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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

I have said this from start, thread starter tries to start a debate which isnt a debate to begin with.

Terrorism owes much to Fundamentalism which does comes from religion, howmuch re-interpretation of mis-interpration of scriptures it might be.

History proves it, and it is a clash between organised religions that gives rise to fundamentalism, the quest to seek political power through manpower needs to stop to instigate peace IMHO.
That's why they elect like of Modi's again and again.
That's why the most religious Evanglist Christians are supporting the terrorist Bush in the pretext that its the command of the Bible to the faithfuls.

and a evangelical will tell thats just how Islam teaches to deal with infedils :enjoy: You just proved my point as I said, power to seek political leadership through manpower, is fundamentalism.clash between organised religions, throughout the history.

blaming and counter-blaming is a part of this fundamentalistic approach the society needs to stop.

I call this my dick is bigger than yours contest..my truth is truer than your contest.
yes, Shan you are right. but my point is that as there are terrorists claiming to be from every religion. but why do people only use "Islamic terrorism" for Mulsims only?

It's the real difference. The difference of control over world media. The differnce of having technological edge specially in defence technology.
You know i see modi responsible for inaction of police, not genocide or anything. It was a riot. I didnt see any ways of stopping a crowd in the islambdad for the cartoon issue or the shia sunni violence. How come Modi is still in power and there are no more deaths. Well we are all evil Hindu's for you,

You blind man, what you want to say. Setting a complete state on fire, using same type of chemical to burn hundreds of people alive in various parts of the state and the killings spread over days and boycott of muslims throughout the state till today, destroying more than 155 muslim villages systematically, grabing their lands forever etc is not amere inaction.
Even today the muslims are being killed on the pretext of being terrorists trying to kill Modi.
862 muslims and 412 hindu's
please tell me how those Hindu's died.

You childish what you think we are going to agree that this statistics given by a Bhagwawadi like you are correct.
Don't try to be over smart.
There by making the thread starter's argument valid that there's no such thing as Islamic terrorism.

What is gods gift to one is terrorism to another.
What is terrorism to one is gods gift to another.

So who is right ?
but why do people only use "Islamic terrorism" for Mulsims only?

You can find words such as 'Hindu fundamentalists' in this very forum. Stop playing victim.
You son of Chanakyas you will never accept your heinous acts

Beautiful :lol:

I have a bad feeling this thread will go no-where because many peoples lack the quality to debate properly :mod:

My prediction based on Astrology : this thread will soon be locked.
I have explained why Modi was re elected. As to laden and AQ being terrorists, i have seen celebrations in karachi after the 9/11 attacks.

I hope you were in Karachi to witness it; because I am from Karachi & I never saw it
i just read the whole thread and one question kept popping up in my mind,

"why do men have to humiliate each other in order to gain respect in this world?"

enough said.
The whole point is that there are more suicidal deaths done by Muslims compared to anyother relegion and so you will have to face more wrath than any other relegion.

The only point i agree to is that, since you being an Muslim who doesnt support such terrorism me blanketing you with other terrorist scums might offend you and other moderate Islamic believers.

I thought you were out of this :devil:

It is only a matter of interpretation.

To a terrorist - a book may be the guarantee from God that by killing another fellow human he may reach heaven and what not. To a saintly Sufi - the book may be the sign of gods grace.

The interpretation is given in light to hadith & sunna; there is no terrorism

I call this my dick is bigger than yours contest..my truth is truer than your contest.

Not true; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6161691.stm :lol:
The interpretation is given in light to hadith & sunna; there is no terrorism

More religious books means nothing significantly positive except more interpretations and confusions leading to even more conflicts.
You blind man, what you want to say. Setting a complete state on fire, using same type of chemical to burn hundreds of people alive in various parts of the state and the killings spread over days and boycott of muslims throughout the state till today, destroying more than 155 muslim villages systematically, grabing their lands forever etc is not amere inaction.
Even today the muslims are being killed on the pretext of being terrorists trying to kill Modi.

Chemicals!!! A state Chief Minister has access to chemical weapons? Who do you think he is saddam hussien. Agreed he is no sweet heart of Muslims, But for god sake's man be objective. You are so blinded by your own religion. Where you give clean chit to your brethern no matter what the evidences are, and blow up the mistake's of other's to cover or justify your brethern.

Modi did the greatest crime in the world, when the riots happened, he became a spectator on purpose. People died on both sides. 462 Hindu's died, and again you have no idea wether they were rioter's or just poor people getting on with their own life, same goes for muslims. You are so up your ***, that you forget the biggest thing your so called peaceful religion teaches you "Humanity". The difference between you and me, I sympathize on human beings, while you segregate them into muslims and non muslims. You are a absolute person; i can assure you one thing from the very little religious knowlegde i know "god is not a absolute person" and you will be judged for that.
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