan's presidential elections, scheduled for September 28, could be postponed, until the peace process with the Taliban was completed. India is opposed to this - during US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo's visit to New Delhi , NSA Ajit Doval repeatedly stressed the importance of holding elections in Afghanistan on schedule even if the peace process was on. India also opposed the proposal to have an interim government in Afghanistan, both with US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and with Russia. None of India's concerns cut much ice with any of the principal stakeholders in Afghanistan."

In fact, they pleaded India for direct military support in Afghanistan.

which shows how much the americans valued your efforts in Afghanistan. they only wanted you so that you eventually send troops. which India was wise not to.

Funny that you quote Trump, even the Americans dont take him seriously. He has went down as one of the worst US Presidents in history.

that is what the then US president, Trump, said about India in Afghanistan. i dont care about Trump. i am not Modi.
The answer is very simple and straight forward.

As per Islamic law, the entire world is divided into Dar al Harb (Land of war) and Dar al Islam (Land of Peace).

All Lands which are not ruled by Islam/Shariah are considered as Dar al Harb i.e Enemy lands to Islam.

All non-believers in Dar al Harb are considered as enemy combatants. Does not matter if that person is regular civilian or Military personnel. All non-believers are treated as enemy combatants.

The choice could not be any clearer.

A Muslim would and should defend the believers over non-believers without any exception.

I've grown up with you guys.
Yeah but his fellow Indians are his enemies

This is the consequence of the hindutva Extremism and poison being spread in India

You can't expect Indian Muslims to save or fight for hindutva or Indians who mean their community harm

Welcome to the India you have created

If Jamahir is honest and does not play his shadow games he will yell you that this question was originally asked to him a long time ago.

Much before the current Hindutva phase.

At a time when the majority of Indians on PDF were still seculars. And representative of our society at the time.

Not by the forced culling employed by the admins over here.

Indian Muslims are full partners in what churn India is going through.

Cheers, Doc
I've grown up with you guys.

If Jamahir is honest and does not play his shadow games he will yell you that this question was originally asked to him a long time ago.

Much before the current Hindutva phase.

At a time when the majority of Indians on PDF were still seculars. And representative of our society at the time.

Not by the forced culling employed by the admins over here.

Indian Muslims are full partners in what churn India is going through.

Cheers, Doc

India was always going to be a communal shithole, Jinnah understood this over 70 years ago

What's happening now is not a surprise

Babri was almost 30 years ago now, there were regular riots decade after decade since partition

The only difference now is that the state has shown it's hindutva face

The bottom line again being that the threat to Indian Muslims is not from China, or Pakistan or anyone other then hindutva/Hindus/Indians and Indian Muslims need to prepare for the enemy they have not fight against the enemy they don't have

And it needs to be knocked into Indian Muslims heads the idea of standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder with people who essentially wish destruction upon you is a non starter

Pakistani soldiers are not the enemies of Indian Muslims

And Indian Muslims need to care about their own community and stuff india
India was always going to be a communal shithole, Jinnah understood this over 70 years ago

What's happening now is not a surprise

Babri was almost 30 years ago now, there were regular riots decade after decade since partition

The only difference now is that the state has shown it's hindutva face

The bottom line again being that the threat to Indian Muslims is not from China, or Pakistan or anyone other then hindutva/Hindus/Indians and Indian Muslims need to prepare for the enemy they have not fight against the enemy they don't have

And it needs to be knocked into Indian Muslims heads the idea of standing side by side, shoulder to shoulder with people who essentially wish destruction upon you is a non starter

Pakistani soldiers are not the enemies of Indian Muslims

And Indian Muslims need to care about their own community and stuff india

Do you know how many Muslims were killed in the Mumbai attacks on 26/11?

Does a Pakistani bomb have a Muslim sensor that is deployed as the bomb hovers in pause mode 100 meters before impact?

Sink or swim, our Muslims are in this fight with us against you.

Your attempts at goading them.have been becoming increasingly more feeble over the years.

Cheers, Doc
What fake post. Be clear.

I never posted this. You created a fake post under my name.

For people replying to the lying Hindu who is slavish and pathetic enough to spend the last 2 years mocking his own religion and people:

Think of this way. Hinduism is a super set of all religions that you could think off. For you it may look contradictory looking outside but for Hindus like me looking from outside every thing is normal.:-)

And in case he deletes the post:

@waz @SQ8 @krash why hasn't this guy been banned yet?
Why should he be banned?

Have you finally gone senile? Has a barely literate Dalit nurse taken over your account and is making your posts for you?
He's a lying, falseflagging Hindu who is arguing in bad faith and derails threads. He should be banned.
The neo convert non born Muslim radicals.

He's not a convert, he's an Indian Hindu doing what they do best - lie. I'm guessing your aging memory is failing you here because this place has a long history of Hindus pretending to be something they're not so they can derail threads with their bad faith arguments. This Hindu is no different from those false flaggers.
Have you finally gone senile? Has a barely literate Dalit nurse taken over your account and is making your posts for you?
He's a lying, falseflagging Hindu who is arguing in bad faith and derails threads. He should be banned.

Please do not be casteist.

I'll show you Dalit doctors who are the best in the world.

He's obviously a Muslim now and it's between him and Allah.

Cheers, Doc
Please do not be casteist.

Lmao, looks like my first guess was correct and you've finally gone senile. It probably won't be long before a Dalit nurse takes over your posts. I give it a few months.
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