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Delhi and Lahore-Twin Cities

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Another Indian commenting:

Yes. Yes, you read right. The roads. I used to live in Mumbai and now I live in Delhi and, yes, I think good roads are a great, mammoth, gargantuan luxury! Face it, when did you last see a good road in India? Like a really smooth road. Drivable, wide, nicely built and long, yawning, stretching so far that you want zip on till eternity and loosen the gears and let the car fly. A road without squeeze or bump or gaping holes that pop up like blood-dripping kitchen knives in Ramsay Brothers films. When did you last see such roads? Pakistan is full of such roads. Driving on the motorway between Islamabad and Lahore, I thought of the Indian politician who ruled a notorious —, one could almost say viciously — potholed state and spoke of turning the roads so smooth that they would resemble the cheeks of Hema Malini. They remained as dented as the face of Frankenstein's monster. And here, in Pakistan, I was travelling on roads that — well, how can one now avoid this? — were as smooth as Hema Malini's cheeks! Pakistani roads are broad and smooth and almost entirely, magically, pot hole free. How do they do it; this country that is ostensibly so far behind in economic growth compared to India? But they do and one of my most delightful experiences in Pakistan has been travelling on its fabulous roads. No wonder the country is littered with SUVs — Pakistan has the roads for such cars! Even in tiny Bajaur in the North West frontier province, hard hit by the Taliban, and a little more than a frontier post, the roads were smoother than many I know in India. Even Bajaur has a higher road density than India! If there is one thing we should learn from the Pakistanis, it is how to build roads. And oh, another thing, no one throws beer bottles or trash on the highways and motorways.

The Hindu : Columns / Hindol Sengupta : Affluenza: With love from across the border
A Little insight into Lahore.



Pakistan has much more rich and ancient history than Bharat. Why else do Bhartis try so desperatly to claim Pakistani history and civlization?

Pakistan is home to the world's oldest cvilization, and we dont wanna compare our Pakistan with trash!
sickninf scene of mass animal slaughter in pakistan

Congrats to the thread opener. You have managed to suck the members in to a troll fest in what is seeming to be the fastest growing mud slinging thread ever on PDF! Not bad for a newbie, you're learning the tricks very fast :P
ever heard of Taxila?? retard

Taxila isn't a large, inhabited city. It's just near a large, inhabited city. Not a very apt comparison. And forget about that other guy. We won't involve religion in this in a defamatory manner. No religious defamation.
Open Defecation widely practiced in Delhi:

This March, I was in India with two colleagues shooting a documentary for Current TV on open defecation. The first morning, a local Delhi water activist took us on a boat ride along the Yamuna River, into which Delhi's raw sewage flows. The water is black and almost tar-like, bubbling with methane. The odor is intense. When we made landfall on a bank that hundreds of people use as a toilet, correspondent Adam Yamaguchi promptly threw up. But a couple of days later, we were touring a Delhi slum where raw sewage flows in shallow gutters, and Yamaguchi and the rest us had stopped worrying about finding a clean spot to step.

World Health Issues | Toilets: A simple solution to world health issues - Los Angeles Times
The heritage of Taxila comes from its Hindu and Buddhist heritage.

what does it matter??? Taxila is in Pakistan. Taj Mahal belongs to Pakistan because it is of Muslim heritage??

The Islamic barbarian hordes must absolutely hand their heads in shame in sacking such a great centre of learning and now shedding some crocodile tears for it.

you're a retard

sounds like you've always been quite devoid and deprived of ''higher learning'' yourself :rofl:

Moreover Taxila IIRC is in Pindi dist and not Lahore.

yeah no shyte, genius......go re-read the question i was answering first.
Delhi known all over the world
lahore, we have to carry a map to tell where it is.
what does it matter??? Taxila is in Pakistan. Taj Mahal belongs to Pakistan because it is of Muslim heritage??

you're a retard

yeah no shyte, genius......go re-read the question i was answering first.

The date is 2011 smart@ss.

Tajmahal it is just tourist attraction................
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