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Defense cooperation agreement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Yes yes Arab fanboy.
Oh and pls get out of germany go to saudi arabia.

You get out of Germany and move to turkey.

Just like I'm planning to do :victory:

And then we both get a beer :cheers:
You get out of Germany and move to turkey.

Just like I'm planning to do :victory:

And then we both get a beer :cheers:
................................ You make it souund like its really easy
You should be thankful Germans letting ungrateful islamists like you to leech off their welfare system while filty rich Gulf-Arabs don't even gave citizenship to their muslim bros living on their land for years...so much for ummah :D

There is no Ummah man , only Interests .

................................ You make it souund like its really easy

We can easily have a beer in Dubai man , they call me the Irish Arab .

Yes yes Arab fanboy.
Oh and pls get out of germany go to saudi arabia.

What is wrong with Arabs please , you make me feel that we killed your people and not the Russians .
There is no Ummah man , only Interests .

We can easily have a beer in Dubai man , they call me the Irish Arab .

What is wrong with Arabs please , you make me feel that we killed your people and not the Russians .
There is this anti arab sentiment,you must understand its new that we are brothers with the arabs,give it time.
Especialy those from out of Turkey.
There is this anti arab sentiment,you must understand its new that we are brothers with the arabs,give it time.
Especialy those from out of Turkey.

There is also Anti-Turkish sentiment coming from Stupid Islamists whether Arabs or Non Arabs whom blame Ataturk for ending Ottman empire while it actually ended before he even started the war of independence.

People need to overcome their personal emotions and start looking at the mutual interests that could be gained from Cooperation between Gulf and Turkey . I am very happy because of Iran's rogue behaviour GCC countries united under one military branch and ended bahrain crises which could have become another Syria and now at some time we might see a Joint Turkish-GCC forces specialised only towards fighting proxies and terrorism .

There is a lot of benefits for both sides in terms of monetary and political gain and I must add the roles of Turkey and GCC are complementary to each other. After all the main aim of the GCC towards Syria is to see a normal friendly regime that abandons rogue behaviour .
There is also Anti-Turkish sentiment coming from Stupid Islamists whether Arabs or Non Arabs whom blame Ataturk for ending Ottman empire while it actually ended before he even started the war of independence.

People need to overcome their personal emotions and start looking at the mutual interests that could be gained from Cooperation between Gulf and Turkey . I am very happy because of Iran's rogue behaviour GCC countries united under one military branch and ended bahrain crises which could have become another Syria and now at some time we might see a Joint Turkish-GCC forces specialised only towards fighting proxies and terrorism .

There is a lot of benefits for both sides in terms of monetary and political gain and I must add the roles of Turkey and GCC are complementary to each other. After all the main aim of the GCC towards Syria is to see a normal friendly regime that abandons rogue behaviour .
Make a difference between knowledge and heart talking,then youll undertsand what means what.
It is very difficult to free ones self from cliches(Arabs bad,Turks bad).
So its normal to take over whats been said about certain people.
The moment i start to think for myself, thats the moment i understand that by gones are by gones(our people are very senstiive,very emotional)
So from both sides knowledge is very important and a very difficult aspect.
Lets give it some time.
Since we(Turkey and KSA/GCC) are arming ourselfs for actualy no reason,there must be something going on that we dont know of.
Considering there is no reason to arm us to the teeth for no reason,Iran cant be the reason.
Make a difference between knowledge and heart talking,then youll undertsand what means what.
It is very difficult to free ones self from cliches(Arabs bad,Turks bad).
So its normal to take over whats been said about certain people.
The moment i start to think for myself, thats the moment i understand that by gones are by gones(our people are very senstiive,very emotional)
So from both sides knowledge is very important and a very difficult aspect.
Lets give it some time.
Since we(Turkey and KSA/GCC) are arming ourselfs for actualy no reason,there must be something going on that we dont know of.
Considering there is no reason to arm us to the teeth for no reason,Iran cant be the reason.

You have to be prepared for all circumstances , I do not want any war to happen we all know that wars delay countries economic development , but arming yourself is part of an containment policy that would make foes think 100 times before waging war on you .

Our close cooperation will be enough to deter others from waging wars because they know the costs would be heavy , this is why we need to put our hands together to enforce stability .

If you look at the Gulf and turkey position , you will find that our locations easily Isolate Iran from the outside world with up to 40 thousand Nato troops stationed in Afghanistan so basically Iran is sorrounded by either Nato forces , Nato countries or Nato partners like gulf .


I know that Nato Forces are using also Turkmenistan and Azerbijan military facilities and air-fields for their Afghan operations .

The united states will not leave Afghanistan , after 2014 they will leave around 20 thousand special troops , its because of Caspian Sea and the southern stream gas project that will transfer gas from Turkmenistan to Azerbijan then to Turkey .

As you know Turkmenistan shares a 1000 km border with Afghanistan and American troops are there basically as a counter to any Russian planned Invasion on Turkmenistan to stop the gas project because it will basically end Russian dominance over Europe energy market.

Turkmenistan has the third largest reserves of gas around the world and its reserves is around 60% that of Russia but Turkmenistan population is only 4 million while Russia 140 million.

One of the good things is that Turkmenistan leadership have independent foreign policy and they do not listen to Russia , they build pipelines to China bypassing Russia , also to Iran and were planning to build pipelines through afghanistan to pakistan .

The American support is confirmed by this

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have right to lay Trans-Caspian pipeline, U.S. ambassador says (UPDATE) - AzerNews

this also confirmed by the special forces Americans will leave in Afghanistan which will include permanent bases and special forces of up to 20 thousand soldiers.

With the kars tiblisi baku railway operational in 2014 it will be easy for Americans to send supplies to their forces in Afghanistan through Turkmenistan from baku .

I have come to a conclusion that the main threat to middle east stability and peace is actually Russia , they during soviet times supported stupid and backward leaders like Saddam Hussein , Bachar's father Hafez Al Assad and Gaddafi and we have seen nothing from these crazy communists except genocide and useless wars .
You have to be prepared for all circumstances , I do not want any war to happen we all know that wars delay countries economic development , but arming yourself is part of an containment policy that would make foes think 100 times before waging war on you .

Our close cooperation will be enough to deter others from waging wars because they know the costs would be heavy , this is why we need to put our hands together to enforce stability .

If you look at the Gulf and turkey position , you will find that our locations easily Isolate Iran from the outside world with up to 40 thousand Nato troops stationed in Afghanistan so basically Iran is sorrounded by either Nato forces , Nato countries or Nato partners like gulf .


I know that Nato Forces are using also Turkmenistan and Azerbijan military facilities and air-fields for their Afghan operations .

The united states will not leave Afghanistan , after 2014 they will leave around 20 thousand special troops , its because of Caspian Sea and the southern stream gas project that will transfer gas from Turkmenistan to Azerbijan then to Turkey .

As you know Turkmenistan shares a 1000 km border with Afghanistan and American troops are there basically as a counter to any Russian planned Invasion on Turkmenistan to stop the gas project because it will basically end Russian dominance over Europe energy market.

Turkmenistan has the third largest reserves of gas around the world and its reserves is around 60% that of Russia but Turkmenistan population is only 4 million while Russia 140 million.

One of the good things is that Turkmenistan leadership have independent foreign policy and they do not listen to Russia , they build pipelines to China bypassing Russia , also to Iran and were planning to build pipelines through afghanistan to pakistan .

The American support is confirmed by this

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have right to lay Trans-Caspian pipeline, U.S. ambassador says (UPDATE) - AzerNews

this also confirmed by the special forces Americans will leave in Afghanistan which will include permanent bases and special forces of up to 20 thousand soldiers.

With the kars tiblisi baku railway operational in 2014 it will be easy for Americans to send supplies to their forces in Afghanistan through Turkmenistan from baku .

I have come to a conclusion that the main threat to middle east stability and peace is actually Russia , they during soviet times supported stupid and backward leaders like Saddam Hussein , Bachar's father Hafez Al Assad and Gaddafi and we have seen nothing from these crazy communists except genocide and useless wars .
Nope,Russia still rebuilding armed forces before they are ready to be a threat it will take 10 years.
No Russia,No Iran,why are we arming ourselfs(Turkey and KSA/GCC so much so fast?
Make a difference between knowledge and heart talking,then youll undertsand what means what.
It is very difficult to free ones self from cliches(Arabs bad,Turks bad).
So its normal to take over whats been said about certain people.
The moment i start to think for myself, thats the moment i understand that by gones are by gones(our people are very senstiive,very emotional)
So from both sides knowledge is very important and a very difficult aspect.
Lets give it some time.
Since we(Turkey and KSA/GCC) are arming ourselfs for actualy no reason,there must be something going on that we dont know of.
Considering there is no reason to arm us to the teeth for no reason,Iran cant be the reason.

I also heard from one of the Turkish members here that Turks , Turkmen & Azeris come from common ancestors " oghuz Turks " and speak nearly the same language , Just like how Arabs in the middle east speak close dialects of arabic . This would mean we can speak of a bigger corridor alliance connecting GCC-Egypt "Red Sea"-Turkey-Georgia-Azerbijan-Turkmenistan .


For example look at this map , if I want to export a car for instance from Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan I could pass through a route completely bypassing Russia and Iran .

Simply ships through Suez Canal " both sides Egyptian " then all the way to mersin and from Turkish mainland it can be transported on the kars-tiblisi-baku railway and from baku by ferry to Turkmenistan " distance between Turkmenistan and Baku only 300 km by ship " .

You see trade is could be really easy with Azerbijan and Turkmenistan through Turkey bypassing Russia and Iran .
I also heard from one of the Turkish members here that Turks , Turkmen & Azeris come from common ancestors " oghuz Turks " and speak nearly the same language , Just like how Arabs in the middle east speak close dialects of arabic . This would mean we can speak of a bigger corridor alliance connecting GCC-Egypt "Red Sea"-Turkey-Georgia-Azerbijan-Turkmenistan .


For example look at this map , if I want to export a car for instance from Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan I could pass through a route completely bypassing Russia and Iran .

Simply ships through Suez Canal " both sides Egyptian " then all the way to mersin and from Turkish mainland it can be transported on the kars-tiblisi-baku railway and from baku by ferry to Turkmenistan " distance between Turkmenistan and Baku only 300 km by ship " .

You see trade is could be really easy with Azerbijan and Turkmenistan through Turkey bypassing Russia and Iran .
You forgot Armenia!
We dont have open borders with Armenia,it would have to be KARS TIBLISI BAKU.
Dont know if there is such a conncetion.
You forgot Armenia!
We dont have open borders with Armenia,it would have to be KARS TIBLISI BAKU.
Dont know if there is such a conncetion.

kars tiblisi baku bypasses Armenia


basically I am Talking about a tansport corridor that bypasses all anti-turk countries and they will be isolated badly especially Iran and Armenia .



The route is Just excellent and takes less than week to transport products without tariffs imposed and all that **** .

You see the Turkic union at least among Azerbijan , Turkmenistan and Turkey is possible . Both Azerbijan and Turkemnistan can easily export to the outside world through Georgia-Turkey bypassing Armenia , Russia and Iran .
kars tiblisi baku bypasses Armenia


basically I am Talking about a tansport corridor that bypasses all anti-turk countries and they will be isolated badly especially Iran and Armenia .



The route is Just excellent and takes less than week to transport products without tariffs imposed and all that **** .

You see the Turkic union at least among Azerbijan , Turkmenistan and Turkey is possible . Both Azerbijan and Turkemnistan can easily export to the outside world through Georgia-Turkey bypassing Armenia , Russia and Iran .
Read post 88.
Nope,Russia still rebuilding armed forces before they are ready to be a threat it will take 10 years.
No Russia,No Iran,why are we arming ourselfs(Turkey and KSA/GCC so much so fast?

Were rebuilding to be ready for them if they think after 10 years to do anything stupid , its Just a ditterent , I do not hate Russia but Just want them to stay away from us , they do not belong neither with Turkic central asia or middle east.

I do not think Iran will have time for anything , by 10 years a revolution would have taken place there and the country possible broken up who knows , but Iran future is horrible especially Economy is in the hands of bankrupt Religious foundations and Iran islamic republic army .

have you heard of the Iranian bonyad , they survive on government subsidies from oil revenues

Bonyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is more like an Islamist state with a semi-communist economy , the worst two **** ideologies mixed together lol .
Read post 88.

oh I missed that post , that is absolutely correct, basically your thinking the same way I am thinking , anyone following the events will understand this .

This will be a grouping gathering dominated by Turkey and Saudi Arabia , Just like France-Germany partnership in 1950 before european union.

This is exactly what the Saudi visit was for , a partnership between Turkey-Saudi Arabia , by the way Saudi crown prince rarely visits outside country and his visit to Turkey means he is simply seeking for alliance-partnership .

The saudi crown prince is the leader of saudi arabia now and defence minister at the same time " leads army " , the king is sick and is just a picture if the king dies the crown prince takes his place straight away , this is how it works in saudi arabia
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