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Mr ALLAH has clearly said in the Quran he will only accept Islam so if anyone wants to go to heaven he has to be a Muslim its not about being a Wahabi its about the order of ALLAH sir Go read Quran ALLAH will judge but he will you through the orders which he has given to you in form of Quran and Sunnah we have to follow that sir
For you Quran is the greatest book, for a Christian Bible is the greatest book and for a Hindu the Geeta and Vedas are the greatest book.
Every one claim that these books are given by God himself to which no one has proof. And on what basis you say that you are the chosen religion. Do you know that there are other religion which teaches that Humans should not even harm single sensed living creatures and people who follow such religion with the highest standard have not caused any harm to other living being physically or mentally and at the same time dedicate the life for service to the world. As per your idiotism these people are not eligible for a place in Gods palace(Haven) and are doomed to the Hell to wander the underworld
For you Quran is the greatest book, for a Christian Bible is the greatest book and for a Hindu the Geeta and Vedas are the greatest book.
Every one claim that these books are given by God himself to which no one has proof. And on what basis you say that you are the chosen religion. Do you know that there are other religion which teaches that Humans should not even harm single sensed living creatures and people who follow such religion with the highest standard have not caused any harm to other living being physically or mentally and at the same time dedicate the life for service to the world. As per your idiotism these people are not eligible for a place in Gods palace(Haven) and are doomed to the Hell to wander the underworld
Sir go ask people of all the other religions is their books present in its original form the answer is no but Quran is
For you Quran is the greatest book, for a Christian Bible is the greatest book and for a Hindu the Geeta and Vedas are the greatest book.
Every one claim that these books are given by God himself to which no one has proof. And on what basis you say that you are the chosen religion. Do you know that there are other religion which teaches that Humans should not even harm single sensed living creatures and people who follow such religion with the highest standard have not caused any harm to other living being physically or mentally and at the same time dedicate the life for service to the world. As per your idiotism these people are not eligible for a place in Gods palace(Haven) and are doomed to the Hell to wander the underworld

A little correction here

Jews follow Torah revealed to Moses pbuh & Zubur revealed to David (Daud).
Christians follow Bible revealed to Jesus pbuh
Muslims follow Quran revealed to Mohammad pbuh.
in that chronological order.
Every Muslim believes that Torah and Bible and ZUBUR ARE God's words and they WERE revealed to God's true prophets.

It is a MUST for all Muslims to equally respect all prophets and if any single prophet is disrespected it is a sin.

Every muslims also believes that the Torah, Zubur and Bible were books on that time ONLY and targeted to that specific group of people.

Every muslim believes that those books were altered over period of time by humans for their own petty gains.

There is a case that even Righ veda was once God's word and altered over a period of time.

All these books have mention of the last prophet and other similar topics.

We believe that Quran is God's last word, and for all times and nations alike.
We also believe that any reader who will read the Quran without prejudice himself / herself and if that reader gives up their pride they will see the right way and see the connection.

Your scholar says so, go to pope,he will say they are right and we are wrong.
Sir I just go and ask them about their book most will accept it Sir its the fact which they even don't deny it first just look at the bible their are around 20 versions of Bible used by Christians and they don't even contain same number of chapters
Sir go ask people of all the other religions is their books present in its original form the answer is no but Quran is
And what authentic proof do you have on this regards, bring me a nutral source.
Did God directly present the holy Quran to the people no. It was told by the first prophet and was writen by his assistant. The prophet is not the God he is just a messanger of the God as it is believed.
So is other religious books.
You belive in yours, let the others belive in others and you keep to your juristriction of practicing your religion and so does the rest.
If you pock your nose in to others stating that yours is the true form then be ready for some big blows as you have always had in this form.
Thank God you are not in any other country making this kind of statements face to face with people of other faith. if you had done this in real life other than internet, either you would endup killing some one or you would get killed by some one.
Sir I just go and ask them about their book most will accept it Sir its the fact which they even don't deny it first just look at the bible their are around 20 versions of Bible used by Christians and they don't even contain same number of chapters

Interesting. Have YOU read or studied the bible? I have gone through numerous versions in my short life and the number of chapters and verses are exactly the same. Even the verses carry the same meaning. In English i have gone through, NIV, GNB, KJV, etc ; not to mention bibles in other languages. For me, i believe Islam is a lie and Christianity is the truth. What will you say?

Zarvan, when you dont know about something, dont pretend that you do. It makes you look like a total jackass and a fool.
Sir I just go and ask them about their book most will accept it Sir its the fact which they even don't deny it first just look at the bible their are around 20 versions of Bible used by Christians and they don't even contain same number of chapters
There were some 100 saints in Christianity tilll today and each told a few additions to the bible for the time of their period.
Its the same as many prophets came in Islam, but they did not have the idea of altering the Quran to accomodate changes based on social changes in mans life
Interesting. Have YOU read or studied the bible? I have gone through numerous versions in my short life and the number of chapters and verses are exactly the same. Even the verses carry the same meaning. In English i have go through, NIL, GNB, KJV, etc ; not to mention bible in other languages. For me, i believe Islam is a lie and Christianity is the truth. What will you say?

Zarvan, when you dont know about something, dont pretend that you do. It makes you look like a total jackass and a fool.
Mr Their King James version has 77 Chapters and their another Version has 68 Chapters and their are many more versions with different chapters Sir go check it first yourself

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

There were some 100 saints in Christianity tilll today and each told a few additions to the bible for the time of their period.
Its the same as many prophets came in Islam, but they did not have the idea of altering the Quran to accomodate changes based on social changes in mans life
Mr most Christians have almost changed all of the bible not some changes the bible is different buy all the versions of Bible and check them I challenge you to tell me the same things in the bible and also pick bible of the same version which was their 100 or 200 years ago and they will be not the same
Ashok Deva and MEch

Some basic things you have allowed to go unquestioned and have betrayed a very Indian mind set -- first of all which Jewish "book" is claimed as "revelation" which Christian book is claimed as "revelation"- Revelation, not divinely inspired.

When you do not even question the lies of these lunes, you do yourselves a disservice.
Sir I just go and ask them about their book most will accept it Sir its the fact which they even don't deny it first just look at the bible their are around 20 versions of Bible used by Christians and they don't even contain same number of chapters
What you say is illogical, if they ever know that their faith is not the right one, why on earth they stick to it? they will simply abondan it. Regardless of their faith, you are being hypocrate for imposing yourself on the others.
There were some 100 saints in Christianity tilll today and each told a few additions to the bible for the time of their period.
Its the same as many prophets came in Islam, but they did not have the idea of altering the Quran to accomodate changes based on social changes in mans life

Ever since its compilation in Nicene, the bible in essence has always remained the same. This was where the nicene creed was brought about as well. The new testament, regarding Christ is not "revealed" to Jesus. Rather, it is an account of the events that took place in Jesus's life THROUGH the eyes of an observer. That is to say, his disciples. The new testament was written by Christ's disciples. These were not exactly in the book form we call the bible today. The new testament is essentially a COMPILATION of letters , observations, accounts written by then disciples of Jesus Christ.
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