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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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@jamahir is actually a person who is very progressive in his thoughts actually. There will of course be things on which we might not agree on, just like it might be with you and me. In many ways, he is a staunch communist more than an extreme religious person. He is one of the few Indian Muslims on this forum that I can easily talk with without either of us getting insulted or something. Always very civil in his arguments as well.

Thank you.

In my opinion, and @jamahir , please chime in, most present Islamic scholars are too stubborn in their thinking. They dont want to apply historical text to present context. You cannot go by the letter but have to understand the spirit. Flowing water keeps it pure, stagnant water starts stinking.

You are correct. Many "kattar Musalmaan" types tend not to apply sensibility and context.

I have tried to convince @PakistaniAtBahrain and one or two others here that progressive Muslim researchers and leaders in the past and now have tried to understand the context in which Islamic scripts were written and how to apply them in current situation.

For example, an Egyptian woman by name Amna Nosseir who was member of parliament and also a teacher researched and found that the burqa was really a Jewish culture garment that somehow found place in certain Muslim societies and got propagated to current time. The burqa has nothing to do with Islam.

Another example which I quoted to PakistaniAtBahrain was of Muammar Gaddafi who was a 'Hafiz', meaning one who has memorized the Quran and has understood it. And he was a socialist ( though not a communist ). There is no contradiction in being a Hafiz and being a modern socialist because Islam was a progressive movement in a line of progressive movements and thought, before Islam and after Islam.

If anything, PakistaniAtBahrain can find himself courted by Western intelligence agencies who want to subvert progressive Muslim movements and individuals. This has happened for decades, whether it was the in-Egypt-started Muslim Brotherhood or the FSA in Syria now.

For us India is our homeland

Bharat Mata ki Jai.

Vande Mararam.

Jai Hind.

Jai Sri Ram.

Ushta te.

Cheers, Doc

So you don't want to go to any proposed "Homeland of the Zoroastrians" ? At least enclaves which are composed of emigrated Zoroastrians and reverted Kurds and Yazidis ?

What exactly went on in those Zoroastrian functions you hosted ?

But how would it go well with Jai Hind. Can you come up with a slogan?:p:

Hmm, will have to ponder on that. :)

But just to let you know, during our Independence movement, all the 3 were popular slogans that was used by all communities.

Yes, different streams then using different slogans. Like I said earlier that it was an officer in the INA who thought up of "Jai Hind".
anyone who uses religion as a shield to attack other is despicable

Religion may be a shield for you pagan Hindus but for Muslims it is our life.

We chant Islamic verses all day, we eat per Islamic teachings, we fight for Islam, we follow Islamic Law, We celebrate and propagate Islam.
Religion may be a shield for you pagan Hindus but for Muslims it is our life.

We chant Islamic verses all day, we eat per Islamic teachings, we fight for Islam, we follow Islamic Law, We celebrate and propagate Islam.
sure.. no one is saying dont follow Islam.. problem begins when you say Islam / Hinduism has asked you to attack and conquer.
It is very simple just ask these Islamists are they Indian first or muslim first you will get your answer.
I already know the answer so I don't bother to ask.

Muslims all over the world believe in the nation of Islam. It is the foundation of Islam. Nation states are fake.
Jai Hind is also not acceptable for Muslims.

Muslims believe in the nation of Islam not in an artificial state called India.

Muslims should only chant Allahu Akbar

But even Pakistan, the host country of this very forum, has a national anthem.

National anthems are okay as long as the thing you desire is a common progressive political, social and economic system for all of humankind, whether on this world or another ( say Mars in the mid-2030s ).
Muslims all over the world believe in the nation of Islam. It is the foundation of Islam. Nation states are fake.
Then why do you chant "Kashmir banega Pakistan" if nation states are fake as per you.
sure.. no one is saying dont follow Islam.. problem begins when you say Islam / Hinduism has asked you to attack and conquer.

We cannot allow people to live in ignorance called paganism. It is our duty and responsibility to bring the message of Allah (swt) to all non-believers.
We cannot allow people to live in ignorance called paganism. It is our duty and responsibility to bring the message of Allah (swt) to all non-believers.
Sure.. do spread your message peacefully. When you use force and claim Allah has given you the authority for it, thats when you prove yourself to be despicable.
Then why do you chant "Kashmir banega Pakistan" if nation states are fake as per you.

Because India is not an Islamic nation. It our duty to bring India under Islam.

I will also chant Assam and West Bengal banega Bangladesh.
Sure.. do spread your message peacefully. When you use force and claim Allah has given you the authority for it, thats when you prove yourself to be despicable.

We do care about your sensitivities.

The message of Allah (swt) will be delivered one way or the other.
Because India is not an Islamic nation. It our duty to bring India under Islam.

I will also chant Assam and West Bengal banega Bangladesh.
decide first.. nation is fake or real.. you are confused.
But even Pakistan, the host country of this very forum, has a national anthem.

National anthems are okay as long as the thing you desire is a common progressive political, social and economic system for all of humankind, whether on this world or another ( say Mars in the mid-2030s ).

Our first goal should be to bring the whole of South Asia under one nation.

We have to take one step at a time to build the nation of Islam all across the world.
decide first.. nation is fake or real.. you are confused.

There is no confusion. First pagan India needs to be balkanized. Once that is done, the whole of South Asia will be under one Islamic nation. Then we move to the step of integrating all Islamic nations around the world. It is a process.
So, as per you, by going against Islam's tenets of allowing everyone the right to education, Taliban is anti-Islamic, do you agree? Then why Islamic republic of Pakistan allies itself with anti-Islamic Taliban in Afghanistan? Pakistan should publicly denounce Taliban and cut all ties with it.

cutting off ties with muslims isnt how it works in Islam. if a muslim is doing something wrong, then fellow muslims should advise. currently Taliban are doing some wrong things, like denying women education. but that isnt enough to go to war with them over it. they should be advised and when Afghanistan has some peace then things can change for people there. right now they are in war mode ever since the Soviet invasion.

Quran was written in around 600 AD. The world has changed a lot since then. Many things were not even present at that time for Quran to pass judgement over them.
For example, electricity, technology, computers, space travel etc etc. You cannot find all answers in a 1400 year old book, however holy it is. You have to start applying your brains at some point.

Quran was revealed, not written. it is the word of God. the entire framework for how to deal with life and future developments/innovations are all accounted for. Prophet Muhammed himself said a time will come when literacy will be everywhere, people will travel from one end of the world to the other within hours, invention of cars, etc. Islam is pro-science and Allah has instructed us to investigate the world and how it all works. Muslims didnt get to the peak of civilisation (governance, science, math, technology, etc) in spite of Islam. they get there because of Islam. the religion takes into account everything.
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I have tried to convince @PakistaniAtBahrain and one or two others here that progressive Muslim researchers and leaders in the past and now have tried to understand the context in which Islamic scripts were written and how to apply them in current situation.

For example, an Egyptian woman by name Amna Nosseir who was member of parliament and also a teacher researched and found that the burqa was really a Jewish culture garment that somehow found place in certain Muslim societies and got propagated to current time. The burqa has nothing to do with Islam.

Another example which I quoted to PakistaniAtBahrain was of Muammar Gaddafi who was a 'Hafiz', meaning one who has memorized the Quran and has understood it. And he was a socialist ( though not a communist ). There is no contradiction in being a Hafiz and being a modern socialist because Islam was a progressive movement in a line of progressive movements and thought, before Islam and after Islam.

If anything, PakistaniAtBahrain can find himself courted by Western intelligence agencies who want to subvert progressive Muslim movements and individuals. This has happened for decades, whether it was the in-Egypt-started Muslim Brotherhood or the FSA in Syria now.

there is no such thing as a progressive muslim. there is no such thing as progressive islam. there is no such thing as a muslim communist. Allah warned us from "muslims" like you, and so did Prophet Muhammed.

i have already said you are a murtad. on top of that, you still havent denounced Stalin and Mao, your commie heros.
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