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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

again if you claim the destruction done by people who claim to be Muslims is a valid reason to use the term Islamic terrorism, then why dont you use the term hindu terrorism when Muslims, christians and dalits are killed by hindus?
So if they are elected..does it mean Muslims support extremism and the killing of 41 in broad day light in the streets of Karachi???

if it was Lahore or Islamabad, then yes. in Karachi, MQM has a high chance of winning elections even if everybody in Karachi votes against them.

and the violence in Karachi was not between two religions (unlike gujrat). it was between two political parties. so if MQM wins, you may use the term "MQM terrorism".
again if you claim the destruction done by people who claim to be Muslims is a valid reason to use the term Islamic terrorism, then why dont you use the term hindu terrorism when Muslims, christians and dalits are killed by hindus?

Ok so as per you what do you want to call it?

And why is the even after we ( Indians) accepting and admitting that Modi was wronf in Gujarat, Muslims generally try to be symphatetic to them? Whats your personal view?

Why is there a general tendency to create a furore when Muslims are killed by non muslims and a thundering silence when killed by Muslims themselves.
if it was Lahore or Islamabad, then yes. in Karachi, MQM has a high chance of winning elections even if everybody in Karachi votes against them.

and the violence in Karachi was not between two religions (unlike gujrat). it was between two political parties. so if MQM wins, you may use the term "MQM terrorism".

really it has nothing to do with mohajjir's...
we are aware of pakistani politics you know...its far more easier than indian
Even debating in this thread would be making yourself a mockery and taking yourself down to the level of some participants. One of the guy here even know how whole of Delhi smells, would be glad to see the story here.

Middle East have not gone through the reform that Europe has gone through via ww2.
What Europe has seen in ww2, no country has seen such violance.
Middle East is extension of aftereffects after world wars and they need a reform.

This thread is bogus at its best, terrorism cannot be deemed and discussed within the parametres of here, but incidents can be discussed.

Terrorism cannot be discussed like this because terrorism in the name of religion is different than religious fundamentalism seeking political parity,they are different, if the former is the result the latter puts oxygen in the fire.

While many criticises terrorism, I havent seen many critisiing the fundamentalistic political aspirations of many, normal Christians and Hindus are more vocal against this, strikingly this is seen more among the organised/theoligical hiercharical faiths than philosophical beliefs.

I'll end my speech here.
99% of Muslims are against what Al-Qaeda is (supposedly) doing. if the media highlights the 1%, then what can i say. Muslims are not sympathetic to the killings of civilians. you must have heard about Lal Masjid. the Imaam of Mecca passed a decree condemning their actions. if we were terrorists, no one wud have gone to pray behind the Imaam of Mecca when he came to Pakistan. yet thousands turned up. thousands had to return due to lack of space in the mosque. not even a single person questioned why wasnt the Imaam not sympathetic to the talibani Mullahs of Lal Masjid.

what i am saying is, that the repetitive use of the term "Islamic terrorism" by the western media is projecting a wrong image of Islam. its a psychological tactic to get support for the so called war on terror. when you use Islam and terrorism together in one phrase, you are implying that Islam has something to do with terror, its a form of english speech.
Even debating in this thread would be making yourself a mockery and taking yourself down to the level of some participants. One of the guy here even know how whole of Delhi smells, would be glad to see the story here.

Please stop blaming terrorism alone on Islam, thanks.

Middle East have not gone through the reform that Europe has gone through via ww2.
What Europe has seen in ww2, no country has seen such violance.
Middle East is extension of aftereffects after world wars and they need a reform.

This thread is bogus at its best, terrorism cannot be deemed and discussed within the parametres of here, but incidents can be discussed.

if you dont like the topic then dont post. im not forcing anyone to post here.....yes i said it before and i say it again, delhi smells like cow dung. maybe if you smell some foreign air you will note the difference.
really it has nothing to do with mohajjir's...
we are aware of pakistani politics you know...its far more easier than indian

who said it has something to do with mohajirs? even if all the Mohajirs dont vote for MQM, MQM is still likely to win coz of their mafia tactics.
Even debating in this thread would be making yourself a mockery and taking yourself down to the level of some participants. One of the guy here even know how whole of Delhi smells, would be glad to see the story here.

Middle East have not gone through the reform that Europe has gone through via ww2.
What Europe has seen in ww2, no country has seen such violance.
Middle East is extension of aftereffects after world wars and they need a reform.

This thread is bogus at its best, terrorism cannot be deemed and discussed within the parametres of here, but incidents can be discussed.

Terrorism cannot be discussed like this because terrorism in the name of religion is different than religious fundamentalism seeking political parity,they are different, if the former is the result the latter puts oxygen in the fire.

While many criticises terrorism, I havent seen many critisiing the fundamentalistic political aspirations of many, normal Christians and Hindus are more vocal against this, strikingly this is seen more among the organised/theoligical hiercharical faiths than philosophical beliefs.

I'll end my speech here.
we are discussing about terrorism in the name of religion. if you want to discuss some more aspects related to the issue then please put forward your arguments.
Skull Buster, if your POV is that ' you get hurt because the whole community is generalised and maligned due to the action of the few extremists' then i agree with you it does hurt!!!

But then why shudnt the other community blame the whole islam followers.

World has seen Muslims from all walks of life rich and poor..afghani and british blowing up civilian places. Doesnt this an enough justification to generalise???
there is a different between every Muslim being a terrorist and people FROM every walks of life being terrorists. i dont say that a Muslim can never do anything wrong, but to generalize is not correct.

tell me one thing, even if i agree that every suicide bombing is actually done by a muslim, count how many have occured. then calculate ratio of the suicide bombers to the total Muslim population. even include the 10,000 suicude bombers which someone claimed to have. then decide wether it is fair to generalize or not.
although i do not belive that Muslims from every walk of life are terrorists today. Muslims from every walk of life did join the Jihad against the soviets in the 80s. the Jihad which was funded and backed by the US. after the fall of the soviets, Jihad was only confined mainly to Palestine and Chechnya. even political parties such MMA in Pakistan are considered fundamentalist by the majority, although they have tried to improve their reputation over the years.
there is a different between every Muslim being a terrorist and people FROM every walks of life being terrorists. i dont say that a Muslim can never do anything wrong, but to generalize is not correct.

tell me one thing, even if i agree that every suicide bombing is actually done by a muslim, count how many have occured. then calculate ratio of the suicide bombers to the total Muslim population. even include the 10,000 suicude bombers which someone claimed to have. then decide wether it is fair to generalize or not.

Ok got it. Im out of this.

I'm perhaps a little late. But...

Better is a single day's life of one
Who understands the truth sublime
Than a hundred years's life of one
Who knows not that truth, so high.

- - -

Calm is his mind;
Calm is his speech;
Calm is his bodily action;
Who, through right knowledge, is wholly freed,
Perfectly peaceful and equipoised.
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