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Defense cooperation agreement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia

What I am more interested in is agreements in Research and development concerning Agriculture , water management and healthcare .

These 3 issues will be chronic for the gulf in the future and we need to develop and invest in various farms around the world to ensure our own food security , Turkey has always been encouraging investors to invest in their agriculture sector and they offer great incentives especially in south east Turkey .
They could build a water pipeline to the ME like we are doing to Northern Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus Water Supply Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is more about cooperation , I read about the agreement in an Arabic newspaper and it referred to signing agreements in various industrial sectors and one of them is defence.

You know Saudi Arabia has started around 10 years ago building its own defence Industry and Turkey can help out through some TOT agreements and I think it might include Altay and Anka in addition to some missiles Turkey recently developed like Cirit " UAE signed contract on co-production with Rokestan .

Gulf and Europe also have good relations but its good when you diversify your cooperation and bilateral networks.

As for Arabs who spew **** on Turkey , please ask them about their background , either christian " Armenian " or Shia " Iran lovers " .

We Just need good relations with our neighbours in this region and once Iran ends its rogue behaviour then we can have good relations with them to .

There is a difference between calling Turkey to get on your back, and calling for friendly relations based on respect and mutual interests. And to be honest with you, the first type don't deserve respect.
And for all those guys who get into a arab-turk , nation to nation, race war.

In the past europe was the modern middle-east. There was not 1 kingdom that hasn't been in war with another kingdom.
Thus diminishing each others power and feeding the expansion of the ottomans into europe.
The moment they stopped this behaviour. They started to rise in power and the result of it is the European union, and a cancer implanted in the middle east and africa.

There is a saying in Turkish "from cooperation, strength is born".

They could build a water pipeline to the ME like we are doing to Northern Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus Water Supply Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Turkey will build a water pipeline to Gcc and they will build oil pipeline to Turkey :)

now that's some agreement.
I just hope it isnt a war defensive agreement because i dont want that Turkish soldiers get in danger to shield arabs nothing against arabs but Turkey should only do business with arab countries and the eu the only countries turkey ever need for defence are the turkic countries and the nato.
And i hope it isnt a signal to israel because i have the feeling erdogan wants to show a signal to israel but we will see.
I just hope it isnt a war defensive agreement because i dont want that Turkish soldiers get in danger to shield arabs nothing against arabs but Turkey should only do business with arab countries and the eu the only countries turkey ever need for defence are the turkic countries and the nato.
And i hope it isnt a signal to israel because i have the feeling erdogan wants to show a signal to israel but we will see.

May I ask you why are you so obsessed with keeping good relations with Israel?
And for all those guys who get into a arab-turk , nation to nation, race war.

In the past europe was the modern middle-east. There was not 1 kingdom that hasn't been in war with another kingdom.
Thus diminishing each others power and feeding the expansion of the ottomans into europe.
The moment they stopped this behaviour. They started to rise in power and the result of it is the European union, and a cancer implanted in the middle east and africa.

There is a saying in Turkish "from cooperation, strength is born"


Turkey will build a water pipeline to Gcc and they will build oil pipeline to Turkey :)

now that's some agreement.
Water will be the oil of the future,mark my words.;)
May I ask you why are you so obsessed with keeping good relations with Israel?
It is really safe thats why.
They are a strong nation and have a good economy.
And generally i like jewish people.
We should keep good relations with all of the ME countries,no exceptions.

Ofcourse I agree on this.

But if I may bluntly ask.

If we should sacrifice one relation.

Should it be Israel or whole of middle east and north-africa?
Safe in the way of?
Like i said because they are a strong nation and have a good economy.
And i generally know and like jewish people i know.

Ofcourse I agree on this.

But if I may bluntly ask.

If we should sacrifice one relation.

Should it be Israel or whole of middle east and north-africa?
It is more like what will happen in the future those nations become more islamic and i dont see this really positive and i think this can spark also in turkey.
Like i said because they are a strong nation and have a good economy.
And i generally know and like jewish people i know.

It is more like what will happen in the future those nations become more islamic and i dont see this really positive and i think this can spark also in turkey.

A strong economy of Israel that doesn't benefit us is useless. Israel-Turkey has a smaller trade volume then Turkey-saudi or Turkey- UAE.
Ofcourse I agree on this.

But if I may bluntly ask.

If we should sacrifice one relation.

Should it be Israel or whole of middle east and north-africa?
We shouldnt have to but i know what you mean.
By the looks of it Erdogan will opt for what you are thinking.
It sure wouldnt be my choise,but who am i.
Even KSA,Jordan,Egypt are not that hostile against Israel.
The only problem there is is Palestine,we could be a bridge for them to overcome the problems.
Two state solution,and no problems left in the ME.
Like i said because they are a strong nation and have a good economy.
And i generally know and like jewish people i know.

It is more like what will happen in the future those nations become more islamic and i dont see this really positive and i think this can spark also in turkey.
You are wrong religion has nothing to do with it,all the Golf countries are getting more modern and free.
Did you see any ''Árab spring''in KSA,Jordan,UAE,Qatar etc?
If people are satisfied with their lifes they dont need to protest or overthrow the government.
We should not worry about the golf countries becoming more radical.
We shouldnt have to but i know what you mean.
By the looks of it Erdogan will opt for what you are thinking.
It sure wouldnt be my choise,but who am i.
Even KSA,Jordan,Egypt are not hostile against Israel.
The only problem there is is Palestine,we could be a bridge for them to overcome the problems.
Two state solution,and no problems left in the ME.

Well the relations of the arabs are not hostile but are also not friendly.
Erdogan is smart in this way. 1 davos, few bad words against Israel and he's a hero in the arab world. And now netanyahu apologized. I look forward to the day he visits palestine. He will be considered even a bigger hero.

Ofcourse all that pays itself of. Look at where the relations are with the arab world at present day.
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