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Defending Militancy: Why they kill civilians, attack the state

Ashokbhai the funny thing is 99% of people do not choose their religion. Its auto imprinting by parents
Aryan Bhai, the 99% is not bothering me, they were born and brought up in a perticular religion and most of them question the customs and even refrine from what they feel as inappropriate.
My bothering is with the 1% that develops fanatic ideas looking at hatred and other reasons that they use to justify their actions later on.
If people like Zarvan end up with a Nuck, they sure will with out a second thought will fire it against INDIA or Isreal. They have so much hatred that they will not see that in the resulting muschroom cloud, new born babies and unborn babies will die not to mention there are people who do not even have a thought of causing pain to others who might perish is the incident.
There 1% who develop extrimist idea are the ones whom the world has to give extra care to make them realize the real world there are lot of good that they can cherish upon.
Hifzullah thanks God for the 2005 earthquake which “killed thousands of military personnel”.
Somebody should have asked him about the Successful Swat Operation which killed thousands of bastard terrorists and resulted in the major victory of WoT ... What he thinks about it because everything is ordained by the God ?
Hifzullah says these ‘children’ were older and their deaths were a consequence of the militants’ campaign against the armed forces. “It is a military school; children also die when you are killing adults.”
“Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elderly or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Do not practice treachery or mutilation. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food.” (Al-Muwatta)
• “Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship.” (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
• “Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle.” (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy. Pray to God to grant you security, but when you (are forced to) encounter them, exercise patience.” (Sahih Muslim)
• “No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and do not do wrong even if they commit evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

“Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely & whoever saves one – it is as he had saved mankind entirely.” (Surah al-Maida, ayah: 32)

Somebody teach these people about the real ISLAM ! :(
Hifzullah justifies this by saying that killing ‘munafiq’ [hypocrites] in mosques is legitimate, as is killing religious scholars – or anyone else – who does not agree with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan’s stance.
Who are Taliban to decide about somebody's faith . How can they know who is a hypocrite and who isn't one ? Even Prophet Mohammed didn't do that even though he had the knowledge given to him by God ( Did Prophet kill every hypocrite ? ) ... Did Prophet kill people because they didn't agree with him ? How can these illiterate , sick people even be called muslim let alone a human ?
“Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elderly or sick person.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Do not practice treachery or mutilation. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food.” (Al-Muwatta)
• “Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship.” (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
• “Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle.” (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy. Pray to God to grant you security, but when you (are forced to) encounter them, exercise patience.” (Sahih Muslim)
• “No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
• “Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and do not do wrong even if they commit evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

“Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely & whoever saves one – it is as he had saved mankind entirely.” (Surah al-Maida, ayah: 32)

Somebody teach these people about the real ISLAM ! :(

there was a time when the Pakistani government supported and patronized militants who pretty much stand against all these ideals that you are talking about.These militants wrecked havoc in Kashmir.I dont know if the present Pakistani government still supports them or not.But,at this point of time,this entire religious fanatic militant thing seems grossly hypocritical...
this entire religious fanatic militant thing seems grossly hypocritical...

I don't know about that - after all, policies are not always informed by the same ideas, are they? Pakistanis are lazy, and when it comes to Islam, they have a femine or feminized view, they lack the confidence to think things through for themselves and therefore accept it as "from on high" when it is relayed through the arabs (Arbi gives and Pakistanis recieve, if you will)- and this it is clear, is changing -- it's not that they now have more confidence in themselves, because they don't, however, they now see what islam-ism is really like - see, it was JIHAD, when the Indian and the Afghan was on the receiving end and since Islamism is so good, Pakistanis too, have gotten a taste and seems they have decided, they don't care what arbis have to say.

Right now, most Pakistanis want these Taliban/Wahabi/Deobandi or whatever, to have their say, they don't have the confidence to say "we are Muslims and this is Islam" and what the Talib and their supporters say is not - but I think they will get there and when they get there, you will note that they will not use verses of Quran or any of the gazillion so called Hadith to justify their stance.
I don't know about that - after all, policies are not always informed by the same ideas, are they? Pakistanis are lazy, and when it comes to Islam, they have a femine or feminized view, they lack the confidence to think things through for themselves and therefore accept it as "from on high" when it is relayed through the arabs (Arbi gives and Pakistanis recieve, if you will)- and this it is clear, is changing -- it's not that they now have more confidence in themselves, because they don't, however, they now see what islam-ism is really like - see, it was JIHAD, when the Indian and the Afghan was on the receiving end and since Islamism is so good, Pakistanis too, have gotten a taste and seems they have decided, they don't care what arbis have to say.

Right now, most Pakistanis want these Taliban/Wahabi/Deobandi or whatever, to have their say, they don't have the confidence to say "we are Muslims and this is Islam" and what the Talib and their supporters say is not - but I think they will get there and when they get there, you will note that they will not use verses of Quran or any of the gazillion so called Hadith to justify their stance.

The problem is never with the religion but its misinterpretation and its distortion by a certain group of people to suit their own specific needs.The problem is further intensified when this specific group of people are empowered.
It has historically been so.The church had immense power in middle age Europe and they enforced their own style.Certain group of people got highly empowered in a Hindu society and we ended up with social evils like the Sati and the caste system.The Muslim religious fanatics got patronized and it resulted in mullahs,fatwas,militants,terrorists and what not.

A person needs an ideology to carry on.I have a feeling that the youth of Pakistan gets confused when it comes to the ideology part.Since the nation was created on the basis of a certain religion,they tend to follow that,and there is nothing wrong with that.The problem starts due to the adulteration,which has happened over the years,done sometimes by some military ruler in order to unite the nation against a common enemy called India,sometimes by the overpowered and semi educated religious leaders who thought their faith is under attack,and sometimes manipulated by external powers in order to meets their own short term goals.

The Pakistani society has always been exploited by a certain group of people who have always settled for their own short term goal.When was the last time that a leader emerged who was by the people,for the people,thought about the long term goals for the nation?The country needs a definite agenda that puts development of its own as utmost priority and then stick to it.

In the present World,you just cannot malign some group of people and patronize the other.Its an era of globalization and people need to keep pace with it in order to exist.As goes the saying,"When in Rome,be a Roman".

Proper education,a moderate,liberal and open-minded outlook is the key to solution of these problems.
Unfortunately educational system is one of the first thing that gets targeted when a despotic ruler wants the state to act in his own terms.We have seen that happen in many other places and Pakistan is no exception to that.Over the years,a radical version of education has been taught in Pakistan that injects the elements of hate and denial towards people belonging to religion other than Islam.
With a proper education system and a nationalistic agenda that puts development before anything,I am quite sure the country can emerge like a Phoenix from the ashes. After all,you have some really passionate and hard working people there.All that is needed is guidance.
Proper education,a moderate,liberal and open-minded outlook is the key to solution of these problems.

In today's Pakistan, it seems to me, that "proper education, moderate, liberal and open-minded outlook" are exactly the kinds of notions that a majority of Pakistanis are very confused about - and of course that confusion is not an accident. You have suggested that some individuals and groups have captured the state and used it for their benefit, allow me to point out that the state is not the innocent you make it out to be - it was the state itself that has been a major promoter of the kinds of ideas that have brought Pakistan to the sad state it is in - the state saw in politicized, weaponized Islam a utility and make no mistake, it still does, that is why it is unwilling to be clear as to why the Islamist insurgent must be confronted or why Jihad.

The point I was making about Pakistanis coming to conclude that this Islamist experiment is yet another failure and will justify their opposition in terms that have little to do with any kind of Islam, is based on the idea that Pakistanis, individually or through leadership of the state, will not be able to construct a religiosity worthy of being called such, rather they will turn away from Islamism/Wahabi/Deobandi or whatever, because it will bleed them to a point that only the clinically deranged, will be able to support such ideas.
Now, that, Sir, is an interesting question!

Could it be that Allah does not take sides, and lets those who follow his orders the best, win?
Sorry Sir ALLAH has clearly said those he will only accept Islam it means only those people will succeed who follow Islam

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

Who are Taliban to decide about somebody's faith . How can they know who is a hypocrite and who isn't one ? Even Prophet Mohammed didn't do that even though he had the knowledge given to him by God ( Did Prophet kill every hypocrite ? ) ... Did Prophet kill people because they didn't agree with him ? How can these illiterate , sick people even be called muslim let alone a human ?
Mr first orders were not give in Last time all the hypo crates were take one read Islamic History sir
Sorry Sir ALLAH has clearly said those he will only accept Islam it means only those people will succeed who follow Islam

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

Mr first orders were not give in Last time all the hypo crates were take one read Islamic History sir

Welcome Sir,

Was feeling very bored in the Office.
Sorry Sir ALLAH has clearly said those he will only accept Islam it means only those people will succeed who follow Islam

Yet all Islamic countries r tearing itself apart with corruption and extremism with civilians being the major casualty

and All Non Islamic First World Countries r sitting at the Top lol
Sorry Sir ALLAH has clearly said those he will only accept Islam it means only those people will succeed who follow Islam

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

Mr first orders were not give in Last time all the hypo crates were take one read Islamic History sir

So by your logic, even though I am a peaceful, hardworking, charity giving, human and animal caring Hindu who has done no harm to anybody, I have no chances of meeting Allah. The taliban soldier who maims, kills and loots and murders innocent men, women and babies on the other hand and who professes to be a Muslim...he is guaranteed a place with Allah ?
Yet all Islamic countries r tearing itself apart with corruption and extremism with civilians being the major casualty

and All Non Islamic First World Countries r sitting at the Top lol
yes because our rulers don't follow Islam or even implement it because these puppets of America and kufr can't afford it
Almost everyone of us is a Muslim because our parents were Muslims
had our parents been of anyother religion we would be here talking about and defending that religion

In the modern world its downright barbaric and the height of ignorance to invade another Country just to spread ur Religion
yes because our rulers don't follow Islam or even implement it because these puppets of America and kufr can't afford it

i was 101% sure that this would be your reply coz ive heard it countless times on the internet

Listen up man
its not Amreeka or Kafir that tells us to ogle at females
they dont tell us to break the traffic rules
they dont tell us to snatch mobiles and shoot the victim aswell
they dont tell us to do corruption on the tiniest level from simple Fruit Vender with expired Vegetables or the Milk man with 4L water in 1L Milk

and tell u what our Leaders how bad they may dont tell us to do these either
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