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Delhi and Lahore-Twin Cities

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Delhi, India:





Lahore, Pakistan:




Goddamnit! You still didn't get it? I'll have to be a little more explicit then....Lahore and Delhi have a shared Mughal history. They both have been hotbeds of Urdu culture. Historically, they were about the same size both in terms of population and area ( I'm talking 19th-20th century). Physically they are in the same climatic zone. In their respective countries, both are one of the two most important cities. I'll stay up looking for more.

By the way, people tend to compare Bombay and Karachi. What's wrong in comparing Delhi and Lahore?

That's where the similarity ends and you can see Hyderabad as a much more hotbed. The League New Delhi is in is entirely different than that of Lahore. If New Delhi is Australia/India in cricket, Lahore is Kenya. Get it ? You dont compare them with Kenya.

I agree, we should not compare a beautiful city like Lahore to that overpopulated megatoilet garbage dump city Delhi.

Agreed. Only the description is reversed. I'll attribute that to your sleepiness. :D

India's poverty is 55.4%, as per December 2010 figures:

Lemme guess. You plucked out that image right from your...umm..where the sun shine never reaches.
This is from another Indian who went to pakistan. What's your point?

He is one of them who are trolling here. He is discussing something else, while the person SilentNinja and bilalhaider quoted was discussing lahore. This is the whole point here.
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And for the Pakistanis and Indians getting a fake ego here.

I and people around the world would look at this like two poor people throwing mud at each other. BE HUMBLE!!

If that is the case, we are gonna loose, as you have got plenty of mud there........:lol:

You are quoting Indian figures. They use a lower standard for poverty (20 rs a day) as compared to the international standard ($1 a day). I am quoting you the MPI Index, the official index used by the UN.
Pakistan has had a higher GDP per capita than India from 1947-2000:

This is from another Indian who went to pakistan. What's your point?

Good he hates Pakistan because he wrote an anti-islam book and is wanted in many Islamic countries. He hates Islam therefore he hates Pakistan and loves india.
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ever heard of Taxila?? retard

The heritage of Taxila comes from its Hindu and Buddhist heritage. The Islamic barbarian hordes must absolutely hand their heads in shame in sacking such a great centre of learning and now shedding some crocodile tears for it.

Moreover Taxila IIRC is in Pindi dist and not Lahore.

Pakistan has had a higher GDP per capita than India from 1947-2000:

The date is 2011 smart@ss.
you see, that's one thing that always gets to me and makes me laugh really hard......why do animals like cows roam the street in cities --especially a capital city. Can you imagine cows randomly walking around Blue Area or F-6 or Zero Point or any other area in Islamabad???

i dont think they even have people to clean up after these animals....

if i saw it in person, the main question i'd be asking is why is this animal roaming around and disrupting the flow of traffic....why isnt this animal cooked and serve medium rare on my plate with some worcestershire sauce :laugh:

Thats because for indians, cows are more important than humans, so cows are allowed to go anywhere in india :cheesy:
THE STRONGER INDIA GROWS ECONOMICALLY POLTICALLY AND PRESTIGE WISE the more the Pakistanis have to run shout to tell the world and themselves they are the equal

This is what is called a huge complex.


the neighbours are getting restless
Delhi Jal Board water contaminated with human feces

New Delhi, March 10 (IANS) At least 18 percent of water supplied by the Delhi Jal Board (DJB), the primary supplier in the national capital, was found to be contaminated with human feces, a Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) committee revealed Thursday.

MCD's public health committee carried out tests of samples of DJB water in all city zone areas. Over 60 percent of the households in Delhi consume water supplied by DJB.......

Delhi Jal Board water contaminated with human feces
That's where the similarity ends and you can see Hyderabad as a much more hotbed. The League New Delhi is in is entirely different than that of Lahore. If New Delhi is Australia/India in cricket, Lahore is Kenya. Get it ? You dont compare them with Kenya.

I said I wanted to know whether calling them the twin cities was justified. If it's not, it's not. If it is, it is. This isn't a blasphemy.
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