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Debunking Bangladesh's Myths of "Exploitation" and "Genocide"

Pakistanis really treat this shoddy piece of work as gospel. She attached PDF for response to Bose's work

Care to debunk her ?? Care to prove real and unadulterated facts,figures and testimonies and not mere heresay?? Care to prove the only 2 documented books on 71 war?? Dead reckoning and war and succession ???

Source please.

Sources,references are given in the books reference pages!

You're point? How does this change the fact that India succeeded beyond its wildest dreams in managing to split Pakistan in two?

Your point? How and what does that have to do with the topic being discussed other than patting your little ego?
Not really. The only myth being pushed is those by Pakistan, who are still in a state of denial over what happened in East Pakistan in 1971. You need no further proof than Pakistan FO issuing statements regarding of Bangladeshi citizens for war crimes, whatever the merits of the trial.

We ate very willing to accept your bastardised figures... Once you prove those numbers... Today is 16tg December 2015.. Decades have passed .. Yet despite all the drama and douchebagery .. You have failed to find 50,000 bodies let alone the ridiculous and laughable claim of 3 million!

As for Paks FOs statements... Are you retarded ? Are you telling us that the statements literally are bout your fake claims? No ! They are about the politicised judicial mirders being carried out by Bangladeshi regime !

The last leader murdered even had proof that at the time of his "alleged" crimes he wasn't even present there! This sentencing sounds so familiar to tht of the vegetable seller from indian occupied Kashmir who was hanged for no reason other than to satisfy the lust for blood of Nationalist Hindus of India... You know it's fuked up when the judgement reads "sentenced to death keeping in view the publics demands or emotions"... Or something equally retarded!y

P.S; the link you attached is dead!
More like 'give every rational and sane individual a break' - the rest of East Pakistan was not illiterate and incapable of 'counting'
The issue isn't who could count but who, independently of government and media, could have been in a position to collect and collate such information.

There is no evidence supporting 'millions killed and tens of thousands raped' because the allegations are exaggerations.
No you've gone too far, A.M. Regimes that make a point of controlling embarrassing reporting do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt or the presumption of innocence.

We ate very willing to accept your bastardised figures... Once you prove those numbers...
GoP doesn't work that way but denies everything. If you want to change that, DF, then you have to say in advance just what, exactly, would be accepted as definitive proof.
Care to debunk her ?? Care to prove real and unadulterated facts,figures and testimonies and not mere heresay?? Care to prove the only 2 documented books on 71 war?? Dead reckoning and war and succession ???

You can write a book in response to Dead Reckoning, but the PDF file I attached basically covers what I want to say. [And the attachment does work. I've attached it again. I've tested using multiple computers and different browsers. Problem at your end.]

Your point? How and what does that have to do with the topic being discussed other than patting your little ego?

If I'm patting my ego, your definitely feeding your delusions. Still to do this day Pakistan is asking itself what they hell happened in 1971.

We ate very willing to accept your bastardised figures... Once you prove those numbers... Today is 16tg December 2015.. Decades have passed .. Yet despite all the drama and douchebagery .. You have failed to find 50,000 bodies let alone the ridiculous and laughable claim of 3 million!

I will concede that 3 million figure never made any sense. Not today, but it was nice figure for propaganda purposes. But this doesn't mean no body died or there wasn't genocide or a systemic attempt by Pakistan to kill Bengalis.

As for Paks FOs statements... Are you retarded ? Are you telling us that the statements literally are bout your fake claims? No ! They are about the politicised judicial mirders being carried out by Bangladeshi regime !

I think you are the one who is retarded here, or lacking a lesson in international relations.

Fake claims? One can quibble about the numbers, but you can't deny thousands were tortured, killed, and raped by Pakistani forces and their supporters.

The last leader murdered even had proof that at the time of his "alleged" crimes he wasn't even present there! This sentencing sounds so familiar to tht of the vegetable seller from indian occupied Kashmir who was hanged for no reason other than to satisfy the lust for blood of Nationalist Hindus of India... You know it's fuked up when the judgement reads "sentenced to death keeping in view the publics demands or emotions"... Or something equally retarded!y

You make it sound like Pakistan never killed an innocent man before, or committed judicial murder.

P.S. You can give a civil response. No need to act like a jerk.


  • Debating_Sarmila_Bose_1_Flying_Blind_Wai.pdf
    328.6 KB · Views: 43
Pakistan Army did what was needed to neutralize terrorists and traitors. Doesn't matter numbers of terrorists killed are in thousands or millions.
Are you sure it wasn't the Pakistan Army that were the traitors and terrorists?

All this has been rubbished by Sarmika Bose in Dead Reckoning.
Bose has some extreme problems when it comes to evaluating evidence and quoting people. Plus Bose rationalizes that a woman who has sex out of fear isn't being raped. So to accept Bose is to condemn yourself to hell, yes? Why should other Pakistanis follow you in such a course?
Haq's musings my peasant as*. Instead of reconciliating effort or keeping his musings about his damn own country he's here obsessing about our one. Here I'll give you a topic to ponder on: Pakistan's or the land now comprised as Pakistan literal absence of history before becoming islamized in national textbooks. And here's a perfect song lyrics for you Pakistanis:

"If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are
knives and often leave
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never
was yours" :angry:
Are you sure it wasn't the Pakistan Army that were the traitors and terrorists?

Yes, I am sure Pakistan Army fought against traitors and terrorists supported by enemy. Maybe some innocents also got killed but that's part of package. Just like this happened in operations against TTP terrorists. If you are flying at horse of justice than why not start from white migrants of America and Australia for committing actual genocides of local population rather than running after absurd figures of billions of Bengali killed and millions raped. What about crimes of British in Indian subcontinent. Why you are always hypocrite?
Are you sure it wasn't the Pakistan Army that were the traitors and terrorists

Only traitors and terrorists butcher,incite and attack innocent and the style machinery !
Bose has some extreme problems when it comes to evaluating evidence and quoting people. Plus Bose rationalizes that a woman who has sex out of fear isn't being raped. So to accept Bose is to condemn yourself to hell, yes? Why should other Pakistanis follow you in such a course?

And how did you come to the conclusion ? I don't remember (her) rationalising anything like that ! Unless you think all the facts and testimonies were fake ?? If that's the case you and the Indians and Bangladeshis are free to take her to court ! What's stopping you from stopping her for maligning and faking accounts of 71!

I there any better record of the war (facts,figures,testimonies etc) other than Dead Reckoning it War and Succession? Heresay and baseless propoganda don't count !

You can write a book in response to Dead Reckoning, but the PDF file I attached basically covers what I want to say. [And the attachment does work. I've attached it again. I've tested using multiple computers and different browsers. Problem at your end.]

And without facts to prove .. It's worth toilet paper.

If I'm patting my ego, your definitely feeding your delusions. Still to do this day Pakistan is asking itself what they hell happened in 1971.

So busting your pathetic and ridiculous claims is delusional and not knowing what happened in 71? Since a lot of you crib about 71.. Do tell us how many raped women do you know or how many men you know were killed in the conflict ?

I will concede that 3 million figure never made any sense. Not today, but it was nice figure for propaganda purposes. But this doesn't mean no body died or there wasn't genocide or a systemic attempt by Pakistan to kill Bengalis.

Do you know how retarded you sound?

You accept that the 3 million figure is BS.. You claim it was thousands?? Yet you claim it was a systematic genocide? Son do you even know the definition of genocide? Do you really believe that 34,000 troops (including bangali soldiers who mutinied and butchered their fellow WP colleagues and their families) - a thousand miles away from mainland wanted to kill 75 million people .. Fight a civil war created by India and that too while fighting invading indisn troops? Fuk logic.
I think you are the one who is retarded here, or lacking a lesson in international relations.
Huh! IR my behind... It's quiet natural for Bangladeshi govt to cry and moan about Pakostan every other day ... So keep that to yourself.

Fake claims? One can quibble about the numbers, but you can't deny thousands were tortured, killed, and raped by Pakistani forces and their supporters.
Have you ever seen a dirty civil war + war in which only 30 people died? Thousands.. Yes .. Mostly Mukti Bhainis who deserved it for the reign of terror they spread with Indian help by massacring west Pakistanis and attacking Pakistani state,machinery !
You make it sound like Pakistan never killed an innocent man before, or committed judicial murder.

P.S. You can give a civil response. No need to act like a jerk.

So you are justifying one crime with another! Bravo.

Yes bhuttos execution was a judicial murder and a stain and we accept that..!

How about you do the same and stop defending your crimes so blatantly!
Do you know how retarded you sound?

You accept that the 3 million figure is BS.. You claim it was thousands?? Yet you claim it was a systematic genocide? Son do you even know the definition of genocide? Do you really believe that 34,000 troops (including bangali soldiers who mutinied and butchered their fellow WP colleagues and their families) - a thousand miles away from mainland wanted to kill 75 million people .. Fight a civil war created by India and that too while fighting invading indisn troops? Fuk logic.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Man, you are funny! Wanting to kill 75 million people? Not even Hitler was this ambitious. Do you think there is a magic number when it's a genocide and when it's not? Obviously, you don't know what you're talk about. What's a good number for you?

Go home to your Pak studies!
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