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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

seriously, count and tell me how many clubs were blown up by Muslims. how many mosques were burnt down in gujrat?

im not mixim terrorism with war. im saying that the war led by the US is leading to more terrorism.

I am also against the israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. but im strictly against hamas or fatah. these are parties created for self interest and personal gains which are playing on the blood of inncoent palestinians. but the fact is that majority, 99% of Muslims oppose the use of violence. just as there are good and bad hindus there are good and bad Muslims...

Lets just say there are more sucide bombs blasting off, than mosque's burned down, since you are repeating gujarat so much, you know what the bjp fucks are asking, how many temple's were destroyed and plundered by the muslims. its a never ending vicious cycle, Gujarat was a riot, not terrorism. again dont mix.

israeli's are not going to go. the only way to find way both of them can live together. palestaninans are right now loosing support cuz of their terrorist brethern.Simple... And i am sorry i dont agree with you sweeping 99% muslims are good; I dont know how many are good, how many are bad, how many are grey, how many may swing, !!!! I believe what america did in afghanistan is right, while iraq is for selfish reasons!!!
yes, but why dont you look at the fact that Muslims are the ones who are invaded. US confidently invaded afghanistan as they claimed bin laden is there. but after the deaths of innocent civillians in the war both at the hands of taliban and US they say Osama is in Pakistan. if its so easy to just come and hide in Pakistan they should have thought this before invading afghanistan.

US invaded 2 muslim countries..one was already in shambles.

How many countries has Muslims invaded....take our own country/ region....we have been plundered and looted for years by them...
US invaded 2 muslim countries..one was already in shambles.

How many countries has Muslims invaded....take our own country/ region....we have been plundered and looted for years by them...

that would be afghanistan, iran and turks not the pakistani's...lol
yes, there are SUPPOSEDLY more suicide bombs blowing up. no one knws wether the civilians being killed everyday in iraq are by suicide bombings or otherwise, we just assume since the media headlines say its a suicide bombing. we also dont knw that who is behind those bombings. are they the work of terrorists or they are carried out to keep the Shia Sunni divide in place and let the US save its skin. no one knws, but many believe what the media says. there are many non-Muslims who believe that 9/11 was planned and carried out by US itself, that Al-Qaeda is non-existant. they dont just say things, they present facts.

even if i assume that each and every bomb which blows up is by a Muslims suicider, all this could have been avoided. had the US not armed and funded al-qaeda, there would have been no 9/11. had there been no 9/11 there woulf have been no afghan or iraq war. had there been no afghan or iraq war there would have been no sectarian violence and suicide bombings.
US invaded 2 muslim countries..one was already in shambles.

How many countries has Muslims invaded....take our own country/ region....we have been plundered and looted for years by them...

if you want to go that far in history, then all you claim is baseless. like that, christians killed more people that any other by their holoucast and the hiroshima and nagasaki bombings. the killings of innocent people in the countries colonized by the christians, violence against blacks etc....

so you shud first use the term Christian terrorism from now on....
if you want to go that far in history, then all you claim is baseless. like that, christians killed more people that any other by their holoucast and the hiroshima and nagasaki bombings. the killings of innocent people in the countries colonized by the christians, violence against blacks etc....

so you shud first use the term Christian terrorism from now on....

World War II wasnt christain...god..you are a ****____.
hiroshima and nagasaki..horrific as it is. is War.
holacaust was caused by a christain..guess what einstien!! it was the other christains(uk,usa) and athiest soviets who saved the jews from their own kind (germans)...
ITS WAR...thats why it is called WORLD WAR....

if you want to go that far in history, then all you claim is baseless. ...

why should we agree to a time which you might find convienient...
dont mix war and terrorism
dont mix religion and politics.
when you do that, you will see the world better
even after you calling me names, i have tried to give sane answers, hoping against hope that you will understand.
if you want to go that far in history, then all you claim is baseless. like that, christians killed more people that any other by their holoucast and the hiroshima and nagasaki bombings. the killings of innocent people in the countries colonized by the christians, violence against blacks etc....

so you shud first use the term Christian terrorism from now on....

Yes then the chrisitans terrorised. but they have got over it and admit it

Muslims ( a section of it ) continues to...
Yes then the chrisitans terrorised. but they have got over it and admit it

Muslims ( a section of it ) continues to...

Ask the one who is terrorised what terrorism really is and you would get a million different definitions of it. Israelis, Iraqis, Spaniards, Kashmiris, Chechens, Americans, British, Indians, Afghanis, Pakistanis all have their own interpretations of Terrorism is...so please lets not just claim that only a "section of Muslims continues to terrorise".

There is plenty of blood on the hands of the "civilized" world to last us for a few hundred generations...ask what the Afghanis and Iraqis call the US precision strikes and they too will say its "terrorism". Ask what Kashmiris in IOK think of POTA and the CI operations being conducted there or for that matter, what GoP does to certain folks in the tribal areas (examples are many..hopefully you get the drift). The problem is the lack of perspective in analysing each other's pain.
if you want to go that far in history, then all you claim is baseless. ...

Lets talk about a fifty year period then.

The genocide in Darfur/West Sudan happening
1971 - Bangladesh massacres
The ongoing killings of Sunnis by Shia's and vice versa in Iran/Iraq
The killings of the various factions inside Afghanistan
The Fata-Hamas violence brewing now.
Kurds killed by Saddam.
Algeria's war with Morroco in the 1960s.

If its war there are reasons other than religion.

There is plenty of blood on the hands of the "civilized" world to last us for a few hundred generations.

As much as blood as it can found in the hands of Muslims. No more. No less. Beginning with the Shia-Sunni strifes to this days genocide in Darfur. No more. No less.
all these are governments people, terrorism got nothing to do with them!!!
when we talk about terrorism, we are talking about the taliban, OBL, LeT, Hamas etc.
I dont consider Saddam, Pakistan Gov or America a terrorist. That is how nations fight.
Even in the old century.
Terrorism and War are different.

And about american precision bombs, India and Pakistan till the last war in 1971 used carpet and **** bombs!! we have blood too in our hands
all these are governments people, terrorism got nothing to do with them!!!
when we talk about terrorism, we are talking about the taliban, OBL, LeT, Hamas etc.
I dont consider Saddam, Pakistan Gov or America a terrorist. That is how nations fight.
Even in the old century.
Terrorism and War are different.

And about american precision bombs, India and Pakistan till the last war in 1971 used carpet and **** bombs!! we have blood too in our hands

That is your simplistic and "In vogue" understanding of the word "terrorism". If things were as simple as what you state then there would have been no need to coin the term "State terrorism".

Again go back to understanding the psyche of those afflicted by individual or state terrorism...to the sufferer, its all the same and until and unless that changes, you can't justify one over the other.
Lets talk about a fifty year period then.

The genocide in Darfur/West Sudan happening
1971 - Bangladesh massacres
The ongoing killings of Sunnis by Shia's and vice versa in Iran/Iraq
The killings of the various factions inside Afghanistan
The Fata-Hamas violence brewing now.
Kurds killed by Saddam.
Algeria's war with Morroco in the 1960s.

If its war there are reasons other than religion.

As much as blood as it can found in the hands of Muslims. No more. No less. Beginning with the Shia-Sunni strifes to this days genocide in Darfur. No more. No less.

What is the genocide in Darfur? Do you understand why its not a genocide? Its wrong but in actuality, its fratricide and not genocide. I am not one to deny that there is blood on everyone's hand. That was my original point. Lets not be overly angelic and claim that only Muslims are the perpetrators.

How about you add the following to your list:

Russian-Afghan war
GF war I
GF war II
Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian war
Afghan-war II
Russian-Chechnya war
Rwandan massacre

These are all recent examples of killings involving all sides...not one side alone can be blamed for it.
. Lets not be overly angelic and claim that only Muslims are the perpetrators.

I have only said that the Muslims have as much blood as the does the 'civilised world'.

Nobody is morally superior here.
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